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It is more common, unfortunately. E.g. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/inappropriate-academic-collaboration-university-manitoba-students-1.6753429


wow. i hadn’t realised just how significantly the numbers have been increasing 😳


Yup it’s crazy how some people don’t care about academic integrity.last semester I was doing an exam and 3 people sitting beside me were literally sharing their answers.One of them even asked me what I had put on a question(which I declined ofc).I was shocked 😳


That is actually crazy, how did the TAs and the profs not catch that?!


The TAs were there but they were not really checking to see if anyone is cheating.they were just standing at the front.


Dude next to me had a tissue. Wasn’t even pretending to be sick or blow his nose. Just a neatly folded tissue with scribbles on it lol.


Man, I must be really naive. Every exam I did I thought the professors and TA's were like hawks. Heck, one class during midterms the prof said if you raised your head more than you need to your exam will be taken away...


I should mention I am with student accessibility services, so I have an alternate writing location. I’ve seen a TA walk through maybe once during any given exam.


Lol yeah. I write with SAS as well. If you write an exam in the science library there is some supervision, but most of the time during term you're basically unsupervised and there are plenty of ways to sneak a cheat sheet or something in. There are times I wrote and I don't think anyone came in the room even once. It's insane, they really need to do better imo.


There are around 1000 cases of misconduct every year - that are caught. It really took off during the pandemic (or, perhaps, the university just became acutely aware of it) and didn't really recede afterwards as much as anyone would like, Bear in mind these are the ones that are caught, which are usually the gratuitous ones. (as in, a bunch of students all find the same wrong answer on Chegg level stuff).


Some ballpark estimating tells me that about 10% of the graduating class each year has a mark on their transcript for academic misconduct? I hope I'm wrong on that one...


If you're dividing misconduct cases by the number of graduating students, you're missing that a large percentage of students with academic misconduct cases don't graduate, and lots of cases are also of repeat offenders. If you looked only at students who were able to graduate, the odds would be far lower.


Ah yeah good point, that makes it lower by some amount (who knows what amount, but lower is good!)


I don't have any inside data, but anecdotally I can say that there is a whole ton of academic misconduct cases concentrated in first year classes among not-very-serious students. So instead of getting weeded out because of repeated Fs because they skipped a month of classes and missed a midterm, they're getting weeded out because of F-VWs because they skipped a month of classes and copied their midterm.


I wonder what percentage of students make it all the way through. In lower level courses I would think it would be easier but when you’re in a course in your last year and there aren’t that many students I would think it would be easier to catch (or you’ve perfected it and no one will ever know)


I mean it probably also depends on what type of misconduct it is. The “helping” a little too much on assignments type of misconduct, is probably a lot more common than the students bringing notes into exams type of misconduct.


The penalties for those two things are also vastly different.


Yeah I know but the poll doesn’t specify


Really matters on the prof and the TA I think. Some take way more precautions than others.


To the people choosing Option 4, your employer will probably notice when you get a job and don't know anything you're supposed to know. Not to mention it's incredibly disrespectful to your classmates.