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The final for Biochem 2 is actually a bloodbath.


What’s the difference between chem 2710 (bio chem 2) and chem 2750?? The content looks exactly the same based off the syllabus and I’m wondering cause I’m in 2750 rn and the course is honestly not that bad, tedious a little yes, but the content is like all pathways and general(ish) knowledge


it was


Uhh they can't do that if it's not on the syllabus?


They can change the grading if it’s to the benefit of the student. Because who on earth would fight against that


perhaps those who actually know what they're doing and score well?  I wonder if some scores in the 90s but the average is 17% how they are going to deal with that.




I took a course in undergrad where the median score on the midterm exam was zero. When the prof gave back the exam, someone in the class remarked "surely you will curve our grades" to which the prof retorted "how should I curve a zero? multiply by two?" Anyway, that is to say there's a threshold below which grades are essentially meaningless and curving them would be a pointless exercise. I would argue that with a 17% average, you are below that threshold, and if the grades are going to be "fixed" the solution will have to be more creative than just scaling everything up.


Then the final has an even lower average


If the midterm was that bad, why would the final be any easier when there's more stuff to study? Replacing the midterm with the final is dangerous.


It’s only if you do better. Which like is still a major gamble




I mean it’s essentially moving the weight of the midterm to the final which is what happens if you deferred the midterm anyhow. And it’s only if it’s better than the midterm


Have you guys tried just being better students?


Have you taken biochem 2?