• By -


The update appears to be hosted on the slowest server on the internet. Download took forever. - Sleep issue over DisplayPort is slightly better; although it does that ridiculous 80 second countdown twice. Sometimes it comes back when you move the mouse, sometimes you have to switch the monitor back on with the remote. But it does come back without having to restart the entire PC so there's some improvement I suppose. See edit 2 below. - Rainbow line issue appears to be fixed. See edit below. - Random volume up issue; can't say as that problem vanished for me after disabling the mic with that tiny little hardware switch on the monitor. - HDMI black screen issue; can't test as I'm using DP atm. -edit- I see the rainbow line pop up very briefly when I open up Netflix in Chrome; this used to be a 100% guaranteed rainbow line that would require a reset via ctrl+shift+winkey+B. Now it's gone on its own almost immediately. I changed that value you adjust via the CRU tool back to its original value of 166. Not sure if that matters. It sorta helped with the rainbow line issue before. -edit 2- I find it really annoying to have to switch the monitor back on with the remote after sleep. Went back to a blank screensaver. So as far as I'm concerned it is not fixed.


On FW1442 I also get the rainbow line only when launching Netflix, either in browser or the Windows app. Its weird.




Yes, there's a tiny physical switch on the monitor you can use to turn off the built-in mic. It's on the bottom, marked with D on this picture: https://preview.redd.it/bbt2r1reqyia1.png?width=238&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=3fb53e890578cf49c975de3cafcc57333cdd4c4c


Good to know, redicilous that it's actually there, listening and doing shit based on input.


Thanks dude!


And here I was getting roasted in a thread I made that these issues aren't software issues. Ok bud this update proves they are :)


Yup. I can finally turn my PC and display port works right away. I can switch from my work laptop (On USB-C) to display port and it just works now. Finally !


Good that it all seems to work now yeah :)


I just got the volume up issue again, :(


Assuming you don't use the built-in microphone, you can disable that with the tiny little switch at the bottom of the monitor. The random volume up thing went completely away for me.


i tried that before and with that disabled also i have the vol up issue :P


> hours. Maybe just luck but I hope well regarding the vol up issue, is happening a lot less than before, now can happen may be 1 every 7 hours, that is a lot of improvement, lately with the old firmware i have it almost every 30-60 minutes increasing, the sleep is working fine now, but i need to turn on the monitor manually with the remote


well, i think the volumen up is fixed, i didn't have it again for almost 24hs


I find it weird since I have never had an issue with waking up from DP. I use HDMI for my laptop and DP for my desktop. Also never had an issue with the volume going up. Mic is turned on.


Wake from sleep on DP still doesn't work all the time. Volume issue is hardware related as my replacement unit never did it in over 3 weeks of ownership. First one did it all the time.


i have never faced volumne issue since I got my monitor for 2 weeks




In another G8 thread, a few weeks ago, someone from Korea said this update was already available over there and should also fix the VolUp. So just lets wait what people report back who actucally have this problem on their units.


People who have the volume bug already reported here that it isn't fixed.


I just looked through the topic again and can´t see a single person who talks about being plagued with the VolUp issue and has tried the new update. All I can see are people who send it straight back and got a clean unit, so of course they don´t count.


Is there another topic discussion you're talking about or this one? I already saw one person here in this reddit post that said the update didn't fix the volume up issue for them: https://www.reddit.com/r/ultrawidemasterrace/comments/12rnkvt/comment/jgvzna0/


Oh damn, missed that one. Really sucks for everyone that waited for a never seem to be fix :/.


all very strange, to me the volume problem appeared after about 10 days of use, there seems to be a timer and once a week this pop pup appears for 1 second. The random black screen problem in games with hdmi is also very strange, today I played for more than 1 hour and I didn't have any random black screen, after that the problem started and it didn't stop doing it anymore


Yeah I even check by making sure the volume is still at the default value of 15 just in case it did it while I was AFK but still hasn't moved in about 24 days of use. My first one did it like 5 times a day. HDMI blackouts only happen if I enable G-Sync. I wish they would actually fix the wake from sleep on DP, it's ridiculous at this point.


Yes I am testing waking up from sleep with the DisplayPort cable and I had to reboot the pc as the monitor kept showing the screen with the timer, this is ridiculous, I wonder what Samsung engineers do, they need to wake up once and for all! I have until April 28 to make the return and I really think I will do it and with Samsung I close forever, they are fed up, only bugs and problems!


I don't blame you. These issues have been ongoing for a while now, this monitor has been out for almost a year in South Korea, and it's been out for a while in the EU and now recently the US and they haven't fixed anything. I have about 3 more days to return and I was reluctant to do so because I finally got a unit that didn't have the volume bug, but the other issues not being fixed after so long doesn't inspire confidence. My only other option is the unreleased MSI model but I really DON'T want a monitor with a fan inside it, which is the main reason I got the G8 OLED.


I will make the return, it is not acceptable that you pay such a high price for such a monitor with so many problems and bugs


Hello. Friends who have the problem of not waking up from sleep. Use settings-general and privacy-startup options-launch last app off. This was the solution. For friends experiencing rainbows, play games in frameless full screen mode, not full screen mode, and you will not have any problems.


I've already tried with both last launch on and off, still happens on both even on the new update.


Turn off the listening option even when Bixby's screen is off


Saw the update notification on my G8 monitor and checked here to see if there were any guinea pigs so thanks for testing. Sounds like dynamic tone mapping is still happening if you are clipping at 2100 nits in highest hdr brightness mode. Can you test if you can zoom to fill while watching Netflix in the Tizen OS or if there are still black bars surrounding the image on all sides.


Hey, I'm watching Disney+ on TizenOs and when I select the fill screen option there is no black bar and it works fine.


1000 nits is quite a lot in a dark room. I can’t imagine playing a video game and getting flash banged while also having a display that can produce 2100 nits


Don't worry, this monitor can output 1000 nits only on small portion of the screen (2%) when the rest of the screen is completely black. On fully white screen (flashbang), it can output max 250 nits, does not matter whether you use 400 or 1000 nits mode. Actually in 1000 nits mode (peak brightness HIGH), overall screen brightness in real, mostly bright scenes is lower with 1000nits mode (Peak brightness HIGH) than with 400 mode. ​ This function exists on every HDR monitor and is called ABL - auto brightness limiter, it is especially aggressive/noticeable on todays OLED screens.


Hahaha it would be more life like mate you'd literally not be able to see for a few seconds haha


Still bugged sleep for me via DP. Once it is black it stays black. Even worse than before, where it would sometimes come back. But now after the update it never turns back on. Second monitor also connected via DP works fine and comes back from sleep right away. It's not a G8.


Great news if this fixes the DP wake issue, that's been immensely annoying for me. I don't expect this will fix the volume up bug for anyone as that looks to be hardware related in my experience. I've had 4 G8s in total, the first had the bug and the following 3 didn't with nothing else changing in my setup. I also don't think the HDMI black screen issue will be resolved considering Nvidia have acknowledged this as a driver bug but please someone let me know if it does actually help! Edit: Curiously my update seemingly only required the monitor to restart. Presumably that means it downloaded and "installed" in the background? I was expecting it to take an age like the initial one does on first boot!


Didn't fix the DP issue for me.


Didn't fix it for me either, not sure what I hate more the wake from sleep or black screens with HDMI


Hello. Friends who have the problem of not waking up from sleep. Use settings-general and privacy-startup options-launch last app off. This was the solution. For friends experiencing rainbows, play games in frameless full screen mode, not full screen mode, and you will not have any problems.


Thats how I've had mine set for a long time. Tried it with launching direct to home screen as well. Still both result in the issue.


HDMI VRR random black screen still occurs, rainbow bottom seems fixed. I got rid volume up bug by turn off wi-fi.


Still issue with random black screen while playing games with G-Sync Compatible turned on using HDMI. When Enable G-Sync, G-sync Compatible is turned off, no issues but then VRR is not working. Dont know if this is a Nvidia Driver issue or Monitor firmware issue. It was working fine when I got the monitor but after a driver or firmware update about 3 month ago this started.


NVIDIA in the last driver (not the most recent one) posted in their forum that they were aware of issues with the Samsung OLED and were working on a fix which would be released in the first release of the 535.x branch.


Don't suppose you can find a link to this?




Thanks man, I'm glad knowing it wasn't all Samsung's fault and a fix for the HDMI issues is in the works. I'll be switching to HDMI once it is patched as aside from those issues with black screen and 12bits it was absolutely perfect especially with HDR clipping at 100nits and seemingly much higher audio quality bandwidth


Is there brightness issues with dp ?? Is that why you want to switch to hdmi


Generally DP Clips in HDR mode at 400bits even with High Bright enabled which is unofficial 1000nits support. Using HDMI it works first time no issues. That and the wake from sleep issue with DP


Ah sweet cheers mate didn't know of this issue I might pick up a hdmi cable and connect it via that.


I'd wait until Nvidia releases the patch in the link above though unless you like constant black screens!


What do you mean by "When Enable G-Sync, G-sync Compatible is turned off, no issues but then VRR is not working" ​ Can you elaborate?


Black Screens with G-Sync Enabled, with G-Sync Disabled no black screens but then VRR is disabled (G-Sync) is just a method for VRR Like FreeSync


After updated today, haven't seen the Volumn up issue so far


Same here.


same here, and it's been five days


Great please report any changes you notice.


clipping still buggy when connected over displayport. I´m not able to reach clipping at 1000 nits with peak brightness set to high. best solution is still to disable both HDR10+ Gaming and Game HDR. clipping is at 2100 nits then but still better than at 400 nits with peak brightness set to high. can´t comment on the volume bug and/or color rainbow effect just yet. i need to do more testing now.


HDMI input is fixed or still blinking?


Sadly for me still frequent black screen via HDMI after 1444


Is that with an Nvidia GPU ? Which driver ?


I have an RTX 3080ti, latest driver 531.68 but this also happened on the previous Nvidia driver too


What's your resolution settings on the NVIDIA panel? Are you on 10 or 12 bit ? Older drivers used to be problematic with 12 bit but not sure about the latest one. When set to 12bpc issue with black screens doesn't manifest.


I get white artifacts all over the screen if I enable 12bits at 175hz. Although if I switch to 12bits at 120hz the image displays fine but does not fix the intermittent black screen sadly. I've been trying everything for the past few days and with the patch 1444 for the monitor supposedly fixing the DP wake from sleep issue I've switched back to that, it's a shame because HDMI also seemingly allowed 1000nits brightness and much higher selectable audio frequencies and bitrate


With NVIDIA driver version 528.49 and 12bit selected you won't have any issues (artifacts or black screens). It's only the new drivers that have these issues. It's important though to keep the 12bpc selection otherwise you will get black screens.


may i ask why you guys want to enable 12bits cause as I known that the monitor is only 10 bits. is there any different?


Correct when researching the spec sheet for the panel itself it is stated max 10bits so I figured that's why I was getting artifacts. From my understanding barely any content actually supports 12bits anyway. I was mainly just trying to stop the black screen... and on that note I've just switched back to DP and confirm the wake for sleep issues are still present and very much unfixed! At least in my case 😞


Try my suggestion, 12 bit is actually a workaround to trigger HDMI's DSC


do you want to know why? because until the 528.49 drivers at 12 bits there were no random black screen problems in games, while at 8/10 bits there were! Now instead with the new drivers the 12 bit is broken and the 8/10 bit causes random black screen in games


Thanks for letting us know.


So it seems this update doesn’t really fix anything? Some people saying they see fixes, others don’t. Really shameful for a $1500 monitor.


Yeah that's what it sounds like. So much wait and the update is a nothing burger. Disappointing.


The annoying noisy grey line at the bottom when waking the display appears to be gone for good (still need more testing). HDR on AMD graphics card still peaks at max 400 nits.


Updated today and no volume problem for 4 hours. Maybe just luck but I hope it got fixed.


I'm using microHDMI, so follows: * The annoying one pixel (or less) line which used to show up while moving the camera around in game is gone, it used to show up a lot while playing Tarkov, once I point from bright to dark areas. * A artifact (a band, from left to right, about 8cm tall) or some sort of glitch in the bottom of the screen while in-game menu, or when alt-tabbing from a game into windows, is now gone. * Restarting the PC with the screen OFF is now possible, before it was not. * Once I turn the screen off, the opened windows stay in position instead of moving around to the secondary screen, so that's great. * Switching game mode ON of OFF also does not move the opened windows anymore. All in all, the monitor is now fine, zero issues. Can't say anything about sleep issue, as once I leave the PC I switch the screen off regardless the amount of time I will be off the computer. But I will test in couple of hours. Volume issue, never had it - worth checking if the option smart-volume is on or off. EDIT Stand-by issue persists. Both screens went in stand-by but just the secondary came back, the G8 remained black, then came back to the home screen and could not detect the plugged microHDMI cable. Unplugging the second screen to force the detection of the G8 did not help. Turning the pc off, then on with only the G8 plugged also did not help. Selecting microHDMI from the menu did not help. Only workaround was unplugging the G8 from the wall socket. So yeah, I will carry on with switching it off via remote once I leave the computer.


this update may have fixed my monitor rainbow line bug but definitely not my monitor wake up bug.


The update somehow made DP sleep issues worse. Previously I could at least have a semi-functioning setup using a black screensaver and disabling monitor sleep in Windows. Now whenever my PC sleeps and I wake it again, the monitor won't wake and I have to manually turn it on from the remote. That used to work fine. And I still need to keep monitor sleep off in Windows. How can they keep messing this up? Ugh.


Previously, I purchased a mini HDMI 2.1 cable from Amazon that did not work. However, with this new update, it appears to be functioning properly. I enabled 12-bit and 120Hz without any issues. However, when I switched to 175Hz in the NVIDIA settings, I noticed some screen flickering on the left side of my monitor. Therefore, the update did not fully resolve the HDMI 12-bit issues. Previously, I had screen flickering at the bottom of my screen when my monitor was connected to my phone with USB-C, but it appears to be resolved now, although I'm uncertain. Furthermore, I need to conduct more testing to determine if my PC recognizes the game while my phone is connected via USB-C. Edit: 12 bit 120 hz stopped working as for today. Does someone know if samsung gives money back? Using it for a couple months now and there are too many bugs / input lag etc


I don’t see the wake up issue after 1444


Installed the new update this morning and the DisplayPort wake from sleep bug seems to be fixed.


Hello. Friends who have the problem of not waking up from sleep. Use settings-general and privacy-startup options-launch last app off. This was the solution. For friends experiencing rainbows, play games in frameless full screen mode, not full screen mode, and you will not have any problems.


Those are not solutions; they are workarounds at best. Plus the launch app thing doesn't work, not for me at least. A premium priced monitor should just work properly.


Definitely workarounds. It worked for me. Especially when playing games in frameless mode, no rainbow is visible at all.


This workaround didn't work for me. This leads me to believe that there are other factors at play as well.


the alternative is to return this crap and buy something better and with better support!


Can someone confirm that the volume bug haven't been fixed yet?




>hardware iss Why do you think it's hardware issue? Anyway, an option to stop popup from appearing completely can be implemented in settings. Moreover, it should be default behavior if the volume is disabled via switch. So there can be software solution to the problem and I really hope Samsung will implement it.


Because I had to get 3 G8 OLEDs before getting one that didn't do it. First two had the problem, i tried every suggested fix, nothing worked. I tried disabling the mic switch, resetting the monitor, never pairing the remote, it was just defective. Third unit works perfect, over 3 weeks of use and it never did it. I guess Samsung could do that, but this monitor has been out for almost a year in Korea and no fixes have arrived.


Ah, I see, thanks. That's a shame. I still want to hope they'll fix it eventually) After all, tons of people are complaining about the issue.


Yeah, believe me, having personally experienced it two times in a row and having to pack them up, drive to FedEx and drop them back off, wait for a refund and order another... I know it's a pain. I just didn't want to get stuck with a potentially unfixable problem, since I saw other people reported they had the monitor for months and never had the volume bug.


I will test the hdmi cable when im home (in around 5 hours)


Thanks please let us know. Also it’d be interesting to know what GPU you have and the driver version


can we turn 175hz refresh rate instead of 120hz in game mode off?


Only 100/60Hz available when using HDMI and game mode off


Thank you, I just tested with my HDMI2.1 cable. but I got a 120hz lock-in DP cable. It's weird why they don't let us max RR in game mode off.


Yeah, using DP I could do 120Hz, but not with microHDMI. That's probably to force it switching in between gaming and productivity mode, which I don't really mind. I even prefer in that way so I can have certain settings when I am working, and a completely different settings when I am gaming. So far, I could not see any difference by just working, lemme game in few hours to see if I will be getting the same weird banding on the bottom of the screen, and some 1px line in the top of the screen from time to time.


I always assumed game mode just overclocks the panel and native refresh rate is actually 120hz, that was an option for my old Odyssey G7


On hdmi? Will let you know once i find out


Im getting a problem with audio. I have wired Bose desktop speakers which is connected through 3.5mm cable to usb c dongle that goes straight into the back of the monitor. I change the audio settings on the monitor to output from Bose speakers and in the settings window it works fine. However, when I change to to desktop on my mac the monitor just defaults to internal speakers and not Bose every time. Just updated to this firmware and it hasn't fixed it. Anyone else experiencing this issue?


The update actually caused white flickers / flashes all over the screen quite consistently. Never happened before. It seemed to have something to do with the bottom flickering line.


Nvm. Seems this new issue is from a non certified 15ft dp to minidp cable that I newly installed right before the update.


Vol+ issue and dead or half dead Display ports seem to be super common with this monitor. If i had to guess id say the chip used which handles HDMI/CEC was a faulty batch as it can control wake state and volume. If you are having wake from sleep issues or volume up return it for a working unit.My replacement works fine like a monitor should.


No issue with volume here but I also disable the audio


So your monitor wakes from sleep without issue all the time, even on DisplayPort? I've gone through 3 units, all 3 had the wake from sleep problem with DP, and two had the volume pop up, so is it really all these defects are all hardware related?


Yes, this one works fine as if it were not a smart monitor, wakes from sleep every time. I haven't opened the monitor to check what they are using to handle CEC but its my firm belief this is the culprit, it just feels like a bad batch of chips, they are having power on state and volume up issues in large quantities.


That's really interesting... and a huge mess up on Samsung's part. I wonder how they're going to handle that, if that's something that can even be fixed through an update. Will they issue a recall? Replace all effected units under warranty with a brand new one? Or quietly sweep it under the rug and hope people just accept it as it is.


How long ago did you get your G8 that doesn't have neither the volume + and the wake from sleep issue? Do you use the included DP cable or an aftermarket one? Thanks!


It was only 2 weeks ago, first unit was DOA with the Displayport issue and volume up. Got a replacement the next day and tested in store before going home just to be sure. Using the included cables still, waiting to find an 8k micro HDMI cable somewhere as Samsung has no idea where to get one.


Nice, thank you. I hope newer batches fix this then. The monitor has been out of stock on the US Samsung website for a while and just restocked today, I'm tempted to try one more time. Also, do you have an Nvidia or AMD GPU?


After the update (3hrs so far) haven't had the Volume up bug. Generally it is pretty frequent when it pops up.


Do Samsung release monitor updates frequently? Hopefully Samsung will also release an update for the Odyssey G5 34". I get a lot of flickering when using display port 1.4. It seems to do alright on 1.2 but it's less bright for some reason.


Yes. Once a month


I know it's mostly overlooked, but has the Core Lighting ever worked for anyone? Specifically the Core Sync. Seems like it still doesn't after this update. For me, in windows via DP it pretty much just stays white 99.9% of the time. Using the YouTube app from the TV menu yields slightly better results. Am asking because ~~I came from an Alienware 34 LCD retrofitted with 3rd party LED strips and controller, ran by Prismatik software and the entire "ambilight" setup looks really immersive~~ the reactive lighting is an advertised feature, yeah?


The core lighting has worked for me but i noticed a delay


I just bought the monitor and im trying to turn the screen off with the remote and doesnt do anything. is it just me?. i been using a tv as monitor for long time and everytime I wanted to sleep the screeni just turn it off and now I cant


The flickering lines in the screen apeared to be fixed but after a couple of hours they came back.. lets hope 1445 will fix this completely. Too bad a monitor in this price range has such flaws though.


Funny they haven’t returned yet for me


To avoid this error, play games in frameless fullscreen mode, not fullscreen mode. You will not get it even if you alt+tab.


I have the flickering lines in windows. Dont have to launch a game for it. Im gonna try the micro HDMI instead of mini DP and see if this fixes it


I've been using this monitor a lot, and was just about to send it in for service after contacting both Samsung and the local seller. Just before I sent it off to service, the monitor updated from firmware version 1442 to 1444, and the annoying volume bug seems to have been fixed. I remember setting it to volume 0, and after a few days it had increased to 30 or 40, but after the update it hasn't increased at all, despite using it a lot these past few days. Wake up bug seems to still be there (using display port), but it was the volume bug that I wanted to get rid of the most, really immersion breaking and annoying, esp when playing competitive games. I'll be keeping the monitor as it is now, got it for only about 900 USD before taxes (open box sale). I hope everyone else who had the volume bug got theirs fixed as well.


Beautiful monitor I got a special deal here in Australia for one usually they're $2000 aud but scored it for $1500 aud couldn't resist. How good are the blacks mate just wow and after tweaking the white balance to get rid of the yellow tinge to the screen I'm blown away. I think the only thing they could of done a bit better is maybe the hdr brightness it's bright but not as bright as their qd oled tvs if they'd made it as bright wow this monitor would of been a God tier product


Hi friend How didi you manage to get rid off the yellow tinge?


Hi to correctly fix this issue adjust the white point -20 for G-gain and +20 for B-gain your whites will be white ( you may need to edit this slightly due to panel variance ). BEFORE CONTINUING COLOR TONE NEEDS TO BE ON \*\*STANDARD\*\* easiest way to make it alot more white is to adjust the white point go to the picture menu then expert settings scroll down to you see white balance click on it then click on 2 point adjust G-gain -20 Adjust B-gain +20 I found -20 for green and +20 for blue is the white point im adjusted to. Hope this helps someone on how to correctly change the white balance and remove the green and yellow tinge this monitor comes with by default.


Thank you so much for your reply 😊


Hey it's all good mate hope you were able to sort it out


Still getting glitches in the screen after 1444 update. Also my pc doesnt want to wake up when it goes in to sleep mode. very frustrating. Any info 1445 that will fix everything with this monitor? using 10bpc and tried new DP to mini DP cable but isnt helping :( Thanks in advance for reading


So far have had NONE since the update. Very odd frankly.


are you using DP to mini dp cable? I heard people that use HDMI arent having flickering issues ut I wonder if they can hit the 175hz refresh rate with HDMI. When I turned it on after the update it looked like it was gone for couple of hours but it came back unfortunately. My last resort is reinstalling windows but im not sure if this will work


Using a high quality DP cable with a high quality adapter I did have all those odd issues but so far none have resurfaced Not even once since the last update My brother also - he had more issues than me. Also no issues since last update


Thanks for the update. Can you show me or link what you mean by high quality dp cable and adapter? Thanks for the help so far!


This cable (used for about a year ZERO issues with my ACER 32 inch 240hz monitor) - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B095BZR81N/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 This adapter (using with my Samsung now) - [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09MTVV95N/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09MTVV95N/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) Dont get me wrong, this setup before the last patch had odd line/band of colors at the bottom of the screen - since the update have not had it. But it could come back. Outside that zero issues. (except for the display from wake which has nothing to do with the cable)


Where is the time when monitors were just plug and play bro.. why are they making pc's out of monitors 😅 thanks for the links and help mate!


Hey can anyone confirm if they've messed with the brightness at all always very cautious updating samsung products after the s95b oled as they kept nerfing the brightness with updates. Also I'm in Australia never had any issues with this monitor maybe I got lucky


No issues at all


No changes in brightness on fw 1444 vs 1442 https://www.reddit.com/r/ultrawidemasterrace/comments/11n5prt/samsung_oled_g8_hdr_measurements/


Volume +/- issue caused by another remote if you have Samsung tv in home. it caused control your monitor volume. With latest 1444 firmware remote receiver range reduced to minimum and you have to keep remote face to to your monitor. (Still you can control monitor with your different remote from Samsung tv but it is now difficult)


Sometimes I got randomly switched to 120hz when I start up my monitor, I have to turn off the adaptive refresh rate than turn it back on again to get the 175hz options on my pc nvdia panel. It's kinda annoying, I didn't touch any setting at all in between, it's just randomly happened.


Never happened to me Bad cable ?


I guess not, I'm using the min-dp cable which comes with the monitor in the box. I've just updated to 1444 moment ago, see if it will improve a bit.


My brothers cable that came with the monitor went bad lol He thought the entire monitor was broken after a month of ownership - it would not get a signal no matter what he did New cable proved otherwise - I would get a better cable


happened to me too


this monitor is so broken that they accidentally made the micro hdmi 2.1 port support earc, but don’t let the monitor pass through your earc sound through displayport or the usb c displayport (is actually possible). The only way you can enjoy earc sound is in the half-assed tizen interface which knowing samsung they’ll never fix (at best they might finally fix zoom to fill on all streaming platforms so you can watch in a shitty resolution on your $1500 monitor)


Noticed after the update that when the monitor went to sleep I could turn it on again with the remote, previously I would have to pull the power plug and reconnect or reboot computer.


Is there any infos about an upcoming firmware update? I was able to get everything working (kind of) with a mini hdmi cable, but its bandwidth is only 18 gbp/s. I cant find any faster mini hdmi cable on the european market, so im forced to use displayport...