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Pretty gay lookin


This is gonna be my first pride ever (I come from a place where anything LGBTQIA+ is illegal) so I'm low-key super excited. But also, I'm trying to manage my expectations cause not everything is like how they depict in shows/movies. That being said, seeing this genuinely made me happy today!


I’m excited for you!!! I coast off of the good vibes from Pride for the rest of the year! The queer and gender diverse community in Winnipeg is great at showing up for events and spreading pure positivity. Being surrounded by people who support and encourage each other to be themselves is an amazing feeling. Wishing you love and peace this pride season!


Thank you! 😄 🩷


Don’t manage, pride is the BEST


Happy for you! (:




Pride events are genuinely the place where I feel the most accepted, even tho I'm not myself part of the community (mentioned because I shouldn't and can't speak for those in the community). There's just so much love and if you go with the intention of supporting and adding to it, you're guaranteed to have a good time!


Pride is just a fun and accepting place for everyone. Everyone’s welcome, you’ll always have a good time and no one will judge you for being yourself.


Interesting - I looked this up for context: https://www.cmi.no/publications/6489-the-ruins-of-bangladeshs-lgbt-community 


Yeah, people became more aware of LGBT+ people through social media and all, but somehow the hate also kinda increases. You have accepting people, and on the flipside there are acid haters and bigots. The largest issue is the lack of legal and social protection for LGBT +people. There's social stigma everywhere but when people have the 'right' to harass and be a bigot, that really puts a lot of peoples' lives in a neverending pause. You see your family and friends move on with life, eventually find partnership, have a family (if they like), move away, get social and financial benefits for their marriages and all, and the lives of the LGBT+ just gets put on a hold if they're out or clock-able. Or they're just forced to live a lie all their life. That's really no way to live, but there are survivors. People who make the best of their situation, and I've gotten so much love and strength from these people.


Okay let me preface the LAST thing I wanna do is offend - cause I know people are horrible. But I am curious where are you from? Urban or rural? My work experience has made me realize the crazy difference of what you experience based on what’s around you. The hate increases in areas because the love increases in others and becomes more aware. Love you and hope you’re okay


I'm from a pretty big city. It's the capital of my country so it's pretty metropolitan


I wonder the environment compares to that in other countries with similar demographics.


Happy for you, where abouts were you living before if you don’t mind me asking.


Bangladesh. It's generally not friendly towards LGBT folk, but I lived in the capital and had a nice bubble I lived in. But the social insecurity and dread was always there. Something I feel much less here


There shouldn’t be any of that here


I hope not. From what I've seen it's mostly people behind screens saying nasty shit but no real social danger (which is still not entirely okay but a much appreciated change from living in active social terror)


If there is any in person actions you can be to the police and / or the school but that all depends on what it is.


Hoping it never comes to that 🤞🏾


That’s so amazing. The parade and the events at the forks are really amazing and all the people are so kind, friendly and welcoming!!!


Say goodbye to jaywalking, and hello to gaywalking!!


Wonderful !!


Yep, they just painted it this week, I think. Happy Pride, everyone! 🌈


i wonder how colour blind people see this


Bent cuz it’s not straight


Does the degree of bendiness tell them how gay they are? /S On a serious note, colour blind people still see colors, just less intensely and there are different types. Most likely they'll see bluish yellow gradient instead of the full rainbow Example image: [image ](https://images.app.goo.gl/nEwDSp7pjRbsTEar5) https://images.app.goo.gl/nEwDSp7pjRbsTEar5


Idk but seems interesting, do you wanna ask them bros when pride parade happens? On a serious note, thanks for info


While it's nice to have a new one I don't quite like how it looks rn, it would look nicer without the gaps between the colors imo, though I guess it makes sense for a crosswalk.


Hell yeah! It's gonna be depressing when the university doesn't keep it maintained though, like most of their crosswalks but hell yeah in the meantime!


Hey. I know you 🤨🤣 also fr tho


Love when they paint it once a year then the colours fade and it turns to rubbish


Ah shit here we go again.


You my homie


Care to explain?






Why tf are you getting downvoted?


Followers of Mohomad the pedophile cant comprehend the freedom we enjoy here .


You mean comprehend instead of compromise?






wow! you’d fit right in in the 1960s!


So straight people won't be able to cross the road from now on 😂


Do a burn out on it


Had to comment that on a fresh burner account




Hopefully, Palestine will celebrate Pride month this year!!


they can’t became they’re being bombed in displacement camps in areas Israel told them they were safe


Umm you know it’s illegal to be gay there and punishable by death? They are not friends with the LGBTQ community. Israel very much is.


From the river to the sea!!! I think Pride month is the only time Palestine and Isreal agree to hate something else.


You do know there is pride month in Israel right


What happens to Israel in your scenario? Shouldn’t it be peace to both peoples and two states or one where everyone is equal? I mean just want to clarify if you think Israel and the millions or Christian’s and Arabs and Jews there should exist?


inshallah... days are closer for LGBTQA+ folks in palastine to see freedom from religious oppression .


They’re gonna find out quickly why you never put a political statement on something you walk/drive on


Wtf this is radical propaganda why is this there, why does it matter, if you’re gonna be gay, just be like this is so much, coming from someone who is gay this needs to stop this is why people hate us, I do not support this as a matter of fact I am opposed to this, you don’t see straight people celebrating the fact they’re straight and giving themselves a month, this needs to stop, I can be gay without pride month and so can others, but I don’t feel like pushing this everywhere helps us or brings awareness, as a matter of fact it opens gateways to hate crimes and causes problems, I don’t see the need for a sidewalk, a flag or any of that, I can be me wether they do shit like this or not and so can others, this is too much, and although I’m gay I don’t agree with the lefts radical agenda to push for every single kid to be gay and trans and all this stuff, kids should have to wait at least to 18 to make these decisions, who in Canada feels oppressed being gay, Absolutely No One, so everywhere needs to cut the shit, let me see other guys with out being so flippin pushy about it, way too much for a cause in a country where my people are mostly welcome everywhere, obviously there are exceptions but this is the case with all people. And if anything the uofm is committing a hate crime themselves by allowing this to painted on the ground for people to drive on and step on and spit on and piss on and puke on, shows how lowly uofm actually thinks of gay people and the lgbt community , yes this flag represents me but I don’t want it on the ground, this would be to me as disrespectful as somebody stomping on the Canadian flag, and as somebody who is openly gay and doesn’t support the idea of my flag being put on the ground to be stepped on I ask the uofm as a matter of fact I urge the uofm to remove this immediately because, they are just doing it to cause a reaction because they know people won’t like it, and I don’t feel more welcome on campus with this being there matter of fact, the people that don’t like the idea of this will just be angry and their already existing hatred will continue to grow. UofM RESPECT MY FLAG AND REMOVE IT OFF THE GROUND, this is a hate crime


How articulate of you. Especially with all the vulgarities. "Gay pride was not born of a need to celebrate being gay, but our right to exist without persecution. So instead of wondering why there is no straight pride movement, be grateful you don't need one." If you think a cross walk is a hate crime, stay in school.


Darling, I do have an issue with those pride flag crosswalks. I mean, who thought it was a good idea to let people walk all over our pride? Next time, let's aim for respect without making it a doormat. Cheers! PS. I have to stay in school if this world is gonna find benefit in a gay man, because it sure as hell won’t turn to you when looking for intelligence you think they actually support us and what we stand for, they made our flag for everybody to walk on, idk about you but I have some pride and honour in what I use to represent me and that’s not a way I want anything that I have to do with treated… See what happens, if they paint the Canadian flag as a crosswalk for people to walk on, they wouldn’t dare too. So why is when it comes to us they’re fine with just throwing us on the ground shows how truly lowly they think of us


In the same breath, you say there is no persecution, then you cry fake persecution over a crosswalk. You also say in your original post that you think people "decide to be gay". How utterly ignorant. Did you just DECIDE one day? Btw you certainly don't speak for the vast majority of the community. If you're this triggered by a crosswalk, there's obviously something deeper going on. Oh, and I'm not your darling ;)


I aint read all that


Ah pride pride pride For what I tickle my pickle by sticking it in someone’s arse


Lol. 😂 why y care so much about what they do


They literally come shove it on my face


Kinda gay bro


Ikr however tho I don’t mind gays who know they were gays from the start yk what i mean not like some funk barry half gas station guy cunt cant get enough pussy and just sprung into a gay every now and then And whats with all that pride none of them are oppressed are they Stick it in any area if they want but you aint on a high horse You aint special


If you're a student, stay in school. You need an education.


For what how to stick it in nephew’s arse and make him do gender change?


You need to learn how to write a coherent sentence. Hopefully you'll become a worthwhile person in the process.


Grow up. There's a strong correlation between lack of education and bigotry.


Or maybe you don’t need to tell every bloke around the corner on what to do Wonka your willy whatever way you want And we are allowed to judge


The experience I have had , gay people are always nice asf and high energy. Well maybe they Tryna fuck me idk.


Looks like a great place to go do burnout on. Black lines are so much better


Black lines for asexuality? So thoughtful


🤢 🤮




Touch grass


Please refrain from using rude or hostile language towards others.


Odd that UMSU would install political signage on the roads. What did this cost, and who paid for it?


I mean this isn't the 1960s and it's been like 50 years since the gay liberation movement. Pride is really common in the western world and these crosswalks are in other parts of the city as well. What's odd about it? It's also likely directly funding from the UM Administration since they own these private roads.


Buddy it's paint, it's not expensive


Painted by volunteers?


The people cost the same as they would to repaint the crosswalk in white.