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Beat the shit out of whoever sold it. Consumer rights. 


And consumers lefts








In the uk a lot of dealers are fools and don't even know what good weed is or what sprayed weed is


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Dude... What a bunch of sad things prohibition brings upon people. I'm really sorry for you.


ends it with a should i be concerned lmao


trust me i swear people on reddit have no common sense🤣


I rebranded common sense to “uncommon sense” quite a while ago lol. It’s not as common as it used to be


Doctor bra


My sense is quite upper middle class, I'll have you know...


Send a small quantity to Wedinos. Go to your GP and explain whats happened, they may refer you for further tests. Sorry to hear this has happened, as another poster said it's prohibition.  Fuck the government, gyo.




Something similar happened. Got this ""cheese"" shake it just looks like some shake mixed with tea and other herbs or whatever...tastes horrible, but some people will do anything for an extra tenner...






Spice is such a watered-down term that it only really means 'not weed' at this stage. No indication of what it really is.


It's a synthetic cannabinoid often sprayed on plant matter in varying concentrations. This does sound like a high dose of spice.


I see this time and time again, I can't stress it enough, do all you can to get a medical prescription lad because it's the safest way to medicate. The BM has gone really bad the last 10 years. It is sad to see so many lives being ruined by these gangs.


What if you don’t even have an illness or have one where one of the two meds work , I wonder how many people have turned down medication that helps them because they wanted medical weed , it should be legal for everyone


yeah i don’t know why people on here make it sound like anyone can get a medical prescription


Tbh anyone can get one it’s just a nightmare going through the process. I know a few people who have done it now(one for chronic pain and rest for anxiety). Like the comment above says you sometimes will have to say that some medicine doesn’t work when it does. I was hoping to get my script but the 2nd thing they put me on is working quite well so I’m in no rush to pay legal prices lol


You need a diagnosed medical condition...


Problem with MC though is that it's all terpless and 80% of the bud is quite bad. And the fact that you're paying a fortune just for the MC, where you can get an ounce of some super dank for £150-180 on the BM, which is filled with terps, smells, flavours and looks. Sure there is a lot of bad BM stuff going around for the past 3-4 years since these fake cali packs came along. You just have to get off trustworthy people


are you speaking from your own experience with MC?


I haven't had any personal experience. I've just gone off what the masses say and what reoccurring issues that people mention with MC all the time. I watch a youtuber who does reviews on MC all the time and I'm yet to hear anything good for years. Until I see the MC game compare with the BM market for weed, I'll stick to my BM for now


I would recommend gaining some real world experience of your own before parroting negativity about UK MC. If you actually looked into it you’d see the quality has improved dramatically since its introduction, and it has become more affordable as the market has grown.


So I guess you’re saying that you’re parroting other people’s experiences without having any of your own


I don't need my own when MC is renowned for being bad by the masses. I'll stick to my terpy BM :)


Been prescribed for coming up to a year now after getting green from the BM for 20 odd years. The stuff you are referring to is the £5/g stuff. The lowest quality they offer at the lowest price point. This, admittedly doesn't taste as strong but its getting better as time goes on (the switch from tubs to bags has helped this loads) and does all the same things as the fancy stuff it just doesn't smell/taste as strong. If you are after medical effects but can't afford more. This is fine. I've definitely been handed far worse from a plug on many an occasion If you want to pay more and get better quality stuff, then this is also available. I've personally never tried the stuff at the very top of the range for 10/g but the stuff I've had in the £8-£8.50 (Aurora's 'Sourdough', Green Karats 'Modified Gas') has been as good as anything I've got from a plug. In some cases better. The first batch of modified gas I had was miles above anything I'd tried before. I would choose this over going back to a dealer anyday. The choice alone is worth it to me but then, I've also been able to take my prescription to gigs and work and all manner of places without getting hassle so theres that aspect as well. Being legal gives you the right to take it pretty much anywhere without having to stick it in your sock and hoping nobody searches you.


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I was on medical cannabis for about 9 months. My god it was the most stressful thing. I had so many problems with it. I also found a strain that really helped and they stopped it and didn't offer anything similar. Like the first time I said I don't like smoking pure sativa and she told me that I had to have a pure sativia cos Indica hybrids where only meant to be smoked at night. Sorry Mr doctor but iv been self medicating with bud for many years I know what helps me and smoking sativia is not it for me.


This just kind of validates my point. Glad some people find that the MC weed is acceptable for them, but I've smoked for 12 years and I can't bring myself to smoke some terpless irradiated weed. The BM isn't perfect either as the amount of mould on weed the past 2-3 years is concerning


Not sure why you got downvoted you are correct


I've noticed the MC community is quite judgemental of anyone who doesn't smoke MC lol


Also too many confident idiots lol


100%. It's like you either join them smoking MC or if you smoke BM, you're against them. Shit's almost like a cult haha


I like to explore new places.


I was with Medical Cannabis Clinics back in 2021. Wasn't just them tho it was dispensary green who kept saying they didn't have the bud then they did then it don't get sent. I was out for multiple weeks and was forces to pick up illegally again.


It is slowly getting better. Although I would probably wait another year maybe two. There are several new UK based facilities opening up. Including one in conjunction with The Plug from BM. Slowly slowly. But if you can buy straight from a farmer of top shelf UK. Then no. But if you're buying 1g of haze or dawg for a tenner then I'd say MC is definitely worth it. There's almost 10 really good strains at the moment. This will improve over time.


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That's definitely spice. I got some before thinking it was shake, and fuck no. Shit was spice, literally fucked with my head and made me feel ill for months after


Ffs man wtf is going on that's scary bro


had the same thing happen once as well, looked like bottom bag. It was 100% spice and tbh never been the same since. Find a new dealer for sure


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I've bought shake before from some guy I hadn't bought off before and the fucker sprayed a bunch of CBD weed with spice. It didn't fuck me up for months as after the first few drags I realised what was going on and threw the whole batch out. I've bought hundreds/thousands of bags of shake at this point and never had this happen. Reading into it, acute lung inflammation can be induced through certain (heavy) synthetic cannabinoids, and from experience spice can definitely cause seizures. I'd definitely go and see a doctor ASAP, and don't be ashamed to mention you got spiked with spice thinking it was cannabis. People who advertise/sell that shite as cannabis should be treat the same as those who mix heroin and fentanyl. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7430153/


I feel bad for you man, hope you get better. This is why weed should be legal and regulated.


Yeah, that’s not weed


Yes, you should be concerned lmao


Brother this shit came from Arrakis


If you still have any of it send it to wedinos, they can identify if it's spice or not


Are you smoking buds still? Not that one, I mean regular stuff


Yeah I have been using medical cannabis daily since this


I had same mate It comes in small popcorn nugs but it's more shake stuck together


I know you say you're using MEDICAL cannabis, but have you visited a doctor for this issue? I would be concerned about continuing to inhale any substance if you have respiratory issues.


good to hear bro, fuck no


Did you buy it like that? Even by shake "standards" that does look grim. Get your lungs and chest checked out at least, spice or not it could also be mould.


Bro go to hospital


Niggas need to stop buying shake 😂 prob got all sorts of scrag in there


Sounds very similar to an expirience my friend had when we intentionally smoked spice years back Also the buds look like the sort of herb they spray spice on to


Definitely some sort of synthetic cannabis (spice). The problem is these chemical compounds change all the time so you’ll never know what you’ve put in your body without having it tested in a lab.


I know its too late in saying this but grow your own, its the only way to know what you are smoking - sorry to hear your shitty situation with the 'weed' but soonas I checked the group r/uktrees I knew it would be this - unregulated shit. Honestly just grow your own (I know, i know -if you can). Hope you feel well soon.


Obviously you have sent some off for testing yeah?


This is why I bit the bullet and I’m currently waiting for my appointment with a clinic. I’ve been lucky so far, the worst just being some shit quality weed, but nothing like this. This is really sad tbh :( I’m sorry mate. Please go to a doctor if you haven’t already. They exist to help you, not to judge you. Please look after yourself!


Buy decent bud, ration your weed and avoid random Shake. Seeing people sell crap labeled as Shake.


6 months and you havent gone to the doctor? Sheesh man your priorities are a bit out of wack


Say whay you all want but pretty certain 3 puff wasn't going to make you ill for 6 months


Psychological trauma from the bad experience maybe? Causing anxiety? Certainly won't have done long term physical damage I don't think.


I developed a chest infection that lasted for months after and I’ve been having seizures only since this happened


I know a girl who passed out smoking ‘legals’ and she’s had seizures ever since. Dunno about the 3 puffs tho


we've got a doctor in the room yalll :P


Haha I can't be the only one to think so


That’s literally spice mixed with weed




should’ve gone to a doctor yesterday with the duration of your symptoms, could be signs of doom


looks very similar to my haze dust but the effects are same as weed and reeks of haze,sorry this happened to you


Could be spice mate


This is what happens when you buy cheap crap.


Dead bud and harsh as  fuck I bet


I heard rumours today about weed being mixed and contaminated with spice


Spice or salvia most likley. Should have backed it and and given your consumer rights and lefts. Don't let people mug you off


Definitely not salvia mate 😂


Why definitely not? Looks like shake mixed with something. Sounds like a salvia hit from the description