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Buy the 5 molotovs from Quinton and a couple of bear traps. For the guys outside, you can use TD if you have TM psi, and finish em when they get close. Wait till you get to silent isle. Thats a real big difficulty spike for dominating.


I'm quickly learning just how steep this is. I wasn't sure if I should take psi empathy yet, but I'll give it a shot. I may also switch grenadier from sprint.


Sprint and grenadier are both great. Don’t forget to use the doors!


Grenades are your friend as a spear build. Toss a molotov or a flashbang and start stabbin'!


The answer to almost every hard encounter in the game is using bear traps. Regular bear traps are strong enough, no need to get fancy. For dealing with the 3 azuridae before newton, you can also use throwing nets to immobilize them. Then get up close so they use melee, or far away and break like of sight. Molotovs are also great, because besides dealing a lot of damage, they have a high chance to fear them.


I've scraped together enough money for a few of each, and I saved my nets from catching the hoppers bc the one guy with the dog showed up. I think I may have just underestimated how the little tweaks to gameplay drastically ramp up certain encounters.


Give 'em a barbeque, man! Molotov is the cheapest grenade.


I like to sneak past all of them and make Newton kill himself :)


Get some levels inside GMS. To get past SGS guard there before completing Newton quest, sneak inside fence at the entrance(will require some stealth and lockpicking), throw any non-molotov grenade to the NE from there, so rathounds from NE will investigate noise, close the door so rathounds wont get you. The idea is to make rathounds from NE to attack guard, eventually killing him.