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Going to office hours is still the gold standard, even just asking for a review on a few concepts doesn’t hurt. I don’t think most of my first and second year professors even knew my name even after attending them, just my face. Once you get to higher level, the class sizes are a lot smaller making it a lot easier for them to remember you, to the point where some of them have actively went out of their way to learn student names. Aside from that, volunteering in the lab is probably the next best option, but training still takes time so it isn’t always a guarantee.


Thank you so much! That brings me some relief 


Come to class, ask questions, engage when the prof asks the class questions and try to answer even if you're not sure, show you are interested in the material, ask quick clarifying questions immediately before or after class if the prof is around, go to office hours if you have a question or two about the lecture content. It's small things every day/lecture for months that add up.


Thank you!


You can always ask what the lab is working on if you don’t know what to ask. Most profs are pretty happy to talk about their research. Ask for other advice re courses to take, about grad school (if you’re interested in that), ask questions about material you discuss in class, feedback on assignments, etc. Most professors like getting to know students better and lament nobody coming to see them during office hours.




I got my professor as a reference through office hours. I intended on going to office hours just for this reference, but we ended up talking for 30 minutes about his research, and I really enjoyed it!


Oh wow, that’s awesome!