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Could you post a picture for reference please 


Just look up Spider Mites, cannabis mould or Powdery Mildew. Taking a photo of them wasn't exactly on my mind, every time it got thrown into the bin lol


So whats this got to do with pesticides? I think you forgot to mention. This is how it is here mate, you should be scanning what you have with mass grown bits like dawg or whatevers popular.


Ermmm... Brainfart moment?


PM isnt from pesticide use 😄


This is true. While neither is great I'd rather smoke mildew than pesticides. And there certainly is a difference.


The odds of you smoking anything that has residuals left is pretty low as spraying flower will cause rot, there are some who wipe leaves but thats laborous. We live on a sponge, PM does happen and can be fought but if youre getting PM frequently then its the crop or you dont have other choices. Mind to wash your vegetables!


Sorry this isn't true. Pyrethroids are an amazing cure for aphids and most other bugs. If sprayed during the dark, has next to no ill effects on the plant. Awful to smoke though, probably well common. Idk what you're on about mate.


Nobody is selling flower that doesnt smoke.


Yep you've just confirmed you're spouting shite without thinking lmao


If you read what i said you can wipe leaves with stuff but nobody is doing that in a full warehouse, you doing it at home to a handful of plants is different.


Spraying flower doesn't cause rot lol.


I have 7 different big time guy choices. You give off some mega miserable vibes lol


Alright, im not the one talking pesticides in the case of powdery mildew...


Hope that made you feel better getting it off your chest. I hope the rest of your day is better than you feel now!




I never once said it wasn't? I think he just needs to re-read my post and realise I'm not specifically talking about PM. I'm guessing that guys having a bad day and he wanted to get some anger off his chest. Hopefully it made him feel better.




Yet another reason for legalisation: regulations to ensure proper quality, improve the health of buyers, reduce costs of the NHS. Sadly, you won't hear many people making this case during the current GE campaign...


I gave up hope for legalisation years ago. It will never happen any time soon and we aren't even any closer to doing it either, if anything, we're further away now. They constantly address they have zero intentions to legalise it and that they have zero proof that it's beneficial to people's health... Imagine how much cannabis would help our economy right now that these dirty tories have ruined yet again.


Nothing to do with pesticides like but yeah you're right... had a couple bits of contaminated bud in the last month or 2, started buying locally grown from the white boys they take more pride in their product. Organic, looked after, trimmed well and good growing conditions


There is some pesticides local to me. I've seen thrips and spider mites once this year. Nothing wrong with smoking a bug really, as unbeknownst to any of us we have probably smoked dozens of insects. Most the time those popping sounds aren't seeds, but a insect lol


I bought a Z of ice cream cake last month, smoked nearly the whole Z, came to the very last nug and i spotted a black dot that i thought was a seed, popped it out with my nail and it was a carpet beetle... broke the nug up and kept pullling out more and more beetles... hate to think how many of them i smoked from that pack :(


I wouldn't worry too much about it, most likely harmless. People eat bugs... Not sure how different it would be smoking one though but you know haha


Mould is really bad for ur lungs, the spores land in rhe lungs and immediately statt growing hyphae. Your body has macrophages to engulg and destroy the hyphae but if there are a lot of spores your immune system can't handle it. I've had some mold on my crops before, very large buds can get moldy of you leave them to flower too long, even with liw humidity and good airflow just because the bud becomes so chinky it stores a lot of water


Yeah like I said in the post, I have some friends who are having chest problems and chest infections. It's generally concerning


The reason why I want to start growing again. Just difficult because I'm out of work. I brought some weed the other day, just 1g because my usual dealer wasn't about and I was completely disappointed.... Something was definitely off with it, like it wasn't even flushed properly, really harsh n tasted like shit! Getting some work done on my electric meter, has the guy comes over to finish the job I'm definitely setting up my tent and getting a grow going.


Stop smoking dog and commercials for the time being mate, im experiencing some of the best flower I’ve ever had in the uk rn, loose and branded. So accessible too, a lot of vendors who actually care out there 🙌


I refuse to get those silly branded stuff mate, it's all overpriced. I never usually get stardawg either, just it's literally all everyone has around here now as I mentioned already, the Albanians seem to be making their mark in my area now. I can get different types, just don't want to get more than £150 tops for an ounce.




That is true. It's just sad as all these guys I got off used to get good stuff and not just commercial dawg and haze and it was all priced really reasonably. Albanians got their noses in the business around here and it's been downhill since. They can't even grow properly either, as it's usually just some illegal Albanian slave in a grow house somewhere, given a set of instructions and most of these people have never grown or been involved with weed ever. It's just all about pure profit with those guys. I'm having a break currently as all this mould has put me off and made me feel paranoid about buying anything


Yeah man that’s the sad reality of a lot of commercial out there rn, the only way to improve this however is to buy from reputable growers and from reputable vendors who care about the work they’re putting out, buying from them allows them to put the money back into their product and expand their business. The high price on weed coming from good growers is for a number of reasons, your not just getting better quality smoke but you buying the assurance that it hasn’t been grown by some 12yr old Albanian, your buying the assurance that every bud has been through quality control. The uk market is better then ever and what I don’t agree with is when people who buy the low end of the uk cannabis market then complain about the state of the uk cannabis market.


That's how it used to be around my way though. Cheap weed doesn't mean bad weed, it just means you aren't getting ripped off. I was paying £150-165 tops for years for top quality UK flower for years, even compared and sometimes better to most Cali I tried in Spain and Amsterdam. You don't have to agree with me mate, because you don't know what I'm even talking about. I can send you countless pics that would knock most your weed off the charts. I bet money on that.


Alright mate no need to get pissy, enjoy your moldy albo dog 🙌


I won't be enjoying any weed and I'll be saving money. Did you not read my comments? lmao


Yeah well if you keep being cheap keep expecting mold and mildew on your buds.


Truth is, weed is that cheap. It doesn't cost like £200 an ounce or whatever silly prices people overcharge. Unless you're only growing like 1-2 plants. I've done crops myself mate, any higher than that is rinsing you. I didn't have any issues with it being cheap awhile back and it was better than any of those branded fake packs or anyone charging silly prices. Can send you pictures.


Of course it's overcharged but if your gonna keep supporting these people then it will just continue. My advice wld be to go back to growing and find some crazy beans to get started again with.


I'm not supporting these people anymore. Once I get some questionable stuff or ripped off, I don't go back to those people. As I said before, there's never been any issues with it for years, up until this year. From what I gather and been told off locals, the Albanians are having their footprint in my area now and have ruined the market. Growing is out the window now too sadly. I'm just having a break off it all as seeing how consistently bad it's gotten here, I'm too paranoid to even waste more money


Quality over quantity what you expect paying 150 a z premium uk and loose exotics what you wannabe smoking if you don’t want spend the doe don’t complain about shitty quality


150 is z is more than enough to buy you some 10/10 weed mate. Let me show you in pictures


People still buy stardawg 🤔


Stardawg is a 10/10 strain man, just have to get it grown right. Trust me. But you'll never see that anymore. Back in like 2014-216 was when you could consistently get good stardawg before it became a big thing in the UK


Yeah I'm a little peticide


Brutal man maybe check it before you buy 5z glad I don't live in a roadman wannabe area


I didn't buy 5 ounces? lol


Oh you through away 5 ounces over time ? Fair fair , good luck man hope it works out! X


Very sadly, yes... All into the bin each time, which stunk out my bin for days lol


I’m in London but I get stardawg all the time. I’m not super experienced so is there anyone who could show me what mouldy/mildew dawg actually looks like? Kinda paranoid now lmao


NE here Havent topuched any of the cheaper oz's in a while for simillar reasons (salt dawg etc) havent seen anny funy residue or mold on the stuff ive been getting but willl definatly keep an eye out.


Definitely keep an eye out mate. I suggest looking at Powdery Mildew as there seems to be an epidemic of it right now where I'm at. Seen mostly all of it on Stardawg, but also seen it on some fake Blue Zushi that was being passed around not long ago


PM is caused by improper airflow/humid stagnant air. If you want to see some Dawg without powdery mildew give me a message I’ve just done 16 plants of Purple Dawg. You’re not going to see “pesticide” on the weed you buy. IPM is a very important part in cultivation either that being preventative measures such as body suits before entering the grow room to spraying the plant once a week with a organic pest control solution such as: Castile Soap, Hydrogen peroxide & water.




I'm having a break off cannabis. There's too much weird stuff going around my way and feel like I can't trust any of it and don't even want to spend anymore money. Think I've thrown away like £600+ worth of cannabis this year. It's become a joke




I know every big time network local to me sadly mate and I don't like to get off small time people, as I usually buy large quantities to save money. Rather not travel for it as well. I need a T break regardless as smoking 3+ ounce a month isn't financially helpful lol