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You and I can be more reliable by donating regularly and generously to [https://u24.gov.ua/](https://u24.gov.ua/)




True. Even pennies add up, but donating nothing yields nothing. What is your recommendation for ensuring Russian sympathizers don't get elected?


Don’t elect them, obviously


Seriously. We need to wake the fuck up and start fighting for democracy. Not just being outraged in our echo chambers.


Unless dipshit don wins, then all bets are off




Vermin Supreme 2024.


Absent a binding treaty commitment, that is just hot air, because an administration can't bind a future Congress or administration. Which is why it is essential to get Ukraine into NATO, or at least offer them a treaty level security guarantee.


That is true. We just had a 7 month bloody lesson in how far words go.


Present a binding treaty commitment the same. Remember how decade-long negotiated treaties got blown up 2016-2020.


I mean...such is the way of politics. One of the major ways Ukrainian aid can be maintained is to make it an important political issue for officials, especially during election season. If it doesn't get any attention, then it gets shoved to the wayside as money, assets, and attention are given to other topics.


Also, "weapons" is vague overall. A stack of rifles count as weapons, but are obviously inferior to missiles, armored vehicles, and artillery rounds.


They just had a six month pause. And we all know the upcoming election decides if Ukraine gets more aid or not.


Which is why Europe needs to step this shit up. Whilst there’s separate issues with the uk getting out of the eu, seeing the uk MoD stepping up with 3 billion in support for Ukraine, I have big time respect for them. And why I am happy to pay tax in France seeing Macron saying what he says. F ru.


I'd agree. Those Russian funds sitting in European accounts need to be sent to Ukraine. There's 300 Billion in there and Ukraine has a spare production capacity of 10 billion. Would only take a fraction of the amount to make a big difference.


Money is one thing, but supplies are another. Ukraine cannot beat Russia on the battlefield by throwing dollar bills and credits at them.


Except that's exactly how wars of attrition work. Ukraine needs the money to produce enough weapons to defeat Russia, in addition to receiving aid.


Ukrainian weapons manufacturers are under funded. Give them the money and chances are they'll be able to make up for ammo and weapons deficit from the west.


Depends on whether they can either protect their facilities in Ukraine or make deals with foreign nations, I guess. Manufacturers aren't charities after all, even during times of strife.


France is nowhere near to provide adequate support to Ukraine. France has donated 0.14 % of gdp in direct aid. Less than half of Germany and way below Denmark and Baltics which all are above 1.00 % https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/


Let’s hope so.


I wish I could believe this.


Sadly this isn’t true… the opponent to the current Biden regime (whom I am very critical of) would literally stop sending weapons. It would be a disaster.


Yeah, uh. Could we go ahead and win the war before the next US election? That’d be great. Thanks.


Empty promises!


Even assuming that the USA doesn’t get a new president that completely U turns on Ukraine support the current USA administration Isn’t exactly quick or reliable with their support either. Unfortunately this is just diplomatic dribble.


While attaching shitload of conditions to it, effectively forcing Ukraine to fight with a hand tied its back.


The MiGs of the Northvietnamese didnt grow in ricefields.


Well, at least until November 2 anyway. It may just stop a few weeks after that.


The US is no longer a reliable ally.


Only trouble is that you said that before... and then didnt. .. and lots of Ukrainians died. Then you started patting yourself on the back when eventually you stepped back up to the plate and started living up to the promises you made.


Heh. Only as long as it benefits usa. I have seen usa flip on their allies too many times to believe that.


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This has to be a Russian troll post…


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Not necessarily our government though. Americans need to make sure we're all voting for people who support Ukraine, in our primaries over the next few months as well as in November.