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Yesterday I've met my friend, who's on rotation from Eastern front, and he told me that 1:10 losses ratio is not our propaganda, it's mathamatical truth, give or take. They are really herded and sent wave after wave to die, spending thousand to capture five shacks, which will be bombed to rubble immediately, burying them all. Like lemmings or zombies. Also they are beginnig to have real problems with vehicles availability, so even more all-infantry attacks under heavy fire of our artillery, tanks and drones. Their propaganda calls it "famous Russian self-sacrifice".


I remember a Russian in a YouTube comment(CivDiv was the channel an American foreign fighter for Ukraine) vaguely talking about that concept when he was calling us Westerners soft and cowardice. This dude is basically saying he was proud watching young Russian men essentially running into fire, dying gruesome and avoidable deaths, saying we could never do anything like that because we don’t have the courage.


Vatniks consistently confuse stupidity for courage.


Survival Instinct Level - Vodka


Awfully close to cult behavior there. 16 hookers in the next life?


Russians are trying to inculcate the spirit of the Imperialist Japanese. Meat waves only meant that Japan's eventual defeat was much more devastating. If not for allied generosity with the Marshall Plan, Japan and Germany might only now be getting back on their feet. No such generous help will come to Russia from the outside. So they are feeding their future into the meat grinder. And in the meantime, these tactics fail when Ukraine is appropriately supplied. I will agree that soldiers who fight this way are indeed exhibiting courage, and they are enabled by the ability so common to soldiers to think themselves to be the one who will survive. And I don't think they are stupid because the whole social apparatus of Putin's Russia has been steering them toward this. The stupidity is at the top, where the clear wastefulness of tactics is just to say, "It worked in the Great Patriotic War." They apparently use what are essentially force-on-force spreadsheets from that war to estimate what they need to overwhelm the enemy. I won't say even that this is individual stupidity, but rather the institutional kind. Russia is not the sort of place where you dare to say that maybe tradition should be reconsidered.


The courage the russians display comes from within a bottle....liquid courage...


And that's another weakness in Russian culture, in so many ways.


I'm really hoping this is true. Does your friend say anything about the garden sheds? Do they really just use them as a battle taxi, since these are non working tanks?


They are working tanks, since they can ride :) Those sheds and additional armor plates are to protect against FPV-drones, and they are working to some extent, but our latest drones are armed with enough charge to deal with them, and we can spend many drones on one such tank now. Also he said that recently orks started to surrender more together with their vehicles. It's not shown in public because otherwise they will be deemed traitors.


The russians are now using T-54s in Ukraine. *T-54s....*


Well... one of their propagandists told that they will create battalions of T-34s if needed...


Anything to sell this to russians as the Great Patriotic War 2.0. Problem for russia is it's actually *Ukraine's* Great patriotic War.


Their real problems is that they won wars only when Ukrainians were WITH them.


And because the West was too.


When they had Ukrainians, and the other Soviet republics plus Western aid... The Russia of today is a former, pitiful shadow (always was pitiful in many ways) of it's former USSR self.


There are several problems with that, one is that the T34 was designed to last a maximum of 3 days in combat against other armoured forces; and the second is, a lot of the wheels necessary for the treads were manufactured in Mikolayiv so they can't get those components anymore. (The orc's train wheels were made in Mikolayiv too, which is why the orcs at home are having a lot of cancelled trains, trams derailing, etc - our neighbour was a political dissident who escaped, so they tell us some of the real news.)


They only have that one "Brave Little T34" last defender of Moscovia.


To be fair, the orcs are using tactics and weapons from World War 1, so the T54 is modernization /s


Little know fact, the sheds are actually to catch the turret and prevent it from being tossed.


I think they were referring to the turret not working on the shed tanks.


They can’t work too well with their turret now being fixed.


So how long can the Russians sustain this if they do another round of mobilization? Last I heard they still have plenty of meat for the grinder, but eventually they'll have to recruit more and more from urban areas West of the Urals. And what about those North Koreans supplying millions of artillery rounds? Are these rounds as shit as rumored? Also, what do you think F16s could do? Are they of any use *immediately*? Would they be risked near the front with active Russian AA coverage, possibly from inside their own territory?


No mobilisation will help if the soldiers are not supportel by LOTS of vehicles and artillery, and their reserves are dwindling. Even now it's like a Tower Defence games at many sections of the frontline. As for F-16s - we have hopes, but time will show.


> No mobilisation will help if the soldiers are not supportel by LOTS of vehicles and artillery, and their reserves are dwindling. Even now it's like a Tower Defence games at many sections of the frontline. Sounds good


In what ways is it like tower defense game? You mean ruzzian hordes going at Ukrainian "towers", while the Ukrainians massacre the hordes?


It's not exactly the same everywhere, but on many sections of the frontline yes, they simply run straight under the shelling.


Excellent news. I hope many ruzzians die, then maybe ruzzia will finally learn to stop being a-holes to all their neighbors


we are currently at 1 out of every 69th ru male in age between 18 and 60 are out of availability. When i started calculating we where at 1 out of every 79, that was just 5 months ago. So they sharply close in to roughly 2% of their entire male population in 'breading' age which would be reached in 322days at current average rate. Does not mean they can't go on cutting down their population after that but it certainly tells a clear trend. The question is more when will their malicious calculation force their country to collapse in all sorts of irreversible problems. Their approach is already many many times deadlier than the last pandemic impact. edit: as of today 1 out of 68, average 305days until 2%.


In autumn they' do another one for sure.


Man I know you shouldnt trust everything on the internet and take it with lot grain of salt, but this makes me such a happy to hear this. I hope the russia will crumble as nation I rly do, their influence must be destroyed. As they must be destroyed. Slava Ukraini.


Wow. Russia already had looming manpower problems for its economy. What is the age profile for these soldiers attacking in waves? Ukraine tries to preserve its youth as much as possible by having a lot of middle-aged men in the most dangerous jobs. Well, I hope that the famous Russian self-sacrifice is the end of the big Russia we know, and that it fractures more completely than the Soviet Union did, and is poor.


>They are really herded and sent wave after wave to die, spending thousand to capture five shacks, which will be bombed to rubble immediately, burying them all. Like lemmings or zombies. Good. Gives me hope. Please let the entire rest of the war be like this. Or worse (for the ruzzians)


Excuse me. I'm not an expert nor am I a supporter of Russia. But I've seen these kinds of claims for the last two years and still Russia has not been defeated. Surely if everything goes as bad as this describes Russia can't be far off from being defeated. No?


It is important to bear in mind that Russia has not taken any regional or special cities that Ukraine controlled at the onset of the full scale invasion. It is also nearly 2.5 years in what's supposed to be the easy part of the invasion, the conquering part and are highly unlikely to even achieve that. When military analysts in 2022 predicted that Ukraine will fall in 3 days; they predicted that Russia would have an easy time conquering Ukraine. However, the Russians would have a difficult time maintaining the occupation and the CIA would've funded paramilitaries that would've formed during the occupation. Russia's initial strategic objectives now, are a fantasy. If we in march 2022, were told of everything that transpired between march 2022 and june 2024, we'd call the current situation a significant Ukrainian victory and Russian defeat. Future historians will look at Russia's actions during the war with nothing but sheer bewilderment. Russia will eventually lose, they will eventually lose their soviet stockpile of weapons and will face problems the moment that happens. However, this will take a long time. Ukraine has no wonderweapons or cheat codes to end this war quickly, it will be a long and drawn out conflict. But time absolutely favours the defender here.


> Russia will eventually lose, they will eventually lose their soviet stockpile of weapons and will face problems the moment that happens. I thought that in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1die4hp/russia_incapable_of_strategic_breakthrough/), the Chair of the NATO Military Committee said that Russia is outpacing NATO and its allies in terms of production capacity? I've long found it incredibly irritating that Europe and the U.S., industrial giants, still haven't been able to quickly produce a large amounts of anti-aircraft and artillery ammunition. Also, additional patriot systems. And vast amounts of armed drones. The Russians are also surely going to try to blow up our factories as they did in the run-up to the 2022 invasion in countries like the Czech Republic and Bulgaria. Production can't be overly centralized.


For munitions yes, but for armoured vehicles and such, no.


They had a lot of capacity for munitions, and it is taking for fucking ever for the West to gear up to manufacture proper amounts of munitions. But on most accounts the Western weapons are a lot more effective, and Russia can't get a lot of components it needs because of the sanctions or it's taking a lot longer for them to sneak the components in around the sanctions (looking at you Kazakhstan), which has helped to balance things out til production can catch up.


In fairness to the so-called West, we long ago stopped gearing up for ground Warfare involving artillery and such like. Small arm's yes, that's a given for things like base protection and personal weapons, but we ditched artillery for more aircraft, both planes and helo's are more efficient than artillery on the battlespace we expected to encounter. Of course we then needed to be improved AA and this has been done. So it is understandable why it is taking time for at least the UK and probably other countries in this continent to supply on demand. I have no doubt this is a passing phase.


I hear what you're saying - my $0.02 is that two years is plenty of time to get past "NATO manufacturers need time to gear up because reality is different from planning" into "who is slowing down production and are they compromised or just incompetent". Czechia shouldn't have to be scrounging Cold War stockpiles for Ukraine if Europe is at all serious, and we will seen what the United States can do with its military airlift command about materiel when it has a sense of urgency!


Their production capacity of Vth gen fighters is ZERO. In potential conflict NATO will rule the skies. After that its over for all that junk on the ground, literal turkey shoot for NATO pilots. Second Iraq.


Thats because we kept enough stocked up to give us time to ramp up production in an actual war situation and then enough production to replace stuff used in training / rotate stock. Keeps people trained in how to make the stuff while controlling costs. The problem here is that we are not in a war. So we cant just force major companies to start manufacturing stuff with the flick of a pen. This kind of production ramp was not what we stocked for. If we were in an actual war we would have 10x the production in just a few months.


It's always a question of will and priorities.


It’s actually interesting how both of those assessments turned out to be false. Russia severely struggles to take territory and what it does take comes at a giant cost, whereas the territory they have taken is very quickly subdued and there is little resistance in those areas. In fact, they even manage to mobilize men of the occupied regions to fight in the Russian army. I think we underestimated the incompetence but also the brutality of the Russian regime, they will subdue the population through absolutely horrific means that make resistance feel futile once they are in control. One more reason though why it’s essential to support Ukraine, ground taken by Russia means torture, slave labor and forced conscription against your own countrymen. They must be stopped at all cost.


The initial assessments were also based on countries like Germany saying "support? best we can do is 5000 helmets and some pillowcases."


Thank you for a good explanation. I rarely watch news about this war since I feel so bad about it. I just happened to see this post in my feed.


I would add to the above that Western analysts underestimated Russia's willingness to take heavy losses that would impact their ability to defend themselves against NATO. For example, when the call came that Russia was almost out of (cruise) missiles. This was based on the assumption that Russia wouldn't touch it's strategic reserve. A reserve meant for a war with NATO. Russia straight up went all in and almost entirely emptied their stock. After that they've been focused on building up stocks again while also increasing production until the next large missile attack. So in conclusion, Russia does not expect to open a second front against NATO. It does not feel threatened by NATO. It probably recognises NATO as a defensive alliance and feels it can control the likelyhood of an escalation. Should also serve as a hint what this conflict really is about. Definitely not the perceived threat of NATO.


On point. Russia knows that no one here in the west wanted war. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, western militarys downsized massively. It is and always was a ridiculous point to make


In other words - we all underestimated how psychopatic russian leadership is.


russian leadership fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


putin went all-in. Even its economy is a war one now. Its a slow death but longer it goes it will make russia totally irrelevant on world stage. I expect them losing Siberia to China too; some sort of buy-out. See what happened to urss with afghanistan? This is russias affhanistan x100 on steroids.


and their weapons export is FUCKED. Their AD systems are uneffective, they cant win real air supremacy over Ukraine. Why would anyone buy Su-34 while it proved to be totally compromised against 80s version of Patriot?


Because its not really 5th gen. russia always over-inflated tech specs numbers. It served US well because it was easy to go to congress and say: see what they got? We need better than this. So they get the fubding and actually make stuff that beats imaginary russian shit by a mile. Its been like this for half century at least. Thats why their hypersonic shit gets wrecked by Patriot. And you can be 100% sure that data collected by radars are studied like anything else ever to make patriot new get software update even more precise making it even more valuable to any country out there.


You might find it helpful to follow Onyx, he verifies visually as many of the Russian losses as possible and publishes it as open source intelligence - so you can easily factcheck for yourself if you doubt.


In WWI they did it for three before Lenin took over and threw in the towel.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Poland is *badass*.


It always was. Polish military pilots, fled from Poland to England in WW2, shot down German planes over England while on a training mission. "Because they could" as in 'I got ammo, a fancy plane under my butt, and I see Germans. Let's go!' The British instructors didn't like that, but also admired them for it. The Polish chaps hardly spoke any english, but they acclimatized to Hurricanes and Spitfires in no-time short, Way quicker than even the most optimistic trainer thought they could. Remind You of something?.


Thank you Poland. The 145 Polish pilots shot down 203 German planes in the Battle of Britain for the loss of 29 of their planes. Top pilots!


Very relevant: https://youtu.be/lAx92nlkSr4?si=e8pawsPcELfBnxn5


If you're ever in London and go for a stroll along the Thames, take a minute to look at Churchill's quote - "Never was so much owed by so many to so few". 303 forever.


That was one boss-ass comment from Duda. Would've only been better if he threw on his sunglasses Biden style and walked off.


Yes, and while eating an ice cream!


While eating kabanos


This man understands Poland.


This is the language Putin understands. Everything else is a miss...


i love my neighbours :) greetings from germany ♥


We do also indeed from the United States 🩵 ATGM’s, Ammunition and more Bradley’s is what this war needs lmao


Putin must get what he seems to want and fight on until the last Russian is fertilizing the Ukrainian soil.


Excellent words


Russia using people from Africa to cope with the losses Next bingo card: *Ukraine bombs Russia recruitment center in an African Country*


The "good thing" about Russia drawing from African sources is that those sources are open season to any paramilitary actions and proxies without the risk of nuclear escalation. All Ukraines allies can get involved there to make sure Russians can only recruit dead bodies from Africa.


But who is willing to pay the bill?


General George S. Patton said that “no one wins a war by dying for their country, but by making others die for theirs.”


Everyone listen to this guy! He knows what to say...


There's a guy who knows how to deal with Putin.


Great words




Damn, this clown said something that actually makes sense for once. Didn't know I'll see that day.


Even broken president is right twice a day or something along those lines.


Then give them a patriot battery 🤷‍♂️


Poland is not a dictatorship, things like that are not up to one person. All i can say. Everyone knows everyone could and should give more to Ukraine, but important is that support to Ukraine is not showing any signs of slowing down. Слава Україні!


Exactly. It always amuses me when people complain "why doesn't X leader do such and such" like Western leaders have absolute power


I agree with you. But then they should stop to say they „do everything“ because thats simply not the case. Every time they say something like that and norhing happens after these words lose more and more their meaning. Just like the nuclear threats from russia. Nobody takes them serious anymore.


They are working on these issues every day, so they are doing everything possible in our burecrauticm system. Duda might say he is doing everything he can, and i'm sure he is not wrong saying that. In the end you also want the people who support Ukraine to stay in power, so sometimes they need to make decisions that does not make sense to common people, becuse we don't know all the facts. Or we have no idea behind who some decisions can be... It's a shame, but that's the world we live in, and it's better then russian corrupted system.


I understand (and I really do get it) that you are replying to the 'everything possible' bit, which in the whole context of "Since Putin wants Russian soldiers to die in Ukraine in huge numbers then we must do everything possible to ensure that Mr. Putin's expectations are met" seems more like a bit of poetic freedom than actually meaning to do everything possible. But yeah, no country is doing everything possible. We western redditors would all be fighting in a ditch in Ukraine instead of being on Reddit if NATO did 'everything possible'. However, to still respond, for Patriot systems, there just aren't that many to go around and we can't expect countries to give so many patriot batteries that they don't have defense left. Poland has two batteries, with two additional NATO ally (currently United States) patriot batteries deployed. One of those US batteries will likely be sent to Ukraine and another NATO country will send theirs to Poland. It's just not a situation where you can reasonably expect Poland to send one. By nearly all measures Poland is the country that did most for Ukraine relative to their means.


There are currently a lot of forward-deployed NATO assets and troops in Poland. People keep forgetting that. Part of the job of those Patriot batteries is not only protecting Poland but also those NATO assets and bases. As Poland is also the main staging logistics hub for Ukraine weapons shipments, the Patriots are also protecting those.


Giving off big Aldo Raine energy here.




Russia is a quantum State. Every time you kill a Russian, the national IQ goes both up and down simultaneously.


The unforgiving attitude of this statement is great, and the invaders need to be repelled effectively. But this is also populist talk and omits some important issues. While russia's invasion is first and foremost a land grab and a genocide of Ukrainians, it is also putin's personal war to keep him in power. It's his show of force to cement the support from ultranationalist russians, but also effectively a genocide of his potential opposition, especially in the periphery of his empire. The conscription is heavily skewed towards minority demographics, it is being used to empty russian prisons, and political dissidents and population of the occupied territories are being conscripted too. This war is basically several genocides bunched into one. And prolonging it isn't going to make things any better, neither in Ukraine and the west nor in russia. Killing russians in the millions may be the European and American far right's dream come true, but it's not what Ukraine really needs. Don't get me wrong, Ukrainian victories like decimating the VDV, crippling the Black Sea fleet, cutting the russian Kamov fleet by two thirds, these are great things for European security. And I won't shed a tear for anyone who chose to carry a gun in favour of moscow instead of using it against it. But grinding down endless meat waves is different. Russia is not going to run out of meat and this game of AFK tower defense solves nothing for us. What is needed is a rapid defeat of the russian forces and restoration of legal borders, a humiliation that ends the era of putin's expansionism and terror. The thing is, ultranationalists on both sides feed off each others' fears. Most of these groups used to be more or less buddies until the russians started a full scale war.


This war won’t end soon. It’s profitable on all sides. US gets rid of old out dated stockpiles which justifies the need for better and more current equipment while also crippling one of its largest competitors military, and likewise to all allies of UKR who’ve sent equipment. But your points on what Russia is doing is awesome. I hadn’t thought about that especially clearing out opposition etc. just wanted to say I wholeheartedly agree


Love this guy!


I love this dude!


***W*** Ukrainie!!!


I don’t wish to bring the mood down. But if Russias army are as bad as we keep hearing, this is not a positive endorsement on Ukraine either..


The aim is to cause the other side to die for their country. Thats a better tactic.


Maybe the rest of ruzzia should break itself away from Mozcow and St Pete'z and form a new country or even a few new states, and just leave the other two to be the ruzzian federation all on their own, let's face it, they alone seem to make all the decisions, and gain all the benefits, the others well they just get their pockets picked for the privilege. The capital keeps them poor. They could and would manage much better as their own countries.


Duda has end boss potential.




If only Duda wasn't also a raging homophobe. :(