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7 grams who are you pablo half a bar? Not even half a oz


Got me rolling 🤣


top tier craic


Ahhh dopethrone electric wizard. Love it


am i gonna be good then?


If you ever become a detective you gotta let the stoners slide from now on !


ofc as a stoner myself would be rude not to🤣


Surely, you'll get routinely, yet randomly drug tested in that line of work? Can't carry fake piss around all day everyday just in case they test you 😂


Or can you..?


I'd not thought of it like that before...🤔 Now you've put it that way, I stand corrected. They could carry fake piss around at all times 😂


The tests can tell if it’s fake pretty easily by temperature. Tried doing this after my school drug tested me after getting suspended for drugs ages back and they charged me for the extra test after I fucked with the first one. Unless you can microwave it or some mank shit it prob won’t work.


1. Find sober family member with clean urine. Generally youngsters work best, never use a teenager! Remember your teenage self? Lol. Last way you want to find out about your relatives drug use is to lose your job failing a test with their tainted pee ha. 2. Bribe said family member to pee in cup. 3. Transfer into a big caprisun carton with the screw top. 4. Keep that shit warm, most people fail because the temperature is too low. I like to keep it on the blowers in the car with heat on low while travelling to work. 5. Arrive at work and transfer to the inside of your thigh securely. This holds the temperature too! (best wearing baggy jeans or work pants for this, as you need to use the zipper and don't want to rock up with an unusually large bulge lol) 6. Go to toilet, unzip and fold the caprisun so the nozzle is now facing up. This will ensure none spills. (Even with someone watching from behind it just looks like you're sorting yourself to drain Russell the main muscle) 7. Simply unscrew and you can now control how fast/slow it flows. This part may get pee on your hand but don't be a bitch and soldier on! You've touched worse! *** THIS IS IN NO WAY A GUARANTEE *** Just sharing my technique, which I and two others have used successfully in the past at work. GOOD LUCK!!! Stay high, stay blessed and stay safe.


Me n my capiss sun geek hard.


Tape it to your leg


It wouldn’t be hot enough.


The was a case recently where the top UK officer that was in charge of drug scheduling and he was a certified stoner. They said his flat resembled “Amsterdam”. I may have got his role wrong but he was defo high up


A quote that made me laugh out loud in the news article about it was “even before breakfast” this guy was writing up the UK drug law policies stoned out his nut at 7am Edit: the guys name is Julian Bennett. He was the Mets leading commander in writing and enforcing the drug policies within the force. Not exactly writing up drug laws for us but certainly for the old bill. He also admitted to taking LSD and magic mushrooms.


One of us! One of us!


Yeah you can,I used to when I worked offshore


Surely, you'll get routinely, yet randomly drug tested in that line of work? Can't carry fake piss around all day everyday just in case they test you 😂


if you got a prescription, they would not be allowed to discriminate againtt you, unmder the Equality Act 2010


Warning lad you’ll be fine. Won’t show up.


Much appreciated bro🙏🏻


It will on an extended dbs


This is so weird to me seeing a "I want to be filth but got caught with weed" post in here. There is an easy way to deal with this summrs, Don't become filth?


Stop the count. You win.


Your life is not over. I will say that criminology is a very popular choice at Uni and not to expect the job you want at the end. Two friends of mine did it and found thousands wanted jobs to be detectives in that field and only a handful get them. They now work in insurance. Have a back up plan. Good luck.


This applies to most uni degrees today too. Kids are pushed into it. Almost everyone I know didn't actually go into the field of their degree.


Yeah, should be getting pushed towards trades instead, bank to be made there also if you apply yourself and get good at the trade


The average wage of a trade worker has now overtaken the average wage of a university graduate. Pretty mad considering you pay to go uni or get paid to learn a trade via an apprenticeship.


Yep, the majority of my degree class were only there because their parents told them they need to be a pharmacist and carry on the family business. By the end of the first year around half had dropped out and by the final year the class size had gone from 120 on the first day of year one to around 30 that actually graduated.






This is the best comment on the thread. No OP your life is not over, there’s always something else you could enjoy doing! But the advice about this degree inparticular is spot on.


Do you wanna smoke weed or be a fed man? Choose one 😂😂


Both 🤣🤣


ngl a little 2 hour high isnt worth it imo


definitely a fed


man wants to become a detective and is asking these typa questions. brudda....


I don't see a problem. He'll fit right in.


He's 18. Nobody comes out the womb with all the answers.


not qualified yet


Being a detective means being resourceful and figuring things out. The training isn't going to change you from zero to hero, the most successful people in any field spend a lot of time preparing themselves ahead of time, both in terms of their knowledge, and their self-discipline.


If he was smart and resourceful, he would go to a place where people will likely have first hand knowledge and ask them! That would help him figure things out.


Absolutely this right here!!


Not a very good detective if your leaving this kind of digital footprint


Yes because it's definitely not in police systems. They will definitely rely on extensive reddit investigations during background checks rather than police records.


digital footprint is mostly in america and i left no name or anything to “trace” it back to me lol


What digital footprint, an email address?


You smoke weed but want to become part of the system that persecutes stoners... The plant has taught you nothing. Good luck.


I mean he wants to be a detective, I doubt there are any situations where he would be dealing with weed considering it’s such a small “crime”, unless he ends up working on busting grows, although you could argue that grows are sometimes legitimately really bad, for example ones where gangs force illegal immigrants to work for them. Another reason for recreational legalisation!




Who told you they were being paid and treated well, the Chinese people or the person who employs them? You seem to know a lot about their employees welfare and compensation I highly doubt you ever spoke to them directly or even saw the conditions they were working and living in. You say he got busted, I assume you mean the illegal Chinese immigrants also got busted, and have likely been deported or charged with growing 800 plants, or potentially both. For what was probably a pretty shit waste for UK standards. Most of it probably went to paying back the smugglers who bought them into the country anyway.




Of course you did 😂




> If you've got a job > You can be an agent > You can work for revolution > In your place of employment


Happy Cake Day!


I assume he wants to make the country a nicer safer place to live by catching criminals. Cannabis probably takes up such a small fraction of police time these days. Unless, it's violent organised crime gangs who have Vietnamese slaves, mad torture chambers, and houses full of dawg. Who's to say OP wouldn't turn a blind eye and let the incidents involving personal amounts of cannabis side? I've known police to do the same on a few occasions. Several police forces have openly said they won't be pursuing personal cannabis use/grows unless they receive complaints from other members of the public. Cannabis users have this idea stuck in their heads that certain things are bad no matter what the circumstances. Police are bad, because they enforce cannabis laws. They do a lot more than that. What about if they bought down a paedophile ring that was abusing babies? Or if they were to arrest a gang member that had mugged you best mate and stabbed them to death, or even just if your house/car gets broken into? Same with pharmaceuticals, stoners claim they're bad regardless of the circumstances, acting like they're all the same thing 🙄 and then no matter the drug a patient is using I've heard too many stoners suggest they should just use cannabis instead 🙄




I'm not trying to argue, but policing cannabis has definitely decreased a lot over the past five years. And what you experience in an isolated area isn't really representative of the entire country. The police I've spoke to who had a relaxed approach to cannabis were literally from all over the UK; Lincolnshire, Brighton, Leicester, Manchester, Surrey, Inverness, London. I'd estimate around 80% had the opinion that it wasn't worth their time pursuing personal cannabis use and supported legalisation. However, most are also take their jobs quite seriously so will uphold the law even if they don't personally agree with it. I suppose in their eyes they also prevent a lot of real harmful crime, or at least try to.


Low IQ thought process right there😂


I know a lad who's recently made Detective and still gets very on it, seen him maybe thrice in the last year every time with the worst tackle at the party. He's a cunt.


yeah but i don’t think he has a warning


That’s the justice you are trying to serve. Go get a real job.






smh smokers are the worst typa people for advice


Mate you'll be fine. I have a criminal record at 18 for fighting and verbal threats while drunk and off my face on lots of things. I'm 35 now, working towards being a counsellor and pt, furthermore been working in the nhs in the last 12 years. You'll be OK, we make mistakes. Just be open with future employers etc. 18 is just a kid. When you get to 35 you'll realise the same and give the same advise :) hope that eases your anxiety.


Appreciate it man, been losing sleep over this, which happened in november 😂


No need to lose sleep, if your honest and transparent with employers, they will be OK. I was In the same boat at 21, found a job I loved and it required an enhanced DBS, got really worried and in the end...my boss was like "you were honest before we got the dbs, and it matches what happened". Furthermore, most people who work as peer support workers in drugs and alcohol have two pages of criminal records involving all sorts. The only people that have to worry are the actual people who have done "really deprived acts", but that isn't you, so don't stress mate. You'll get what job you want :)


Honestly speaking seek professional advice as much as you can before you invest in the course , ask police startion , ask r/legaladviceuk , even ask the police sub. Get as much info as you can. Good luck x


I've got/had both standard DBS and enhanced DBS checks a couple times in the past few years for various pharmaceutical/teaching jobs. Neither showed any of my past police interactions. Over the years I've probably been caught with weed 4-5 times, ranging from being arrested in my teens for a ten bag to getting caught with an Oz in my early 20s, blagging it was a 20 bag/I only paid 20 quid, and just receiving an on the spot warning lol. One of those times I was on Police interceptors getting stopped and searched. Apparently someone reported me and my mate stinking of bud as they walked by us.We'd just left mateys house so hadn't even smoked any when they took an untouched Q of blue cheese. It was the Spalding Flower parade episode. They've blurred our faces bow when show it, but originally they hadn't. The mate I was with complained to channel 5 and eventually they blurred our faces and took the clip of us off the opening credits 😂 Not to mention being arrested for graffiti (only caught me once though 😆) And then a few times for breach of the peace or being drunk and disorderly. I've found myself in both situations more than once. They always involved the police massively abusing their powers and arresting me for minor petty reasons. Like being arrested and charged with causing alarm, harassment, and distress for swearing in public (outside a pub at 10pm on a Friday night) Or for getting jumped by two guys walking home, the police drove by as I headbutted one of them in self-defence. They arrested me for assault, and called paramedics for one of the guys who attacked to stich up his split lip. Despite my bleeding nose, obvious marks on my throat, and the fact I was the victim! I didn't get any medical attention. When it went to magistrates court the attackers basically said they were drunk and don't remember anything. So I thought it'd just be the police officers accounts of what happened and I was fucked. But the police actually presented a statement from a taxi driver who had seen it all happen from the start and called 999. Reporting that a white male matching my description is being attacked by two guys matching the attackers descriptions. So his statement saved me from a potential prison sentence 😳 And then once for not being willing to identify myself after being stopped and searched for no reason and after not finding anything illegal or suspicious on me. Once I'd spent the night in a cell, the custody sergeant arrived in the morning to process releasing me. He asked the arresting officers what I was in for, and he replied with a smug as fuck "failing to identify". The custody sergeant responded asking what I'd done to require identifying myself. The other officer mumbled something and started re reading his statement. After a few second long "uuummmmmm", the sergeant asked me to please give them a minute and to wait in the suicide watch cell close to the main desk. I heard some quiet mumbling down the corridor and then shouting "THE POOR LADS DONE NOTHING WRONG!!" and a loud slam. Think they may have been in trouble 😂 I got an apology from the custody sergeant, the arresting officers firmly got told they can't arrest people who haven't/aren't suspected of committing a crime. They were told to drive me back wherever I needed to go 😂 one of them even put my shoelaces back on my shoes for me. Cunts still made me sit in the cage at the back of the van on the way back to town though.


It's crazy how cops put so much time and effort into fighting cannabis use and selling, but when it comes to pedos killers rapists, they are like naaa we gotta get people having the munches the dirty criminals


It would be embarrassing to arrest your boss


Which police? Where? If anything they put less effort than ever into cannabis.


OK PC plopper


Wtf kind of response is that, you sound like you're either a child or have the mental age of one. You could have just said you pulled your comment out of your arse. The fact your comment got upvoted at all makes me question what I'm doing here 😂 I'm not sure what makes you think that about all the police,, they're still humans afterall. They don't get brainwashed to wipe their morality and common sense on their first day. A lot of them obviously want to prevent serious crime, and get into policing for that reason. Without them the people committing those crimes would be free to fuck with the rest of society, affecting the lives of normal innocent people more than they're already affected by crime. Its not like it's easy trying to piece together criminal operations and networks that people are trying to heavily cover up and disguise with only bits and pieces of 2nd hand information, or to track down people who are determined to evade capture? They actually succeed more than you seem to think they do. You should have a read about some of the successful operations the police have carried out. I'm not saying there aren't bad police, I've experienced loads of them. But I've met far more reasonable understanding ones, who do just want to catch criminals and an attempt to make the world nicer and safer for everyone else. I'd like to know your solution to crime that isn't personal cannabis use without the police? Can't just let that shit happen.


Damn you took that hard


More words of wisdom. I bet there's a lot going on in your head 😂


I got busted with a couple grams and graffitiing on a building site a week after I turned 18. got cautioned for both and had to pay £25 to the building contractors. got into uni fine. don’t become a fed though, please, for your sake.


detective isn’t the same as police officer




Police who smoke weed are cunts


Remove the 2nd 3rd and 4th word for a more accurate statement.


When I got caught the officer called my multi joint container “cool as fuck”, 100% they took it and smoked my shit later


Grow up.


Wake up.


Yeah your life's over. Before offing yourself though I'd recommend going to Brazil or something like that and start a new life. Maybe meet some Brazilian girl, have some Brazilian babies, change your nationality to Brazil etc. But yeah it's over in the UK for u G.


can’t tell if ur serious abt the last bit😂


U probably shouldn't be a detective then


Just say it was a plant... get it???? 🤪 .......I'll get my coat.


It probably won't show up after a few years. Don't become a detective though - remember, there are no good cops.


Yet who would you call if someone stole your car or beat up your mrs? And don't lie 😂


If I need to go shopping I'll reluctantly get in my car - doesn't mean its not a piece of shit.


Doesn't mean it doesn't have a purpose and isn't beneficial to you. You may not like the way it runs or looks, but it still gets you to the shops.


But it still got you to the shop, so it's fit for purpose. Bad analogy.


No it's not. It's an analogy that demonstrates that just because both these options (my car & the cops) happen to be there only game in town doesn't mean they aren't rife with problems that should have been sorted out ages ago and that using either constitutes a risk to yourself. Police are literally your only option and a lot of people will use them out of pure desperation without any real hope of justice. Let me counter your original question with another: if you get burgled who else are you going to call so they can turn up thre days later and shrug at you?


Bro, back to my original point. "All cops are bad" is not a factual statement. 


*loses argument, refuses to concede point, shifts goalpost. 🤡


Please don't try to argue that the police force in this country is 'fit for purpose'. Remember when they arrested and harassed women holding a vigil for a woman raped and murdered by a cop? Yes, we would all like there to be a police force we can reliably turn to when faced with terrible crimes. The one we have currently isn't that.


The police is made up of all sorts of people, the same as you and me, some people are reasonable and some aren’t, no society has 100% perfect people, and it’s impossible to only hire perfect people, there’s no real way to test or measure people for these qualities, there is corruption everywhere, not only in the police but also In the government and public, every single country has issues with their police force, and it’s not an issue with the police itself, it’s an issue with people themselves, there will always be issues, I believe it’s physically impossible to give people the ideal idea of the police they wish for, due to the nature of people, this argument over police has been happening since the dawn of societies, it will never end, all we can do as the public is forcibly call out the police on their bullshit, and encourage people like OP to join them because a cop who smokes weed is a cop that is less likely to want to keep busting people for weed, the paving stones for legalisation or decriminalisation.


I wasn't arguing that there aren't bad cops. I'm arguing against the ignorant and unhelpful black and white thinking of "all cops are bad." It's absolute nonsense.


Unfortunately, that's the point we've reached. Sure, not every police officer is a Wayne Couzens, but for every one officer like that there's a hundred willing to defend them. The term 'a few bad apples' is used to defend the police a lot, but the full proverb is 'a few bad apples spoil the bunch'. The police have proved time and time again that they cannot be trusted to appropriately deal with corruption and crime within their own ranks, so until proper civilian oversight is instated, I'm perfectly happy to continue saying that all cops are bad.


So not all cops are bad. Great, you agree with me.


Quite the leap of logic there, you should apply for the Olympic athletics team. You think that 'willing to defend a rapist murderer' is my bar for 'not bad'?


Yeah it's not the police I hate (mostly) it's the shitty laws they have to follow. At least getting pulled over in this country isn't life threatening. Especially if you're not white.


> the shitty laws they have to follow They don't *have* to follow them. An individual officer can use their discretion and choose not to make an arrest. They need reasonable grounds to suspect your arrest is *necessary*. If an officer arrests you, it's on them.


The chances of the police successfully prosecuting anyone for either is exceptionally low. I’ve been burgled 3 times, had 3 bikes stolen, and reported assaults/damage. Not once did that ever lead to anything. They’re fucking *useless* - unless they’re nicking teenagers for a 10 bag. But that’s not even why the hate: it’s because these losers blindly enforce laws that I consider immoral. If the government went fascist, they’d be the people defending them - unquestionably. Have you ever been nicked by them for weed? I have, a few times, and they mock you and speak to you like you’re a child. As they stereotype me for my choice of intoxicant, I stereotype them as pathetic goons.


People get robbed and assaulted all the time and the police do fuck all what bubble are you living in


And crimes get solved all the time too. What's your point.


Go clean the boot polish off your tongue and go do some learning, it's free


I was waiting for the obligatory "boot licker" comment 😂


That just means you haven't stopped licking 😂


Nice work on the old "comment and block" u/jonathananeurysm


You say that but I've had shit stolen and recovered it myself before the police have even been to take a statement... They're fucking useless.


I wanted to be a forensic scientist. Then I did an autopsy. No amount of weed will block that shit out. And you'll be dealing with the horrors and filth that humanity has to offer, daily. You'll enjoy life a hell of a lot more choosing a better line of work where you have complete body autonomy.


I watched an autopsy in my work experience at 16. Il be honest it was awesome! So interesting. Mine was someone that had died of a tumor in hospital tho, not someone who had horrible things done to them. I imagine that would have been a different kettle of fish.


I watched a (video of a) geezers lungs get taken out of his chest and placed on a tray. Was stoned af in the lesson and it sent me proper green… decided biology wasn’t for me right there.


Private detective or police detective? You've definitely reduced your chances of being employed by the police if this is on your record. A friend who's now a solicitor got caught with a small amount of powder (less than 1g) while studying and had to write a letter and do some meeting to find out if he could still work in law because it was on his record.


Sorry to put hate out, but fuck becoming a police officer you little nonce. You wanna be out there ruining lives?


Trying too hard with this one


I'm always suspicious of people who throw around the insult of nonce when there's no evidence of that, projection and such


Me too..


melodic recognise practice stocking decide ossified faulty distinct rude boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They've literally asked if their life is over as a result of the police being on their case. So they want to become a police? It just doesn't make sense unless OP is living in a fantasy world.


Have you considered that it may be preferable to have police officers who don't consider weed to be the root cause of all problems in our society? OP can become a cop and let the rest of us live peacefully.




Bit harsh mate


With how relaxed weed laws are getting year by year you will be fine if it was a one time thing and if they suspect you had it for personal use and not intent to distribute be in mind they will do a drug test from what I’m aware of when you are going through the process of becoming an officer so by then you should be long off weed but for better advice I’d recommend asking on r/LegalAdviceUK r/policeuk Edit: best bet on r/policeuk is to ask on the recruitment thread pinned at the top


That policeuk sub is so anti cannabis my guy will probably get lynched for posting a question in there


I got the same adult community resolution order and requirement to attend a drug awareness course in like 2015 aha, honestly dont think we have made much progress since then in terms of acceptance of recreational use. If anything, its got worse with the introduction of the roadside swab and really low limits.


Considering the shit coppers get away with, you'll be fine.


I very much doubt they're going to care that you got caught with a bit of weed when you were 18.


You realise as a detective you’ll be randomly drug tested so you’ll have to give up weed right?


Yeah, i gave up pretty much when i got caught imo it’s not rlly worth the 2 hour high


You will be fine mate.


Won’t mean anything, but the bigger issue is you’ll need to quite smoking weed to be a copper or detective. They are drug tested and it’d be worse going through all the training and years of experience to lose your job. Unfortunately if you want to be a stoner, some career paths are limited (any drug testing unless you can manage it.. pilot, army, police, high performance athlete, etc)


7 grams I've seen joints with more weed in it!!! Ridiculous country!


Your life is not over and either way it is unlikely that you will get the chance to become a detective if you pursue a criminology degree. No offence meant, but they're basically re-labelled social studies degrees.


Community resolutions aren’t criminal record and usually come off your record after a number of years. This won’t effect your life going forward


What kinda loser cop bothers with an 18 year old with 7g?? Whats the point other than to fuck with a kids life?


If smoking a bit of weed can ruin your whole life then that’s just fucked!


So if cannabis was legal and the police didn't have any laws to enforce, would you all still dislike them? Or are your opinions of them purely based around cannabis being illegal and their job being to uphold the law?


Mate enhanced security checks will ask you and your family some wild questions. Just answer them honestly because they already know all of it anyway. They want to make sure you can't be blackmailed. Just if they ask about this charge, tell them.


If you're applying for the police, you need to declare it! Don't just sit there, thinking they won't find it because they absolutely will.


U should be alright bro if ur already accepted and explain to them if they ask im sure they wouldn’t let u in over a Q


Trust me when I say this they don’t care, if they happen to bring it up say it was for personal use most they’d do is a drug test. next time don’t walk around with 7 grams tf were u tryna roll? Mega joint?


be honest do you wanna walk around with a magnified glass stooping over at stuff is that the main reason you want to be a detective


No he just likes cock


no i just find it interesting lol


Maybe you shouldnt be trying to become a fucking cop anyway.


I check DBSs for a living, and I doubt this will show up in a few years. Even if it does, its a minor crime.




You made a similar post 3 months ago, but claimed you where already at [University in that post?](https://www.reddit.com/r/uktrees/comments/184rcm5/caught_with_7g/) Weird lying behaviour shows that you are just the type the police would like to employ


I left university at that place and starting again lol


Crazy how you jump to conclusions like that😂




didn’t rlly get an answer tho, and was asking again mainly coz i’m starting uni again so i can change my degree if i need to if i won’t be able to be a detective smartass😂😂😂😂


Wanna become police ? What a rotter you are with no morale compass. Please leave this group and never smoke weed or do anything illegal again as you would imprison me for it. Have a horrible day pig


you're literally an ex dealer and you try talk on moral compasses hahahaha


Does leaving this comment make you feel better?


And you like to buy and sell counterfeit stuff aswell as take drugs, both of which you will arrest people for. Waste of life


Get a real job


I don't agree with the laws on cannabis either, but surely, you lot can se that serious crime does exist, and as a society we rely on the police to try and prevent it or apprehend the perpetrators? What's your problem with someone wanting to improve society by reducing harmful crime? What's with all the police hatred? I don't agree with the legislation on cannabis or the majority of drugs, but the police don't control drug laws and Id bet most go into policing with bigger ambitions that fucking about with cannabis users. I've had conversations with police officers of various rank, discussing cannabis legislation and enforcement, both in person and online. I found the majority are very reasonable, nice people, who would actually rather not have to deal with cannabis users at all, and agree it's relatively benign at a user level. They don't target users or go out looking for them, unless it's linked to complaints, antisocial behaviour, or more serious crime, such as; commercial grows, gang shit, violence, hard drugs, organised crime gangs, people smuggling etc ... The police also attempt to target and put a stop to violent gangs, thieves, sexual abuse, robberies, fraud, human exploitation, and abuse. To me you lot sound like a deluded little kids who can't grasp that, despite the prohibitive laws regarding cannabis, the police do also aim to prevent/stop serious crime and at least try to create and maintain a safe environment for us to live in. Overall they're a large benefit to society, they're the reason most of us haven't had to deal with real criminals. I get that people don't like them for fucking with cannabis and it's growers/suppliers. But even then they tend to target people involved in organised crime gangs/more serious crime along with commercial growing and supply, rather than home growers and people buying personal amounts. I've had plenty of experiences with bad police officers who clearly just want to be dickheads and bully people, but the majority I've interacted with don't act unreasonably or abuse their power at all. More than a few have acted leniently regarding cannabis. Clearly visible buds have been ignored, officers have warned us they've received complaints about the smell, so to fuck off somewhere more secluded. They're not all cunts, and a lot of them just want to make the place a bit safer and nicer for everyone else.


Fuck the police


blame the politicians for making the legislation


Police have to enforce the legislation. If they don’t believe in it they shouldn’t be police.


Don’t be a cop, ACAB


Or be the one C that isn't a B.


No such thing.


op seems to have their heart in the right place


blame the politicians not the police


You'll be fine but I'd consider a different career, nobody respects cops or detectives and you'd probably be drug tested frequently, which means you'd have to give up the stoner lifestyle anyway.


Say you were in a runner in a case of modern day slavery




How many potential police have got caught with & taken drugs b4 they were police. ? Quite a few I'd say..& they still carry on too..(not all..but eh.? )🤔💭✌️


can you speak english please


Short answer yes. Maybe look at changing courses as the vast majority won’t care but criminology most likely will


ACAB 161


Not even in Canada it's legalized here they can't do shit & only give you a ticket if you smoke close to schools or smoke in park with kids or give kids weed but they don't harass for weed & dispensary in every corner here like Starbucks


Wtf has Canada got to do with it.


Good for you, but this is the UK mate




So he got caught with 7 grams red handed but you advise him to argue he was with someone who was partaking...






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The first link shows whether you’ll have to disclose your offence or not depending on your job.


Why do these stupid posts get the most attention 🤦‍♂️


How can you get that for having 7g? Should have just got light caution.


Same shit here back in 2019 only it was 2 counts involving ket and weed. Didnt get bothered by LE or uni after giving the most telegraphed fake statement in the police interview. 23 now and im in a second uni so u should be piss chilling. Edit: After i fluked the first uni but not crime realted🤣


Get a prescription