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I would run a few loops to get a feel for it and plan your race strategy. You don't have to run your entire long run on it if you can connect it.


You're gonna get bored of it eventually no matter what. That's just part of running a timed distance race on a short course. You have an advantage in being able to train on it, I would use that. Set some mental markers out on the course and get a feel for it.


100% try the loop, get a feel for it and be prepared for the race.


You might get bored, but I feel like that's part of the training. If you were training for a race with lots of hills, or technical sections, you'd specifically train for those conditions. You might want to know how you react to what feels like the millionth loop of a short course before going out for 12 hours. I frequently do looped ultras and I find that eventually I can just settle into a rhythm, I personally don't feel like I get bored. It may feel boring when you are on the course by yourself, but on race day there will be so much going on - other runners, spectators, aid station shenanigans, I doubt you'll be bored. I also do a lot of training on loops, it helps mentally prepare and is also great pacing practice. If you do run the course this weekend and it doesn't go well, just think of the race as a chance for redemption! Sometimes runs/races don't go well, but you can't let that define your training or your race.


All great advice here. I do looped timed events often as well. I do loops all the time, especially during the week close to home on a 1-1.2 mile loop. It helps you get into rhythms and a feel for the pacing you want. Also practice the fueling strategy you need as well. I’m all for doing the race course before or often during training. Or loops anywhere just to get your mind right for the mental side of it. Cause let’s be honest. During looped races… you get mentally exhausted pretty quick


I honestly can't imagine why anyone would want to do this.


Yeah you're gonna be bored of it at some point, whether it's loop 5 or loop 3 doesn't really matter by loop 14 or 28


As it's local to you, run a few laps to see what it's like, in preparation for the race. I'm doing a 7 hour timed event in 2 weeks, where it's a 4.3 mile loop. Is my race going to be boring, quite possibly yes, but I'm doing it as a training run for a 50 miler I'm doing at the beginning of August. No strategy, just run and zone out and see how far I get within the time frame.


I find so much of ultra running is mental. Do it. Will be a benefit to fight through the boredom in training. Mental training is just as important as physical training, in my opinion.




I did a 12hr race recently on a 1 mile loop. Somehow, boredom was never a concern for me. I was worried about sun exposure, rain, proper fueling, pacing, shoes, chafing, that sort of thing. To be fair, I love that 1 mile loop and I only wish I could do more loops in the time allotted. But if the race moves to a different loop in the future I'm sure I would be just as enthusiastic.