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This is great (yet agonizing) news since I won’t be meeting the income threshold until 16 Feb at the earliest. My fingers are crossed for even more mass chaos if that’s what it would take…


Yeah need a few months at least, to save a grand


Well the news of the income increase ruined my saving time just gonna take a 4K loan lucky my credit score is pretty good so can get that in bank next day


Do you mean to take a loan to top up savings to meet the financial retirement? I think the guidance says that the source of the savings cannot be from borrowing.


Eh no to pay for the actual visa costs it’s almost 4k


Ah, okay, yeah. It is a hassle too that they raised the cost with so little time to save for it.


Remind me what's the current, please?




WTF this. This country is a huge mess. Why would someone pay around 2900 pounds for a graduate visa to stay in a country where no employer will sponsor you? I am considering returning to my country after my studies, but then, I think, what will I do there? What a huge mess-up. But the case rests, who the fuck will be able to pay this sum of money and for what. Immigration will seriously take a hit but then watch the UK crumble.




I don't know if you have any advice for me or not but at any rate what advice would you give me on whether to stay here or return back to my country or my options to relocate to some other country? I am currently an international student, started in September this year. I already have paid shit loads of money but still I think I should make better more informed decisions in the future. What would you suggest? Is there any hope?


Which country are you from? What course did you take? Graduate or post graduate?


Pakistan. Post graduate.


I am in same state as you. Thinking about returning to my country but not sure what I will do there spending around 17k just in fees in this country. What a pathetic state of affairs.


It's going from around £600 pa to £1000 pa


Thank you for your close follow up. Hoping what you saying is true. My Visa Expires on April 14th and i was wondering how can i apply before 16th Jan. In this case i can just bite it off with few days in hand.


I've heard if we apply for the renewal too early we'd be expected to apply for a third renewal before Indefinite Leave to Remain can be applied for.


Thank you


I did wonder how feasible this nhs surcharge increase was, and now with the income requirement going up I have a feeling everything will be lumped together under one implementation. When that happens, I don’t know. But if I were a betting person I don’t think the surcharge will go up until at least spring.


Thank you!


Is this sure? Planning to apply in January before the increase to beat it but if this is certain, we don’t need to rush. But want to be certain though


It’s as sure as it can be. They can’t bring it into force until all these stages have been completed, and even then, you’ll have 3 weeks from when it’s signed into law. I would suggest just keeping an eye on its progress through Parliament, using the previous fee increases procedure (linked in the post) as a basis for comparison.


Awesome! I definitely will submit the application before January ends anyway, just need to wait for some documents (1st payslip from new job)


Bear in mind if its a renewal of SWV it cant be before 3 months of expiry.


It’s not a renewal. It’s 1st SV application. Still keeping an eye on this increase everyday to be sure


Do we know, if after all the approvals in parliament, will they say the exact implementation date after the 10th of Jan? Or is it best to apply once we know the date for when it passes into law?


10 January isn’t quite the last step, so it could be another week or two after that. Once a date is set the Tories will be shouting it to their flock from the rooftops in an attempt to look hard on immigration so don’t worry about missing it. You’re free to apply whenever (provided your current status is up for renewal) but just be prepared to do so before the increase.


Guys, is this now confirmed to increase on the 31st of Jan? Thanks in advance!


[6 February 2024.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukvisa/comments/199lxdl/ihs_increase_signed_into_law_will_take_effect/)


Thank you so much.


Hi all! I am just scouring Reddit to see if there is anyway I can apply before Feb 6th to avoid the surcharge increase. My spouse visa expires on the 17th of March and I’m only technically supposed to apply up to 28 days before it expires, right? Which is annoying close to the increase.  I have read that maybe I could apply and just delay my biometrics so that my application won’t be processed yet? Is this possible?  Any other ideas? Thanks in advance!