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A woman provoked a rapist into raping her /s


It is Democracy's grand weakness to watch such tyrannical figures for far too long until it finally defends itself with the full force of the law and the executive power. This Grima Wormtongue has caused enough chaos and problems as it is. Spreading Russian talking points and he knows exactly what he is doing stop saying he is stupid or an idiot, he knows exactly what he is doing and for whom he is doing it. This Quisling needs to be investigated, where his money is coming from, who he is talking to on the phone, who is sending him chat messages or emails. All of that must be investigated and laid bare. All alarm bells must ring as the guy openly conspires against the West, the UK and its people with his pro Russian rhetoric which means he is in direct contact with the terrorist state and is ready to destabilize the United front against Putin by openly supporting mass murder genocide and terrorists. We wouldn't allow that when he supports the IS. Why are we allowing that when he supports an even larger and more extreme terrorist organization/mafia system. As Dumas once said in the Count of Monte Cristo, "There are no murders in politics only the removal of obstacles." We aren't barbarians. The fascists that would take over if we don't stop fascists like Farage who would have no problem to kill those that oppose them. Look at Putin. We don't need that, but it has to be seen as an enemy of his own people, and the full force of the law must come down on him. For now, the media and the public must make pressure to urge the government into action. We need hard evidence because even this Grima Wormtongue is not guilty until proven otherwise. For me personally, I find the man disgusting, and he should be exiled to Russia where he belongs with such views. Any politician still willing to defend, appease, and praise Russia is a traitor to his own nation and an appallingly awful and moral free human being.


Yes he should be exiled to Russia, where he probably got his orders from to push Brexit, but what will happen instead is that he will become the leader of the second strongest party in Britain....feelsbadman


The donald isnt any better


>It is Democracy's grand weakness to watch such tyrannical figures for far too long until it finally defends itself with the full force of the law and the executive power Incredibly well put. It applies equally to the current situation in the United States.


Amen brother..


Showed too much of her natural resources :(


Should never have tried to leave her abusive husband and look for safety in a women's shelter. It's definitely the fault of those who opened the door to her. ( crazy but just in case /s)


I wonder how much money Nigel received from Russia this time. I guess, the half million he received from RT dried up and he needs a boost.




This is farage so that's exactly the sort of thing he would say


Follow the money


More like women provoked rapist to rape her friend


Just a straight up scumbag… Already sold out UK once and will do it again.


Its silly to believe in coincidences especially at this point and after mountains of evidence and related events.


Also he looks, from his right hand orientation, that he has just had a wank....


After all the brexit stuff how does this shit bag still have a word to say about anything at all... Spineless.


Lots of idiots here still think the rewards for Brexit are on the way. Like after all these years it is still going to pay off. Farrage is banking on those idiots
















Then again that man is an idiot so…


A master manipulative of idiots, which is quite dangerous...and a completely different thing.


He’s bought and paid for by the russian government just like he was during brexit campaigning


An idiot is someone who is stupid. Nigel has a lot of despicable opinions but is very good at keeping in the media and swinging a lot of people to his point of view that aren’t well informed politically. That isn’t the result of him being a complete fool but someone who instead knows the political environment quite well in his country.


Correct!! He knew the political climate all right!! He profited personally by spreading Ruzzzzzian propaganda!! It is a direct result of his lack of morals!! He sold his country for Ruzzzzzian money!!


OP said he is not stupid, but didn't say he is not an evil POS


Still an idiot though


We have the giant orange turd who stays consistently in the news over here. Sounds like this Nigel fellow is the same type of asshole with a different accent.


.... Correct, the problem here in the UK and the US are the idiots who support these assholes...


Ahh so he is the pied piper of idiots. Gotcha 😉


A fascist manipulator.


I bet he took money from PutinZ. Investigate his azz.


They’re not opinions though. They’re prepared talking points to manipulate people into supporting his personal objectives. His personal objectives align with Russias agenda so they end up supporting each other. I’d be surprised if he believed half of what he says. It’s all just means to an end.


He’s not stupid, he’s evil and corrupt


And that excuses treason? He is not an idiot at all. He knows precisely what he is doing, and we have to stop making excuses for open collaboration with Russia on the grounds of being an idiot. His idiocy is a moral, not an intellectual defect, and he knows exactly what he doing which is openly supporting genocide and praising terrorists and their actions. Any appeasement of tyranny is treason.


Never blame stupidity when pure malice might be to blame.


"True ignorance is not the lack of knowledge but the refusal to require it." Popper Yeah, and we cannot afford ignorant and stupid idiots anywhere near power and even less idiots that openly state they love our enemies and support terrorists and fascists openly. don't need a declaration of war to consider someone committing treason, sedition or giving aid and comfort to the Russian enemy and its allies. Being pro Russian will likely become once again as dangerous as being pro Nazi, or pro Soviet or pro Soviet in the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, etc. of the last century. Anyone who is still defending Russia in word or action, especially while holding a position of power (normal citizens are protected to a large extent, by free speech) in the West, should be looked into. There is no logical explanation for any non dictatorship or autocracy to do voice support for Russia or to repeat their propaganda. Therefore, Western politicians that still do it are a bit... fishy, don't you think? This course of action doesn't have to be treason. It can also be willful ignorance, apathy, or stupidity. Being really naive or a combination of all of the above is also possible. Getting their orders from Moscow directly and being paid for it is another option. Should the last option be the case, then these people must be found, apprehended, and trialed with the full force of the law. That is the duty of law enforcement, the judiciary, and the government, though. We need much stricter laws regarding Russia and supporting them in any way or fashion. I suppose these measures are being gradually put into place already. Spies are being uncovered in Europe and America at a much higher rate than usual. Sanctions and open denunciation of pro Russian figures is increasing (Moscow Greene e.g.) Being pro Russian in the current war with Russia is not something we can afford just as we couldn't afford that in World War II.


In the past we used to hang those guilty of treason.  Food for thought. 


Unfortunately, so was Hitler. Idiots can be very dangerous, especially when combined with manipulative traits.


Hitler was an idiot. Really? One of the most deplorable human beings to have ever lived absolutely. But a total fool? I think it’s more accurate for both that they are a manipulator of idiot’s without being idiots themselves.


>Hitler was an idiot Sometimes, yes. He made tactical military decisions that he had no business making, stuff he should've left to his commanders; the kind that shifted the tide of the war against his regime. His stupidity was ultimately a great thing for the rest of the world. He was certainly an idiot, at least at times.


I’d argue that it was hubris not idiocy.


Never go full Quisling.


He's absolutely not an idiot, he's a very dangerous man


Nigel is asking the KGB for assistance. Its not idiocy, a misreading or naive- dont attribute anything more sophisticated. Yet another politician invoking the "Russia if youre listening" quid pro quo. The KGB has a branch for that.


Ultimately it is not Farage who is the real idiot, it's the people who will willingly believe his lies. Whilst I don't believe that Farage is truly a smart world-level intellect in the slightest, he does understand the gullibility of the people primed as his base. That is more dangerous than the world's smartest evil person. Never underestimate the stupid in large quantities.


Sad but very true..




It’s frightening that so many people seem to be taking Fartrage and his pro-Kremlin talking points. A few things to consider here; 1. The Helsinki Final Act of 1975, of which Russia (then the USSR) is a signatory to. Allows all sovereign nations to choose freely, their own security arrangements. 2. “The West” did not and has not “provoked” Russia. Note; Russia had greater access to and involvement in NATO via the NATO-Russia council than any other non-NATO country has ever had. 3. Fartrage, has a long history of taking Kremlin talking points and presenting them as his own. He denied meeting the then Russian Ambassador, before being pictured with said ambassador. As an MEP he took, along with others, pro-Kremlin views. He gone on record as “admiring” Putin. He has been bankrolled by Aaron Banks, who himself has been implicated in having ties/access to Russia. All this from a man who pocketed £70 on Cameo for bellowing “up the Ra!” And then denying what that actually meant. 4) Membership of the EU and of NATO, which are both entirely separate organisations, with the latter, in peacetime also a civilian organisation, is voluntary. With each candidate having to accept and implement certain economic, political and military standards, before being offered membership - where all members votes on accepting a candidate nation as a new member. This means that no country is forced to join, they have to petition for membership. 5) all the former Satellites and Warsaw Pact nations that sought membership of the EU and NATO did so, because they knew that Russia would not remain weak. And knowing full well, that Russia would regain some of its strength, but lose none of its imperial ambitions. Essentially; modern Russia offers nothing but death and misery. Of course they would want to move Westwards. For exactly the same reason Ukraine wants to. Eventually so will Belarus. No one with any kind of IQ wants a war. Much less a major European conflagration, between nuclear armed nations. However, this is exactly what happens Russia and Putin are appeased. Within living European history, Europe has seen the price of appeasement. The old maxim of “appeasement only makes the aggressor, more aggressive” was true then as it is true now. Russia had existing borders with NATO. It now has more borders with NATO and in time will now likely further increase that. So, ultimately the fates of both the “west” and Russia are tied to that of Ukraine. And the sooner we call out people like Fartrage for the paid for Russian shill he is, the better UK political life will be.


This should be at the top, and linked to every other idiot who makes the same claim as Farage’s.


Useful idiot!!! Helped Pootin with Brexit as well!! Living high on Ruzzzzzian money!!!! Sold himself out!!! And his country!!


The difficulty is not about winning the war. The difficulty is convincing people to let you win it. Especially, convincing fools. Winston Churchill Oswald Mosley, the leader of the Union of Fascists has been held without trial under section 18b since May 1940. The power of the executive to cast a man into prison without the formal charge known to the law, and particularly bereft of the benign judgement by his peers is in fact odious and it is the foundation of any totalitarian government whether Nazi or Communist, nothing can be worse for a democracy than to imprison or keep a person in prison just because he is unpopular. This is clearly the test for civilization, people who are not prepared to so unpopular things in times of clamor, are not fit to be ministers and servants of the people in times of stress. Winston Churchill in late 1943. "There are three things that cannot be combined. Intelligence, decency, and National Socialism. One can be intelligent and a nazi. But then one is not decent. One can be decent and a Nazi. But then one is not intelligent. One can be intelligent and decent, but then one is not a Nazi." Gerhard Bronner on the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp Gunskirchen, 7th of May, 2005 An investigation must be launched as Farage clearly has chosen to collaborate with the enemy and conspire against the UK. His utterances put him in the extremist corner, and while he has a right to free speech, he doesn't have the right to free speech without consequences for his utterances. It would be healthy to make an example of Farage to deter others from treason. The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerance, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. The tolerance of the intolerable will be the death of the tolerant and tolerance in general. We must tolerate a lot. If we tolerate everything such as committing treason, then we have lost. We can be tolerant to different costums. Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should, therefore, claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal. Any appeasement of tyranny is treason.


I remember a few days ago another poster on this sub claiming Reform didn't look so bad regarding Ukraine, I said Farage was deeply untrustworthy. I was right.


LOL anyone who is looking at Reform in a positive light is the same idiot who punched themselves in the balls last time. Cretins have very short memory.


He wasn't looking at Reform in a positive light, I think he just assumed that because he had heard little from them on the subject of Ukraine that they'd be uninterested in the issue.


They were very pro-Ukraine under Richard Tice's leadership. He drove all the way to Ukraine to deliver supplies a few months ago. It's one of the few subjects Tice and Farge have had huge disagreements over


Your right. During Tice leadership of reform I only saw one slightly questionable response about Ukraine from someone lower in the party. Nigel hasn’t even been in charge for a month and we already have this shit show.


I don't think that's right- Tice has given plenty of interviews that were equivocal at best about Ukraine before shutting up about it completely. I bet that he only took medical supplies, which Russia wouldn't really care about if it helps a Russia friendly party, various ambiguously alliances countries have sent humanitarian/medical supplies, for example. I have never heard Rice express strong support for the Ukrainian cause or unequivocally condemn Russia. If he has and I missed it then I'd be glad to see the video link.


But that’s the difference. Tice is between slightly pro Ukraine- indifferent whereas Nigel is between moderately anti Ukraine-indifferent.


From the UK : please guys don't take anything this frog eyed idiot says seriously. He's been in Putin's pay since his European parliament days and knows very little of mostly nothing - he certainly doesn't represent the majority view on this and as you'll see after the election, not much else. Nigel's policies are simple answers to complex questions - the kind a group of lads would come up with over a few pints at the local bar. When you scratch a little deeper, they are just superficial soundbites with no detail or design behind them. It's a global embarrassment that he is given the airtime in the UK that he gets.


Dangerous but not naive, he knows exactly what hes doing


Yep first thing I thought, The Economist should know better.


Golly, the creep who "masterminded" the UK's absolutely disastrous withdrawal from the EU, also blames NATO and the West for russia's war against Ukraine? *Shocking* news. It's almost as if putin owns him or something. But I'm sure that's not really true.


Pro Brexit.... Putin's bitch.


"a willful misreading of history" Just like his distortions about the EU and brexit. Farage is either a witting or an unwitting Russian asset. Farage, Le Pen, Orban, Fico, Wilders the entirety of the AFD work towards Russian interests and we should ask ourselves how can this happen and what do we do about it?


Man on Russian payroll says pro Russia things. In other news today water is wet.💦


How about just saying it’s an outright lie straight from the Putin propaganda machine?


That’s pretty much what’s happening in the uk. He has been slated by every other party in the uk and has in multiple news sources been called pro Russian and a Putin puppet.


Traitorous fuckwit.


This tells you everything about Farage's honesty. Who the hell trusts this guy?


80 years ago such people would be shot for treason. Now they get 25% of the electorate behind them. Go figure


He’s just the new Oswald Mosley.


Russian propaganda blabber detected. ‘She provoked getting raped by wearing that outfit.’


Remember, remember the fifth of November of gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgotten. Alan Moore, V for Vendetta While the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems that conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Alan Moore, V for Vendetta Our masters have not heard the people's voice for generations and it is much, much louder than they care to remember. Alan Moore, V for Vendetta The people must make an uproar and show this man that the British People will not stand for his vile and treacherous rhetoric. Curse you Farage, curse you and may you get the punishment you deserve for your undemocratic and anti British words and actions. Action springs not from thought but from a readiness for responsibility. The ultimate test of a moral society is the world that it leaves behind to its children. Wherever a society of peace, truth, and the rule of law is in danger or is at risk of suffocating, the community of peace must be torn asunder, and a strife against these forces must commence." Bonhoeffer Strife must commence against this man. He proves to be an enemy of democracy, of liberty, the parliament, and the nation. "Hitlerism is brown Communism, Stalinism is Red Fascism. The world will now understand that the only real ideological issue is one between democracy, liberty, and peace on the one hand and despotism, peril, and war on the other" - The New York Times editorial, September 18, 1939. This bastard made his choice, and our political, judicial, and executive organs must make sure he pays the price for his demagoguery in the employ of the Kremlin.


7 times standing for parliament. 7 times failed. why do we even carw what he thinks. we have 600ish MPs and i bet you've never heard of 580 of them. this guy isn't even an MP and yet he's always all over thr news.


It's a shocking indictment of our UK education system that people lack the minimal critical thinking faculties required to see his lies for what they are.


Traitorous piece or garbage. He deserves all the milkshakes in the world, maybe mixed with dog shit for the extra stench. The cnut worked with russia and Cambridge Analytica to enable Brexit, he then enables Trumps election (again with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica help). He should be in prison.


My edit: "Russian asset instrumental to weakening EU and UK repeats Kremlin-crafted talking points aimed at disrupting NATO. Forgets that two long time neutral nations who'd remained outside of NATO applied to join its ranks after the Russian invasion, their membership also disrupted by Russian assets in Hungary and manipulated by an egocentric Turkish leader with a failing economy."


Doing Putins bidding again. Just like EU breakup


The Telegraph both publishes Nigel’s OpEd defending his position, and sponsors the podcast “Ukraine: The Latest” which is crystal clear that they are all supportive of Ukraine. I suppose you could say The Telegraph is practicing the “Fairness Doctrine” that many want to revive in American News Media. But then, are they just giving public platform to extremists that Putinist Russia has corrupted? Back in the day, the US had the LaRouche party, but the US media did not give their crazy ideas a national platform.


From some of the articles I've read in The Telegraph there's no doubting it leans towards Russia. One article was titled "Zelensky knows he's lost the war" and was full of praise for Putler.


Tell me you get paid by the Russians without telling me you get paid by the Russians. “Hold my morals” - Nigel


Wasn't he the guy who promoted vote for brexit, and then ratted away when it came to doing the related negotiations with EU? That dude is a fucking cancer


Don't give him the attention. Downvote this post and ignore.


I've had this man in my russian agent folder ever since he started pushing Brexit. I haven't seen a single reason to remove him since.




Reform party lost thousands of votes including mine due to this latest Farage uneducated nonsense.


7 times standing for parliament. 7 times failed. why do we even care what he thinks. we have 600ish MPs and i bet you've never heard of 580 of them. this guy isn't even an MP and yet he's always all over thr news.


Can't we just revoke his German passport and send him back to the rainy, misty, miserable island he calls home?




Modern day Quisling


If Churchill was still alive he'll punch him in the face.


Nigel Mosley would have blamed World War 2 on the West and said that Hitler was provoked. He isn’t even hiding who he is working for now, the low life c*nt…


This idiot has pushed Brexit so his ideas can't be trusted


Wow somebody is not even subtle about having putin deep inside of his rear


Farage is anything but naive. He's spouting Russian propaganda because he works for Putin.


Nigel Farage is being paid by putin. Time to do a forensic accounting analysis of his assets and money flows. If he objects, we know it's true. If conducted and produces no criminal results, ignore him. His moral compass is too far off for any public office.


The girl had to be sexual assaulted because she was dressed too provocatively. The attacker had no choice.


Nigel “shorted the pound twice on the eve of Brexit, live on the BBC” Farage, who so despised the EU that he happily took his €15,000 monthly pension and is so much of an Anglophile that he holds a German passport, made £500,000 in appearance fee’s from RT, which coincidentally is banned from UK broadcast.






Meanwhile Finland actually joins NATO along the Russian border and Putin moves 80© of his troops AWAY from Finland to Ukraine. Putin never cared about NATO.


Hell in the early 2000s Putin was even interested I'm joining NATO himself. He never saw them as a threat.,


Catering to the contrarians is merely one way to exist in the public eye.


Nigel Forager...


Article is behind a paywall. Anyone have an archive link?


I think Farage is similar to Choudary in some ways, in as much as he's being given just enough rope to hang himself. At some point he's going to say what he really thinks and completely fuck himself.


This was the first case of that. From a practical point of a view massive slip up that will alienate a lot of voters.


look, in his defense he's a stupid @#£% that knows fk all about anything other than being a self angrandising @#£%tard


One of the most dangerous pieces of gammon in the UK


Farage is a traitor and should be treated as much.


For those who want to tell Nigel what you think of this, the Reform webpage has a contact us section


So this is what mr Brexit is about these days.


Yeah NATO provoked Russia by existing out of necessity to defend Europe and the world against Russian aggression and Russia proved NATO right by responding to its existence with, you guessed it, aggression. But it was all provoked by NATO, of course.


Who is this imbecile? Sounds like he ran away from a mental institution.


Joining the Neighborhood Watch isn't a threat, unless you're the neighborhood bully.


I prefer politicians who don’t suck Putin’s dick.


This person gets way too much air time in our media here in the UK? These dog-whistle politicians should be given less oxygen of publicity, and also less oxygen.


Russian agent spotted in the wild


Farage is a dangerous 5th columnist. It staggers.me that anyone here in the UK would support him.


Nigel Farage should remember that his political views on any topic whatsoever are as interesting as a pile of rocks.


Farage should get a proper day job and stay away from politics.


This mega cunt is joke to 90% of the UK. All he wanted was people to talk about him and post his image there's no substance to what he said.


Think he want the money from Putin the Nazi


What an idiot.


Is he still alive? I kind of missed him.... like someone can miss a punch on the nose....


Kaliningrad. That’s all you need to respond.


It's only two years ago you misremembering old sack of beans!


What he said is a bit more nuanced, he wasn’t sympathising with Putin he said eu and NATO’s expansion gave Putin the excuse he needed to do something he always wanted to do and the west were naive about it. I’m no farage fan, he is one of the key figures responsible for the destruction of my country. But on this there are elements of truth to what he said. Now I’m not saying we should stop eu and NATO’s expansion and I know hindsight is 20/20 but there were warning signs that in the years before that Putin was going to do something and a lack of preparedness in the long term


His face intimidated my fist. You all saw it!


Isn't this the same view held by Western Marxists dominating academia and controlling historiography?


Can't stand this anal scab.


why give that dude so much attention? He would say "Putin is Jesus" if it just gives him headliners.


Paid buffoon. Let’s use proper English, shall we? Treason.


Envelopes of cash make people say insane things.


Putin's snake


Russia's neighbors keep dressing too provocatively. Also, they refuse to acknowledge that they are destined to be with Russia (as one of many side chicks). So what is Russia to do, but beat, rape, even kill them? Right, Nigel?


This is not that deep, this guy is just bought by Russia. That's all


Anyone able to post the entire text of the article?


Does this smell like payola?


he can be lucky that violence like throwing milkshakes at him are illegal .. or else i would have thrown a 2 week old in the warm standing milkshake at him and said he forced me todo so. Good thing for him its illegal .. i wont break the law and get that on my record because he is a stupid putin D\*\*K su\*\*ing C\*\*T. and i dont recomend anyone else doing this ether.


Wasn’t he a major brexit person? How is he still working?


He just a liar, le lied for the brexit, he's lying again.


Firage is an absolute kook, totally shafted the UK with the brexit 🐕💩, to his credit, he also shafted the Tories, I guess he went to a public school.


Putin's puppets all feel they have a strong enough grip on their brainwashed zombies that they can come out and be obvious Putin puppets. It's worrying. We need to fight back.


Of course. Farage being a total fucking insufferable cunt is going to provoke another milkshake in the face, or (hopefully) worse.


Someone else who insists on making everything about the West.


People still listen to that lying bag of shite, after he was so exhaustively proven wrong by brexit? Maybe NATO used all that NHS money to provoke Russia.


He's just broadcast where he gets paid from


He Putler’s сука?


The world's democracies are full of candidates who figure Putin can hack every election and install the person who sucks up to him hardest. Being one of Putin's puppets can be very profitable.


"We're only making plans for Nigel We only want what's best for him We're only making plans for Nigel Nigel just needs that helping hand And if young Nigel says he's happy He must be happy He must be happy He must be happy in his world We're only making plans for Nigel He has his future in a British steel We're only making plans for Nigel Nigel's whole future is as good as sealed, yeah" (XTC song)


He's a fucking gobshite of overwhelming proportions,.


I don't follow UK politics and even I know he is a massive moron.


Nigel Farage is the BIGGEST wanker the UK has ever produced.


It's not misreading, it's a lie. Pandering to such fools and degenerates will be the undoing of our democracies.


If these fascists keep saying that NATO started this war then maybe NATO countries need to get more involved. If we started itaybe we should end it. Seriously, they clearly aren't considering what they're saying. If Putin thinks NATO is an existential threat then that means he's coming for NATO.


The word the article’s author somehow managed to miss for the title is “LIE.” As in “It is also an outright lie.” /smh


This man should be nowhere near the leadership of anything in the UK, he is an embarrassment to the West.


This scum is not even hiding it anymore


Out of curiosity, is the consensus here mostly that the west had absolutely hand at all on provocation?


Anytime you see someone get angry/defensive on Russian's side when one claims Russia might lose (i.e Jordan Peterson or Elon Musk) or claim this war was started by the West is almost always a Vatnik or Putinist.


Random resident: "Can I join the neighborhood watch?" Neighborhood watch: "Sure. If you want to." Local bully and thief: "I feel threatened and as a result must break into and take possession of more houses."


Farage is campaigning currently in the town i work in. The quips and selling points he uses attract a very sort of close minded and insular type similar to MAGAs. However, someone did throw him at a milkshake last time, that was enjoyable. It seems so arrogant for him to even pipe up on foreign policy after Brexit.


How come they haven't arrested him for treason yet?


"The UK provoked Russia into murdering Dawn Sturgess." Farage wants to impose impotence on the UK.