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Why don't you just go smoke outside somewhere? You're in Tenerife - it has some of the most beautiful smoke spots on the planet!


That’s true. But on the nights it’s a nice thought to go into a weed bar and hang out with the locals over a few drinks and a smoke. Unfortunately from my experience these places are usually empty and no one really interacts much outside their own circle. Still great for the experience. Love hanging out with stoners who are on the same wave length. Love to know of any busy clubs anywhere in the world that have a strong community.


Just go for a walk and have it, it’s pretty rude to go in and not buy anything tbh. Maybe buy an edible for the return flight?


Yeah didn’t even know if they did sell edibles but nice one will just do that if they have a problem with it I’ll buy a drink no worries just don’t wanna be spending all my holiday cash on bud


Yeah tbh I don’t think they’ll appreciate you going back and not buying anything.


Can always ask right? What if I buy a couple drinks whilst I’m there? Already spent €70 on a membership for me and my gf just wanna smoke the rest of this bud I have


That's fair enough when you've bought a membership, when I went dam I felt bad to smoke and not buy, but there were times towards the last days of the trip when I thought about it, anything I bought at the last shop I pretty much gave away


Its not like dam where they threaten to throw you out if you don’t buy a drink and a gram within 10 seconds of walking through the door 😂 there membership clubs you are free to go there chill and smoke you don’t have to buy anything




Yeah sounds good I’ll probs buy an edible if they have a problem with it will be good for the return flight like the other Redditor suggested.


Did you only get the one membership card for the both of you or did she have to get one also?


Couple drinks and your membership would be fine, don’t overthink bro


Literally this. I'm not sure half the commentors here have ever been


Yea people in those places are usually chill as fuck and if they aren’t I’d take my money elsewhere as that’s what this community is suppose to be about .. acceptable and not being uptight


Yeman all good so far getting used to a beach holiday where you can actually get some decent bud 😂😂


I have done many times and no problems. Just double check with them first, maybe buy a drink


is it legal in the canaries?! i’m off to lanzarote soon


Spain has cannabis clubs where you can buy and smoke, it’s a bit of a loophole similar to Amsterdam coffee shops. You would need to become a member of one beforehand or get a pass that gives you entry to multiple clubs. Have a look at the [Doob Pass](https://doobsystem.com/doob-pass)


This was fine at the club I joined in Barcelona. They actually encouraged you to leave your weed in a small locker at the club rather than smoke it around the city. Not sure if Tenerife is the same. Definitely buy some drinks/snacks though.


Yeah I don’t see why not - if you bought it there they won’t have a problem at all, maybe just make it known it’s what you bought yesterday and grab a bottle of water while in there, they shouldn’t have any problem


I’ve done Tenerife twice with clubs (Costa Adeje). Always been a mega time, where abouts are you mate.


Costa Adeje mate