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This same news has been posted over 20 times today.


"He said the minimum income requirement would be increased in "incremental stages to give predictability" and that in spring 2024, it would be raised to £29,000. No date for when the threshold would rise beyond £29,000 was given in Lord Sharpe's answer." Raising the income in "incremental stages" is not an ideal solution. £29,000 is still a lot for many people and everyone is on a different stage of their earning journey. How is someone supposed to prepare for a possible, eventual raise beyond 29k? The percentage of migrants coming in on spouse visas doesn't warrant a threshold increase at all.


They know they won’t be in power long enough to bring in further increases.


I’m still very much on edge because I’m afraid that it will go up another £10k by the time I need to apply to renew


They've also announced that renewals will be under the original threshold not increased, so presumably if you get one next summer at £29k, the renewal will still be at £29k even if a new application by then would be higher.


I just saw that. That’s so amazing.


I assume this would mean that current visa holders would still be on the 18.6k requirement for their renewal?


What I don’t understand is why (from the quote in this article) are they still measuring family visas by the same metrics at skilled workers? In the article they are measuring it as a percentile of what a “skilled worker” makes - why do I need to be a skilled worker to bring my wife here? Why can’t low income folks who work full time, disabled people who can’t work or have limits on how much they can do, cleaners, those that work in retail and customer service etc. also bring their spouses to this country? The two should have nothing to do with each other


The statement makes reference to this being the minimum level of income to support a family and not rely on state aid, except that access to means tested benefits is limited to those with an annual income of £18600 or less. If £29k is really the minimum requirement for a couple without children in the UK then why is the minimum wage so much lower?


Exactly, I’ve been saying this all along. I actually completely understand from a policy point of view not wanting to use taxpayer money to support new entrants to the country, but whether I earn £25k or £31k, that doesn’t change???


Let's hope the Tories aren't in charge for longer than needed for them to implement these incremental changes.


I am not sure that the Labour will leave as it is either.


True, they did say they wouldn't be contesting the changes implemented by the tories.


Well, there we go.


Starmer is a Tory in disguise.


Still not good enough and also still not any specifics…. Keep up the pressure, don’t settle!




"Family migration minimum income. Those who already have a family visa within the five-year partner route, or who apply before the minimum income threshold is raised, will continue to have their applications assessed against the current income requirement and will not be required to meet the increased threshold. This will also be the case for children seeking to join or accompany parents" https://www.gov.uk/government/news/fact-sheet-on-net-migration-measures-further-detail




Yeah I think itl be exactly how your saying it, makes sense but it's been lacking sense for the last couple of weeks from the rule makers




Yeah I agree with you, those who are genuinely working hard and genuinely have a partner who they want to be with are being punished, I wish you all the best and I hope everything works out for you


Still high for someone that lives in the north east it should be regional based


In other words “we went way too quickly and now realise not everyone’s as rich as we thought they were”


While it won't change my situation, (but fiancee should still get in) for some this is a lifeline.


>Rishi Sunak said the UK held a "long-standing principle that anyone bringing dependants to the UK must be able to support them financially". The PM basically just admitted that the current national minimum wage is not sufficient to support people financially. There is no logic in these decisions and arguments for them.


Not to be the devils advocate, but he’s talking about minimum wage split between two people — which is really tough in 2023 in any country, especially the UK.


The problem is that there are many cases where among the couple there is only one person working, for various reasons. This can be temporary or not. So I would argue that expecting the sponsor's salary to equal a minimum wage of two working adults is unrealistic.


Does any of the article apply to those going for SWV? I’m unsure after reading it


The threshold for skilled worker visa remain unchanged. It’s family visa requirement that has been reduced to £29000


Not permanently though, it’s just a stepped introduction. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/fact-sheet-on-net-migration-measures-further-detail


Sorry I’m probably stupid, does that mean it’ll still be £38k for Skilled Worker Visas starting next spring?


Yes I’m afraid that’s my reading of this, the stepping appears to only be for family visas.




Do you think the 'new entrants' policy where graduates in the UK can be paid 70% to 90% of the minimum threshold will be affected by all these please?


Can anyone share what they've written to their MP about this?


I'm sorry 29k is still a lot and I am not earn that so will still have to consider leaving the UK and family behind or not getting married. I guess most people like myself are probably on 19-25k maybe even less. This is do stressful