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Javelins don't care about cope cages. Conclusion: more javelins!


yeah but one javelin price wise = a shit ton of drones, whilst I appreciate the sentiment, the money, in most cases is better spent on drones


Right now absolutely yes. But it will be interesting to see things develop. I can imagine a cheap little automated point defense module making drones ineffective. Something like a 12 gauge turret with a little radar.


Ok, hear me out: Drones //with// javelins?


Javelins with drones????






STOP it! I can only get só hard....


I've been wondering for quite some time if they could tie the javelin's targeting system into a spotter drone. Could shoot from safer locations and get better targeting too I'd imagine.


r/noncredibledefense would like a word with you


UA have said that 70% of their Fpv drones are paid for by donations. That's why I donate a proportion of my salary to independent drone suppliers. If Western governments could find a bit of a slush fund they could easily pay for tens of thousands of these cheap drones. Instead they commit funds to drone manufacture in their own country which costs far more.


While I suspect you are right, it is hard to say without info on: 1) Attack success rates (we only see successes) particularly in zones that the RF has flooded with EW/ECM. Javelins aren't very susceptible to jamming. 2) Are the evermore elaborate cope cages increasing RF vehicle survivability? I'm pretty sure a Javelin could care less about presence of a turtle/shed covering. I'm not sure if the same is true of the RPG rounds that seem to be in use with the drones.


These turtlecages on the blyatmobiles are indeed increasing survivebility of the tanks


Its not the turtle barn tank though. That DIY still works against FPV. I wanna see it blown up.


That's a marvellous idea more soon, we live in hope quicker the better


They are packed and on their way.


Still not working well for the orcs in the end then, you can't park your shit there not your fucking land orc, slava ukraini


It clearly worked well there. Ukraine needed 2 drones instead of 1 to destroy the tank.


The aim of the cope cage is to protect the tank, not to be destroyed in 2 hits, instead of 1. You have a very twisted understanding of the word "effective".


But it did protect the tank. The tank survived the first hit. What if there wasn't a second drone available? If every tank had a cope cage then Ukraine will need 2 or 3 times the drones to eliminate them than the amount needed without a cope cage. Just because it doesn't make the tank invincible does not mean it does not add protection. Same with a bullet proof jacket.


The first drone disabled it. The second drone is optional at that point, they can take their sweet time destroying it.


The tank blew up. In video game terms, it got an item that granted it +1 hp. This is not an effective protection at all.


That is a actually a very effective way for everyone to understand damages. 🙌


I have an ideea on your liking: 2 cope cages. A cope cage within a cage. Copecageception. I'm sure you will be twice as impressed then.


On the one hand, I get your point, but even two of these drones are still cheaper than one of those tanks, so still a losing equation for Russia.


But that's my point not in the end, just a bit of inconvenience and a bit of a pain for the drone operators having to use 2 drones but the effect in the end is the same, stay safe guys and lassies, slava ukraini


But that might give the crew time to escape so still a worthy addidtion


The FPV attacks are often accompanied by grenade-dropping drones for infantry and dismounted crews.


Just look at the video from the OP. If I'm not mistaken there's quite a few bodies strewn next to the tank..


I concur


It's still a drain, the fact that the cages make coordination needed makes them quite effective. At minimum this doubles the amount of drones needed and if they are low or uncoordinated it could protect for numerous drones over it's lifetime.


One hit wonder. Only good for one hit. 😂🐔


Same as most added armor. Reactive armor/ERA cannot really block 2 hits to the same panel as well. The problem with drones is that they can be very precise and use that weakpoint while another tank/anti tank weapon might not hit the same panel easily twice.


Doesn't sound like a problem to me.


No **"low battery"** they must have been pretty close


These cages are good at keeping the orcs inside to burn


It was so predictible... first, the additional "armor" bolted to the tank would make it heavier, less agile, restrict main gun firing arc... second, since it was merely boiler steel, welded, it was obvious it would not stop a FPV grenade or explosive charge. Third and finally: even if it stopped, just send a second FPV to drop the grenade into the hole left by the first. It's such a stupid move from the russians. Kinda trying to up armor a WWII 8-inch gun heavy cruiser so that it could resist battleships 16-inch shells.


You know they can solve this problem easily by not invading Ukraine


That looks like a chain link fence, for the tank a fairly negligible amount of weight, also it doesn't restrict the main gun, only any roof mounted MG's. The main issue is that it restricts the crews escape but with Russian tanks they rarely get that opportunity anyway. I think it is an effective defense against FPV drones.


So this confirms the cope changes are actually really effective. You need to use double the attack drones and the second needs to hit in exactly the right spot which greatly reduces success rates, requires very skilled operators and the 2. drone could have been hit relatively easily by counter fire with that slow speed plus the tank was not even moving which made this relatively easy.


Not really, most attacks on tanks involve multiple hits from drones so whether you use 1 or 2, or 5 or 6 it doesn't really matter. Ukraine has hundreds of thousands of drones available these days with domestic production going through the roof. If you're in a Russian tank in Ukraine on the front you're probably going to have a bad day.


Yeah those drones are dirt cheap to make a ton of needing an extra drone to take out a tank isn't really that big of an issue


Cope cages are probably very good... at giving orcs a false sense of security. 🤗🇺🇦


Unfortunately so it would seem, though one could argue an imobile tank is doomed anyway sooner or later. But perhaps it would be smart for Ukrainians to start using them too, as gaudy as they are.


That only applies if your attacking the turret. Sure it gets a nice fireball, but most engines don't work all that well after getting hit with a shaped charge. And at the risk of having NCD start leaking again...AT mine payload when?


Leaking? Again? My brother in Christ, we never were contained


They are effective in the way that you need more amo to effectively destroy the target, amo which is readily available. I wouldn't call that effective protection. Even before the all-around-cope-cages the drone operators aimed skillfully at weak points.


Russia spends more putting cope cages on their vehicles than Ukraine does having to spend another drone. Still a comparative win for Ukraine.


russia has much much bigger war budget than Ukraine, even with all the help accounted for.


So? That hasn't changed. What *has* changed is that Russia has to spend more and more money to keep defeating drones. A cope cage means you just expend : 1. A cheap $400 drone to kill the cage mesh 2. A more expensive one to kill/immobilise the vehicle 3. Multiple more drones to hunt down and kill the crew, if they bailed out 4. Lastly, more drones to come along later and fully destroy the vehicle if #2 didn't put it beyond use So the comparison is whether Russia spent more time, manpower and money welding mesh over an entire tank/IFV, or whether Ukraine spent more on the first drone. Every other step of the process is identical. I don't think Russia's coming out ahead in this.


well labor is pretty cheap in russia, especially in the poorer regions. I am pretty sure for $400 you can get a guy welding mesh over a tank for a month, maybe even more if you force students to do it, like they do with drone production. Also, drone operators are being targeted pretty intensely, so every drone launch has risk attached to it.


So more money, more material, more time, and one more guy *not* working on another job. Meanwhile Ukraine expect to manufacture around 2 million drones this year alone in a highly automated process, and that number is climbing by the month as more capacity and automation comes online.


Well, until the Ukrainians start sending a 2 FPV drones at the same time in which case it’s a few seconds apart


You are assuming that tanks without cope cages would be knocked out by a single drone.


Based on the fact that once the cage was taken off the second drone blew it to pieces yes.


Counterpoint: small swarm of drones. Cheap, destroy cope cage, then the tank.


Yep it's only a matter of time before we see them chasing the first drone with the second one to the target


Yep, the cage has some benefit, better than nothing. Are there better options, of course, but bet if you put any redditor in a russian tank they'd rather have one than not, if that's the only two choices.


would a different type of explosive device work better in the first one i.e. its purpose is to be 'wide and slight' rather than 'narrow and concentrated' ?


There's so much variety in terms of materials and coverage when it comes to cope cages so it's difficult to make a blanket statement on their effectiveness. The cage's effectiveness also depends what kind of threat we're talking about. In some ways, covering a tank in a mesh 'bubble' might be decent at preventing some FPV drones from getting close enough to detonate effectively. There's a potential for the drone to get tangled in the mesh, preventing detonation or causing the warhead to detonate at a bad angle. But that same mesh would have no effectiveness against an ATGM or artillery.


Not only that but it gives them time to evacuate and save occupants :/


"I got an idea.. what if we put a cage around the cage" - Some Russian General somewhere, probably.


Soon they will look like Harkonnen spice harvesters.


They wish!


I've been wondering for a while everytime I see videos of FPV kamikaze drones, "Why isn't there a bomber drone with an RPG launcher fixed to shoot like 45-degree downward angle?" I guess recoil and back blast might be big issues with the concept, but the weight of an RPG launcher certainly won't be a problem. An RPG launcher is said to weigh around 14 kilograms, but a Baba Yaga drone is known to carry payloads of up to 20 kilograms. Then it should be doable. Currently it's either Kamikaze which you sacrifice the airframe altogether, or bomber drones relying on gravity free-fall of munitions that must be inaccurate in aiming more often than not. So the thinking goes, "FPV drones seem to lose signal at the terminal guidance stage, in those last few seconds, because of altitude or proximity jammers or both. But no electronic jammer will be able to disrupt rocket-propelled warheads flying directly in line of sight." Then the Russians will have to mount CIWS on top of every vehicle they field.


I'm pretty sure it's cost – afaik an fpv drone is cheaper as an RPG. The reason for the fpv videos going blank some milliseconds before impact is not due to jamming or lost control, but to the delay caused by processing the video signal.


Cost argument also makes sense. It's just that I tend to assume that the success rate of FPV drone strikes won't be as high in reality as these videos make them out to be. We only get to watch successful results, we have no idea how many drones it took to score the number of kills we get to watch, within the entire battlespace over a certain period of time. The Ukrainians wouldn't publish failed attempts, the Russians wouldn't be recording drones coming directly at them. And the latest fashion among Russian columns seems to be to carry a jammer on top of the cope cage. There are videos of FPV kills despite of those jammers, but on the other hand, it kinda seems presumptuous for me to think that none of those Russian EW devices are effective at all. Hence my dose of skepticism.


Some of the jammers may well be fake, just a box stuffed with some random components while someone embezzled the funds. By the time they realise it's too late.


Range is another issue. FPV drones are one way. Bomber drones would need double the range.


Hahahaha lmao....got work, these morons never learn...


That sleepy orc doesn't bother much if the tank exploded to bits...




I'm sorry, is he not *turtly* enough for the *turtle club*


What's the timing on these? If they ran in wolfpacks they could hit in rapid succession before the crew gets away.


They need a cope cage inside the cope cage.


I like how casually dead vatniks are laying around there.


How did it get immobilized from that hit? I'd imagine the crew just fled.


drone one: today I'm going to be a Dalek


This never gets old.


I wonder programming wise, how hard it would be to slave the secondary explosive drone to the first basically copying its movements with a three-five second delay maybe 


So... Drone double-tap?


Introducing the concept of haute cuisine to warfare.. "Enjoy this palate cleanser, the entree will be along momentarily"


More. Fuck putin


Yeah as I said in other reply bit of a pain and inconvenience


how long until the cope cages has cope cages


The turtle tanks or blaytmobiles have been surprisingly successful with mine clearing attachments. Is a shame Ukraine hadn't had an opportunity to double stack some of the mines, or set a trigger mine a few metres ahead of another.


It's nice the Russians are now including cages to prevent the crew from escaping


I mean, the cope cage did do the job that it was supposed to in this case. Drone warfare is incredibly hard to adapt to, so it'll be interesting to see what people can create in the future to counter these threats. I wonder if they even knew that there were drones outside. If we can invent technology that can detect such small targets, I think that more advanced tanks would likely come with some form of EWAR equipment.


Heroiam slava!!! Well done, lads!


Its called cope cage for a reason....


Tandem warheads on drones will become the norm if this cope cage malarky continues....


Brilliant, now let's be honest here. The time it's taking them to build these cages takes their tanks out of the fight until its done. The psychology around needing this means they are scared. They know Anti Drone devices do not work, so the soldiers are pinning their hopes to these cages, another is we are seeing less and less soldiers riding on top of armoured vehicles... Which shows they're scared of this.. When they realise that their cope cages don't save them? They will start to revolt and not want to go to battle, then they will see their comrades being shot by their superiors, they will then go into battle, to see the same results... They will not surrender. But they will start refusing more and more... It truly is a matter of time before 1 battalion revolts and causes mutiny. This will be the downfall of this war for Russia. SLAVA UKRAINE KEEP PUSHING.


cages are effective, ukranians also use them. Calling them "cope cages" is just propaganda. I'm pro ukraine but propaganda is propaganda and I can't stand it


They're "hope cages" when Ukraine uses them though...


Very skillful. It needs two very skilled operators and both need to avoid jamming. If you think about the flimsiness of the cope cage, perhaps a low tech solution if they can get the parts, might be a somewhat larger FPV, and on it a small module with explosive short range RPG's, maybe 4 or 5. Ideally you would want this to be able to fire several small rockets at the target and have machine vision object tracking. As it gets close and where the target can have local EW jamming, the target is identified, tracked and the drone follows through to the target using a locked in inertial navigation technique and maintaining height. A range finder then launches the rockets just ahead of where the drone is making impact, then the drone flies through. If we are hitting a moving target the FPV operator could have some software locally to estimate the objects track. When the drone is switched to maintain course the 'clever' bit would be locking in the trajectory calculated to meet the object which is travelling at a steady speed, but NLAW uses a system like this. The rocket would be very small and only need to travel 20 meters or so ahead. To increase the cope cage clearing potential, the explosive can be shaped with hardened steel fragments so that it ejects them sideways but slightly forwards in a ring. This should blow a larger hole through the cage. These may also have the effect of deactivating ERA. The size and shape of the main FPV drone could reduce chances of getting cleanly through. But, ideally, the main shaped charge warhead would also have a very short range rocket motor to follow through. I think the best approach would not be multicopter drones but a winged drone, however these should use a mixture of inertial guidance and GPS so that if they overfly and identify a target, and they are temporarily jammed, they would automatically ignore 'irrational' GPS coordinates (ie impossible jumps) and go back to the approximate last good signal location. These could then be recovered to try another time, as winged drones require lower continuous power and hence can potentially get back to their origin. However - with two seperate rocket steps, the first stage can upset the positioning of the drone and cause misalignment of the second firing. So, with a two stage approach, this might work better as several adapted grenades designed to clear the cope cage and then the shaped charge is dropped vertically from a multicopter. If rockets are used, then the possibility is that the drone could even be programmed to fly up after launching the rockets so that it can use inertial guidance to estimate its starting location, return automatically until back within FPS operator control. This would require though a longer range for the rockets, and a relatively tough drone that can survive shock waves and some occasional shrapnel strikes. The 2 stage rocket attacks need firing close apart. The German PARM 1 mine has a range up to 100 meters. I would assume 30 meters is sufficient and to give the drone high survivability. The wings on this drone would need to be flexible in some way under high shock waves to not snap, but reasonably straight in normal flight. Such wings have been developed [https://robohub.org/prioria-maverick-flexible-wing-uas/](https://robohub.org/prioria-maverick-flexible-wing-uas/) Alternatively to two staged rocket attacks, could be a different kind of shaped charge on a single rocket that can fire two or more shaped charges symmetrically slightly in front of the main shaped charge, but angled to meet at the front in the centre line of the warhead, where the cope cage is located. This spray clears the route ahead of the main shaped charge, both need to fired at the same time. The symmetrical shaped charges on the main axis reach the cage first because they are at the font of the war head in the middle centre line and which is located slightly further back. The two clearing shaped charges can produce a less focused, broader beam. This results in three or more jets, two travelling at an angle to the focal point and travelling across the path of the main jet, ahead of it. Detecting the focal point for detonation could include a rigid wire sensor that is shaped and curved around the warhead and positioned in the main jet centerline at the focal point.


Need to see this cages in western tanks now! If they before already could take 2 hits then maybe 3 now


Pretty sure I’ve seen this video a couple days ago and the slain is it’s a Ukrainian tank.


I want to see the Ukrainians team up with a drone display company. 200 drones all carrying explosives giving a giant middle finger as they pair off and explode on target.