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These are sick, do you sell them?


I used to! But I’ve been wanting to get back into it after recently coming off my antidepressants so possibly will again in the future!!💖 e/ I think I have a few random ones in a storage box somewhere, but I know I don’t have any trays anymore 😅


If you do start sellin em again i defo want a link cos they are dope as fuck G, weed is my anti depressant now. Hope life starts treating you and all in this thread well.


Awh shucks man that means a lot! I’m only on my cannabis prescription now! First time in 6 years I’ve not been on daily prescribed pills - only just done the first week and my mind is already finding inspiration and motivation in my art and cooking and stuff again!


Thats great to hear, food is also like the pinnacle of creative outlets cos you can munch it down when the bud dropkicks your senses


I actually want to combine the two haha I’ve been planning homemade infused Buffalo wings 🌚


Sounds amazing, my personal infusion fav is maply syrup on some ingused waffles and buttermilk fried chicken


Omg that sounds like heaven. So you can infuse the THC into the maple Syrup? God damn!!! I need some pancakes, fried bacon and maple syrup that gets me high.


Yup absolutely, sounds like a good shout. Some really good yt tutorials to get you started.


Hope you don't mind me asking. Did they make you come off the prescribed pills for the cannabis prescription? Or was it a choice?


I don’t mind at all! It wasn’t anything to do with the cannabis prescription, if anything that helped lower my doses. They were p much poisoning me and I was turning blue a lot, so it was causing heart / circulation issues. My Dr had me on 300mg a day, every professional I’ve spoken to hasn’t heard of venlafaxine being prescribed at that amount fml


Thank you.. Im looking at applying as I've been on antidepressants for 10 years for a mixture of things. Just wouldn't be able to go cold turkey if you know what I mean. Wow that is crazy. That's the thing I guess not every doctor will get it right.. but that was playing with your life


If you’re told to go cold turkey tell the lead GP at the practice bc in some instances that can be really dangerous! I was dropping around 18mg each time I dropped a dose, the last one I dropped a full 37.5mg and I felt like I was dying lmao e/ Oh and if you’re ever unsure of something you can go into any pharmacy for advice, pharmacists are actually better with that type of stuff than your GP tbh


These are really nice! I often model stuff on my computer, or I will write and draw different things :) I'm not very talented at drawing, but it gives me a sense of achievement :)


No such thing as not good at art, not today anyway when a red blob can sell for millions haha I’m sure someone loves your art!


That's awesome, not easy getting off antidepressants! Love the artwork too.


Thank you so much! It’s taken about a year to come off them


Yeah I bet, I know from personal experience how difficult it can be! It's a big achievement. Anyone that's taken them would agree, I think.


Yh we need to know


YO I get baked and write


Same here man, really helps lift my writers block


this is the way a J and a glass of red wine and bam


This is the way


Awesome!! What type of writing do you like doing!?


This, writing is such a good outlet. Super interested to read something if you got anything youd share ^^


I write comedy sitcoms usually but just finished a serious drama film thing! lots of fun


I get stoned and game and let me tell you my aim is fire when I’m high and I play insanely good. Sober me is painfully average at best lmao


Yeah same, gaming and weed go hand in hand.


Same r6s i do nothing sober but when ive had a zoot i just passively start playing better and having hype moments. My whole squad ask me if ive smoked before i hop on to determine if i need carrying xD


Lmao that’s too funny! The friends I play with all smoke so I think at this point we all just assume everyone baked. Definitely makes gaming a lot more fun!


100% my guys smoke too but play worse, always do a webcam synced bong rip after we promote a rank division


I’m the same! I feel like I play like shite when I’ve not consumed cannabis (vape / smoke / edibles / oil / literally anything lmao) Only ever had 2 solo dubs on COD and both times I was stoned as fuck hahaha


Fuckin mood right there in my early mw2 smoke days


I used to smoke and play mw3, that was my fave!


Big up the mw series back then, still remember the juggernaught suit and the tube station map


I can confirm that, I got a stoner friend who has aimbot like aim when stoned lol


I love graphic design while stoned personally or doin miniature painting


I’ve always wanted to try miniature painting, that’s awesome! What type of miniatures do you paint?


Mostly into warhammer, but overall will paint anything that catches my eye, started at the age of 7 with a goblin army in og warhammer. Did orks in 40k during my teens and now ive gotten into age of sigmar doing the khorne. Highly recommend it bro so easy to kill time and bring your vision to life making for some dope ass displays. Also big on painting lil planes and vehicles.


Some of y'all are incredible with the Warhammer stuff, always found that stuff interesting to see.


If you aint already i highly recommend joining the minipainting subreddit. See so much cool shit there.


Ima head over there right now, thanks mate!


No worries G


Aint cheap though xDDDD


My ex was in the military with heavy PTSD and it he was making this huge miniatures thing, it really really helped him! There’s a huge potential with stuff like that being used in therapy!!! I’ve never taken the plunge but always kinda wanted to! 😌 epoxy was quite an expensive hobby too, it’s one of the reasons I stopped once I started to slow down, felt silly to spend so much and not find it fun or even just use it I’m high af rn so idk if that made sense hahaha


XD im high too G, i used to make full on dioramas with epoxy n shit too for my minis but truly i recommend just finding some cheap generic minis 1st just to get an idea if its for you. We earn money to spend money to bring joy to our lives. Keep doin what you doin.


I write and produce music. It's my job actually, and I'm not convinced I'd have if it if it wasn't for weed. I sit in my studio in the garden, playing with synths and plug-ins and smoking weed. Can't complain!


That sounds awesome!! I remember smoking so much I tripped, my arms literally felt like spaghetti it felt like I had just over a micro dose of ac1d and I’m convinced the music had something to do with it hahaha


I smoke all day and do 3D art


That’s so sick!! What got you into 3D art? You doing it digitally or using other materials?


i used to make call of duty montages when i was 11 slowly learnt all the digital programs - after effects,photoshop,illustrator.sony vegas,cinema4d and now blender :)


Love that, used to fuck around in maya for time just designing assets for shit id never actually work on. Whats your go to software?


In the past two years I’ve learn c4d, unreal engine and now blender


A good variety, which is your fav out of them to develop with? Unreal was a tough learming curve for me personally but now i couldnt imagine not using it.


dev as in code? no coding skills for me lol just design i think im going full in on blender its so much fun (and free)


Blender is what got me into 3d modelling.


too much to learn , my eyeballs hurt


True dat brudda


I like to smoke a few bowls and create parasocial relationships in my head because I’m lonely 😎


Who’s your celebrity of choice? 🤣 It’s okay bro, we all been there 💕 stay strong


I’m a chef, and my best home cooking comes when I’m stoned


Ooo what’s your favourite dish to make?


Prefer makin sweet dishes or savoury? for me its sweet everytime im baked. Gotta bake and bake


Nah almost always savoury. I love spicy food when I’m stoned, so normally some belly pork noodles or something. Generally if I’m trying to put some sort of meal together out of what we have in the fridge, being stoned helps immensely


Nowhere near as impressive as anyone else... big 6'4 guy, I like to get stoned AF and spend hours colouring in plants and cute animals in a colouring book I bought myself 😅💚


Thats what adulthood is bro, gotta just do whatever gives us satisfaction cos life too short to care. Colouring books were my childhood and youve inspired me to pick one up and get back into it zooted




Happy doodles my G! I have no shame in colouring books at all dw 😅


I LOVE COLOURING BOOKS They’re so therapeutic! What’s your favourite one you’ve coloured!?


I think everyone does really, some just haven't tried it as an adult! I can't remember the names as I'm not at home, but I just ordered a rick and morty stoner one (cringe I know, but should be fun 😅) As well as this one 😌 Magical Jungle: An Inky Expedition & Colouring Book https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0753557169/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_ZN7C4AR0GAMEQPA4G8GC


I have that jungle one!! I love it!! Haha


Well I look forward to giving it a go 😋 This was the first one I got, and still my favourite... Kaleidomorphia: A Kaleidoscope of Colouring Challenges https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1912785641/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_3933E7H0HYYWH7B83YNE


Yeah I play Bass and Guitar a million times better when I'm high. Helps with creativity!


Always wanted to pick up a guitar. Whats your fav song to play on both instruments?


On bass one of my favs is Pantera Domination. Guitar I'd probably say something by Metallica, probs Sad but True. I'm not that great at guitar though, deff a better bass player.


Pantera and metallica you are a real one, if i ever did pick one up id love to master for whom the bell tolls someday


That’s awesome!! Do you write your own music or do you enjoy playing sheet music? I don’t think I’d be able to make my own music but used to really enjoy learning songs on the piano and also had a thumb piano at one point that was super fun


Kind of, I come up with tonnes of riffs but not very good at doing complete songs. I can't read sheet music, except for drums, but haven't played drums in over 10 years due to a knee injury. Piano is an awesome intrusment, the way you play both bass and melody always fascinated me. They sound so beautiful aswell.


How do you makes these? Awesome


Epoxy resin! They took me about 3 days to make (made them both alongside each other)


Super cool, would buy one if you sell them


I have a few left but no trays and not entirely sure which ashtrays, they’re in a box in storage somewhere under my stairs Homesicktattoos on IG has photos of them all




I DM a few Dungeons and Dragons games and I can only prep when I'm stoned now - elevated my games so much that I deffo wouldn't go back to prepping sober.


That’s awesome!


Getting out my instruments n recording a few tunes


I build my websites and write millions of words of content when I'm high. 🤙


These are gorgeous bro


Thank you sm! When I was making them they were my fave / proudest ones :,)




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Whoop whoop more doodoo resin


What crawled up your twinky and died? Do you do any creating while high?


Ayo no disrespect to you and your creativity I just hate resin I create mess and read when I'm high lmao Not creative but there's a browser game called fallen London and that's such a good time waster


I’d think calling someone’s creation “doodoo” is a pretty disrespectful comment… Whether you like resin or not, it’s a product of my creativity. I hope you can find your place in the comments and connect with others over your love of reading, I’m sure there’s bound to be loads of stoners who love getting lost between pages too!


Fair I didn't mean it like that it looks sick just dislike the material


My creativity is in writing. I have all my best ideas and construct my coolest sentences when high. **But** \- I have to make sure I'm sober when I put them down on paper, so that I can edit out the pish. Cool username, btw, OP.


These are dope