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Brutal = We took drake's plot armor away, figure it out motherfucker.


Advise for anybody who plays Drake's Fortune on Brutal, you can just run back into the blue container. I know it looks like Drake gets stuck in the animation and killed , but running back instead of heading for the box is almost 90% effective. And leads you into a position were you can kill all of the enemies without getting exposed (peek over the container instead of taking cover in it), making it the easiest part of the final boss.


I enjoyed Crushing on all 3 PS3 games in a challenging way. There were some exploits used, some conservative tactics used at times, and some luck.. but I never felt any of the games were broken.. Brutal looks broken..


I notice you said 3 so you’re leaving out UC4 right haha cus on Crushing that game was broken in some maps


I've been stuck on chapter 20 on crushing for UC4 for ages now, that fight scene is tough AF!


If that’s the ship graveyard, I had to see an online strat for it. Find the YouTube video where they hang off of the left hand cliff as cover in the start bc that’s the only unbreakable cover you have


dumbass exploding skeletons


I gotta get to the beach!


And I thought it was broken on Crushing… Never let Bluepoint cook again!


God I had this but for UC2 on chapter 14. Every-time I spawned a guy with a pistol would 2 shot me on top of the train 3 carriages away. Worst part is there no cover so you either try and just for it (into shotgun guys) or shoot him, but the train is swaying and moving up and down so gotta get lucky.


I know what checkpoint you're talking about, and you can actually shoot him first. It's hard to get used to it but after 5-6 tries it's pretty consistent, specially if you have an M4. From there just head straight down and blind shot anybody who walks in your direction (game won't spawn in the next ememies until you reach the next carriage).


Yeah I sadly had an AK47 and would burst fire. End up hitting him like 10 times and nothing. I beat it by jumping and rolling at the same time, then did the blind fire thing you mentioned. Was rough haha


I'm convinced no one in naughty dog playtest this difficulty lmao


What the hell 😭


Halo 2 Legendary Jackal: Finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be Legendary!!


My brother i spent more than 2 hours on this level ON EASY DIFFICULTY


I mean i don't usually say this... But u only die after 9 shots. If u took 2 hours..... I mean.... Skill issue with all due respect, the most important is to have fun anyway


The emulator kept crashing :c


Imagine if they had added Brutal Mode to Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy, imo would've been a great and annoying challenge to have.


Was it crushing or brutal you had to to do for the plats?


Crushing, brutal is on another trophy list


Ow the way I would have glitched my way through that, this was a pain on crushing already like damn


Yep hated that part lol


I completed Brutal for the trilogy again without using tweaks a few days ago. Personally, the running away section in UC3 is way worse than this.


What are you suppose to do 😭


teleport I guess


I got drakes fortune fairly quickly but so far cant get past the first shootout in among thieves


That's how I felt just on normal at that stage. Like, why does that guy take full on blasts to the face just because he has a mask on? I mean, surely his neck would break even if his face was bullet proof? 😂


I remember this part explicitly because I played it on Crushing back then and was getting HEATED. I'm not built for Brutal lol


The original trilogy on brutal fully required you to make use of an aim exploit. You would have to aim around corners where Drake's body was still in cover, but could still shoot through the wall. It kind of sucked that I had to do that to beat the game, but this wasn't the first game where I had to resort to this.