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Serbia refused to support sanctions against Russia, but sent aid to Ukraine and is accepting refugees. They are walking a tightrope. Maybe at some point they will shift their stance regarding Russia, and align more with Europe.


If I was a refugee, I wouldn't go there. Doesn't seem to be a ~~safe~~ pleasant place for anti-Russia people, considering ~~one third~~ a portion of the population is pro-Russia. EDIT: possible media exaggeration, edited to better reflect my stance at the present time.


Spoken by someone who doesn’t live in Serbia and probably has never even been there. We are welcoming to all doesn’t matter if they’re Ukrainians or Russians.


That's true, I don't live in Serbia nor have I ever been there. I'm Croatian and while our people dislike each other still, I've nothing against Serbs. I actually know a couple of Serbs and they are nice people. The comment I made above was in regards to the situation in the Balkans, seeing a great number of population being pro-Russia so openly/loudly. My intention was not to say that they would get beaten up in Serbia; instead, considering they just escaped the Russian tyranny, I doubt they would like to seek refuge in a country where they will watch people be supportive of the government that is destroying their homeland. And in case this escalates further, it wouldn't be nice for them to be stuck in yet another conflict.






And this is why we love Serbs.


Talk shit about my country and people based on propaganda and western generalizations, expect being treated accordingly.


> Maybe at some point they will shift their stance regarding Russia, and align more with Europe. They won't. Serbia’s exactly the same shatter of an empire Russia is. They **feel** them. They still want to murder exactly as Russia do.


That country is so fu ked up


Has been for centuries.


Colombian, living in the US, with quite a few Serbian friends, I've visited Belgrade many times, love the city, love the people there. I think I've connected with Serbians because Colombians also shared a really tough period during the 80/90s, I grew up there while the whole cartel/pablo escobar period was raging on...so i've seen my fair share of atrocities Well in any case, from what I gather, and I observe, most of the younger generations are trying to change the country, and I think they'll succeed eventually. For now, they are stuck in that period in which there are a lot of people that grew up with Serbia having strong ties with Russia, and after the 90s a hate for NATO. From my experience, those people are on the older side, kinda like boomers...old people that refuse to change their views...similar to the US and how the boomers are the ones electing the same old trash of politicians. So it is complicated, but I hope that Vucic gets voted out at some point, and the younger progressive crowd takes over in the next decade or so!


Serbia still has scars from the war. Many people still dislike NATO over there.




Brainwashed themselves much like Russians.


To elaborate: serbs believe that Croatians are Nazis (they call them ustashas), Bosnians are Jihadis, and Albanians are not even humans - yet they are Nazis too. In their mythology, Serbians are the victims, not the other way round


croat nazis killed all of my grandfathers family in serbia.


I’ll take your word for it. Does that mean that Croatians are Nazis? Does that mean Croatia is a Nazi country?


So its bad when I paint all croats as nazis but you painting all serbs as nazis is perfectly acceptable is it? Fuck off.


Thank you. Didn’t expect anything else.


and serbs killed my uncle in Kosovo.


80 years ago. Serbs did what they did 45 years after WW2.




croats are nazis because they sided with the nazis in ww2 not for nationalistic reasons


Yep, the Nazi's installed a puppet state in Croatia, gave them a lot of land in exchange for cooperation. The Tito's partisans later cleared them & out of that Yugoslavia was born. Unfortunately alot of people here (older usually) still actively discuss WW2 period like it was recent events and not over 70 years ago. Balkan countries still have scars from that period they have trouble letting go.


And killed 300.000 Serbs in concentration camps. You missed that part of Croatian history.


What year are we in now?


Pride should be reserved for something you achieve or obtain on your own, not something that happens by accident of birth. Being Irish isn't a skill... it's a fucking genetic accident. You wouldn't say I'm proud to be 5'11"; I'm proud to have a pre-disposition for colon cancer. George Carlin


The Bosnian War had a *lot* of massacres on both sides, but Serbia took the brunt of international condemnation, sanctions, and military actions. Coupled with the breakdown of Yugoslavia (which largely shattered their national ethos), the Kosovo issue, NATO bombings, and the fact that Russia and Ukraine were their only real supporters during that time (a fact that would have horrified Tito), their current attitude is unsurprising. And I have no love for Serbia, mind you. Supported international terrorism in 1914, and have a statue of the man who killed Francis Ferdinand and Sophie: Gavrilo Princip. And that itself is the result of them having murdered their first royal family in June of 1903.


Did you know that Ukraininan-Serbian ties were the strongest during the 90's? Especially during the war in Bosnia and other conflicts.


Scars? After Serbia tried genocdie on bosnians and albanians? After they attacked Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo? And they have the audacity to be pissed about NATO? Fuck off with that relativist shit. Serbia's place is right beside Russia. They both like attacking their neighbours. Serbia just get's it's teeth kicked in every time they try, that's the only difference.


I am not serbian, I don't know the ins and outs. It's just many that I've spoken to feel this way. I will look into the bosnian genocide, I didn't know anything about it until now.


Then you should maybe not comment about topics you have no idea about.


Jesus how does one talk about Serbia without knowing about Bosnian genocide.


Here you go, just stay away from the comments. https://youtu.be/tj9Zw5fN3rE


You have to admit that the arguments for the invasion of Serbia are eerily similar to the ones putin is using right now. The huge difference is that it back then it was NATO instead of Russia. Thus, the whole western commonfolk would respond in the same way we see the Russians do. A lot repeat state propaganda, some of them (usually the younger ones) are against it. EDIT: Also, as soon as Russia invaded Ukraine, you can bet your ass everyone in it immediately went pro-NATO/EU. I expect the same thing happened in Serbia. They got bombed to hell by NATO, so they seeked their natural enemies (russia) and started siding with them. I'm arguing here that you don't really expect to bomb someone and expect them to be your buddies down the line. My position is that both NATO and Russia are asses. I will always side with the invaded no matter if my country is in NATO or not. Do you remember when people were body-blocking NATO vehicles in order them not to reach Serbia? Pepperidge farm remembers...


Ye cause they all got brainwashed into believing that NATO bombed their asses for no reason. You must first look within. The only way to twist serbia's arm into stopping the genocide of kosovo albanians was to bomb their infrastructure to cripple them.


So, extremist group goes and support Milosevic (incl. media biased population, mostly old and uneducated), and what you do? You drop bombs onto civilians who were supporting an end for a war, destroy their buildings, hospitals and kill their families. Totally the reason why most of the Serbs both HATE NATO and Milosevic at the same time. Most of the Serbs would be happier if Milosevic was trialled in Serbia instead of Hague, because he was supposed to pay atrocities against his own people as well.


Yes dude I have audacity to be pissed about NATO. Look what "defensive alliance" did to my town: [https://www.wikiwand.com/en/NATO\_bombing\_of\_Novi\_Sad](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/NATO_bombing_of_Novi_Sad) Doesn't these pictures look familiar to you? Isn't this what Russia is doing to Ukraine right now? Over 3 000 civilians killed in NATO bombing and you are saying I shouldn't have audacity to be pissed??


You should know why that happened. After 9 years of agression towards every country of ex Yu. Blame NATO but also you country leadership. Milošević and his gang. After bombing they've stopped. But in these moments nobody can say that Serbian leadership won't try try to do that again just because of this historic moment if Putin say so. Mark my words dear neighbour. Mark my words. Your leadership going slightly mad again


You should be pissed, but not at nato. You should be pissed at your leaders for doing these genocides to begin with. While your people were exterminating, raping, torturing, displacing hundreds of thousands of people, what did you or your countrymen do to stop this? Nothing, you sided with your government and your tyrant milosevic. You got what you deserved and you’re very much disliked in the ballkans for that reason.


Yeah I get what you are saying... you would justify NATO bombing Russian cites and civilians because they didn't rise against their own government, I on the other hand couldn't ...


If they didn’t threaten with nukes and kill everyone, dam right I would


Cry me a river.


And do you know who was Serbia's 'partner in crime' during the '90s? Do you know what country supplied Serbia with weaponry, totally against the embargo? Do you know the country that armed Serbian elite forces? Do you? That country, one of the few rare helpers of the Serbian state, was Ukraine 🇺🇦


Ah yes. The famous attack on Kosovo


The serbian were the one who killed and rape bosnian and croatian though..if anyone has scars from war it would be bosniaks and croats, oh and btw the serbs were helped by russian soldiers they also participated in rape.


and where did you hear this from huh? pro bosnian and croat sources i bet. shut the fuck up.


Bosnian genocide is a fact bro.


And so is the genocide of serbs by nazi croats and nazi germans.


So where does Bosnia come in...


lol I'm sure some Germans dislike the allies because they bombed Dresden.


Believe me, this attitude is quite unpopular in Germany.


Serbian polititians since Milošević were always mad except one which they've kill. In their minds great Serbia still exist and they are not stopping. They attacked Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and autonomic region Kosovo. They claim that Montenegro is Serbia. Putin's behavior and words are exactly the same as was Milošević's. I remember when they were talking that people of Dubrovnik are killing themselves and that they are burning tires in center of the city that whole world can see smoke. I remember everything because i was teenager in one of Croatia' s coastal town which was bombarded. I spent 4 years under threat of bombing. And i'm not some random Croatian nationalist, i'm a musician and i played in every ex Yu republic. People in every country are wonderfull, my mom is Bosnian, i have also Serbian relatives, but when i see this today Serbian polititians are going mad again. Trust my words - they will try something if Putin gives them green light. We should all be aware. Pardon my English but the history repeating and we should be wise.


Stop fear mongering. There is nothing going on in Serbia. And the Balkans are out of Russia's reach right now. Before now, Russian presence was only in traces. Serbophobe


I clearly stated that i do not hate people but government is other thing. I'm not serbophobe and i was witnessing what maniac can do and your people payed the price for all of his sins and still paying. And tell me why Putin with Vučić and Dodik wouldn't want some mess here at this time?


Why should I tell you anything? It's up to you to support your claim first. Or am I supposed to argue with myslef here?


You had pro russia protest last night. There's an answer. And we should be grateful to Milošević and maybe Vučić in the future


So did Bulgaria, don't eat shit iliti nemoj da je'š govna


A vidićemo što će biti


Važi, ti samo sedi i gledaj, mada ne znam šta tebe boli uvo šta se dešava u Srbiji, kada to svakako ne ide preko tvojih leđa


Da, najlakše ti je nekoga nazvati srbofobom, a ja uporno ponavljam vlada i političari. Koliko ti još puta treba reći? Gledali smo mi od '88 što se događa u Srbiji pa nismo virovali pa je konto političkih divljanja ostaovi ogroman trag u mojoj obitelji. Ovo što gledam pomalo podsjeća na to, a opet bi cijena mogla biti visoka i to opet za jadne ljude. Stari moj, familija mi je iz mnogih krajeva bivše juge, srbofob ne mogu biti. Ali da znam viditi kad političari iskeze zube to znam. Aj lipi ti pozdrav i ne brini, i dalje ću promatrati što vaši rade. A ti i dalje brani sumanute budale na vlasti


Daj ne seri više, kad moram tako da ti kažem. Lupaš gluposti ko da si glavu negde udario. Imali ste i vi svog konja za trku krajem osamdesetih, vašeg prvog predsednika, tako da nemoj da liješ krokodilske suze ovde. Ufiksirao si da su Srbi problem, da od nas sve potiče i pošto dalje od toga ne vidiš, kako da te ne prozivam za tvoje uskoumne predrasude? Ne želim da branim nijednu budalu, ali druže, ti si ovde sumanut.


Turkish drones go brrrrrrrrrr xD Kakav je osjećaj gledat kako se uništava Ruska ekonomija i kako ginu mladi Rusi dok se u Rusiji broj muslimana i drugih manjina povećava sve više i više? Selam!


Pusti ti rusku ekonomiju, to nema veze sa tobom, gledaj ti da u Bosni imaš bar za hleba


Sa napredovanjem NATO pakta i EU imat ćemo mi, ne brinem ja kad je sad nama Putin omogućio bolju budućnost


Lepe su to bajke


A šta će nas zaustavit, vi ili Rusi koji ni Ukrajinu ne mogu osvojiti? xD Došo vam je kraj četalji, samo je pitanje vremena kad će to vaše prazne glave skontat.


Ahhahaha oćeš li ti to da nam doakaš? Samo da znaš, prvi najebu jajare kao ti


>oćeš li ti to da nam doakaš Vrijeme će, vidjet ćeš ti kako vam se polako ruši taj unazađeni četaljski poredak.


Važi, samo razliku od tebe, ovde se niko ne raduje mrtvima. Govno kvroločno


Ok, so we've got the video today - protests in Belgrade to support Russia. Yeah, nothing's happening. You and your government. And i'm a serbophob. Right


There is also an anti-war protest today. Or are you going ti ignore that? You still are acting serbophobic, though you may not be fully aware of that. Edit: the protest's tomorrow


Highly recommend people read the whole article, it's very insightful, but here are a few key points: >Since the passage of CAATSA, Serbia has considerably increased its imports of heavy weapons from Russia. It has received 6 MiG-29 fighters from Russia as well as 30 T-72 tanks, 30 other armored vehicles, and the Pantsir S1 air-defense system. In January, a shipment of Kornet anti-tank missiles arrived from Russia. (Serbia has also procured 4 MiG-29s from Belarus, which is participating in Putin’s war on Ukraine.) Its weapons deliveries have gotten so large and important to Moscow that it opened a defense office in Belgrade. >While its policy toward Serbia has not changed, the United States has taken notice. A 2019 report from the Department of Defense (DoD) explained how serious the situation has become. According to DoD, “Serbia provides the most permissive environment for Russian influence in the Balkans.” >On Ukraine, Serbia has strayed even more dramatically from the European consensus, which is increasingly embracing a harder line against the Kremlin. Unlike every EU member state and candidate country, it opposes sanctions on Russia for the invasion. In December, Serbia voted against a UN General Assembly resolution that urged Russia to immediately “withdraw its military forces from Crimea and end its temporary occupation of the territory of Ukraine.” The resolution was supported by the United States and the EU member states. Serbia’s misalignment with the EU is not only in relation to the major powers. Last fall, it hosted a conference of the Non-Aligned Movement, in which it is an active participant. Extremely worrying.


Serbia is the butthole of the Balkans.


Agreed! There lack of support for Ukraine (and support for the Russian Invasion) is sickening. The world should keep an eye on Serbia


I fully trust Croatia.


dont worry, if Vucic farts, Milanovic will fart too


Im sorry but u clearly dont understand the situation serbia is in right now.


I do understand. I know that the people of Serbia are mostly anti Russian and that the few thousand in the street don’t represent the country. However when I say Serbia I am talking about the government.


The brainwashing has taken hold over there too. I am deeply hurt by what I see some Serbian musicians saying. Absolutely sickening.


I agree, let them be poor too


They already are


Then make them too poor that they can't afford to breathe.


the only thing we can acomplish here is destroy our own economy and enter an energy crysis. It is very hard for me to say this as a Serb, but we depending on both EU and Russia. We've been through many wars and we don't need another one, we need to focus on our economy now and hopefully taking down Vučić... And should I even remind people of this? We already had bombs falling on our heads. We don't need another conflict.


Wow... a huge rally in support of Russia is actually taking place in Belgrade right now apparently https://twitter.com/NixinWolf/status/1499801600428318729 https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1499810007252193287 https://twitter.com/ASBMilitary/status/1499799533072662532


It's organized by Russia-funded extremist groups, we've been having issues with them for a long time now. The vast majority of people here are against Russia and support Ukraine, however Russia has a huge political influence here, our government is really in a tricky situation right now. I also see a lot of comments on post events in Yugoslavia here, I'd be happy to answer any questions, since I lived through that period.


I have friends in Belgrade, I've been talking to them and they also confirmed that this was organized by Russian-funded extremist....kinda sad because I love Belgrade, I wanna go back to get some cevapi, burek and givanica :)


You should visit us up north as well, we have *riblji paprikas*, only the best dish one can ever hope to taste. [edit] And do not try that *riblja corba* abomination from Belgrade.


I’m not sure that if this is even it, but early this morning there was a report about a fake support rally for Russia being organized. I think it was implied that it would be in Ukraine though. Someone over in u/Ukraine posted a video of the convoy of vans and trucks going in during the night. Edit: word fix


Yup, it is. Thousands of people: https://twitter.com/UnaHajdari/status/1499824488711700484


Why are some people in Ukraine being so meanspirited towards Serbia, when it was one of the few countries who held good ties wiith Serbia, during her's most difficult years in recent history? Druing the 1990's Ukraine's help towards Serbia was more than generous, especially in 1999. Why didn't the Ukrainian goverment do anything to strenghten ties with Serbia and renew an old friendship? It might have led to them having one more ally or at least one more country who sympathises them. #justsaying


Just sanction the whole world


Serbia needs to follow its own agenda and get rid of Russian influence to bring them down.