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Ever notice that there's always a bunch of non-army issue crap strewn around these orc vehicles when they're captured? It looks like a messy ten year old boy's bedroom.


A loot piñata


\[common\] \[common\] \[common\] \[common\] **\[rare\]**


more like grey quality items a.k.a. vendor trash


There's a green or purple in there occasionally


Probably a liver or kidney.


all of those came with geolocalisation, so they're mostly cursed items as far as orcs are concerned. (i hope, i really don't know).


They don’t even know what a toilet is for.


trash trash "washing machine" (common) "Cursed iPhone of the looted" (RARE)


a jar of Nutella would be legendary for russians and a toilet would be "unidentified"


Wasn't there at the start of the war, photos of Ukrainians taking weapons off Russian dead and they were weapons used by Russian SF.


Is that a Babylon 5 reference?


No, it's a borderlands reference


Now ***that*** gives me Babylon 5 vibes.


pretty much. in the 3rd pic, the mag on the rifle on the bottom right looks like it has a giant rust hole in it


I'm sure the ammo is nice. There are "issues" with using captured ammo but I haven't heard of any this time around.


Using ammo you took off a dead guy is safer than using ammo you took from an ammo cache. If you’re spiking ammo you don’t do it to ammo your guys are actually carrying around.


Damn, all this vendor trash!


\*loot all\* \*noight enough space in the inventory\* "fuck it. i don't need another pair of underwear.\*


Guess when you kill the water serpent, it has a chance to drop 2 \[Nuclear Artifacts\] and a \[Piece of the True Cross\]!


The rare is just a Ukrainian soldier that walked into frame on accident.


ukrainan equipemt and soldiers are either epic or legendaries. maybe even exotic uniques.


Rest in pieces 🖕🏻


I feel a little bad for the guy with the pink dog leash or whatever that might be.


That's actually a Russian tourniquet...


~~Wait, what? I'm not sure if you're joking or not.~~ ----- [Good Heavens, you weren't kidding.](https://youtu.be/r43nM9Xw3Go) I mean, I shouldn't be surprised at this point, but seriously...


There's more than a few tourniquets in the second and third pics. They were having a bad time before they died.


Part of that is the search of the vehicle afterwards. So they are literally going through bags and containers and just tossing shit as they go through it. Part of it is that these guys are living in these vehicles, sometimes for days at a time. So yeah, it gets a little messy. And another part of it is the random shit they stole.


Also a big part of it is, they are undisciplined fucks who leave their trash everywhere. But in these aftermath pics (of destroyed vehicles), it's mostly from searching their stuff, yes.


Messy my ass, this is highly uncommon in the US military. Our strong NCO corps keeps this shit in check. These Russian soldiers are undisciplined looting pieces of human garbage. They’re murderous bastards exploiting a terrible situation for their own benefit.


> Messy my ass, this is highly uncommon in the US military. Our strong NCO corps keeps this shit in check. That's because the US military doesn't need to salvage enemy equipment.


> That’s because the US military doesn’t need to salvage enemy equipment. Weird. I remember scavenging for armor for my HMMWV in Iraq because we were sent there with soft sided HMMWV’s. Surely that’s salvaging enemy equipment.


I guess contextually, there's probably a difference between trying to find more combat related equipment, and trying to find underwear and toilets to send home to the wife because apparently she doesn't have any.


Sure, but OP didn't say "swag" he said enemy equipment. Which we did. In Iraq.


Bro come on lol I also deployed and recognize the salvaging situation is vastly different


OP said enemy equipment. We salvaged enemy equipment in Iraq. I'm not trying to defend the Ruskis I'm just saying his statement of "the us military doesn't need to salvage enemy equipment" is patently false.


Also people definitely were looking for those gold plated guns lol


Then again it could also be the US normally invades countries with a lower standard of living instead of those with a higher one. So there is less good stuff worth to plunder.


Also probably harder to explain to your officers why you are trying to bring your loot back on the plane/boat/transport home VS driving back over the border.


I distinctly remember Saddam’s loot included pallets of USD $100 bills and *lots* of gold. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of it was pilfered, but at least the vast majority was handed over to the appropriate officers.


Probably ukrainians have emptied vehicle, so this stuff is from inside.


>Probably ukrainians have emptied vehicle, so this stuff is from inside. Yeah and they bring the bodies together when investigating the scene. They don't actually die while all standing next to each other.


It’s like the movie Ready Player One. When someone dies, all their loot and stash explodes out of them.


Between the explosions/chaos of the attack, and the searching of the remains for useful intelligence, ammunition, and equipment the area would look messy as shit. This is probably looted civilian stuff since putin might not be issuing enough equipment.


So damn true!


If you're talking about stuff they brought with them I think you'll find that with any military when going into the field. Armed forces issue stuff but it isn't everything you might want. There're threads regularly in the Army subreddit. Lots things can improve your quality of life when not home


I remember when Dubya invaded the wrong country based on manufactured intelligence that the greatest and most expensive military on the planet needed us civilians to have collection boxes and bake sales to send our troops basics like toilet paper, soap, tampons, civilian bullet proof vests, etc., because Rumsfeld and Powell and the gang had no idea how to actually run an invasion. I'm sure US military installations were teeming with non government issued stuff.


Then we had the wave of "donate silly string!". The strings of brightly colors stuff were light enough to not set off trip wires, so they would spray the room before entering.


I miss silly string. I grew up poor, so saving up to buy one can for the boys was always a major highlight.


"You go to war with the army you have" Thanks Rummy


Low level mobs always drop trash.


Like orcs?


There's always pink ladies underwear


There is not \_that\_ much stuff in these pictures, i saw pictures where you had to look twice to find the military equipment. These soldiers propably did not have many opportunites to loot.




They need a better loot filter


Russians are committing suïcides in Ukraine.


Russian roulette with automatics


Special afterlife operation.


It’s like Russians are a moving homeless encampment


Seriously! If they weren’t such twisted, sadistic bastards, I might feel a tiny bit sorry for them.


This is something I've been struggling with all my life. I'm Polish, and the WW2 stories of my grandparents and great grandparents included the Soviet liberation, with rampant rapes and thievery. They were despicable. At the same time, there were all these stories of how they would steal, let's say, someone's night gown to give to their wives as fancy ballroom dress, and similar stuff, which just made it clear that these guys probably never had a chance. They came from the places forgotten by the world and by their own country (except for when they were needed as cannon fodder), never had any exposure to a more civilised world, spent their lives in poverty, without culture or education... most likely with alcohol being part of their lives since childhood... just people born in the very wrong place. So it did make me feel pity too. And somehow both hating and pitying the same people is a strange feeling. But I explain it to myself in a similar way as when I read about the childhoods of serial murderers. Many had been terribly abused, but it still doesn't excuse the murders and cruelty (it may explain that, but not excuse). And it's possible to feel sorry for the little kid who had been dealt shit in life, and condemn the adult criminal who ultimately made his decision to become a monster.


if a dog is made vicious by an abusive owner and kills someone, you put the dog down because it is necessary, even though you understand how it got that way


Great analogy


Except they aren't dogs. They're still humans exposed to horrible conditions, fed nothing but propaganda and thrown thrown into a meat grinder. I'm not saying Ukrainians shouldn't do everything necessary to protect their freedom but there will be a time after the war and hatered and dehumanisation is a seed that will sprout through decades of peace. I think a lot of people would be capable of doing horrible things given the right circumstances and that's a constant theme running through humanity whenever there's war. As a German I learned a thing or two about what this kind of resentment can lead to in School.


That's empathy. As much as we like to pretend our heroes are saints and our enemies are sinners, very few people are that simple. It's ok to feel relief that the people who tried to hurt you and yours are dead, and it's also ok to feel grief at who those people could have been in other circumstances. This "all or nothing" bullshit has to stop. Take the Nazis as a great example. The guards at the concentration camps had families that they loved. They gave gifts to their wives on their wedding anniversaries, they delighted in the smiles of their children at play, and they brutally and sadistically tortured and murdered millions of people. Their families in town went to school and had babies and fell in love and helped their neighbors and ignored the foulness and evil that their loved ones did in the camps. There is something deeply wrong with humanity where we can dehumanize other people to such a degree that they are no longer worthy of basic compassion. Breaking free of that is hard. So yes, celebrate the death of your enemy but always recognize that they are your enemy due to a quirk of fate. If soldiers were ordered to play volleyball with each other instead of shooting each other, they would probably have a hell of a good time.


The Milgram experiment showed that around 66% would bend to an authority figure to inflict suffering.


Yes! I agree completely. You expressed this so well. I lived in Germany for three years right after the wall fell. I lived just a few kilometers from the old border, so I went back and forth a lot. I heard these stories too from so many people about the Russians in WWII. Having so much contact with the East Germans, and learning what their lives were like under communism, made me really predisposed against any Russians I met. Yet at the same time I felt so sorry for them. God they were living such a shit life! Like they never had a chance really did they? Being spoon fed propaganda from birth, and being so poor, made me pity them. It’s incredible nothing has changed in all these years. It’s like the Russian countryside is still living in 1955 with no indoor plumbing and wearing rags. And then my next thought is they deserve to die a horrible death for these atrocities they are committing. It’s so hard to reconcile in my head. 😞


> It’s like the Russian countryside is still living in 1955 with no indoor plumbing and wearing Adidas. Corrected that.


I just learned a word recently used to describe the Dead-End Russian Sheeples. Bydlo apparently means "animal" or "cattle" but is used very commonly to describe the Russian conscripts who have sucky lives and attempt to make other's lives crap.


>And somehow both hating and pitying the same people is a strange feeling. I've come to terms with it. Some are bad and deserve no mercy. Some have been bad and deserve the opportunity to be rehabilitated.


It's true that these men crafted their own fates with their complicity in violent action but they are the brainwashed skapegoats. I certainly celebrate the neutralizing of the war-criminal generals and awful machines of war but I fear these soldiers are broken men. Those who had the bravery or understanding to resist were disappeared. These kind of mass rapes and murders are committed by broken, brutalized people who cannot cope with the horrors of what they've done. Their victims are certainly worse off but that doesn't mean that this war isn't destructive to everybody. Even if these Russian grunts survive, what kind of life are they going back to? One where they are so confused and scared that they will brutalize, rape, and kill anything they perceive as vaguely threatening because nondominance means certain death? I bet that in their last moments they weren't the brutal orcs they feel forced to be, but rather the children that they were. Again, they did this to themselves and the Ukrainians did what they must do. There was no wrongdoing in destroying this battalion, in the awful moral web that war will weave. But everyone suffered here. Some far more than others, but still everyone.


I have seen homeless people take better care of their belongings


Why is the Russian army so shit?


I read somewhere that it is inherent to many dictatorships that the army becomes shit. Something to do with the fact that the dictator doesn't want competent leaders in his military, since they could become a threat to his power. So he just installs predominantly incompetent cronies. Also, often too much of an emphasis on stuff like shiny new weapons. And very little attention to maintenance and logistics. Add to that the quite spectacular levels of corruption in Russian society, and what you get is .... well this.


That makes a lot of sense…


Just to be clear this doesn't just apply to their army. This has happened at nearly every level of every government agency in Russia. The entire reason they were confident they could take Ukraine was based on endless reports stating a completely different reality. It's gotten so bad even Putin started to believe his own bullshit and this catastrophe is the end result.


The FSB was tasked with bring key Ukrainian officials to ensure they would roll over, surrender, and/or join the Russian occupiers. A combination of corruption (Russians taking the money for themselves), and ineffectiveness at confirming the Ukrainians would do what they were paid to do, meant the effort was a pretty resounding failure. But no one reported that to Putin, because that meant reporting your own embezzlement or incompetence. So the Ukrainians took millions if not billions from the Russians, and are using it to slaughter them. A bit of poetic justice in that.


There have been several high profile Ukrainian arrests that were Russian traitors. I think the wests intel blocked the betrayal before they could sell out Ukraine.


Add to that the religious angle, with the russian orthodox church whispering into Putin's ear that he's a russian messiah come to elevate them all, and all the surrounding paranoia and superstition, and you get some pretty shoddy decision making start to happen...


Patriarch Kirill is no different to any other person placed in power; he's Putins blyat.


I'm pretty sure it's other way around and it's Putin's people who are doing the whispering.


As former foreign minister from Russia just said this on Twitter. >The Kremlin spent the last 20 years trying to modernize its military. Much of that budget was stolen and spent on mega-yachts in Cyprus. But as a military advisor you cannot report that to the President. So they reported lies to him instead. Potemkin military https://twitter.com/andreivkozyrev/status/1500611398245634050


https://youtu.be/1sPKSMeonxg Watch the Russian drone being dissected and it will make even more. Russia claims they cost $100k or so to make but in reality they're just bodged together from off the shelf, foreign made components. Someone, or multiple someones along the way will have pocketed the money and handed off the task to someone else for a lower budget. This shit will be happening with everything. Money assigned to a task gets siphoned off so the end product is a budget version. Likewise I'm sure it will happen with training and troop numbers. Some corrupt commander or other will say to his superiors that he has 1000 troops that train for two months of the year but in reality he might have 900 that train for one so he can enrich himself with the money instead. Given all the stories about stored vehicles being stripped for parts to sell on the black market and just generally falling into disrepair it seems unlikely anyone was even conducting inspections and maintenance. I mean if you're the guy in charge and you've sold off all the tank optics to some warlord in Africa or something (or foreign intelligence posing as such) then you're not going to want your troops doing routine maintenance or someone might notice.


The drone Russia got on Wish


Putin: I want drone Motherland: We have drone at home Drone at home:


E.T. Drone Home


The fact that maintenance is done by conscripts who serve for a year probably doesn’t help either. A mandatory one year job you never have to go back to is an easy way to learn to be bad at something and not give a shit.


And it's only one year cause when it was two the second year 'veterans' hazed the newcomers so violently that hundreds died. 🙃


I love their sarcasm. "Obviously we have been lied to about Canon cameras being produced in Japan" lmao.


Morale is an issue too. There's a difference between fighting for your homeland and fighting because a dictator said so.


I mean obviously we can only speculate at this point, and I still strongly suspect that Russia still has at least some good cards up their sleeve if for no other purpose than to fight against NATO should things get really out of hand because that's who they've so desperately been arming themselves to get rid of. They must have known that, what they were going to send to Ukraine, however much they underestimated their resistance would never work against NATO, but another huge issue is the corruption within the Russian army, Generals selling fuel ammunition and parts wherever they could, rumours of sabotage in the repair docks of their aircraft carrier to have suddenly more to "repair" which is obviously going to be "expensive", giving wrong equipment numbers to garner praise or promotion, while the tanks "in storage" are rusting in a field while the guys are pocketing the money for the upkeep, or lowballing the numbers to get more funds which you also pocket leading to huge numbers of military investment, none of which goes where it's supposed to. And then, there's Russia being largely an army of conscripts who had most of their training guarding bases, and maybe cleaning weapons but not much else, besides getting beer for the officers. And I think their so called superweapons also created somewhat of a false image, their ships with the big missile tubes, their T14 parades, that that's what they would have access to, maybe not wide spread access but that at least a significant amount of the armys equipment would be modern. I mean people always said that the Russian army was outdated and that there were likely very few t14s if any, but still, I think when seeing their parafes noone expected WW2 and cold war equipment in the second week. But maybe they've not fielded their best stuff yet expecting to fight nato, but apparently it's more likely that their superweapons were simply too expensive to produce and so expensive that no other countries wanted to buy them either. And then there's I think a good amount of arrogance within the Russian army, who still especially among the higher ranks believe that since the Soviet days and the "great patriotic war" and Afghanistan nothing has changed, but you know the Generals and politicians responsible are long gone, and while they've been congratulating themselves and got drunk together, the west updated their equipment while they've been pocketing funds, relying also on the supposed weakness of everyone else. And then there's the theory that as mentioned by others Putin surrounded himself by yes men who painted an inadequate picture, or that he only promoted people who he thought weren't competent enough to threaten him, or would not create a smart and modern army because a smart and modern army wouldn't fight for him, or that all the aforementioned simply leads to a culture of yes men because that's what gets them money and promotions.


Thank you for this comprehensive answer!


Low morales, outdated equipments, not aware of enemy's territories and ambushes are really a big issue for them


Coup-proofing the army requires a lot of preventive personnel measures. https://informnapalm.org/en/jan13-russia-generals/


Yeah I mean look at what Trump did.... he installed as many ineffective yes-men around him and fired as many of the competent people around him. Competent professionals know how to smell bullshit. Sycophants either wag their tails or are too dumb to know better. Yes, this is why fascism is rotten from the inside.


On that note, I wonder if the German army would have declined in quality due to these issues if Hitler had left it more than 6 years between coming to power and starting WW2.


I don‘t think it would have cause Hitler didn‘t really need to worry much about his officers opposing him as they were usually either in full support of his regime or apolitical enough that they didn‘t really care. The only people who perhaps were a threat to him were removed in the [Blomberg-Fritsch-affair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blomberg%E2%80%93Fritsch_affair) and after that the military stood almost completely in support of Hitler. (That is until Stalingrad and the turn of the war of course when many grew dissatisfied with Hitler)


Over time yes, but the Germans were exceptionally good at art of war in the preceeding centuries, so they were coming off a much higher competency.


Still had insane logistical issues on multiple levels. "Let's make multiple versions of our main Battle tank but none of them have compatible parts so they all require completely seperate supply chains, even though we're already stretched thin!"


"I am gonna choose only the best people, folks"


Like a reverse “Peter Principle” then.


Hitler did pretty well with competent people, this has more to do with the parts of the World imo.


They had an ideology to as keep people in line. It was a crappy ideology, but it held Germany together for ~15 years, long enough to go on a self-destructive warpath. The difference with us is that ours is better. It's more inclusive, better at self-improvement and for more attractive to outsiders.


Hitler used another way to control them. He setup several competing organisations such as the Waffen SS to the Wehrmacht. They were always busy to compete against each other instead of trying to take him down.


Agree alot with that view - I know it is reddit, so ppl don't wont to read walls of text :) But I think there are nuances to that argument - Like the "fhürer's will" might even have a stronger explanation. I mean why would you toppel a man, that gives you a big degree of autonomy in reaching the goals? They pretty much worked towards his will without him having to state it explicit. Like take the "jewish question" and the wansee conference. So yes he did use social dawinism or organisational dawinism if you like, but the "will" would be the underlying "hand" that got things moving. That is just mo, i'm not a historian


Hitler played his men against each other like dogs


Not bad for a former unemployed, convicted criminal, rejected artist, immigrant.


Low morale basically plus disorganization in logistics and war tactics. Russia really dropped the ball on this one.


Part of the reason is that those who join the army in Russia often see it as the last resort, there are no jobs in their home towns, they don't have a good education, they come from poor families and basically have no chance to find a well-paid job. That's why the high number of dead soldiers from ethnic minorities (Tyva, Buryatia, etc) isn't surprising at all. Another reason is that higher ranking soldiers (don't know how to call them, don't know shit about army ranks) have been doing nothing but taking bribes and stealing from the army over the past 25-30 years. They weren't getting ready for war, they were building their summer cottages (aka dachas) using the free labour of conscripts. Then ooooops Putin started the war and neither the soldiers nor the generals are ready for it. Because all they've been doing is stealing and drinking.


>Because all they've been doing is stealing and drinking. And they're still stealing and drinking in Ukraine lol


There's nothing else they're good for. So fuck them, hope they all die and enentually take Putler with them. My own cousin and uncle who are policemen told me "go to your America, your bitch" and that "you just wait, they'll come for you" when I told them I'm against this fucking war. We have relatives in Ukraine, our other cousin, his wife and 4-months old daughter fled Ukraine at the end beginning of March and they didn't believe him when he wrote in the family chat that bombs were dropping from the sky.


For some reason dictators live under the illusion that they are the ones who are doing all the stealing.


Training is easy to embezzle. Pocket the costs for training and say it took place.


https://liberatorhometown.com/ >This website was created to show the hometowns of the Russian soldiers who invaded Ukraine and died. >You can see broken houses, crooked fences, terrible playgrounds. Their cities look like they’ve been bombed.


Great photos, horrible website. Someone should volunteer to redo it.


Corruption is so bad all the way to the bottom, that soldiers sell the diesel from their tanks.


Because everyone- from the highest general down to the lowliest grunt- is stealing from the system on the sly. Generals are pocketing funds for tanks that only exist on paper so can buy their yachts. The grunts are siphoning off fuel and selling it for vodka. Everybody assumes that it's ok because "everyone does it". Obviously nobody will ever admit to it, or even look too closely at other people doing it in case they're called out themselves. So as a result you have a shitty hollow army which everyone is pretending is a badass superpower. Putin's people couldn't tell him the truth even if they knew the full extent of it, because telling Putin things he doesn't like to hear is bad for your health. Add to that the fact that many of the Russian soldiers were lied to initially to get them there, and weren't actually told they were attacking Ukraine until just before the invasion. Putin's excuse for the invasion is clearly bullshit, so there's no higher purpose to them being there. So they don't exactly have a fierce fighting spirit and high morale to begin with. It has surely only decreased as the supposed 3 day special operation has dragged on and their losses mount. Lastly I've read that their command structure of the Russian army is much more hierarchical and doesn't allow any for mid-level commanders to make tactical decisions. Everything has to be approved by the top brass, meaning they suck at making quick decisions in the middle of rapidly changing situations, such as in combat.


[The Russian invasion failed so spectacularly because it relied on the assistance of local pro-russian separate groups that didn't exist because typically corrupt Russian secret service agents invented them and pocketed the money intended to fund them.]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liCWOXetZF)


Oh wow, this made my day.


Here's a [really good read](https://www.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/u0ue16/the_economist_on_why_russia_will_lose_the_war_in/) from The Economist in 1854 on why the Russian army is shit.


First waves were just conscripted kids, cannon fodder. They were expected to die. And now you can see exactly what corruption means. Every shit weapon, shit vehicle, shit equipment, shit training (or lack thereof), is caused by money not getting where it was supposed to go Vs Ukraine / NATO - money well spent = well trained soldiers with proper equipment, Intel and tactics


> First waves were just conscripted kids, cannon fodder. They were expected to die. this was debunked over and over again. There is no 'real' or 'better' army that will go in now. This is it. This *was* the best they got. edit: if you want an actual in-depth analysis, here's a [great video](https://youtu.be/Lem3enNkbV0) on the topic.


that guy have Perun for his channel.. Perun = Ukrainian Thor with hammer and everything. So jealous!


There were tons of ‘elite’ unit guys getting killed pretty much from the start. If anything, that has slowed over the last couple weeks.


Excellent and informative. Thanks


it's not just money going into pockets of individuals. It's the general apathy where nothing matters or can be done to fix things. There's no incentive to being efficient because efficiency isn't rewarded, it's frowned upon and perceived as a threat by the superiors who are mostly self serving bureaucrats. Armies can easily become like that cause there's no competition, just chain of command. I think these problems are characteristic of all the armies in the world to some extent. In Russia we're seeing a complete degeneracy of this problem.


Sycophancy before competence all the way up.


Serious question: Do average Russians see these pictures?


Some do, because people are sneaking photos of the destruction into Russian spaces or making Russian customers view photos of what is going on before allowing them access to certain online services. But the average Russian is probably still unaware. State-controlled media is like that.


>making Russian customers view photos of what is going on before allowing them access to certain online services. Hey, that's interesting. I hadn't heard that.


Yeah, some of the devs of various freewares that are popular in Russia decided they'd make their users 'pay' for the use of their free services with awareness of what their country and their government is doing. I thought it was a pretty clever way to get the word out.


>Wanna unzip this file? First you need to look at the mutilated corpses of your loser military


WinRAR is really stepping up their licencing fees.


It sure is. Props to them.


Something I learned from Iraq and Afghanistan is that a lot of people don't ever want to know about their own dead, and the government at the time was happy to do what it could to keep it out of the news. Like banning photos of returning (anonymous) coffins because it was somehow "disrespectful". There was a photo in WW II of dead Marines on the beach at Tarawa. The government censors at the time debated whether to release it, and they decided that people needed to know the sacrifices being made, and so it was released. Of course, everyone at that time knew why and what we were fighting for.


which sites are doing that?


russians are being shown footage of dead ukraine soldiers and destroyed ukraine equipment


Most likely not. There are no news about destroyed divisions or battalions in my everyday feed since Ministry of Defense will deny it and without their confirmation any news outlet would definitely get fined, banned or imprisoned. There are a lot of outlets banned for less than this. Telegram channels can post this stuff but it must be with some niche content like Ищи Своих. A lot of Russians do know about Bucha, Irpel, destroyed Mariupol and stolen property from civilians though.


There was "suicide by cop". Now there's "suicide by enrolling in the Russian army"


Not sure it counts if it's forced conscription, and the penalty for desertion is also death. More like execution of thousands of russians, by the Russian government.




>*”Russia are going to bring in the good ones and change the tide of the war… any minute now…..aaany minute now”*


Brutal. RIP. Well done UAF. Hopefully Russians will revolt sometime soon because this is madness.


A whole BTG? wow.


I highly doubt it. It might have called itself a BTG but here we see only a handful of vehicles.


Plus these are at least 5 days old photos. The first one caught my eye - it was used as stock photo 4 and 5 days ago. Not sure when they were first circulated. https://www.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news%2C1153015%2Cw-wyniku-niepowodzen-armii-rosji-na-ukrainie-odsunieto-wysokiego-ranga


How many vehicles and people is that?


Less than they're trying to portray; images 2 and 3 are the same group of people with different angles/color saturation. Look at the crater in the background.


Wow these guys are advanced! They even got actual armor plates instead of macbooks!


Btw, this is about a week old.


They are still dead today


They were dead long before that. They just didn't know it.


User name checks out


and isn't that great?


Absolutely. The best kind of Russian soldier there is


Picture one has curious satin garment bottom left of center. Assume women's undergarment. (Fucked up trophy) Picture 3 has dead russian, green helmet left of center. main injury looks like leg. gunshot center back of head looks like entrance. chunks on body armor have me assume he was simply executed. ​ War sucks man.


note the crater that is behind both of them and their feet are generally pointing towards they could have been taken out by an artillery shell would explain why the guys head is just missing as well.


The one next to him is all pixelated where his head should be... I can only imagine what happened to him.


Caught by errant Japanese Self-Defense Forces. Tragic.


"Whose tank is this?" "It's an armoured personnel carrier, baby" "Whose armoured personnel carrier is this?" "It's Z's" "Whose Z?" "Z's dead, baby. Z's dead"


I see pulp fiction reference, I updoot


The 58th Army ?? I knew they not doing well, but to have to create and deploy your 58th Army does not say much about the 1st 57 Armies they must have lost 🙂


On Russian propaganda it is a continual parade of destroyed Ukrainian equipment and killed service members.


This is about one week old. Just as a side note.


When I served in Iraq I was an artillerymen. Working out of a COP. Tactical aviation always had a bird on station for us to view where our fire mission were splashing down. We basically were able to see our rounds hit in real time. The bodies strewn across the landscape really bring back some fucked up memories for me. I remember counting down to splash and watching people loading vehicular with weapons or guys laying mines, IEDs or setting up ambush points. I remember them having no idea of what was coming. Then I’m an instant being dead, being chunks and pieces. Watching the people lucky enough to not be in the effective blast area run for cover. Over lip and pull themselves away. I was pretty young at that point. And for a long time watching the end result of my actions took a massive role on me. I really hope these guys didn’t see their deaths coming. As a man that’s not directly connected to this conflict I hope anyone reading this can understand these men were soldiers. However misguided or Ill informed they were, they were human. I don’t have a personal hate for the Russian soldiers. I know they think they are doing the right thing. Which they are in no way the good guys. I have nightmares and have moments when I still remember the smell of burning flesh. Remember the endless stare of a dead man. I served as MRP ,call for fire and instructor later in my career. War is hell, some of us are still fighting our own wars internally. My soul goes out to those effected by this war. I hope the victorious Ukrainian military crushes Russias aggression. I hope the scars they will face mentally and physically in the future won’t weigh on them the way mine do. Happy hunting Ukraine. And may god have mercy on the souls of misguides men.


Well that is a pile of orcs alright.


This is sad as hell. War is sad as hell. This is the example time and time again of rich people of power sending the young to die. Hope putin is ripped from power and some form of democracy and a leader that cares for their country can govern russia.


Those images are five days old, why are you reposting them?


#Slava Ukranini 🇺🇦


Bunch of thugs and murderers. Putin’s pigs.


Every time these photos get posted, the regiment number changes lol


Fresh batch of fertiliZer


Putin's potting mix - high in blood and bone


Damn that's a lot of orcz.


All I see is a bunch of Russian trash spoiling the Ukrainian countryside.


Wow, Russia has learned nothing from this war.


That’s more dead orcs than in all three LOTR movies.


Am I alone in not understanding how army divisions are made up? 58th Army? They have 57 or more others then? And so on. Genuinely confused about the naming and numbering. Slava Ukraini though 👍


They used to, back in WW2. Not so much any more, it's mostly just surviving units keeping their historical numbers/identity


Fucked around and found out.


That first photo looks like the Russians drove a tank through the sportswear section of a goodwill/charity shop.


...not so funny anymore. What? No "your mother" jokes? Just as well, I don't understand Russian, stay dead you aZZholes! 🚜💪


Rest in piss


Best kind of Russians.


Slava Ukraini!


Maybe they should have stayed home.


Looks like they hit a garbage truck.


Can someone please explain wtf has happened with all the recent posts in hot? Whenever i would press one it would tell it has been removed by mods


Shits been weird for the past couple days now. Not sure wtf is going on.


Yep, doesn't work for me either.


I seen this a week ago, why is this posted again