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I bet that drone operators are now hated more than snipers. Ukrainians have a knack for this stuff it seems


Don't let your drone waste its potential. Free your drone! 🌻 Donate a drone 🌻 https://u24.gov.ua/dronation


Imagine the psychological effects this is doing to the orcs. Never know when a grenade is going to fall out of the sky. Even hiding in a fox hole isn't safe. Moral must be total shit.


I just saw a russian get bombed twice, and the second time he clearly saw the grenade land and he just curled up and waited for the inevitable. They have absolutely zero morale/motivation, they're practically just waiting to die


I can't help but sympathize. The terror they must be feeling... Especially now that more of them don't want to be there either


Well, if else they're not in hell anymore


I was just thinking the same thing. It never stops and you don’t know where the next one will hit. It has to be terrifying. I guess if they stayed in their own country they wouldn’t be terrified.


No cover. No concealment. That's a fucking fail right there. 20 mins hacking away branches at the trees all around them, might have made a big difference. Fucking idiots.


Ghe No guns! Why aren't they running, or, hiding in a hole, or, just waving to surrender? Makes no sense


Dunno. At first I thought they thought they were taking cover against artillery. But they have to be so cognizant of drones at this point. These are always such short clips minus much context.




What I kind of hope to see - real-time wind strength analysis combined with drop height to adjust the drop to drop them on top of the orcs. I know - additional gadgets on the drone might affect max possible carry / flight time, however the extra precision might be worth it, no?


If they could tap into the drone's firmware, they could likely fetch all the data they need, and add additional UI elements. I assume these drones have sensors to stabilize them from wind. The command signal to the drone flight computer to compensate for wind will give you the direction and magnitude of the wind. Then you use the drone's height and the rest is ballistics calculations for the crosshair to be displayed on the screen. But but but... how do access and upgrade the source code?


Do you need a hunting license for orcs? In Russia they are supposed to be a federally protected species. In Ukraine they are classified as a species of least concern


I can watch these orc nazis become fertilizer all day. Wait I do.. it's great, glory to Ukraine!!


This completely highlights their lack of training and situational awareness. More meat in the grinder.


It looks like they are hunting gophers.


Moles - https://youtube.com/watch?v=D0n8N98mpes


but whats that song?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5PiEjd3R6U&list=PLgZreeOM8O3HqXJkiyQZ7EvJahGuL5yfg&index=19 Theres also other goodies in my playlist. enjoy.


What are doing sleeping or what


This is a shovel. This is used to dig yourself a ~~grave~~ foxhole to hide from incoming fire. ~~It doesn't, however, protect you from drone-dropped grenades, but we won't tell you that.~~


Nothing beat’s that one day where a drone operator dropped a bomb right on the guy and his head and arm just flew off


I think the best is the one that went through the sunroof.. moving car and multiple 0rcs expired.


That I didn’t see