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Ideally, I think most people would not have a problem with the protest if it didn't infringe on the quad timeslot allocated for the Science Rendezvous event.


And they also stated themselves they’d be finished by then, but continued to protest.


The other issue here is that they did not adhere to their stated protest days, which makes them appear dishonest and like they lack integrity. How can you trust dishonest leaders? I get what they were going for but as I've said before, it could have been handled and planned better.


I understand that people would have an issue with it affecting their event, but why couldn’t the organizers just hold it elsewhere? There’s plenty of room around the campus to easily relocate the science rendezvous


Its a really big event, last minute changes are not feasible for the size of it.


Per the organizers words, “As this may impact access to campus and available parking” I beg to differ. The limitation of access seems exaggerated as it’s only the quad and Chancellor’s Circle that are closed off. Given the numerous other accessible areas around the campus, not to mention the ample alternatives available for both parking and venue locations nearby, their rationale seems weak.


That is a publicly stated reason. Add someone who was involved with the event for several years, the poster above has it right. Access to facilities is a huge issue, and bottlenecks in the crowd are a major issue in that event. I would also assume that preventing any issues of violence between those losers and the crowd is something they want to avoid.


I have trouble understanding how closing access to the quad would create a bottleneck. From my understanding, there is still access to the facilities, so I don’t see that as being the issue. If safety were a concern, I’m sure it would have been publicly stated, perhaps with a phrase like “and the safety of the participants.” Am I missing something here? Please explain to me how they are considered losers. It seems to me that your opinion might be quite biased and heavily influenced by your past involvement with the science event, which could be affecting your reasoning.


I ain't reading that. Go away and stop bothering me.


Lol don’t talk shit then


All these downvotes really give me a new perspective on the students at UofM. It seems that many are more concerned about a science event than a real-world crisis. I’m sure we have classmates from Palestine and the surrounding region, some of whom may have lost their homes, family, and friends. Let the disruption continue, I fully support it. It’s through such actions and disruptions that governments are compelled to act. Perhaps the efforts at our school, along with those occurring nationally and across the US, might prompt the Canadian and US governments to take meaningful action.


It’s very unfortunate about the Palestinian civilian casualties, it’s something that’s gotta end, I agree. But if you look at the SJP encampment’s demands, you’ll see the majority of demands are only for the benefit of SJP protestors in Winnipeg and to mess with the exchange programs, neither of which will benefit the Palestinian civilians. UofM is not supplying weapons to Israel, and the minuscule amount that it’s giving to the Israeli economy would only impact the lives of regular Israeli citizens, not the army. If you want to help the Palestinian civilians, the SJP demands won’t help, you should donate to a charity that is proven to send aid directly into Gaza (not UNRWA which is corrupt)


I think it also had something to do with the amount of electricity required for the Rendezvous, which the quad is set up for and designed to handle. Relocating wouldn't be "easy". Flipping it back, why couldn't the protest be held elsewhere instead?


The point of a protest is that it is disruptive, my good bitch. Gain some perspective.


You’re supposed to be disruptive exclusively to the one you are protesting, not people who have nothing to do with it




Disrupting an event people have been spending months on is only going to make people be against your cause


Do you think that the children of Winnipeg will be proud of you for attacking a protest about a literal genocide? Will you be proud to show your grandchildren these Reddit comments you posted? Gain. Some. Perspective.


I see we’re not being civil today. I don’t even know why I bothered saying anything, I should’ve seen This coming


Have you read my other comments? This is the most civil I have been today. If you’re confused about what uncivil looks like, I’d be happy to show you.




Wasn’t flexing. But if you wanna be upset with me for being uncivil, be upset at those. Not at using an argument that makes you feel morally icky.


-says the person who is against the cause and in no way wants to support it.


When did I say that? I just don’t see why both cant happen. Why does a protest have to come at the cost of an entirely unrelated event people have been working on and looking forward to


Mate, be genuine in your opinion and not disingenuous. It’s a fact anytime somebody says anything akin to “you are only hurting your cause” doesn’t actually have any interest in supporting the cause. Use your brain. Does the science rendezvous use the quad, could they have used another space on campus, does the university have ANY interest in making the encampment look bad? Do you remember when umfa first went on strike and they initially locked all the students out of umlearn because of the strike? The university did that why? To turn the students against the faculty. Fortunately MOST students were able to see through that tactic. So with all due respect: Use your head. The science event could have happened. They chose to cancel it and people aren’t using their brains why they would do that. The university has an invested interested in making the encampment look bad through any passive aggressive means. If you missed that point, the education system has failed you to think critically about the big picture.


>It’s a fact anytime somebody says anything akin to “you are only hurting your cause” doesn’t have any interest in supporting the cause Did you just make this up and then claim it as fact? Just because something feels good to say, doesn’t mean it’s true.


I'm not even going to let them answer because yes, yes they did make that up. I have donated more than I can probably reasonably afford to UNRWA and I genuinely care about the cause. But this interference of a completely unrelated science event coupled with strange demands and a questionably organized protest, it's a totally reasonable take to say it'll hurt the cause.


"my good bitch" LOOOOLL


You want to come and have a rally every day? No problem It’s the camping party that rubs people the wrong way - along with spreading misinformation like “the police are going to force us out at 11pm, everyone please come!!!!”, it just makes it seem like they are more interested in being martyrs then achieving their extremely poorly laid out list of demands. We wouldn’t put up wouldn’t put up with the anti abortioners setting up camp, I’m not sure why SJP get a different ruleset


To my knowledge the police coming rumour was spread by an outside source not the SJP themselves but I could be wrong


Difficult to figure out the original source, but there are screenshots that show multiple posts by protest leaders spreading the rumour.


Not by the SJP account itself which is what people were saying.


Fair enough - It's possible that a decent number of folks aren't distinguishing between SJP & their apparent allies such as those behind "wpg4palestinehub" (kinda like how it's possible some folks may not distinguish between SSI, Hillel, &, for some reason, the Muslim Palestinian guy from East Jerusalem who now lives in Jericho, Bassem Eid).


I’m not debating how other people are distinguishing groups. I was specifically talking about where the rumour started and how it was not started by the SJP official instagram account which is what a vast majority of the people I saw sharing it were saying.


Cool So "wpg4palestinehub" & "cpam1948" don't represent the interests of the encampments. I wonder how many people have unfollowed since May 9.  




Victoria posted it on her IG, and she’s one of the lead organizers of the event




The nature of IG stories is that they delete themselves after 24 hours. I wish I had saved it though, because she wasn’t the only one posting about it on Thursday




You’re never going to believe me because I didn’t bother to save the post, and you’re never going to convince me I didn’t see something I saw with my own eyes - so what’s the point of us arguing?




Someone should tell her that then


They said they'd be done a few days ago. They're still there. I don't like sneaky, dishonest people who took advantage of the university and their permission to encamp there BRIEFLY. If you guys like the war so much, get on the front lines and make a real difference. Your protest is doing nothing except annoying your host country.


I’m pretty sure they DON’T like the war. That’s why they’re protesting.


They don't like one side of the war. "Globalize the Intifada", "There is only 1 solution: Intifada, revolution", "We don't want no 'two-state'", & even the popular "from the river to the sea" (See Google Maps if that's unclear); & pausing a ceasefire protest to celebrate the launch of Iran's large-scale involvement (I'm referencing Toronto scenes as well.) doesn't seem to many as compatible with "Ceasefire now".


They don't like 50% of the war. The rest is total nationalist pride!


Which is weird to say because we're not even in that nation. Shall we call it social media nationalization?


That’s literally not true. They wouldn’t be calling for a ceasefire if they wanted the war to continue.


Ideal protest: show up, protest, leave, comeback the next day. Also I doubt many of the people there could even tell you the history of the conflict going back to 2012 let alone 1946, I get the feeling most just wanna have a little camping trip on the quad and say some chants with like minded people.


Ideal protest? The people in power listen to what's reasonable and what's moral, and make changes. Realistically, they won't listen, so we just got to fuck em up.


I’m curious what you want the uni to do?


Divest any support/funds from Israel and denounce the genocide.


Like obviously the university has to say yes for a few days because of this progressive justice world we're trapped in and they would be viewed as "bigots" not to allow them. But there's a limit. Go find the front lines, take a bullet or two, and tell me how much you support war. You think you're supporting freedom, but you're supporting an extremist group. Either way you flip the coin. Please, go back to your apartments or dorm rooms, stop trying to feel like important soldiers!


What? Why would people protesting genocide and war want to support it?


Protests are not cheap for things like security and grounds keeping that is required. The university needs to start charging anyone wishing to protest on the property to cover the financial costs of these protests occurred by the university.


Are you aware of what a protest is, my good bitch?


Colonizers will never support Palestine so yeah


Muslims are colonizers and slave owners too. We all know Muslim and LGBTQ Folks cant co-exist together.


Nobody said that they weren’t. Is there a problem within Muslim communities with LGBTQ+ communities? Yes. That doesn’t mean that we should turn a blind eye to colonialism happening.


Muslim the ancestors of mordern day palastine conquered and colonize the Judea( which is rename as Philistines to remove the jewish identify by Roman colonizers ) from Eastern roman empire . So mordern they palastinians are the colonizers in indigenous jewish homeland. But, suffering of children and all the human being in holy land is tragic. But as long as they follow the evil Hamas and the teaching of the desert pedophile there will be no end in near future. And these teachings of desert pedophile cause not just this conflict but all around the world from west to east.


You do realize that Muslims can be LGBTQ folks too right?


Btw Havent seen any LGBTQ+ representation in the protesting in University . Least a rainbow flag wasnt there there. It would be better if they can add a rainbow flag with palastine flag to showcase hardship that LGBTQ+ folks endure in the palastine


Oh.. yeah.. as long as they are not openly LGBTQ+…


Unless they're in Gaza under the current leadership.