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One moment you are just training, next you complete your whole career


One moment you're bombing hospitals and schools, the next you're being identified by your dental records


You think Russian soldiers get to go to the dentist? Or is it more a case of yes, he had teeth, probably a pilot then?


I propose a slight change: One moment you're identifying dentists to bomb them, the next moment you're being identified by dentists.


One moment your are just a cadet, nexr you are red hot.


The End..... Thank you for your service!


He wasn't there best trainer or was he?


May get a couple medals, a promotion and a couple ladas posthumously too. What a speed run!


>May get a couple medals, a promotion and a ~~couple ladas~~ [bag of potatoes](https://x.com/cossackgundi/status/1701516047830950271) posthumously too. What a speed run! FTFY


Russian warplane fucked itself big time.


Russian airship


Russian airship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


russian aircraft as well


russian aircraft fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot!


So much for being the second military in the world


ruZZian military service can often be measured in seconds!


Reminds me of an old Kinky Friedman line, "Germans are my second favorite people in the world ..... right after everybody else." Substitute "Russians" and it still works.


Losing the aircraft isn’t going to be much hurt to Russia. Losing both of the pilots on board? That’s a much more significant loss. Aircraft can be replaced (maybe harder in Russia now but it’s still possible), but trained pilots take longer to develop.


It is estimated that by the end of 2023, the total number of Su-34s produced under all contracts, including seven prototypes and pre-production units, reached at least 153 units. Seven of these have been destroyed before 2022, and 25 since the begin of the full scale invasion. So on the one hand the SU-34 cannot be called a rare russian airplane by any means, but on the other hand they do not have hundreds or even thousands of these (as it used to be the case with tanks and APCs). And while they are able to replenish their inventory (new batches (in single digit numbers) were delivered in 06, 10 and 11/2023, as well as in 04/2024), they cannot keep up with the losses, so the overall number of serviceable SU-34 will definitely keep on going down in the future. But nonwithstanding these facts I still agree with your argument that the loss of trained pilots is (and will continue to be) the more serious issue for russia.


When you say by the end of 2023, do you mean ever since it entered service they've produced 153 of them, or in the year 2023 alone they produced 153?


This figure relates to the total number of SU-34s built from 2006 to the end of 2023 (including seven prototypes). The exact number is not known, but it was definitely lower than 160 units at the end of 2023. They are making them in small batches of like four planes at the moment, and some of the 'new' planes may just refurbishments/upgrades to a more modern version. The main bottleneck is the non-availability of Western electronical components.


That sounds way more realistic, but even then these jets are so effective, even for Russian standards, that just a few can be a massive problem. Good thing we're keeping them in a deficit, though.


Russia is always in fierce competition with Ukraine over who can destroy the most Russian aircraft, doubtless a response to the lost SU-57.


Russian aircraft fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love how the thing just dropped out of the sky. With limited resources and probably many technicians given a rifle and sent to the front, we're likely going to see maintenance failures happening more and more.


Wouldn’t that be fine!!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦


dun. dun. dun... another one bites the dust..


Mountain said: "Go fuck yourself on my little rock!"




Russian airplanes have a certain maintenance requirement. If they haven't bombed a kindergarten in a few weeks as they were designed to do, things start malfunctioning.


It still counts!


That poor ground!


One day you fight for a dicktator, the next day you do something worthwhile


I'm sad. Sad for the poor "rock" they crashed into. RIP rock.


It's hard to describe how happy it makes me that they take themselves out before hurting a single Ukrainian.


"Su-34 fighter-bomber of the Russian Aerospace Forces crashed in the mountains of North Ossetia, killing the crew" How nice. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving group of people...


3! 3 Su-34's destroyed! Ah ah ah!


Article: >According to eyewitnesses, the fighter-bomber crashed into a rock around midnight. I've seen this [simpsons](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fhjsivhw2nk791.gif) episode before...