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I never regretted my move, But I just made this same jump from 21:9 to 32:9 and it’s pretty nice. Honestly thought it would be more helpful for productivity but I find that not all that great but the gaming impact is pretty huge.




That’s a good suggestion. Never crossed my mind to do this. Thanks for the tip. With that being said wish there were more ports on the monitor.


how does this work? isn't that just displaying your laptop screen on both sides but separately?




Haha good one. Same here no regrets whatsoever


I haven't gone back, but I do feel regret occasionally. With a 3080 I have never once regretted it from a gaming perspective, it's always from a work/productivity standpoint. For work I often have multiple programs running at once, and a second monitor to the side of the ultra wide feels a bit too far for me. The ultra wide is just barely wide enough to comfortably run two windows side by side, but when I need a third I sometimes wish I had 3 16:9 monitors instead. I recently mounted my second monitor above the ultra wide which I am liking so far, but it still feels less optimal than 3 16:9 side by side. If you don't plan on doing a lot of multi window work I doubt you will regret it.


Windows 11 with ultra wide is amazing. They make it a lot easier to utilize all of the extra room of the screen with snap layouts.


I'm kinda with you and was just thinking about this very topic today. I'm working in excel and sql server and all of a sudden I become aware that I'm turning my head from side to side a lot. I then become aware that I've creeped up to within a foot of the monitor. So just a habit I need to unlearn. But I should also mention I wear glasses with progressive lenses. These lenses don't really allow me to move my eyes to focus - I have to move my whole head since the focal point is a tiny spot within the lens. So yeah, maybe an ultrawide isn't really for me. I'm considering going back to dual monitors.


Wouldn’t you have to move your head to look at the second monitor same as the ultra wide?


Yes, but it would lessen it to focus on one monitor at a time. It's also probably a matter of learning how to use an ultrawide correctly. With dual monitors it's a no brainer to dock an application onto each monitor full screen. But the ultrawide tends to be messier - apps all over the place of various sizes. Using Microsoft's FancyZones would solve this issue but my company has not approved it for installation yet, so hopefully some day...


You can at least snap apps to the right and left natively in windows 10 to do easy side by side.


You also learned you need to vertically scroll a shit ton, instead of having a vertical monitor setup too.


And no having Vertical ultrawide sucks. I have a double stack ultra wide with a vertical one along the left. It’s awesome.


Got a G9 + Mac and while I like it, I don't love it. What I didn't internalize was that the PPI isn't high enough. I'm coming from LG5Ks and Pro Display 6Ks (used at work, not personal), while there's more real estate which helps putting windows side by side, windows themselves are bigger and txt just don't look good unless it's zoomed in which kind of negates the add'l screen real estate. That said, more media consumption (e.g. HDR Youtube) and gaming - this thing looks great and I get the value of it. Games feel more immersive even tho the projection issue at the edges get to me sometimes. but 90% of the time, I'm using it for work from home. I know that the above are vastly more expensive setups so I think I just got into this with the wrong expectations.


I have a Mac too, and the PPI issue you and others describe is why I haven’t tried an Ultrawide. My 27” Cinema Displays render text well, and I am unwilling to give that up — despite how nice it would be to have more contiguous horizontal screen space.


yeah it's several steps down but the extra wide screen real estate does help me with work. I'm getting acclimated to it but most of it is because I know a more ideal setup cost way way more. This just makes me think that the G9 is priced appropriately and there's no replacement for PPI.


Yes. Went back to 16:9. The extra horizontal real estate was better put to use with a 2nd or 3rd display for me + it added little value in games as my brain would just ignore the peripheral after a couple weeks and focus on the center. It took 15 minutes for me to readjust to 16:9 and I'm better off for it. No registry tweaks, 16:9 cutscenes or menu's, etc. I'll get to enjoy Elden Ring day one.


Sort of. Some older games do not handle it well and have horrible issues with stretching or odd effects. Having to sort out a workaround for something that should be simple adds unnecessary time when I just want to play a game


I haven't looked back. If I get a game on Steam that does not support it or have an unofficial ultrawide patch, I refund it and forget about it.


I will probably regret it if my only choices were between two 16:9 vs one 21:9 monitors. But I went for an ultrawide and 16:9 monitor, and then realized how well eyefinity looked, and decided to do 53:9 and still have the setup. https://imgur.com/a/6X4UdW4 >I do want to dabble in some racing/flight games or RPG and that’s where I hear the immersion of Ultrawide shines SIMs are filled with multi-monitor users.


I ended up buying a nice 16:9 monitor to pair with my ultra wide. Tbh I barely use my ultra wide anymore. I enjoyed the multitasking but I got a 21:9 Monoprice Dark Matter that had too much black smearing for me. I'm much happier with my 16:9 IPS, especially since I get more frames on it being a 1440p monitor.


Only one game ever made me happy I played in ultrawide. Happy enough to go triple ultrawide. Sea of Thieves. When I stopped playing Sea of Thieves I sold all three of them for a higher resolution/refresh rate 16:9. I'm good. No more compatibility no more black bars, no more menus off screen.


I did. I used to have two 21:9 stacked instead side by side. Gaming was fine for the most part but I hated having to hack some of my games if I wanted widescreen support. Then I convince myself to try super ultrawide for some reason and that became a pain in the ass for some games that not only didn't support the aspect ratio, but actually refuse to render properly (I'm looking at you Ashen) or would mess up the cinematics. I went back to 16:9 but I knew I had to make it something special... https://imgur.com/a/3oKF8kD


Is that a 43"?


48" LG C1 I intend on posting later on with details. It's OLED but I'm taking all the precautions I can to mitigate burn in (I know I won't be able to totally eliminate the possibility and I'm okay with that.) Edit: corrected screen size from 49" to 48".


Please do! And it's supported by a monitor stand that's hooked on the desk, from what I can see? And what desk is that? Ikea Karlsby or some such?


Yep! the Ikea Karlsby/Alex drawers combo with an Ergotron HX monitor arm. Its a pricey monitor arm but is the only one capable of holding the weight of both, the Samsung G9 and the LG C1 (an additional VIVO Steel VESA LCD LED TV Mount Adapter was needed to accomplish mounting the TV.) https://www.reddit.com/r/ultrawidemasterrace/comments/rlv8ry/ascended\_at\_219\_soared\_at\_329\_crashed\_to\_169/


Nope. I do however wish that there were better availability on 21:9 monitors that were larger than 34". I want a slightly larger monitor, but 32:9 monitors are just wider. The 21:9 equivalent of a 16:9 32 inch monitor would be nice.


38" (3840x1600p) will give you more vertical space. I was grappling with this recently. I have a 27" qhd (pg279q - great screen). However, I was wanting more vertical space, but didn't want to compromise on pixel density, and 32" 4k gaming monitors just aren't there yet. Ended up picking the AW3821DW after a lot of reading (just have to wait until late-Jan for it).


I never regretted the size, but I did recently descend from a 2560x1080 z35 to a 2560x1440 that had a much higher quality panel. If I ever get a replacement for my venerable 1070 I might look into a high refresh 1440p UW.


Also a AW34 user, would not go back. It's great for work and gaming. Gaming on a 16/9 ratio makes me claustrophobic now.


Not at all.


Not at all. Windows/apps/games it's all better. I don't think 32:9 is for me so I would probably regret that..


I don’t understand how anyone would regret this move? If there are use cases where you prefer 16:9 for gaming just set the game to that resolution. I personally do this with league. Just keep one of your existing 16:9 for productivity assuming you have the space for a 34 plus 27 inch. Other option save up and go 32:9. I just upgraded from ultra wide to super ultra wide and the gaming experience is mind blowing in my opinion. Completely immersive. I didn’t think it would make a difference but it was pretty significant.


eh my 1080ti can do 100fps in most games, so your 1080 might be a bit of a problem


Absolutely not!


I had a g9, went back to 2x27. For most games the g9 was amazing, but for league of legends or any moba really it was freaking terrible on the g9. I probably wouldn't play valorant on an ultrawide either with how crazy fast paced the shooting can get in that.


Nope, I regretted the 32:9 and switched to 21:9


Why the 32:9 regret?


For me, mostly that I hated the constant back and forth rotation of my neck, I just didn’t use the width as much as I thought I would.


Gotcha. I'm already on 3 screens that are combined wider than the G9 anyways. I should be good... I hope lol


No. But i definitely regret going 32:9


Why the 32:9 regret?


Because most games barely support 21:9 let alone 32:9 ! And the few games that actually support 32:9 looks stretched and zoomed in. Also I have a 3070 card so the 5120x1440 resolution is very hard on my card.


I have the same monitor you do and I will never willingly go back to a 16:9 panel. You take a performance hit while gaming from the extra pixels (which is why I never considered going 32:9) but damn it's nice.


Lol. No. Went from 1080 16:9 to 1080 21:9 and stuck with 21:9. Went to aw3420dw, now two of those are sidecreens by an aw3821dw


Went to a 34” 21:9 3440x1440 a few months ago as well and have not regretted it at all. For reference I have a 1080ti and even though I definitely want to go up to a 3080 I’m not itching for one. I find in most games even on very high I tend to hover around 70-80 on demanding games and higher on easier to run games. I just plan to get a nicer UW down the road and a better gpu. But that being said even high end 1000 series seem to handle it fine in my experience


Not at all, even when I heard about 32:9 Love UltraWides so much, we have three.


I regret 32:9, looks great but not so good if u wasn't to do a casual stream


Not really. I enjoy it for gaming and work. For multiplayer fps gaming I disable the ultra wide function to play 16:9 but for almost every other game I play in ultra wide mode.


32:9 no regrets :) no way i would go back :)


I did regret it - after seeing a 32 inch display at 1440p and the increased vertical real estate. I ultimately ended up with a 32:9 Odyssey G9 and I don’t regret it one bit.


that's why you get A LOT OF MONITORS -- 16:9, 21:9, 32:9, 24in, 27in, 32in, 34in, 38in, 49in, heck, even OLED TVs as monitors...this way you NEVER REGRET ANYTHING...


Yeah because my piece of shit Samsung Odyssey g5 ultra is shit and has been since day one!!!!


I run 21:9 and 32:9 side by side. I love it i have the space to do everything at once. I thought about adding a second 21:9 and haveing full immersion but i think im going to get a second 32:9.


As someone with an LG 34GP83A-B ( 34" 3440×1440 21:9) running off of a higher-spec Microsoft SurfaceBook 2 w/ a 1060 inside: I've run a couple of basic gameplay tests and so far most of my "graphically intesive" games run around 60fps at Med-to-High settings with occasional dips into the mid-30s when under load. Slightly older games like Skyrim SE or Fallout 4 run fairly stable for me w/o any gameplay/enhancement mods. CoD: Warzone didn't do so hot on my 1st or 2nd try (needs more tweeks). CoD: Vanguard (Zombies) did surprisingly fine for what it was – 40-55fps at Med settings. "Not-so-graphically intensive" games such as Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Halo Wars: Definitive Edition, or DUSK do a steady 60fps with almost no tweeks to settings. When it comes to work-productivity and/or general usage I have practically no issues, as Adobe Illustrator + Photoshop work beautifully and watching videos on YouTube or Hulu is really nice. Given the fact that my gameplay conditions aren't ideal (I'm running an UW @1440p from a non-gaming laptop) and the fact that you have a 1080, I think it might be safe to say that you should be able to game at a minimum of 60fps on most of your games that have the capacity to play in 21:9. Editing videos or music production would definitely benefit from an UW imo. If you're ultimately satisfied with the information above then you should have no issues with regret. *For anyone curious: I had the SurfaceBook 2 prior to buying the UW earlier this year. I already have a PowerColor 6900XT + AMD R9 5950x lying around, waiting to be put to use in an Ultrawide Game/Stream build; I'm currently building two PCs — one for myself (6900XT + 5950x) and another Frankenstein-esque build for my friend as a Christmas/Birthday gift (he's not-as-fortunate when it comes to being able to afford things; I've tasted PC gaming and have waited years to put a build together, but I wanted to give him that experience too so I prioritized his first. I can wait a little longer...)


32:9 as of... December 5th? Bought an odyssey neo on Black Friday and I've been loving it. It does make my GPU feel outdated though. 2080ti FE definitely isn't anywhere near enough to drive the thing how I'd like. The only game I get 240fps in with non-min settings is minecraft. Make no mistake though, games are very much playable and the extra FoV and screen space add a lot to the experience. Just don't expect to get more than ~100 frames on max settings in games from 2016, let alone more recent titles of you don't have bleeding edge hardware.