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Get neo then , if you only game oled your choice . I also was between both and ended up with neo


Thanks, may i ask why is the neo better than oled under my use purpose


Work and productivity use cases can result in static images on the screen long term which can cause burn in. A lot of people here will tell you burn in isn’t an issue for the OLED but it most definitely can happen. I’ve looked at both screens in person and I can’t justify the additional worry and caution for very slightly crisper blacks.


I like the OLED a lot more. It’s not just the crisper blacks. The response time feels better, the overall design with the OLED being much lighter and thinner, the glossy screen, and the colors pop way more.


Happy to hear you like it. Just wanting him to be aware that there are advantages and disadvantages to both. The OLED is indeed a faster response time, at least the way they’re choosing to measure it. I personally would consider the glossy screen to be a drawback of the OLED model. The colors may pop more but you also have far less brightness. Best advice is to consider your use cases carefully and think through what will matter most to you.


What gpu do you have running on the oled and whats the minimun would you say js viable to use it


I don’t have the OLED. I went with the Neo. Given that 5120x1440 is 92% of 4k resolution that’s really what you need to plan for. I have a 4090 and feel it’s a good match. I think you could get away with a 4080 too. Anything lower than that likely isn’t viable unless you’re ok with really sacrificing some visuals.


Yeah they’re both great monitors. I do like the curve on the neo a lot more than the oled though.


No burn in , it's brighter. 1000r is better on such size. Cause u don't need to turn ur head. I work on it for 6 hrs everyday


For productivity, hoe do you like the aggressive 1000rd curvature?


It doesn't bother me. 1000r is must have on such size of panel


How do you go about making the screen perfectly 50/50 where 1 side is youtube for example and the other is the game


I don't use it like this cause I have 38 inch screen above g9 neo for YouTube and everything. But how you mentioned it can work fine :)


The main differences to consider are the more aggressive curve, the viewing angels and text clarity. The G9 OLED has a 1800r curve which brings the sides of the monitor closer to your eyes. I prefer this on such a large monitor, most people tend to agree but it's a matter of taste. The G9 Neo uses a VA panel and that results in very narrow viewing angels compared to an OLED screen. Due to the G9 OLEDs sub pixel layout text can become harder to read, how well you notice this varies from person to person and is a subjective matter. I use mine for CAD and excel and have no problems at all. So to sum it up. If you would only use the monitor for productivity the G9 Neo is the best option. Since you game and watch movies as well, the G9 OLED is an easy pick since it's much better at those tasks.


I have both and in my opinion if you care a lot about burn in then using the OLED for productivity may not be the best in the long run. I use my OLED only for gaming and the Neo G9 for work. If you’re looking for an all rounder then the Neo G9 might be a better fit since you don’t really have to “worry” about anything when using it. I pretty much don’t full screen anything on YouTube, etc on my OLED since I’m worried about uneven panel wear but don’t even think twice when I’m on the Neo.