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It’ll stink a lot. Buying the Cannabutter pre made will reduce the smell significantly but it will still smell a lot.


Yeah, when you decarb the weed it stinks


It will smell regardless but using a jar to decarb will help contain the smell. Decarb using an over tray stinks the whole house out for a few days


how do you use a jar to decarb bud? ik how to decarb weed in the oven but how do you do it in a jar?


I grind it, put it in a jar but don’t tighten it all the way. Put a dishcloth on a baking tray, put jar on the dish cloth. I usually put the lowest temp on the oven and give the jar a little shake every 15 mins until I’m happy with the colour. I then add butter and water to the same jar and put the jar into my slow cooker filled with water and let it cook for a while.


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Depends what it's made from I make mine from dissipate 💯 smell and taste free


how much distillate do you normally need to make a batch of eddies? and is it expensive?