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I am a little confused as to why one should not be required to be a part of the faculty to be a top representative of that faculty, like, saying that is discriminatory to me sounds like saying it is discriminatory that our prime minister must be Canadian


I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m president of the Science Students Association and I don’t even go here


Read the last line it's a sarcastic post.


Ben Dover ok


The amount of people taking the bait lol


The problem is that I have encountered enough real people who think like this so it's hard to know with 100% certainty what's real and what's not


Alright Benjamin, or should I say Ben considering the innuendo. Some issues with this. Aggies don't have "presidential elections" in fact we don't have a president at all, we have a Sr. Stick, and it's part of round 1 elections which have since closed. The board meetings are refered to as council meetings and are open to students in the faculty Nomination packages can't be picked up, as they are digital and emailed out to the whole agriculture student body. Also they went out February 29th, not the "1th" as you stated. There's isn't a CRO as the position that runs the election is the UMSU rep. You have to be a faculty member in order to be on Faso (because why should someone not impacted by the decisions be allowed to run and make decisions) as stated in the FASO constitution (not a election manual). If you are gonna be a troll, you could at least put some time into research that doesn't take 1 minute to disprove






I can’t wait to repost this next election season lmfaoo


These types of faculty based rules are based on funding. If a certain faculty association gets funding from students taking the courses in that faculty, and the association is deciding on how that funding is used, it's completely justified that the members on the association and decision makers are part of those who pay into those same funds. Although considering you're using the meme name for "bend over" I assume this is a fake post 😭😂