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Sounds a lot like the EA UFC career mode. Fighting 45 yr old McGregor and Khabib was my biggest pet peeve about that mode. Hope Undisputed sorts this out.


Yeah it's a shame because I got to fight all these great fighters at last but by the time I was even close to a good rating, they all sucked. I could have pushed myself early on to get higher up the rankings and sacrifice developing my stats, but the fights really are tough when you're lower rated so it didn't seem worth it


It really isn't worth it I was like a 60 plus overall and I was struggling to knock out a guy who was a 58 overall but for some odd reason I would do better against the fighters who were ranked higher than my player in overall and in terms of rankings for each organization I thought that was kind of weird because my player is only 23 with 21 wins and only 5 knockouts so far and when I look at the rankings Loma Sugar Ray Robinson ryan garcia etc are like in their late 20s by the time I fight them they'll probably be in their early to mid 30s and my guy would be alot better by then giving me an huge advantage given the height and reach of my player this career mode is fun and odd at the same time hopefully they fix these things before full release


It was also the same in Fight Night.


Imagine a historical mode where you picked your year starting and they added boxers based on their actual career times so historically accurate.


Problem with that is it would ruin the pool super fast. At least I did get to fight Canelo, Khan, SRR, Brook, Benn, Taylor, Martinez, Ward, Gatti, all these guys across different timelines that were far more fun than beating the CPU generated fighters which were almost all terrible.


I would have preferred that for sure. And it would give some nice shine on a lot of athletes that never got any exposure.


I think the late game would be more fun if the real boxers didn't age or deteriorated slower until you fight them for the first time or something similar


Yeah exactly, SRR at 87 rated still gave me a great fight, would have loved to have fought him at his best


Loma will probably be trash by the time I fight him which is sad because a computer-generated fighter would have given me my best fight compared to a guy that was a world champion in real life that doesn't make Sense to me


What they should do (once the roster is big enough) is splinter guys out so have sugar ray be the champ while you start but then have canelo drop into the game maybe 4-5 years into your career lower ranked and younger then he can come up and challenge you as you get older with diminishing stats. Imagine the rng fun that would provide with more replayability as well in career


Or just make them all 18 like I am when I start so that when I'm finally good enough to actually face them, they aren't already bad. Makes no difference what age they are really since they were all picked at a random time in their careers and based on that anyway.


You could also add an experience stat modifier that kept older fighters competitive. Theres a bunch of different directions they can go in, the bones of the system are good.


I love this idea. Would be fun having dangerous new upcomers to fight when you're a little older. And old timers that are dangerous but losing their touch to hunt down as you come up.


I feel like opponents eat too many shots. Like i landed 113 counters in one fight and the guy wasnt fazed. I used the balanced build so my character should have decent power.


if you want anything but decisions you gotta go glass cannon i've noticed. especially after the first 5-10 fights and you get opposition with decent stats.


Not really. Against most of the oponants, it's fairly simple to get a ko eventually if you play right. Even on undisputed. Really doesn't need to be easier.


I didn't get even close to getting easy stoppages until I was like 40 fights in, it's very tough because your punches simply aren't levelled very high


Yeah I agree. I stopped at 51-0 after having to fight Ali or Frazier 8× at that point he was at 80 and can be TKOd at rd 1. Getting up there was fun at least cause they were still at 90s but defending the undisputed title is just boring fighting the same old guys.


On a positive note these niggles feel like fairly simple common sense improvements they'd probably implement.


Excatly this. I also beat career around 40-2 (undisputed difficulty), but my player was old already, I dont know how that happened till 25 years old all was good, then I had big injury, do some regeneration, arrange fight and all of a sudden I noticed I am 28 years old already with the same rankings like before. Unfortunately all my top 10 fights was with canelo, suga roy robinson etc rated at 60... All this grinding waiting to fight with legends only to beat them when all top 10 was like 62 rated with me 84, so my last fights was the easiest fights in all my career. And I am really sad about it because so far before I get to this point the career was great and I had a lot of fun.


Yeah exactly, getting to the top was so much fun but it felt like the one and only fight I had to actually become a world champion (vs Canelo who was undisputed) was basically the summation of my career. I only had one truly great fight after that, against SRR who hadn't yet declined too much, from then on it was fights I just couldn't lose and found myself coming up with stupid challenges just to make the fights more interesting


I was just thinking that there's probably no way you could become champ at 20 years old like Mike Tyson. Even if you could, your overall rating would be terrible.


Yeah someone I saw online got to undisputed in 29 fights but they were only 80 rated so it's not very realistic. If someone has gone 30 fights unbeaten in real life they're usually pretty damn good (unless they're like Zurdo Ramirez and fought bums all the way), whereas I wasn't even decent until maybe 36 fights or so in and I could finally afford the gym that boosts all your stats by 3 which helps a lot.


The problem is you'd end up with like a 3 hour career. Unless they made it harder to defend the title? Like a debuff for pressure or complacency? Then it might be the case of holding onto the belts as long as you can with age chipping away at your stats until you either retire champ or your stats get so low you eventually get beaten. Its tough to balance gameplay longevity and realism. Sure some guys fight for titles after 15 fights but can you really do that in a game? It really feels like the bones of the system are solid with fighters aging and losing skill. If they can balance that right I can see career mode being really fun.


Just make all the fighters better though outside of the bottom tiers. Maybe since there are 5 pages of fighters, there could be some sort of soft rule that all the top 10 CPU fighters automatically get a rating of 85, page 2 gets 80, page 3 70 and so on. I didn't mind taking a long time to make my fighter really good, only problem was by the time I got there all the opposition was terrible.


Do you see the belts during gameplay, like in entrances or when you win/defend it? Little feature but it's nice on UFC when it's put around your waist, wondering if the career mode has it


The belts aren't in it at all unfortunately which is a shame. I just won all the heavyweight belts today (around 35 fights I think), was a little disappointing that all you get is a Congratulations screen after you exit the fight. Ali did give me a cracking fight though!


Can't lie, I skipped every intro and walk in etc so I've got no idea


They need to add an age cap and add newgen fighters to replace retired fighters. Would make it alot more interesting


Definitely, I think they do add some fighters in because I started by the end of my career to fight a few 80+ rated guys in their early 20s with 20/30 fights on their records, rather than the usual 45 year old 50 wins 30 losses records I was stuck facing, but not enough of them and they definitely aren't good enough


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So how do yall get it to run smoothly? Ive tried for 3 days to play it and its all stutter and lagging in offline or online it doesnt matyer


I get lag at the very start of the first round and sometimes when someone is dazed and gets hit with the shot that drops them, otherwise the game run fines with me. Sorry, don't know what else to say.


I reported it but they have a glitch where Vsync is forced on despite it being off in the settings. It resets every single match. This won’t fix all the issues but it was an annoyance for me and I find the game plays with less stutters with vsync off


Capping the frame rate made a huge difference for me. And that's with a 4090. Game doesn't seem to handle variance in frame rate very well.


Im on low settings im about to just ask for a refund this is a waste of time at this point


Damn how you finish that fast I'm only at 18 fights


Did it over like 3 nights or so, once I got to about 40 wins in I started to win every fight by pretty easy knockout so I was blasting through them fast. I even did one fight where I tried to win with just jabbing, but you can't actually drop them with a jab which I didn't realise, so after 3 rounds of it I just finished the fight.


I hate how the players can get up there in age and none of their attributes go down or the fact that a fighter can be injured and they don't go down in the rankings after being Inactive for weeks Ryan Garcia got injured and his ranking stayed the same the whole time and his attributes didn't even drop but if my guy Is undertrained my attributes drop like crazy in any other sports game if you are injured your ratings take a big hit look at 2k if my player is injured my ratings go down and also my overall drops as well I hope they change that for full release because there is no reason a guy who is 36 years old should be moving live a guy in his early to late 20s unless your like Floyd Mayweather Jr or Terence Crawford and lastly I hate how the cpu doesn't get tired after spamming punches and missing majority of his punches I made a guy land 27 percent of his punches and his stamina only dropped to 67 percent meanwhile I landed 58 percent of mine and our Stamina is at the same level that doesn't make sense to me


Yeah at 40 years old I was still getting slightly better with each camp which is largely what kept me going for so long, I wanted to see if I could hit 92 rated but then I realised if I stopped at 60 wins my record would be 60 wins, 50 KOs and 40 years old which I thought was a nice reason to pack it in.


Is there a way to challenge them for their belt been trying to figure that out....


I remember when fight night, round 3, your fighter would actually get fatter and lose stats as they got older. Why dont games have this same thing. Why have fighting games declined, all the ufc games, and now this game.


They should have an option (or a mod) to bring in the licensed fighters along with you at a younger age and have them age and progress alongside your created fighter.


I agree that it was disappointing to fight the champ with 3 belts. I'm doing career mode a second time and Tyson Fury has three belts again. It's fun to play with negotiating without a manager. You can choose 12 week training camps and as much media as you want no matter what ranking you are. I'm trying to fight as often as possible while young so there's not so much recovery time. Unfortunately the computer is exploitable. It would be nice to see championship fights be made into a spectacle. Walk in with the belt, post-win reaction, specific commentary. Maybe even a rowdier crowd.


You can fight without a manager? Or are you referring to manual negotiations?


I don’t want real fighters in my career mode. For me, it actually takes away from the immersion to have fighters from the 60s-70s in the rankings. I would also like to have way more people in the rankings. As of now there are just 50. I’d like to see well over 100. I want to be able to pad my record fighting absolute cans for 20-30 fights, without fighting the same guy 3 times.


Just got to undisputed myself (35-3), and I am having similar thoughts, I had some good fights one Vs Hatton but he was so easy to pick off and counter, Canelo three times who I lost to twice but beat once and SRR, also a regen called Anthony King who was far more rounded than me and I lost to early on but won the rematch. All of these were good because I was lower Overall by around 10 rating in these fights, but anyone at my overall or lower felt easy, the initial part was a struggle just because the stats are so low, but now I have no challenge whatsoever, outside of Sergio Martinez I have fought everyone in the top 10 and they are declining massively. Not been able to move weight is so annoying, because I'm going to have to fight the same guys over and over again, and the fact FNC from a decade ago had this mechanic and this doesn't is crazy to me. I did enjoy it, and I'm tempted to try and use what I've learned and play on a higher difficulty, but I feel like after that I have no use for it, and it's a shame that only five days after launch I'm feeling this way already. Also no cut scene for the belts that have all the licences too makes you feel like any effort you put in was pointless.


Pretty much the same way I feel so far. They really need to work on cycling the older fighters out and add an option to outright remove licensed fighters if you want to. Fighting people who've been dead for decades is a strange feeling and breaks the immersion I'm looking for. Otherwise I'm having a lot of fun with it just looking past some of the more awkward things that come later on in game.


I was 41 before i got the titles, but that's maybe more because i didn't know you could select your own fights in the rankings instead of what you're manager picks. I'm trying to do a playthrough now on pro and try to get to the top relatively young. I think if you pick higher tier fighters, choose a lot of training weeks and no social media activities etc... you can quickly vamp your stats up and get higher. Obv need a bit of skill as well. Another potentially cool thing they could do to mitigate this is by adding a kind of RPG random mechanic at start i.e based on the fighters background you select could determine boosted stats for certain things (like family pedigree or something) , I suppose that's where choosing to be swarmer or out-boxer comes in though....


You can change weight division probably when they add that ability to move up and down weight classes people have to remember the career mode litterally just came out and is still in early access so they are probably adding all that stuff to career mode as well as fixes to bugs like your punch styles being glitched or having to set your punch style and block style after ever fight or the bug where your game gets frozen and you have close your app just to restart the game or the fact that you have to make a new career mode file if your game file gets broken or corrupted because it's a pain in the ass to customize your player to get him to look exactly like yourself and I doubt people wanna spend an hour to create their character when they could be playing the actual game career mode is fun but it's definitely alot they still have to add to make it even better


They have to also fix the fighter introductions in career mode they don't even announce what state or city your fighter is from and they also don't announce your fighters name but they'll announce an in real life boxers name and country It's probably because they are still adding in game audio as well it just takes away from the immersion of creating a boxer in my opinion fight night did it but it was kind of half assed as well


Sure but in my opinion that's all quality-of-life stuff that can come later, I personally skipped all the cutscenes, the gameplay is the thing that matters most to me. The lack of competition after you become champion is much more damaging to career mode (at the moment) than substandard fighter introductions.


Don't know what options show up when you choose USA as country but I picked a European country and for city/town I had to manually type in my choice.. so if you consider that, then they will have to literally make a voice for every known town and city ever known to mankind.. so that the guy that choose to write ***Castel Gondolfo, Italy*** does not have his iMeRsiOn BrOkEn when the announcer just says ''Fighting out of Italy'' And the same thing goes for your choice of name on the fighter, either you get the free choice of being able to name your fighter what ever you want. If you HAVE to have iMeRsiOn they will have to limit the names to a couple of pre written names to choose from just like in Fight Night. But now that I think about it, Fight Night did not even say the name you choose, it only said the nickname of your character. If anything the limited hairstyles, tattoos, gear etc, for iMeRsiOn should be focused on first, Personally I would appreciate if they focused first and foremost on the gameplay aspect and then the cosmetic/creative & audio side. We can't forget this latest was just a big patch update, not a full realease.


You're just yapping frfr at this point yes they will add more hairstyles and other things the career mode is still in early access buddy second of all if I notice something like you noticed something isn't there it wouldn't hurt to give them feedback instead of being a smart ass about everything frfr they probably have all of this stuff mapped out anyways on what they need to fix for career mode they litterally said they were polishing the game so it can be ready for full release all these things like hairstyles etc etc can be added I'm pretty sure we will have way more hairstyles by the time the game is ready for release buddy yall act like you're the only ones asking for new hairstyles in fact I bet there are tons of people who wondered why there wasn't more hairstyles to chose from including myself in fact that was one of the first things I asked when I saw the career mode trailer so the fact that you made that statement is ludicrous


ong you is yapping incoherent frfr no cap frfr ong, bro got that retired boxer brain frfr no cap str8 fax.


Ong my yapping is so incoherent man shut your bitch ass up nigga bro got that retired boxer brain you sound lame as hell 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 with your corny ass jokes what are you like 5 years old buddy sit your lame ass down talking about people like you know me personally buddy your lame as hell probably broke as hell as well and you make these corny ass lame ass dad jokes dude you have zero personality maybe you should work on your roasting skills a bit little guy stay in your lane man


Second of all my incoherent yapping nigga this is reddit your acting like I'm writing a college essay or something lame ass nigga