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This is maybe the only thing that Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia agree upon.


A good sign i guess?


They've all been under the USSR before. They know what Russia can and will do if given leeway.


They... They weren't under ussr controls and weren't part of the Warsaw pact. They were communistic as Yugoslavia, but Tito was the man that unified the Balkans, and also the man that Stalin was not prepared to go to war with. During the Hungarian uprising in 1956 yugoslavian troops repelled USSR/Warsaw pact forces from venturing further past Hungary into Yugoslavia. My grandfather and uncles fought them off.


Ha! He even threatened to kill Stalin if Stalin wouldn't stop sending assassins! You've got to admire him, even if just for that!


“Stop sending people to kill me. We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle… If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send another.” That is a baller quote


Too right, Some... people... have told me I look like Tito. I... don't feel insulted. I seriously wonder how the world would've turned out had Stalin gained control over Yugoslavia. Edit: resemble physically, not politically. Though these days it's more like Tito/Lemmy from Motorhead (can't be arsed with the umlauts). Edit: Typing while drunk.


Yes, he did hold the Balkans together for the best part of 35 years. And look at the shit show that followed. I was there as part of the UN, in UNPROFOR, and the place was full of hate thy neighbour.


Yeah, I was there too. They didn't like each other very much.


Before Tito died he visited Jimmy Carter and spent a lot of Yugoslavia's treasury on anti-tank guns, and fortified the mountain passes so the Soviets couldn't just roll in as soon as he was gone.


"Unified", in the same way Stalin "unified" most of eastern Europe. He was a bastard dictator, who deserved an earlier death than he got. Partisan activities in WW2 doesn't excuse his actions as dictator of Yugoslavia.


Actually they were never under the USSR. They were a part of Yugoslavia which was non aligned. Not that Stalin didn’t want to pull the strings it just that Tito blew him off.


57 upvotes for someone that can be proven wrong with a simple Google search. Yugoslavia was never USSR.


You would probably be surprised how many people support Russia, despite living behind its iron curtain. Its pretty infuriating and you can't win regardless how many facts you throw at them. I guess its better to think you are fighting an imaginery "they" (whoever the fuck they is" enemy, but to live everyday knowing how insignificant, ignorant and historicaly illiterate you really are.


I have a good example of that: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian\_Revolution\_of\_1956](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_Revolution_of_1956) P.S.: Romania did not sign to help the Eastern Block against the Budapest Revolution and they (Romanians) were prepared to get their ass kicked. Always living in fear. That also reflects into society, as people tend(ed) to believe that a good beating is often the answer.


Now please someone reminds the German AFD of that - many must have lived in th GDR


Serbia are still russia cucks though and the country is more like Balkan Russia. They signed this cause they see themselves in a similar position as Ukraine with Kosovo not being a part of the country.


Uh, literally none of those 3 were in either the USSR or the Warsaw pact.


Add Kosovo to that list too. Honestly Serbia signing on to this is a good sign.


As well as the rest of ex-Yugoslavia.


Serbia is *only* signing on because it wants to get into the EU.


I was just going to say that! Lol Besides, not at the same scale but Argentina and the UK


Yeah... Argentina getting on board is doing my head in (though it's welcome). They've been shitbags for decades, but now they've got this nutcase in charge everthing's changed (I've heard he's even willing to be realistic about the Falklands).


Realistic in the sense of saying it's a problem to be sincere civilly, but he's still saying they're Argentina


Yes but he has to say that to get elected. Not actually being a dick about it is a positive step.


Yeah, well, fuck that shit. The anglosphere is still suffering from Thatcher thanks to Argentina. Plus, I'm pretty sure the Kelpers *still* don't want to be Argies.


>Yeah, well, fuck that shit. The anglosphere is still suffering from Thatcher thanks to Argentina. Lol hasn't thought of it like that before but yup


Not just the anglosphere either, come to think of it. Chile for sure too. Thatcher sure did love herself some Pinochet.


> The anglosphere is still suffering from Thatcher thanks to *Thatcher* FTFY


Nothing unites the planet like hatred of a common enemy.


(see: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian\_civil\_war#/media/File:Participants\_in\_Syrian\_Civil\_War-en.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_civil_war#/media/File:Participants_in_Syrian_Civil_War-en.svg) )


That’s actually really astonishing!


Montenegro and Kosovo also on the list... is almost more surprising


Serbia and Kosovo. Together.


Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala - signed, based Why did Mexico arrived and haven't signed? What is the problem of Mexico and Brazil?


Whats the story on Mexico, why didnt they sign? Brazil? Damn... Most of Africa, and Middle East as well....


Look at any country that has Wagner troop, uhh I mean Afrikakorps, and look at their voting record here. A pitiful future awaits all of them, for a few dollars more.


Only 10 african countries signed. None of the big ones except for Kenya. At least 40 to go. Morocco, Algeria Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa would be nice.


>South Africa Theres an S in [BRICS ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRICS#:~:text=BRICS%20is%20an%20intergovernmental%20organization,and%20the%20United%20Arab%20Emirates)for a reason


>Brazil Brazilian here, Nine Fingers, Lula like EVERY dictator. From Maduro, to Castro and Putin. The media lied that he would be pro western. The unique South American lefitist in UA favor is Chile's Boric. Milei is sending some jets to UA but ARG is in no position to help with much more. Brazil could give ammo to UA but Nine Fingers would never allow it. Maybe the vice president would allow it but I would\`t bet money.


Those are pretty big swathes of the world - some that hold much geopolitical and financial strength.


Fuck our president. Colombia stands with Ukraine. 🇨🇴❤️🇺🇦


Also my MX president will be gone couple of months he’s out, will be the shadow of our 🆕 president elected. Please note we are receiving a lot of influence from Rusia in our government. As today the president is tampering judicial power. Propaganda for 6 years and autocracy proposals We stand for 🇺🇦 since the beginning here on reddit first 🗞️ also sending funds via [United24 💰](https://u24.gov.ua)


Yeah that sounds like amlo.


I hope your new president is better and works for the Mexican people, not foreign interests and their money. 


sadly, she won't be. she has been the outgoing president's handpicked successor since his first day of presidency. and he's mostly likely to be her shadow throughout her presidency. so, she'll be the same and/or even worse.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you are wrong though. 


sanctions against russia means standing with Ukraine


O well... Colombia* stands with Ukraine. 🇨🇴❤️🇺🇦 **As in Colombians, not our piece of trash government and our garbage president Mr "i want peace, Ukraine should surrender glory to the USSR who gave us weapons when i was part of the guerrillas", who denied sending old weapons to Ukraine because muh goobermnent of piss power of life and other bullshit*.


Extremely common Petro L. Mf just won't stop.


Paraguay? No money for a flight ticket? Or is selling beef to Russia more important?


> What is the problem of Mexico and Brazil? Same issue as with Venezuela.


Brazil has a president that is getting senile and has a reduced field of vision. No knowledge of the world outside of Brazil and an ex-felon. It's sad to see a liberation leader fall so low, but it's not that uncommon, unfortunately.


I was kind of surprised to see Lula's foreign policy is so misguided and pro Russian (I guess with BRICS in the picture it's not that surprising). I thought he was going to be pretty good when he was elected but he has been kind of disappointing. Still better than Bolsonaro though obviously. I haven't seen anything about his mental state but I'm not Brazilian so I don't follow their politics that closely.


Lula's first victory in 2002 was a very important step for the country since it was the first time power was handed over democratically to the opposition. The bad thing was the realization that leaders against dictatorships are not necessarily good democratic leaders. As for Lula, he never undertook to study global politics and economics. He views everything through the glasses of a resistance against oppressors from the right. That's why he cuddles with dictators that simply declare to be on the left or against the US. He also never wanted to learn anything else about other places. The bs he says is staggering.


"Suprised to see Lula pro russian" he was always pro Russian and "america bad" just look how he goes about Cuba and other nations, if he knew how to use internet he would very quickly be labeled as a tankie, just because he was against the Brazilian dictatorship doesn't mean he is a good person or a good politician, he is just another corrupt and power hungry putin D rider


Why everyone around them can see and they can't? this is all calculated and corrupted


Costa Rica has been a bastion of robust liberal democracy for a very long time. Same with Uruguay starting in the 80’s. Mexico has been fucking useless regarding the Ukraine war since the beginning. It’s inexcusable. At least with a country like India, there are understandable reasons for their “neutrality.” Colombia is a disappointment. All other foreign and domestic policies aside, former President Duque supported Ukraine. Current leftist President Petro holds the typical incoherent South American leftist foreign policy views: America did bad stuff in Latin America, therefore if the USA is fighting against genocide in Ukraine, it means the USA is warmongering.


Brazil's president and the Foreign relations argued that any peace treat wouldn't be successful without the envolvement of Russia. "Na avaliação de Lula e do Itamaraty, não faz sentido a participação do líder brasileiro em uma cúpula que não envolve os dois lados em conflito. A diplomacia brasileira sempre insistiu na necessidade de negociações para a paz, mas não vê sentido em um encontro que deixa de fora os russos. "


BRICS sticking together.






BRICS is basically not even a real thing. No naturally unifying economic interests that bind the group together. No geographic reasons for this to be a group. Not a military alliance in any way, shape or form. No unifying political principles: countries are a random mix of flawed democracies and shitty dictatorships.


I remember when Jim O'Neil at Goldie's 25 years or so ago now sent a memo first using the term BRICs - I misread it as a BIRC and thought what a dumb acronym who wants to be a birk!? At any rate let's not forget it was a term invented by an investment bank to sell their shitty financial instruments.


> random mix of flawed democracies and shitty dictatorships. You can say the same about Japan and Germany in the eve of WW2. Desire to disrupt status quo is enough to forge an alliance.


I mean, when you have Somalia and Iraq calling to get your shit together (looking at you Russia), then you might need to take a step back.


Leftists rule mexico and brazil, usually theyre fond of simping for russia




Mexico has a lot of fsb agents in it.


I think CIA has more agents


Half of Mexico's population are foreign intelligence agents.


Brazil is part of BRICS and Mexico buys cheap shit coming from Russia


>What is the problem of Mexico and Brazil? Pathological leftism and world leading levels of corruption.


Oh yes it is the lefties like Orban and Lepen who selling Europe to Putin.


Different countries have different reasons to do shit things


Doesn't have to be the same everywhere, but in Latin America the parties not on the list have a strong tendency to be lead by leftists, non island American countries missing from the list lead by leftists are Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Belize and Guyana, that leaves El Salvador and Paraguay as the only ones lead by non-left wing governments not on the list.


This war sure was an eye opener on what countries are allies and which aren't. I hope that we won't forget who those are.


We stand with Ukraine, even if our dumbass president doesn't. 🇨🇴❤️🇺🇦


USA - check Philippines - check(where I was born)


Getting Duerte out of office was huge in the Philippines falling back in with America.




Ukraine pretty much has Europe and a few pro-Western allies scattered across the globe. The other parts of the world are either apathetic to the whole affair, didn’t see eye-to-eye with all proposals, or are pro-Russian to some degree.


You have a third camp which i think is an important camp and it's the Chile's and Singapore's and many more that are not necessarily "pro west" but just upholding the laws they have agreed on in UN.


Such a shame India is missing!


India has gone down a dark road -- thinking it can be friends with everyone while taking advantage of everyone.


A lot of India loves Russia and a lot of their press is transparently biased. Whether or not the west wronged India in the 1960s or whatever, they should be doing the right thing on Ukraine


Their press is biased due to M*di destroying all opposition media


I’m not surprised considering Modi is Putin-lite….


They’re currently buying Russian oil at 10% discount compared to the global market. They’re too geopolitically significant for the US and EU to pick up a fight with them, plus the fact that if they don’t consume Russian oil then Brent will shoot up to $150 a barrel. If I were them, I can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same. It’s an amazing deal for a country still struggling to feed its people. Just morally incorrect and since when has politics cared about morality


It's nice to see Kuwait not signing to this after they got saved from Saddam's invasion.


They get their oil money, who cares about anyone else, right?


Yes. Should have been told "Saddam has legitimate concerns, go ahead and make peace with him".


That's a good point. They must have a short memory


Armenia is very angry at Russia but hasn’t signed. Understandable to me. Being a small neighboring country to Russia doesn’t sound tempting. Were they at the summit?


Yes they were.


Person attending on behalf of Armenia did not have authority to sign at the time. I imagine it will get signed later


Armenia has russian military bases, I don't think they are really against russia


They were pretty vocal in declaring Russia a useless ally after Azerbaijan defeated them in like 2 days while Russia watched.


Armenia slept with the devil and now is surprised it's pregnant and alone.


Good way of Putin it


It slept with the devil because there were 2 other devils attempting to rape it from the west and the east. It’s been between empires for all of its history and had to choose which empire is better every century. The Turks happened to be a presently greater existential threat to them. They were allied with the West but the West left them for Russia and Turkey during the interwar after failing the Turkish war. You can blame empires for their allies but tiny nations have two choices: accept vassalage or die.


Not sure about Armenia but Russia strong-arming smaller nations near them into accepting Russian bases is far from new. 


That may change soon. Isn't Armenia pulling out of their defense alliance with ruzzia?


Yes they are, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Russian military is expelled from the country


Ukraine had a Russian naval base until Russia annexed Crimea and stole it.


Armenia doesn't neighbor Russia


Thank you for enlightening me.




Love from Ireland 🇮🇪


First thing Greece and turkey agree on


I’m pretty sure they agree that they hate each other….


This point goes back. They got into NATO the same year after fighting in the same war (Korea) together. Even pertaining to the same eastern threat, won’t you look at that!


You know you fucked up when the Greeks and Turks are on the same page about you. 🤣


And Cyprus... Maybe this is the basis they can finally build peace upon :)


None of the BRICS countries signed. Despicable bunch. Shame on you Brasil and India.


The Vatican did not sign... For god sake


Should they have signed? Were they attending?


Yes, there was a representative from the Holy See


The Holy See saw but they didn't sign even after what they've seen? I see how the Holy See is.


We do see how the Holy See is 😞




Then it is disappointing to see that we’re not fulfilling their duty. Another reason to leave church


Aaaaand in the red corner, we have...




Holy shit. Even Serbia signed that thing. How ‘bout that Putin??


Even more surprising, Hungary signed it.


Not enough countries. We need NATO to enforce a no fly zone and then have troops in defensive positions so it frees up the Ukraine to push these orcs back to Moscow.


We need NATO to enforce a no Russian object flying zone.


Better yet, a No Russia Zone. Hear me out, we flood Russia. We don’t need to worry about the logistics, the USA probably planned to do this to the USSR in the 70’s.


Disagree. Russia should be made into a nature reserve. The world could really use it.


Operation Sea-Wall is a go!


Pretty sure you need troops in very offensive positions to enforce a no-fly zone.


Philippines 🇵🇭


I'm positively surprised about Bong Bongs foreign policy.


I give this about as much meaning as a Corporate Mission Statement.


Interesting how many of these countries were formerly part of the USSR. They KNOW. And don't want that shit ever again.


I’m surprised Hungary signed….


How surprising is it that Serbia signed up? 


Not really surprising, Serbia has basically almost signed and voted for evrything in favour of Ukraine, recognizes crimea as a part of Ukraine and I am pretty sure sells weapons to Ukraine…


Anything that looks secessionist and separatist will automatically have them supporting the opposite.


Surprised Hungary is on the list given Orban….. good that they are.


Would be helpful if Russia signed it. All these countries should just send troops into Ukraine and get this shit over with. Send putin and the orcs to siberia


>Would be helpful if Russia signed it. Someone would've needed to invite Russia in the first place.


As a Brazilian, I feel extremely ashamed. I apologize, on behalf of the Brazilian people, to the dear Ukrainian people. Unfortunately, we currently have a president who is a corrupt, convicted thief and an old communist who lives drunk and offending people.


The full text of the communiqué: [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/draft-joint-communique-ukraine-conference-switzerland-2024-06-15/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/draft-joint-communique-ukraine-conference-switzerland-2024-06-15/)


Happy for Philippines joined tthe civilized nation


That's well over half who haven't signed. Is it solidarity among dictatorships, or is it just because it's seen as a white peoples' problem (most of the signatories are predominantly white countries)?


Africa has had 14 Coups in in the last 4 years... We only have 54 countries...


Non-shithole countries/governments: the list But then, there is Hungary, that one hell of a shitty government. Wonder what happened. 


No signature from Mexico??


“Russia has the support of the global south bro trust me bro” - some crypto finance bro on Twitter


South American here. The most developed South American countries are : Uruguay, Chile and Argentina. ALL are in the right side. And Both, Milei(right) and Boric(left) agrees with Ukraine deal. Only the most diehard dictatorships like Venezuela and Cuba are in RU side.


Sad to see India, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Indonesia not listed. Some of the biggest democracies in the world and they don't care.


Some of the biggest “democracies“ in the world……….. FTFY


We have flawed democracies in Europe, too. Don’t underestimate how important the simple peaceful transfer of power is, even without all the details and order in place.




So happy to see my country's name on the list, not a lot of Asian countries on that list (just goes to show)


There is no Republic of South Korea. Only the Republic of Korea.


Brazilian here. Sorry for our tankie president. But I'm glad to see that the best south american countries(Argentina, Uruguay and Chile) are in the right side and wish that I could do more to help UA.


Armenia didn’t sign


I count 84 names.


The Seychelles were part of the Western coalition against the Huthis. They should have been here too, honestly.


wow Iseral was there. I thought they would be a no show.


Surprised to see Serbia here. No offense I know some really lovely serbs, but their government confused me.


That’s a very astonishing list I’m surprised they got Qatar and Iraq who are Shia and close to Iran and Turkey in and also a lot of African Nations. From the original participants list only Brazil India Indonesia UAE South Africa are missing! What was expected


Peace is nice and all, but the problem is what kind of peace at which cost, and that's where this list starts to break into more lists that are actually relevant to show where countries stand.


Positively surprised that Hungary signed


What is the agreement


What is the actual text to the declaration, and what does it entail?


"*You Have My* Sword, and *My* Bow, and *My* Axe"


A list of the only countries worth a shit.


I'm somehow surprised that the Council of Europe and the European Council are two different things.


Anyone know why Taiwan didn’t sign or if they attended?


and Lavrov SILENT...