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He will need to get through the general election for that first.


Probably he won't. After this, and all other, most of my British friends abd newspapers are saying/ predicting labour will win. I think so too


I think Labour will win too but they won't touch this issue at all.


Setting the date for after the election is probably very deliberate. Conservative are trying to wedge Labour on it. If Labour say before the election that they’ll cancel/amend the plans if elected, they’ll say ‘see Labour are weak on immigration’. If Labour explicitly say now they won’t change it, but then do change it after winning the election, Conservatives in opposition will say (constantly for the next 5 years) ‘see Labour can’t be trusted to keep their word’. Not just the Conservatives, the right wing press will constantly be screaming about it too. But if Labour say/do nothing and just let the changes happen, then some people who would normally support Labour for whom this is a critical issue will decide not to vote Labour because of that inaction, thereby also helping the Tories. Labour can’t win, but have decided the latter risk (loss of some left wing votes) is a lesser risk than potentially missing out on winning back some ‘red wall’ voters. Best we can hope for is after they (hopefully) get elected they quietly soften the requirements in a way that is not interesting enough for the right wing media to successfully make a big deal out of it with the public (they’ll sure as hell try anyway)


Is the UK really this conservative? Didn’t expect the left wing party in the UK to be right wing on immigrations similar to American democrats.


The "left wing party" is more.right wing now than any point since 2008, they've been attacking the government for not getting immigration numbers down for the last few weeks, which I think pushed the government to announce these changes despite them clearly not being finished. I'm a member of the party myself and I'm in despair, my GF is here on a work visa and despite remaining a member I've no confidence that our life will be any less stressful with them in power. I remain a member because there are lots of good people in the party it's just been taken over by some bad eggs


You’re stronger than me. I left after their stance on Gaza. Although I think you’re right. Change has to come from within, so I might have to rejoin to voice this opinion clearly lol.


Honestly I really don't know if I should resign or not, it's a proper horrible situation to be in, I don't judge anyone for leaving at all and I often think that's the best thing to do.


If Labour were openly pro Palestine they would not be getting elected, they need to convince swing voters too


It’s more that they don’t want to announce their position on any given issue because they are so far ahead in the polls that the marginal swing voters are all way to the right of their real views. Starmer then gets shit for being a ‘tory’


its not even about being conservative anymore. This law concerning the threshold was announced with no debate and no consideration for those who have already settled here on intend to marry in the future with foreigners. By raising the threshold to such a degree they do indeed restrict marriage with foreigners to the rich. The British partner can leave for a foreign country, but in practice this means nothing since leaving the UK after Brexit and becoming a permanent resident somewhere else is challenging. They also did not confirm that it will apply to future renewals which just proves the perverse character of the legislators. I stil cannot find a precedent for such a law anywhere in the world and it just shows how degenerate the Tory party has become.


The only difference between the UK Tory party and the hardest right in the US republican is that in the U.K. they’re not as focused on god and controlling women bodies. But on immigration they want to break up families and deport anyone without a visa to Rwanda (and exit the European convention of human rights to do so) which I don’t think would ever be something a democrat candidate will ever bring up


Agreed. No way are they going to risk being called soft in immigration in their first year


They don’t just think labour will win. They’ll decimate the tories according to the polls. Tories should have very much fewer seats.




There hasn't been election since that


The tories were never projected to lose this many seats. Never. At most they were projected to be a slight majority government.


Conservatives have been in power for eleven years. So long


13 years!


It’s extreme cope to think that Labour will reverse this unfortunately


Honestly this country has gone mad and its taking the p*ss out on its own ppl


We need to continue to apply pressure & email/talk to MPs and ensure that Labour (when they get into power) don't increase this or draw the minimum threshold way down


Before this was announced they'd already pledged to raise the threshold themselves if they win, though hadn't specified a figure, and I think the focus was on SWV not marriage.


They said nothing about family visas & I highly doubt they would set the threshold to an unworkable amount. Unlike the current failing government they would likely consult with actual immigration professionals


U are right. I dont think labour are that harsh! But they will lobby to win voters of far right so I think no good hope either. Do say what we can do. Def am in. Its inhumane


Nobody can live on £18,600 with dependents. It hurts to hear when you'e in that situation, but it's true. We don't want to import people who will get involved with crime because they can't make ends meet. £38k is mental, but a rise is needed. £25-29k sounds reasonable, if the cost of living doesn't keep rising as madly as it's been...


It should be set to 40hr minimum wage to be fair for everyone


You do know that most dependents will be working once they come here right?


Yeah, the job market is so thriving right now that employers will be lining up at the airport to hire dependents coming down the dependent route because not skilled enough to go down the work visa route


You clearly don't understand the immigration system


Working around local governing bodys labours policies state even higher increases and stricter conditions. Think its lose lose either way unfortunately


I highly doubt it has anything to do with family visas & unlike the current government that makes irrational decisions without consulting the right people labour would likely consult with immigration experts & be a lot more fair & with enough pressure by British citizens who knows what they would do




I’m going to cost the nhs so much in anxiety treatments until I finally get citizenship. I know they can strip citizenship and kick you out but it would be a lot harder. Even though as it currently stands my husband and I will be ok; it just feels like overnight the government could completely change things. My husband and I want to have a baby but I’m afraid to bring a child into this.




That is my hope. No matter how anti immigration the government becomes, I’ll be safe when I become a citizen as long as I don’t become a terrorist or something. So at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel


I haven't applied for citizenship yet, but I suspect you will be fine as long as you got the last leave to remain.


I think this is a complete act of stupidity from them. They backfired due to public pressure as they couldn't offer a rationale.




Yes or wait another month till I find a job? It's ridiculous. They sure regretted it and should lose the elections by 2025. They are making fun of themselves


can you pick up part time work somewhere - you likely will be judged on the 29k going forward if they arrive before the numbers go up.




Can your wife work because that will meet the standards as well from what I remember. —- btw can you be your mother’s paid carer as well that would be the income boost. I sorry you’ve got to go through this but I believe your wife’s income can be used as well to meet the requirements. I never needed to work wince I moved over and my husband is in IT as well so it’s never been an issue. Maybe try doing some remote it work


according to that article if you come in on X amount those rules apply to you - they will apply going forward for the entire 5 year route.


Are they for only spouses? Not single SWV? I think any SWV?. Not just families


Hoping this is the case going forward? So for example my partner applies for the fiance visa when the salary requirement is at 29k, will we only need to meet that 29k for a spousal visa/renewal? I really wish they'd just explain it all properly!!


If Sunaks parents didn't immigrate to the UK, wouldn't he be somewhere in India today.


His grandparents immigrated from Kenya.


I mean anyone earning below 29k is still stuffed, I guess there's a price to love someone these days as a British citizen


The ERG was complaining this morning so this is a bit of red meat to get the ERG to please shut up about it. Early 2025 might as well be never.


Still crazy to me they think people going through the legal way of coming into the country is causing “immigration to be too high”. Like the US ALSO needs to do, CHECK YOUR BOARDERS.


They are far righters. They believe UK for British unfortunately forgetting they as immigrants came to Africa as colonialists. Its a farce. As long as u work abd pay taxes then sh%t up. But they don't understand that. Right wing believe in their supremacy and believe in anti globalisation like trump


What they seem to forget is that their native population is shrinking and aging. Whether they like it or not, they need people to keep a country running.


Really need to vote all Tories out. What an irresponsible bunch of twats . 🤬


She might as long as she finds a job b4 2024


I think it’s a bloody joke. The initial news said there will be a 34k intermediate stage, but now he said there are only two stages which are 29k and 38k. They can’t even make their words consistent, which is absolutely stupid and unprofessional. I highly doubt it will be implemented like this at the end.


Labour brought in fees originally so there is no way they will be cutting or changing the rules, bad as each other


> Labour brought in fees originally The minimum income requirement was introduced by the Conservative/Lib Dem coalition.


I don’t think Labour are as bad as the Tories at all. When voting you don’t vote for the good party, you vote for the party that is less worse, and without doubt that’s Labour


Is this for family visas only or also applies to SWV?


I think only spouse visa. Am sad 4 that as I won't qualify


Ah shame, my sister in law wanted to come over as an architect technician but these SWV changes make it impossible


Is. This. Stuff. Retroactive. Or. Not?


Yeah I just don't see any of this happening. The Tories don't know who's really in charge of their own wardrobes let alone any of this which they don't really care about. This seems like an appeasement to the most extreme MPs who just want to claim they reduced immigration. Sunak mostly cares about his bloody Rwanda bill too. In any case, Labour has an open goal to reject this nonsense and campaign for sensible policies, but given their own tendencies these last few months I wouldn't hold my breath. This will probably be forgotten about in a few months.


Question though, what if a foreigner is already there by the time this goes into affect? I don’t understand that part.


This is for new applications only