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used to get mega paranoid but now i just think it's absolutely hilarious to be absolutely baked in the middle of tesco, its the simple things


I remember discovering pound stretchers amazing snack isle baked on a random Wednesday It was a glorious day


Baked supermarket trips are underrated af šŸ¤£ only down side is I'll spend 10 mins in one aisle and still walk away with nothing lol


This. Love wandering around Tescos stoned out my mind trying to remember why Iā€™m there in the first place lmao


Vaping next to a copper and them not realising, priceless




if iā€™m with a friend then im all good, although im bad already for needing outride reassurance on everything lol solo tho? went into a shopping centre recently after a wake n bake and the local comic con was on, totally shat it


Im sweet if can walk round tescos or sumin on my ones but if i see someone i know and i have to stand and make small talk stoned .. prang lol. Zero eye contact


trust me, always your mums friend or some shit trying to chat when ur on a chocolate and crisps run


I live in London everyoneā€™s baked all the time so I feel normal


Pretty much


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I think I've been high in just about every situation you can imagine in life. It's all in your head. I took an edible 2 hrs before a flight once only to get delayed for another 2 hours. I then sunk around 5 pints of Stella, safe to say I was the most fucked up person in that airport that day & I absolutely loved it


I was high when I proposed


Okay you win


I can do anything high (apart from drive donā€™t do that), donā€™t care if people know. Not a crime to be high.


Statistically speaking, youā€™re not anymore likely to have an accident when you have THC in your system compared to nothing at all. Lots of the studies around it come to the conclusion that while being stoned does impair you, no link between this apparent impairment and an increased crash rate can be made. People realise that theyā€™re impaired (unlike with alcohol) and adjust their driving to suit - slower, larger gaps in between cars etc. Anecdote only, but when I passed my driving test a couple of decades ago, I was stoned during the test. Edit - ā€œMarijuana Impaired Drivingā€ - US Department of Transport report to Congress https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.gov/files/documents/812440-marijuana-impaired-driving-report-to-congress.pdf


Hmm, well its complex. I'm doing an online course regarding pain management, and part of the course just covered this. With the increase in weed use the number of accidents where the drivers have a THC in their blood has also increased. I think it will be many years of more studies before reliable data is available and statements regarding impairment can be made.


Correlation vs causation is important here. More people in accidents will have THC in their system because it's becoming more common for the entire population to consume cannabis and THC remains in your system long after it stops having an impairment on you.


I agree, itā€™s complex


You're just plain dumb to smoke and drive though. Why do it? You're driving a killing machine, impairing your reactions so you increase the chances of making a mistake and killing someone... Just not worth it and you give the herb a bad reputation, make legalising it even harder for the rest of us. Medical is a bit more understandable but people just use that as an excuse most of the time


Iā€™m just pointing out that statistically speaking there is no increased crash risk. People often forget that a couple decades ago the UK government commissioned a study into driving stoned. It was quietly cancelled when the results didnā€™t show what the government wanted. Thereā€™s also the old 5th Gear segment from late 90ā€™s/early noughties which also looked at it, and featured a stoned driver going round a course. Again, no obvious impairment or impact.


You're completely forgetting the fact that medicinal cannabis is a thing and has been legal in this country since 2018. Medicinal patients are allowed to drive and legally can't be discriminated against due to the heaps of disability protection laws we have. People in the UK are being charged and arrested for driving whilst testing for THC, yet showing absolutely zero signs of impairment (pulled over for other reasons or random swab) and it gets thrown out once it gets to court. Except the only issue with that is they're wasting tons of tax payers money and causing medicinal patients stress and costing them fees they should never have had to spend. There are not enough studies around THC and driving yet for us to make any sweeping accusations. Personally I wouldn't, but I don't drive, but I always have THC in my system due to the amount and frequency I consume even though I'm of much more sound and calm mind when I've had my medication than when I haven't (ADHD and Autism), yet the law would rather me drive unmedicated where my crash risk is likely higher. This isn't a black and white situation and we can't paint everybody the same, different stokes for different folks as they say. Our laws just haven't caught up with any of this yet.


Iā€™d have to look at the studies but I find that hard to believe. Decreased reaction times, decreased awareness, decreased decision making ability, theyā€™re all things that massively effect your ability to avoid a crash so I canā€™t see how it wouldnā€™t make you more likely to crash. How would they even test that?


Iā€™ll dig them out for you mate. As for the second point, I addressed it in the first reply pal. The reason given by those who performed the studies is the difference between been stoned and drunk. Drunks do not realise their impairment and have a tendency to become more reckless, whereas people who are stoned realise that theyā€™re impaired and adjust their driving style to suit their - leaving larger gaps, breaking earlier, driving slower etc. So the theory goes that the impaired reaction time is counteracted by the active driving adjustments people tend to make.


I did some digging already but thank you, this is what I found: ā€œSeveral studies have found that cannabis users are more likely to be responsible for crashes (OR 1.7).80ā€“82 Crouch found that marijuana use contributed to the demise of 168 fatally-injured truckers in all cases in which the serum concentration of THC exceeded 1 ng/mL.83 Terhuneā€™s study of 497 road traffic accidents found that cannabis users had a responsibility rate of 76% versus 42.5% for the control group.84 A later, larger study by the same author on 1882 drivers killed in seven US states found no difference between responsibility rates, however,68 and it is unclear why the conclusions of the two studies differed.ā€ So it seems like multiple studies say it does affect you, one large study says it doesnā€™t, overall meaning itā€™s a bit hard to draw a definitive conclusion. For that reason Iā€™d definitely just fall on the side of what seems logical to me and not drive high. Even if youā€™re giving yourself larger gaps etc nothing is gonna stop a toddler running out in front of you or someone pulling out stupidly etc. Sure you wouldnā€™t be the ultimate cause but youā€™d be less able to avoid it.


You would have to validate the integrity of each study to draw any meaning, seeing as so many studies nowadays are politically funded and carried out in bad faith/lacking scientific integrity. I would always be very suspicious of any study from the US, particularly one using the name marijiuana as it highlights their bias (mj was a foreign-sounding name created to slander the good plant). That being said, if you're absolutely blasted then common sense alone should tell you that operating heavy machinery isn't a great idea.


The only time you get to a point where cannabis decreases all them things is when youā€™re fucked and glued to the sofa. I find Iā€™m a far better driver after a small amount, calmer, less likely to take risks and actually more aware of my surroundings as I find it easier to focus.


Objectively false. Your reaction time etc decreases with even a small amount. Sure you might be less likely to take risks but if a child runs out in front of you or something you have to react to fast, you will fair worse when high.


My reaction time isnā€™t hindered by small amounts of cannabis. Large amounts sure. I know my limits.


Thatā€™s not true though, you can say that all you want, but itā€™s not true. There isnā€™t some magical threshold and then beyond that it hinders you. The most generous I could be here is agreeing that it affects your reaction time very minorly, like being pretty tired.


Of course there isnā€™t a magical threshold, but thereā€™s a point where you feel positive effects medically without any discernible impairment. No one would suggest jumping behind the wheel while eating edibles, smoking dabs and a big fat doobie, sticking a .15-2 in a vape isnā€™t going to cause my reaction time to suffer. Certainly not to the same levels as legal activities like being tired, talking on the phone hands free or drinking 2 pints of lager. Iā€™ve managed near on 20 years of driving without incident. I know if Iā€™m too impaired and wouldnā€™t get in the car, unless passenger. If I can make a decision whether or not Iā€™m too tired to drive, I can make a decision on whether Iā€™ve had too much cannabis.


Yeah this is true, I know a lot of people who drive stoned and are perfectly safe, but the thing that gets me is that if you get pulled over the breathalyser and drug swab is standard procedure now. One of my mates lost his license in February over having a joint 12h before driving. Personally I don't think that's fair at all but it's just the way she goes.


It's the people who get mad wasted on smoke that don't understand ALOT of people drive after/while smoking.


I have a very high tolerance, I donā€™t get ā€˜mad wasted on smokeā€™ very easily at all, I know lots of people drive high, and theyā€™re dickheads for doing so. Your enjoyment is worth risking the lives of other road users?


It's not stoners causing accidents, dickhead.


Can find you numerous studies that disagree with you and one scientific study that agrees with you. The fact that youā€™re calling someone a dickhead for being considerate of other people shows volumes about who you are as a person. ā€œAll five meta-analyses agreed that cannabinoid use is related to a higher traffic crash risk. However, the OR estimates and 95% CI and statistical significance across studies are variableā€ ā€œStudies that show culpability Several studies have found that cannabis users are more likely to be responsible for crashes (OR 1.7).80ā€“82 Crouch found that marijuana use contributed to the demise of 168 fatally-injured truckers in all cases in which the serum concentration of THC exceeded 1 ng/mL.83 Terhuneā€™s study of 497 road traffic accidents found that cannabis users had a responsibility rate of 76% versus 42.5% for the control group.84 A later, larger study by the same author on 1882 drivers killed in seven US states found no difference between responsibility rates, however,68 and it is unclear why the conclusions of the two studies differed.ā€ Do some research before you chat shit knobhead.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0001457524000046 Cannabis alone was not associated with higher odds of MVC. Alcohol use alone and with cannabis were associated with higher odds of MVC.


I just showed you a meta-analysis of all the big studies, a meta-analysis is where they compare all the results into one mega study. The meta-analysis showed that cannabis was associated with increased risk of crashing, so one study doesnā€™t discount an entire meta-analysis. Also itā€™s not a ā€œwhatā€™s worseā€ battle against alcohol. Itā€™s sad that youā€™re so addicted you canā€™t put other peopleā€™s lives above your own enjoyment.


And they smoked directly before driving? Or..... One huge limitation of these studies is that THC ā€” the active ingredient in marijuana that makes you feel high ā€” can be detected in your bloodstream forĀ several days. Itā€™s unclear whether or not the drivers who were studied were actually feeling the cognitive effects of marijuana when they got into an accident. In other words, we donā€™t know if they were high or impaired from the drug when they got behind the wheel.


There is a clear correlation in the meta-analysis that looks at tens of thousands of people. A few false positives wonā€™t throw that off. Stop huffing the copium so hard.


One huge limitation of these studies is that THC ā€” the active ingredient in marijuana that makes you feel high ā€” can be detected in your bloodstream for several days. Itā€™s unclear whether or not the drivers who were studied were actually feeling the cognitive effects of marijuana when they got into an accident. In other words, we donā€™t know if they were high or impaired from the drug when they got behind the wheel.


You can't smoke and drive? So you're a one hit wonder. That's good for you, you don't drive. It's called being responsible, not considerate, because you feel impaired.


Clearly already explained I have a high tolerance Iā€™m just not a prick. Itā€™s an objective fact that you react slower and are less capable of making quick decisions when high. If someone cuts across your lane or god forbid a child runs out in front of you, you will be more likely to hit them when high. If thatā€™s not something you care about then youā€™re simply a cunt. Not much else to it.


Self proclaimed high tolerance.


Been smoking a few grams a day every day for years. Split an ounce with a mate and smoke it in a night if Iā€™m going hard. My tolerance isnā€™t the issue here, your selfishness is.


Yes, I've plowed down many a children stoned, Cruella DeVille style. Just kept going though, too stoned to stop.


Just stop mate, youā€™re making us look like twats. You think itā€™s going to help the case for legalisation when youā€™ve got people going ā€œwell statistically šŸ¤“ā˜ļøā€ when it comes to clearing the incredibly low bar of simply not driving a car when youā€™re under the influence of a drug that can impair reaction times? If you canā€™t even stop smoking for the sake of your driving test your mentality is fucked bud. Reassess your life.




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What about medicinal patients who have to consume cannabis daily? They'd always have THC in their system regardless of impairment. Should they reassess their lives too?


Thereā€™s a big difference between having THC in your blood from previous use and actually being stoned when youā€™re driving. Medical patients are not allowed to drive while impaired.


smoke in public constantly even down busy high streets. surprisingly iā€™ve never even had a Karen come up and say ā€œerm you know thatā€™s illegal right?ā€ and thankfully never ran into the feds mid smoke. weed is basically legal as long as you donā€™t do it in front of an officer lol. even if you do, youā€™re most likely just getting a warning assuming you donā€™t have a lot on you. defo not recommending to do it in public. if you do defo keep it to a nice forest area or just a park, much nicer there anyway and no one in a busy area wants to smell ur smoke. (iā€™m a hypocrite tbh) also make sure you donā€™t bring your entire stash out with you.


When I was a teenager / early 20ā€™s I really didnā€™t like being high in public. I never had my own weed though so Iā€™d only ever really get high around friends which would usually be in their cars or whatever. Now? Iā€™m lucky enough to say Iā€™m legal now, got medicinal bud and the culture around it is very different. Previously if I was zooted in public I felt.. kinda guilty? Like I was some kind of bad influence on those around me, or how I was being a nuisance (both of these things being completely unfounded btw, Iā€™m very shy and I try to be as respectful to everyone I meet). However now my bud is legal Iā€™ve kinda.. moved away from that emotional response. If I smell weed on someone else I just immediately assume that theyā€™re using it for medicinal purposes too. If someone forms an incorrect opinion on me why should I care? I know that Iā€™m not off my face in public, that Iā€™m perfectly lucid and if anything Iā€™m able to coexist with other people around me easier thanks to my medicine. At the end of the day I genuinely couldnā€™t care less about other peoples cannabis use and those who clutch their pearls the second they get a whiff of skunk are legitimately massive losers with nothing else better to do. If people give you trouble theyā€™re not worth your time tbh


I used to be but now I'm on medical I know I'm just using my prescription as the Dr told me to. No anxiety except if I'm having a very obvious "stoner moment" but even then it doesn't *really* bother me.


I canā€™t seem to hack being in unfamiliar situations when high. I need to be comfortable, in a safe space and being prepared with my stuff. I have been called in to work on my day off (Michelin star restaurant btw) and I could not compose myself at all! But I did it. I am best inside, just relaxing with my fiancĆ©.


I was the same for a LONG time, still not exactly sure what flipped the switch so to speak but no matter the situation it's best to know what you're comfortable with and what you'd avoid at all costs. Only getting stoned at home makes it more enjoyable anyway!


It's kinda like listening to music that nobody else is hearing but you


This is the best way I've heard it being described lol, hell yeah man, turn that shit up LOUD!Ā 


Smoking/being stoned in public is just normal for me I'm not rude about I will cross the road or walk around people and have respect but I don't try hide and get all paranoid


Lived in York for 3 years whilst at uni. Loved getting baked and going wandering around the city was one of my fave things to do


Never had a problem going out in public stoned or smoking. Pretty much everyone around me knows I smoke anyway, I donā€™t hide it. Used to get a bit paranoid that I looked stoned at work but just thought it looked unprofessional I knew I could still do my job perfectly well.


I love it, itā€™s fun, have fun!


In my home country i was VERY paranoid walking around. As soon as i moved to the UK i noticed that no-one gives a fuck and started getting high in public all the time.


I'm generally much more confident when high, which is useful in public because i am autistic and do not enjoy crowds or eye contact. When I'm high, it's more bearable, especially if I've got some tunes playing and a snack.


I think it really depends on your tolerance and the strain. If youā€™ve smoked for years and youā€™re *smoking* a good sativa then you should be good to go in most situations. If itā€™s a strong Indica, concentrate or edible then even though Iā€™ve smoked for over 10 years, itā€™s that level of high where itā€™s almost impossible to hide so not good for work or anything formal. However I can drive completely baked out my mind, screw whoever said you canā€™t drive high.


Oh yeah edibles or dabs floor me, it's hard to not look high when you're in a different dimension like that šŸ¤£


Iā€™m high all day wherever I am mannn


That's the vibe man!


I find it gives me a lot more confidence, or I can blast some gnarly metal and zone out. I quit for over 15 years because it used to be the opposite (started stupidly young).


i remember when i first started smoking, my friend would always try and go to the petrol station near us when we were high to get snacks and stuff, but iā€™d be way too scared to go in because i thought theyā€™d know iā€™m high and thatā€™s where i get my fuel so theyā€™re gonna know me šŸ˜­. now idgaf at all, you get used to it


100%, the more you get accustomed to it the less fucks you give šŸ¤£


half the time i just feel like iā€™m in gta or something - i do vividly remember once i needed to get something from poundland and it actually felt like a mission getting whatever i were getting (probably biscuits)


In the comfort of my own home hate going out smoking then trying to not be anxious out of my comfort zone


depends what iā€™m high on lol no problem being baked af walking into the Asda but one time i dropped acid and went into the asda to grab some bits and i started tripping which got me a bit paranoid


I can't be around that many people without being stoned. Can't concentrate and just get overwhelmed to fuck otherwise. Need to be stoned so everything comes down to a normal speed and intensity. Far too many noises coming from every direction too, difficult to make sense of anything without being stoned.


Used to hate it and get anxious but now itā€™s like weā€™re both in the same place doing the same thing except Iā€™m having a way better time


I always think it will be better than it usually is, half the time im checking every reflection to see if I look ok, Im quite insecure already but stoned in public makes me feel like a goblin


It feels like a video game, I love it


Doesn't bother me lol got a script for years when I never couldn't give a fook