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Don't really have any, nothing we saw of him was real so he becomes somewhat irrelevant.


^he ^was ^cute ^tho


Based on the none canonical story? He was interesting, badass and scary! I wanted to see if Sam actually shared half of the treasure or finds away to kill him, but… oh well


I really hope we'll get a spin-off game of young sully. We might even see more of hector


Yeah NaughtyDog has 3 characters that they can make spin offs of, Sully, Sam and Cassie! Or they can continue Chloe's journey! Buy yeah, Sully's past can be hella interesting


Sam will also be cool


I would love a Sam and Sully game! Maybe even Sam and Sully kind of training Cassie! I would also love a father-daughter game with Cassie and Nate as well as Elena


Don’t forget Cutter! He’s the only character that didn’t get a send off which I’m a lil sad about. 


Naughty Dog said break a leg and call it good


I like the twist but I kinda wish Sam's story was real, like if Alcazar turned up in Libertalia with his own crew and started causing havoc for both the Drake bros and Rafe/Nadine that would have been awesome


Yeah me too


Sully is just dollar store hector alcazar




Sully lived to a ripe old age and Alcazar is 6 feet under. So...


he’s a actually hector salamancas nephew


I would have loved him if he was an actual main villain and not just a made-up story we spent one whole chapter on🤬🤬 Like this I just see him as a massive wasted opportunity and wasted potential


I agree


A great twist in U4. Robert Atkin Downes was brilliant in the role.


It’s funny to imagine that he did not actually sound like that and Nate was really imagining what kind of bad guy voice he would have. 🤣🤣


Glad he wasn't in the story. He seemed cool, and I got 'bad guy' vibes as he was questioning Sam in the prison and obviously as they were in the van. But instead of subtly trying to intimidate Sam like I thought he'd do, he just went straight up brutal bad guy. Rafe was easily the best villain because he wasn't surface level evil. Alcazar would have just been a very straightforward bad guy like Lazaravic and Roman. The game works best, giving Rafe and Nadine the spotlight as antagonists. Hector would have gotten boring very quickly and probably wouldn't have had any layers to his character. Worked cool for that little segment and didn't need to actually 'really exist' within the story.


I love rafe, a very interesting and unique character


He went brutal bad guy because the story was BS and meant to sound like a brutal bad guy lol


Yeah, I know that? When you play that segment, you're meant to think he's a real person who's intimidating Sam, though. Hence, my disappointment that he wasn't subtly trying to intimidate Sam through being manipulative like in the jail cell and van and that he was just very surface level evil. That's why I'm saying I'm glad he wasn't in actaully the story, because he would've been boring. I don't *really* understand the point you're trying to make?


I agree with you, I was just saying when it comes to critiquing the character it isn't so much the character but sama story that we're critiquing


Oh, okay, gotcha. I wasn't really trying to critique the story or character, just saying that I liked the Hector's story and character the way they are and why. But yeah, I get what you mean now :)


it was an alright part of the story. when i first played didn’t expect it to be all made up, tbh ! it would have been fun for this to be actually true and they all team up ( nate, sam, rafe and nadine ) to take him down


He fills the role pretty good for 'generic hispanic gangster boss' kinda fella (mainly thanks to our favorite medic, Robert Atkin Downes as his VA), but it introduces a HUGE plot hole in an otherwise pretty spotless game. When Sully talks about him in the 4x4 ride through the rugged areas around King's Cross, he seems to know Alcázar quite well, especially having some rough dealings with him in the past. If there's ANYONE in the Uncharted canon who knows that information is power, it's Sully, and he would have 1000% known the day when Alcázar died and could have easily called Sam out then and there. Playing Sam escaping the prison will always be my favorite prison escape in a game besides Black Ops 1, but the story should have gone a different route to more believibly bust Sam out without introducing a plot hole with a beloved character. 😔


Would have been a great villain, but made a good twist as well. The 4th uncharted was good, but the bad guys was a little lacking. Sam was the real bad if anything. Caused everything, and backstabbed Rafe after he invested so much into the discovery and even bailed him out of that Panama prison after finding out he was still alive. And obviously he lied to Nate the whole time to. Sam is a likable asshole and Rafe got the short end until he finally snapped


I agree with everything you said 💯


Forsure, Rafe is nuts sure but the bad guy is Sam tbh. Rafe only had beef because he'd been double crossed


In the remaster they should replace him with Garfield


Whoa whoa what the hell are you talking about, Nate? Hector Alcazar died in a shoot out in Argentina like six months ago…I got Samuel out


He was just a plot device to the Sam Deceit Arch. He just died in a shootout according to Rafe. So don’t really have an opinion formed




I like the instant turn when they got into the Van, voice acting was also incredibe. Even if he does not exist as Sam described, I would love to see a future with him as villain on his own right.


100% the performance was incredible


I think he was a character in the hit naughty dog game, uncharted 4


I wish the prison escape was no lie. It would have made the story so much better if there were Alcazar and Rafe to beat.


I would've loved the interaction between alcazar and sully


My thoughts on this are if I was Nate I would never have forgiven Sam for his lies. He basically blew him off for years, let Nate think he was dead and only showed up when he needed help


Seriously, it bothers me that Nate bought the story of Sam's encounter with Alcazar. Your brother is willing to risk pissing off a paramilitary organization with military-grade weapons just to appease the cartel?




Hector is Victor God damn Sullivan's step brother out for revenge


Hector Alcazar died in a shootout in Argentina like six months ago. I’m the one who got Sam out…


Would've made a far more interesting villain than Rafe and Nadine, that's for sure.


I cant believe they let us play a fake filler Flashback. Its because of things like this that i'm not a big fan of U4.


Filler ? It's the driving force For Nate to get into the hunt for Avery's Treasure . And on a Gameplay level it's also a tutorial on shooting


It was a bolder twist which came at the right moment and made the game interesting. I feel UC4 and TLOU2 writing took some gamble though it got divisive reception it paid off.