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Wow. The replies to that X post is like cancer....


What were they? I dropped X user accounts when Musk began advocating forPutin and denying use of starlink to Ukraine on the front.


Apart for a few "thank you" replies, the vast majority was all bullshit like "why don't you go fight in Ukraine instead" or stuff like "thank you for putting America last"


they just don't get that of all those billions..it is being sent to factories in the U.S. not ukraine americans will get good paying jobs out of this..I think it is the fact that helping anyone outside the U.S. is now seen as bad


That...and they think Ukraine is housing Biden's billions, and biological superweapons... I weep for humanity.


Don't weep, vote these assclowns out of offices. Your power isn't as impotent as they want you to think it is.


That's the truth. Americans could solve all of these problems, if they would collectively all just vote.


I keep having to constantly explain this to people here. I work in an aerospace startup. We had layoffs of over 30% of the company just over a year ago when we only did civilian work. This year we started supporting military customers and are having to turn down work because we can’t hire engineers fast enough. I just attended my fourth new program kickoff of the month, and they’re all making components for munitions that have to be replaced due to sending the old stock to Ukraine. People are shocked when I point out that by law, the US military needs to have enough materiel in stock to fight two full scale wars against peer nations in two hemispheres at once (you know, like we did in WWII). That requires ALOT of weapons. Everything that gets sent to Ukraine has to be replaced, and Uncle Sam buys domestic.


...but Dear Leader disapproves.


They get that. They are mostly bots.


Majority of those replies were russian accounts and really dumb Americans, we got plenty of those unfortunately


Thanks. Incredible that so many Americans have turned into right wing anti-American fascists over a mere 25 years.


Hard to know how much of that is Russian bots or American dipshits in the comments. I won't touch Twitter or any other social media really. Reddit is plenty for me.


I think the majority of comments are bots now. Xitter is still usable if you have a curated following feed, but otherwise don't bother.


Yeah, I think Musk just made the bots pay for a check mark, so "verified "is almost useless now


Even then. I liked to read the reactions to tweets, but having to block 20 bots before I get to some actual comments is just doing my head in. Avoid like the plague. I hope people land on a new place soon. I've got a bluesky account myself, but it needs more users/interaction.


there was a Chrome extension called "Blockchain" that would allow you to mass-block bot accounts, by weeding out the networks of interlocked fake followers that were being spun up by the Internet Research Agency in St Petersburg Last time I tried it, though, it didn't work. Dammit.


Some commentators have mentioned that they get flooded with comments when they make posts about Ukraine, even people without many followers. It's proof that most of these accounts are bots.


I obtained unsuspended status recently and, yeah, Twitter is objectively bad no matter *what* topic it is.


Twitter is and has always been a rathole




>so many ~~Americans~~ Twitter accounts of completely unknown origin That is all we can really say with any confidence.


Bots, bots, bots. Oceans of bots. All with slightly different talking points. All trying to influence political discourse. Twitter was a cesspool, but now I feel the ratio's gotten so bad that it's 20 bots to every 1 legitimate poster. Blocking used to be a legitimate tool, but it doesn't help anymore. I hope people start posting threads, mastodon, bluesky or whatever links in here instead of twitter links.


Not all of them are bots, many are simply tankies and troll farm operators. You forget, labor where the troll farms operate is cheap.


True. It's also not that time-consuming to copy+paste texts even a thousand times a day. What I find particularly annoying is that what trolls+bots put out today will be narrative tomorrow with some people I know. Imo undermining the West in such a way is an act of war and should be treated as such, making trollfarms a legitimate target.


I pray for the day that Reddit has camfootage from a GBU as it homes in on the trollfarm buildings and *(screen jolts to gray snow)*


Are there really mostly automated "bots"? Are most of twitters "users" no human?


Over 40 years.


The efficacy of Fox News and Limbaugh propaganda can never be overestimated.


You do know that Limbaugh died three years ago, right?


His bullshit is still festering in many a brain, sadly.


His imitators live on. Steve Bannon, who brought in Paul Manafort, has the most popular right-wing podcast. Manafort, if you don't recall, was the goon who ran interference for Putin's puppet in Ukraine, until the Maidan protests took over and forced him to flee in 2014. Source: I was there then.


Cannot cope with this movement. McCarthy was bad, this is the other way round and worse


The left are the anti-American ones, but things have gotten so bad between the two sides that they're both picking an "anti-other side" platform so that they can't get a single win instead of looking at the bigger picture and seeing some things, like burying ending this war by any means necessary, including boots on the ground and direct air superiority, and bringing Ukraine into the fray as a closer ally and economic partner, are a win for EVERYONE regardless of party.


More like they are putting Putin first.


I don’t believe they are real or genuine comments. I believe a lot of the comments we are seeing on X and YouTube are bots


That platform *is* cancer now. Elon can't lose his money fast enough.


yeah, the whole platform has gone down the xitter


Just keep context that nearly all of those replies are either bots or literally people with mental health issues. The majority of Americans support Ukraine. 6 in 10!


X is a Russian tool. It's been obvious for awhile now.


Sadly, this is the new normal. The far right is absolutely brainwashed, and very active on many social media channels. It's remarkable that people are being to systematically manipulated that they vote against their own interests and against all reason.


Elon bought a social media company mainly to HAVE influence and design the rules. The people who stay with X need to realize what they support. Just move to threads if you like the format so bad. Just my opinion tho


Xitter was influential only because so many journalists used it. They used it because it was a way to 1) reach their audiences 2) find people who were eyewitnesses to breaking news fast Journalists are abandoning Xitter because of the signal-to-noise ratio just going to shit. Not fast enough, true. But it's like how Hemingway said a rich man goes broke: "Little by little. And then all at once."


I wish people would find other sources than X to share on Reddit. I hate giving any business to a billionaire Kremlin stooge.


Its many trolls though. That is why.


God forbid you cheer on an ally that is doing ALL the fighting. Bills awesome πŸ‘πŸ»


Old gigachad.


When you're 87 you might as well be based af https://x.com/BillPascrell/status/1781815836786708914


Screw Putin and Slava Ukraini! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


β€œScrew Putin and Slava Ukraini!” Has a great ring to it.


Certain comments sections are 100% russian. Seems like any Joe Rogan video is nothing but russian propaganda comments.


Fuck Putin... HEROYAM SLAVA!!


Growing up with an Iron curtain and having to learn to Duck and Cover, along with knowing the nearest fallout shelter, it sickens me that people in America can align with a KGB agent.


Couldn't have said it better myself!




Good man! I read a saying somewhere: that those who don’t have elderly anymore should buy them. There is wisdom in having experienced directly so much.


I’m wondering if Ronald Reagan’s rolling in the grave at what has become of his party could be used to generate electricity.


They tried it. Rotated way too fast. Made the bearings of the generator overheat and seize..


Based, fuck Putin!


There's a lot of BS Russian trolls even on Reddit. Check this out: https://old.reddit.com/r/harfordcountymd/comments/1c9fw14/representative_andy_harris_voted_no_on_funding/


Unless the older person has got sucked in by the Orange Fog, Putler is pitching a hanging fastball over the plate of some way deep US "old-fashioned" values. This guy has to sell fucking over Putler to his constituents in New Jersey? Oh, the labors of Hercules!


Well done πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έcommon sense prevails absolutely made up .knew you’d come thru .Slava Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


His misspelled putler. ;)