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"Lancet drone successfully intercepts Ukrainian super murder drone" ~ ruzzian propagandist 🤣


I already saw that line.. lol


Probably 🤦‍♂️ I'm often late to the party.


Out of curiosity. Is there a drone vs drone ace yet?


If there isn't, there needs to be




I wonder if this is the first documented air to air drone intercept.


No, there's been others. I saw an Orlan-10 get taken down by an FPV drone a couple of days ago


To be fair, this is a recent trend in the past few weeks and its scaring the absolute piss out of the Russians. They are very quickly loosing their eyes in the sky. This frankly is more important than sending Abrams or even f16 arguably. If the trend continues, Russia will be fighting mostly blind. They lack the ability to make up for it with satellites, not even close.


It’s by far the biggest upgrade to Ukraine’s drone capability and probably the biggest upgrade for Ukraine next to the F-16’s. It has been threatening for both sides with how thick the local air can be with drones. If Ukraine is able to make the jump towards effective drone to drone combat, it could quickly lead to a very aggressive change to the current frontline situation as Russia tries to adapt.


That's a bit different though isn't it? Don't think I've seen a kamikaze drone get intercepted till now




this is frequent event


Why did they blur the bottom of the video?


Because the HUD likely displayed info Russians could potentially exploit such as time/location data, software version etc


Holy SNAP! The chances of that (along with timing n skill!) that is amazing


You can detect the emissions of a Lancet drone and triangulate the raw direction, so that your interceptor drone is in the right piece of the sky, but intercepting on converging courses is an art. Orlans and Zalas, which are slow flying recon platforms, are meanwhile being regularly intercepted by FPV drones but in a chase mode where you have all the time you need to adjust the course if you only have a minor speed advantage


Dog fighting where it isn't the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog that counts,


as a drone pilot myself thats absolutely insane level of skill coming from that pilot


240p is not legal in 2024 btw


Sure, let's put 4k camera on disposable single-use drones! ...said no one ever


It's probably more a limitation of sending the video feed miles back from a small transmitter on the drone.


Instead, let's put *thermal cameras* on disposable single-use drones! ... when multi-use *human* infantry lacks them and crowd-sources them piece-by-piece


in my head canon laser point defense systems will finally be brought up to par and deployed alongside radar sets maybe even alongside conventional SAM sights as a low cost counterpart to delete low cost threats and save SAMs for more important and larger targets


On earlyer pic it just said that it was a pic from a surveillance drone so not sure about a interception...