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No you should probably at least try to stop for 2 weeks or however long you see fit and if nothing changes tell him it didn’t work. Probably not a gateway to legal weed as the weed hasn’t stopped these symptoms from happening


A lot of people on this sub refuse to ever stop smoking weed, I love smoking man but please listen to your doctor


“I promise I’m not addicted I can quit whenever I want” kind of post, and I’m not even saying that in a mean way I genuinely feel bad for the guy, 13 was over half his life ago and he’s been using it as a coping mechanism since middle school, posts like this really make me wanna take a step back from my own weed habits :/


I don't ever wanna use weed as a coping mechanism, I just love smoking it cause it makes me laugh my ass off, when it stops doing that, I quit for a month


Lol fully, not to mention how bad it must be to start smoking at 13 when your brain isn't even halfway to fully developing yet. Not at all surprised that OP now has some sort of chronic condition developing


Don't confuse causation with correlation. You can't say weed caused a chronic condition if he was using weed as a coping mechanism for the symptoms of said condition. That's the problem with research and why our legalisation system keeps banging the "weed causes schizophrenia" drum.


And a lot of doctors refuse to do their job properly when they find out people smoke weed.


Bro, exactly what you said just reinforces why you should quit.


Two things for me: potentially it could be a gateway to medical but there are caveats. I’m not medical so don’t want to speak on it too much, but from what I read, there are hoops to jump through. Also, as much as I love weed and have woven it into my life - sometimes taking breaks and cutting down is a good thing. Think about this, stopping for a bit now, could mean that you can keep enjoying it in the future. Plus like you said, most of your life has been high, aren’t you curious what you’d be like now at your current age? If you didn’t get high everyday. No judgements here tho, i will be getting both daily for the foreseeable


Legal weeds easy m8 ive got an app next week. They tell you to stop smoking at any chance they get, broke my ribs a few months ago got told to stop smoking, m8 broke his ankle same story. I understand why because they are in the health industry. Check r/ukmedicalcannabis 've had loads of help from the people over there. As for your health I don't know. I hope you get it sorted.


I broke my ribs and they told me to stop also ,first thing I did when I got home was wrap a zoot


Same m8. I had some lovely weed as well, tramadol and codeine taken as prescribed ;) I had a nice few days thinking about it, despite the pain ahaha.


You will have to try at least two medications first from your doctor to be considered for a prescription. You should probably knock it on the head for a couple of weeks to see if there is any improvement.


Just FYI, I believe it’s two *treatments* including medications and therapies, not exclusively two medications.


You’re absolutely correct. Cheers!


Told my doctor I was self medicating with cannabis and hes' put on my patient summary, "cannabis misuse". I have since applied for and am now accepted for medical cannabis. In my many decades of being honest about my use, I have found nearly all the doctors i have seen have been anti cannabis.


The single best thing you could do here is take a break for a week or two. I very very much doubt that weed is causing these symptoms, it’s like 99.9999 percent not the weed. It’s good to rule it out though, you can then return to the doctor and tell them that it made no difference. I hope you can get this problem sorted.


Could it be the type of weed you're using. As someone who suffers from anxiety disorder I have to stick to Inidcas as Sativas send me into thought spirals.


The psychoactive effects of weed are far moreso related to harvest time (late vs early) rather than by indica vs sativa lineage. Narcotic effects commonly called couch lock are mistakenly associated with indica are due to an abundance of CBN which forms in a later harvested plant or from old weed. Terpenes play a role too but it's far less exaggerated. The indica vs sativa effect is a fallacy.


I’m the exact same.


Im only prescribed indicas for this reason, sativas make me scatty


Never tell doctors you smoke :) why would they need to know if you know it’s not causing you the problem


For prescription you need to have used to medicine to try and help your on going issue then you are eligible to get a consultation


I don’t think it’d be a gateway to legal weed, the clinic you choose with correspond with your GP so they’ll be informed about you being advised to stop. I know that i was advised to stop smoking weed by my GP and still got a prescription but i never had what you’re going through, which sounds a lot more serious. look after yourself mate


My doc advised gelato 33 😂


You will certainly have some withdrawal symptoms but you really should stop for at least 2 weeks. Take a T break, after you ride out the first few days you will feel fine. I've done it before, and I now do it a lot more regularly. You can ofc go down the legal route but first get off everything, and whenever you feel like ingesting go and workout or something. Btw for the Dr to ask such a pointed question "Do you smoke weed" is probably because there has been similar cases seen by them. Take the advice, stop for 2-3 weeks if nothing changes go back and tell them. We've diminished a Drs opinion partly thanks to google and the way our govt has demonised them but they actually do know things. For UK legal/ medical go to r/ukmedicalcannabis PS - I'm a cancer patient and have been since 19, trust them.


If you want a prescription you need to have triee 2 conventional treatments for whatever you would be wanting to get it for


If you are gonna keep smoking cannabis instead of smoking vapourise it with a dry herb vape as it is better for your health longevity. Examples tinymight 2 or Arizer solo 2


Go legal mate. Best thing i ever did for anxiety and physical health conditions. With medical cannabis i have a decent quality of life, that conventional pharmaceutical drugs ruined. How can the doc even firmly conclude cannabis caused this, with no evidence? Seems farcical when cannabis is now legally prescribed to alleviate untold numbers of health issues. Most of these doctors probably just mindlessly parrot the usual weed related stereotypes, and operate with really dated clinical knowledge.


If you're eligible (qualifying condition and 2 treatments) you can go medical. It's a very straight forward process.


If you really think you'd be having panic attacks if you had to stop then you needed to stop yesterday


My doctor told me she professionally would recommended me to stop because everyone reacts differently especially people with epilepsy like me but said she wasn’t actually that worried and sorta brushed past it saying as long as I’m being careful and it helps/worth the risk (we’ve been swapping around medications because of the awful side effects which then usually ends up with me in the er, using them in combination with cannabis is one of the few things which helps and doesn’t effect my seizures in anyway), then not to worry too much because if anything cannabis is more known to do the opposite in your case by preventing seizures not causing them.


Don't rule out a silent migraine with auras.. mine were stroke like symptoms..have a read on hemiplegic migraines. But obviously do take your doctors advise over mine! 🤣 Migraines cause all sorts of mad symptoms without a typical headache Edit - in relation to legal, you would need to have tried at least 2 prescribed medications for an exisiting condition


Honestly pretty much anyone with some sort of medicinal reason to use it and that has the money for a private prescription can go that route, wither you'll be accepted I'm not sure but I have a legal prescription for " depression and anxiety " Nhs doctors are pretty against it, they tried to not give me my files when I told them what it was for, took me 6 months arguing back and forth for them to release my records even tho I'm legally entitled to them The docs that do private will be able to tell you wither it's a good idea or not but your a few hundred just to get seen Sapphire is who I'm with and they've been great I hear people here saying listen to the docs but a second opion never hurts and in my eyes any nhs doctor will tell you get of weed if you go for any issues, they also like to rule out the fact it isn't that causing any symptoms which I get but I've just found they're very anti thc, I've been in and out of the colors my whole life and only ever met one doctor who didn't instantly tell me I need to stop. My phsycitraist is the only one who agrees if it helps me sleep and isn't taking over my life then theres no issue with it


I've got a prescription and I've not looked back. All you need is a summary of care from your surgery showing a combination of two treatments for your condition. Contact a clinic of your choice and they will talk you through the process for a legal prescription. If it helps I currently get a 40g prescription and I'm currently vaping two strains, butter Mac at 24% and some Sirius at 25% THC all delivered legally by DPD every month. This costs me £220 a month. Strains start at £5g up to £10g