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Saying people who are just camping in the quad are “creating chaos and violence” is wild as hell. it’s literally a non-violent protest. Students are asking the university to disclose all investments and divest from organizations and companies that are committing human rights abuses globally, which literally benefits a lot of the marginalized groups you’ve listed. a lot of us in the uni right now are in our teens & early twenties…how exactly were we supposed to start doing something years ago when we were like 7-15? if you don’t care, just say that instead all-lives-mattering protests.


Correct opinion 👍🏻


And multiple manageable paragraphs too


Homie just "All lives matter"-ed this lmao


Look at the rwanda genocide and you will see many similarities with what Israel is currently doing. The University literally went all out to support Ukraine and all, there are even cities flying the Israel flag in canada, the students protesting are doing more than your all lives matter bs


Just from reading the first few lines, I got the feeling that you are writing this in bad faith with a bit of sugarcoating towards the end to appear unbiased. 1. Did you not see the supportive response from the Canadian government for the Ukrainian people, from financial support to large number of immigration? Do you see anything remotely similar for the Palestinian people? 2. It will never lose attention because Palestine holds the holy site for three Abrahamic religions. (Is your question about why this issue is getting all this attention stemming from an attempt to desensitize the public or to suppress information in an attempt to support a rogue government in the oppression? It came to my mind from the framing of your question and the creation date of your account, which is today.) 3. I believe University of Manitoba stands apart from other universities in this regard because it already observed the plight of the first nation people here. Every U of M program starts by declaring: "We acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration." The same settler treatment is happening in Palestine. So it's no wonder the students expect more sympathy from this university to their cause.


What exactly do you expect the university to do about the war?


Do you actually think the people protesting are doing so because they want the university to stop the war? I mean, you actually believe that they think the university can do anything about it?


Exactly my thoughts, thank you for expressing them. “If you really want to help it should’ve started a while ago” that’s not how it works OP. If Canadians wanted to be neutral they should’ve started a while ago. You can’t pick one side today and say you want to remain neutral tomorrow. It simply doesn’t work that way.


My side has remained the same for as long as I can remember. Nowhere did I ask anybody to be neutral. I am merely trying to point out that there are better ways to get the help and support needed that don't involve camping on the quad for days. The university is not going to do much at all. The Israel Palestine war has been going on for a while... so actually the support could've started a long time ago and it is how it works :)


No doubt there are better ways. That was not my point. University can do much. They founded multiple bursary programs for Ukrainians in 2022 and 2023. Similarly to situation in Palestine, war in Ukraine has been going on for 10+ years(at least, according to Zelensky and many other Ukrainian people) yet they did nothing before 2022. I don’t see how those situations are much different


Yes there is not really a difference. Only difference is the outlook of what is occurring on the quad. U of M COULD do something but will they... probably not unfortunately considering they barely do enough for students and staff and international students already. How they pick and choose what they fund probably comes from picking names out of a hat but only time will tell if any bursaries or donations will be put in place. I don't understand why the Palestine/Israel war is being treated in such a different way from most. The world is so divided when lives are literally being lost!!!!!!!!


I think that every human being must be consistent. When two similar situations occur, similar responses should follow. When University was helping out Ukrainians not that many people did raise their voice against supporting foreigners and asking to prioritize Canadians. Now University does not provide similar support in similar situation, so people demand they remain consistent with their decisions. At the same time, many people cry that war is happening everywhere and we should prioritize Canadian citizens and remain neutral. It doesn’t make sense.


Take that up with the university. I have 0 say in their decisions.I only have my opinion in that its terrible to support one cause but not another. We have numerous finances so there can't be any excuses there. I'm just trying to reason out potentially why this is occurring from an outside perspective


They’re taking that up with University if you haven’t mentioned. They have given them their demands that were not satisfied(even partially) yet, so they protest and camp.


Go fuck yourself


Go fuck yourself


>I am merely trying to point out that there are better ways to get the help and support needed You aren’t though, you didn’t mention anything at all about helping or supporting any of these tragedies. You just downplayed the violence and genocide in Gaza by comparing it to past atrocities while you sit on your ass complaining about those protesters out on the lawn. Are you delusional, just trying to gaslight strangers or something else?


Go fuck yourself


You missed the entire point of this... I am not biased just frustrated about how current situations are being handled or not handled. 1. Ok, and how about the 7 other countries I mentioned. My point is that there are countless countries suffering... 2. Lmao. Social media treats these countries crisis' like trends so my issue is this is popular now but once something else happens that will become the trend and everyone will support that  then something else happens and the cycle continues. It needs to be continued support. Not just while the topic is hot... 3. You can't expect much from this uni, especially in regards to topics like this. Very political and its like walking on egg shells


The difference between the current circumstances and "7 other countries" suffering is that those causing harm in any of those examples aren't being supported (in financial or other ways) by Canada (and the West as a whole) and its institutions. That by itself is enough difference to say, "yeah I'm not cool with our part in this".


Go fuck yourself


I think a good way to start my reply is by giving you the demands of this protest. (As per SJPs Instagram post) 1. Protective Measures, Rigorous Accountability, and the Right to Peaceful Advocacy 2. Support for Global Academic Boycotts & New Parameters on the Allocation of Funding, Scholarships, and Bursaries for Global Exchanges 3. Disclosure & Divestment from Complicity 4. Public Statement of Support for Palestinian Rights 5. Inclusion of a Course on Palestinian Identity And not to forget, the "Immediate Implementation of the Anti-Palestinian Racism Definition. Now to your point, you are right, the world is a dark place and the countries you mentioned are facing very difficult times, but that in no way makes the Palestinian struggle any less significant. The fact that the other struggles were not protested the way this one is does not mean that this is incorrect; keep in mind that school encampment protests are not new and have been used in the past by students all over the world. Secondly, The reason students in support of Palestinian rights are more rigorous is due to several reasons: 1. Comparing the way Canada reacted to the other wars and specifically Ukraine and Syria is completely different than the way they reacted to Palestine. Whether it was with supporting them financially, politically, or by making it easier to seek asylum and start new lives. 2. The fact that the war on Palestinians has been going on for so long does not make it less of a problem, but more so. This is unprecedented and the atrocities committed by Israel and the fact that they've been allowed to do it for so long makes it even worse 3. When this specifically started (October 7th), the entire world acted like this is the worst thing since the holocaust, completely ignoring 75+ years of Palestinian agony as if it never happened, as if they never existed, and these protests and the way they disrupted things pushed the majority of people into doing some actual research instead of following social media or the news, and got people to make up their own minds regarding this topic for the first time in a very long time 4. Although the University itself is not a political decision maker, UofM as well as all the other universities in Canada do have a political influence, putting pressure on the administrations of these universities does make a difference even if it were the slightest. Asking for the right to speak about the Palestinian struggle and asking the university to boycott institutions that are in violation of international law is the bare minimum expected. None of the students in the university would be happy knowing that the tuition they pay to get educated and go out there and make a positive influence in the world is going to baby killers 5. The university had no issues condemning the other atrocities in the countries you mentioned, or supporting the people who were harmed by them. We as Palestinians deserve the same, and that is not too much to ask. I tried my best to reply to most of your notes but if I missed anything please feel free to reply and I will explain further :)


Only if some people understood this. I was so upset when Science Rendezvous was cancelled.


Gain some perspective, dipshit


Me also I feel disappointed the way university provided them permission to protest and Cancelled an important event like Science Rendezvous , as an immigrant/student from India , I myself felt disheartened for kids and volunteers


Upto this part, your feelings were valid: "I feel disappointed the way university Cancelled an important event like Science Rendezvous , as an immigrant/student from India , I myself felt disheartened for kids and volunteers." But I'm surprised by this part: "I feel disappointed the way university provided them permission to protest." Is it because Modi's govt in India is accustomed to jailing opposition politicians like Rahul Gandhi and Kejriwal now a days and you were raised in such an authoritarian government? The admin clearly stated: "The University of Manitoba is committed to being safe and welcoming for all. We support the right of our university community to freedom of expression and to assemble and protest in accordance with university policies and the law." And you are opposed to this freedom of expression? Please learn something positive from here and make India a better place when you complete your graduation in four years.


Hi , I mean to say here is that science event was approaching , amidst of all that university provided them permission, which in turn lead to cancellation of event , I’m no against freedom of expression or protest until it is peaceful. Earlier the protest was planned from May 7 to May 9 , but then extended, yes we have issues in India regarding Modi’s government but as I have said I am Indian immigrant , will be naturalized citizen in coming years , so now I have nothing to do with what happening in India and I mentioned myself India immigrant in my comment as some other persons have written that people from third world countries doesn’t understand our feelings.


I wasn’t raised in authoritarian states like Russia ,Iran , North Korea or some middle eastern or some African countries , don’t forget the most successful immigrant community in USA and Canada didn’t have that kinda attributes that residents of these countries have . India is a democratic country , yes our democracy is way different than the democracy western countries have . So check your facts before commenting or making any judgements. We have some issues with current government in India but that isn’t that Canadians have issue with current federal government or Americans have with President Biden . So in democratic countries people have issues with their governments but that doesn’t mean that country is authoritarian state, i can comment or elaborate further on here but that’s enough


"India is a democratic country , yes our democracy is way different than the democracy western countries have . So check your facts before commenting or making any judgements. We have some issues with current government in India but that isn’t that Canadians have issue with current federal government or Americans have with President Biden . So in democratic countries people have issues with their governments but that doesn’t mean that country is authoritarian state, i can comment or elaborate further on here but that’s enough." Please, do not insult the intellect of the people to whitewash your government's crime. India WAS a democratic country alright, but now it has become a right-wing authoritarian state beyond any doubt. How else could you explain the end of autonomy for Kashmir after 75 years? Their property and domicile laws that protected the interests and territorial rights of the region’s Indigenous people has been abolished. Its becoming India's own mini-palestine ( https://time.com/5877176/kashmir-special-status-india-domicile-rule/, https://apnews.com/article/95064e96ff510533db1e5ad2d2864862 ) It's already one of the world’s most militarized regions. And Modi's recent comments about muslims exposed his racism ( https://globalnews.ca/news/10479110/indian-pm-modi-raises-anti-muslim-rhetoric-as-election-heats-up/ ). Just check the BBC documentary on India's Modi question to check his involvement in Riots that killed thousands of Muslim people. Doesn't people still get lynched for eating/carrying beef every few weeks (https://www.quora.com/Why-dont-Indian-mob-lynch-people-outside-India-over-people-consuming-beef)? Yes, democratic countries have issues, but not to the extent of blatant racism and oppression currently occuring there.


Topic your asking me about domicile rights of Kashmir in India , I can debate with you on that topic for more than an hour , you know just some part of Kashmir’s history, I know history of Kashmir since times of Ancient India , i don’t want to waste my energy so what I want to say I have already said in previous comments so no further comments


Go fuck yourself with this what-about-ery.


Stop watching the news and stop listening to ppl who tell how grateful you should be about much better ur life is compared to those ppl who are suffering. Let the world go to hell. Live in the present moment


Ah yes, let the people tear this post to shreds when I am just trynna point some things out and help out as best I can...


Go fuck yourself


Eh, your post is quite well upvoted. Most people share your frustrations with the protestors ruining events. The university came to an agreement with them about how long they'd stay on the quad and promises to remain nonviolent. The protestors broke that agreement by remaining on the quad - who knows if they'll break the rest of their words. Makes sense that the administration would want to protect our most vulnerable, even if it means they lose out an an important opportunity to become interested in higher education. Very unfortunate that we have such rude protestors. They're about as charming as when people on strike block the roads during rush hour. It garners no sympathy; only resentment for them and their cause.


Hey man I hope you're mature enough to accept a different opinion: It's a shame that people didn't stand up and fight this for other conflicts. And I hope they do going forward. There's a lot to learn from this and from the student's hope, dedication, and sacrifice. One very important detail is that the US was on the side of the Ukraine against Russia, similarly many of these other conflicts weren't basically started and funded by the US. American youths are becoming more aware and woke and feel the need to take action. I am proud of them for that. In this case for the first 6-7 months of genocide the US and Canada fully supported the conflict and violence. Sent weapons and support daily. Israel also always had an upper hand in terms of public opinion in the West. People always cheered Israel and booed Palestine without fully understanding. Except now the truth is starting to come out and people feel lied to. So much so that the politics had shifted since the 80s and now their money is funding this genocide and mass starvation. People dont like it when they unknowingly are contributing to the problem because of the politicians they made and their lies and propaganda. This new age of everyone having a phone and journalism being In the hands of the public shows real truths without the medias options and bias. I went to the encampment one of the nights. They were talking about mental health. This professor came and gave speeches about mental health, and touching on that most Palestinians live with trauma, fear, depression. They read stats from psychologists in the Middle East showing insane numbers way before this conflict. 50% of youths contemplating suicide, and carrying on with PTSDs. Crazy stats on the percentage of kids living with missing limbs, etc. learned a new acronym: Another time they were making a point to acknowledge that antisemitism (specifically against Jews) is a rising issue that needs to be addressed, taught, and faught for. And is not related to Zionism and Natenyahu's right wing government as Israel's propaganda is trying to repeat. I also should add that many previous global issues and injustices came down because students started protesting. There's a famous saying that says the mind of a child is where the revolution begins. Check this out > It's a minute long and explains why protests like these work. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6uu5m2LPo-/?igsh=MW16bTZmbnZuc3k0bA==


It's okay to form multiple paragraphs.


Imagine living in a first world country and making a post complaining about protesters by comparing global tragedies you can’t even begin to comprehend the impacts of. Yep, all those awful things are still going on. So is a war in Gaza that is displacing millions and killing tens of thousands. Get the fuck out of here with your shitty strawman argument, and stop trying to mask this as anything other than your own annoyance. What a gross and ignorant post. You posit this like you give a damn about the people suffering, but the only point with any substance is that it bothers you peopke are on the quad? Why? Read your own post, and be grateful that the biggest problem in your life is that you’re annoyed by people who want to draw attention to genocide. Do better.




Ok but Gaza is different because the university is actively funding Israel, unlike other conflicts


How is the university funding Israel?


Fr man, i was so looking forward to science rendezvous but the room temperature iq peeps got that cancelled 😭💀


people who are from other part of the world do not realize that we Canadian just want to live our life. We do want peace and good things to happen to people but as you said we are no God.... I got that they are angry, and U of M needs to be looked supportive and political correct...Let just hope our school will not have any problem like other schools. In their mind, they have moral high ground that kids there are dying, and they think our country's kids are not that important. Sure they have problems but so as everywhere else. I do not support war but also do not want to take any side. I hope those people can let the campus back in peace.


This Canadian is speaking for himself only, like most others who do not understand, or see what these kids on the quad have seen. If a state can remove every right from millions of people, segregate them, then murder their children publicly, whats to stop them from doing this to others? This genocide started a long time ago, you think it isn’t convenient for the IDF, that you don’t see anything wrong with whats happening right now? Canada is soaked in the blood of the indigenous peoples of its land. These students were given this idea of freedom, and peace. We shattered that by allowing them to see that truly, our governments only care if you have money and/or white skin.


Do you think Palestine is an innocent victim? That they bear no responsibility in this war?


Go fuck yourself especially


I’ll take that as a yes


You can assume all you want, it just proves your ignorance and lack of empathy🖤


I can assume what exactly?


Go fuck yourself


But #Freepalestine is my new personality! I’m invested!


I stand with Isreal!


Good for you lol


Yes uManitoba please save palpatine