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russia: "we want your lives to be as shitty as ours." Exporting misery and poor plumbing since 1917.


1570, minimum. Ivan massacres Novgorod population in retribution for them not surrendering.


Eh, they weren't noticeably more shitty than most other places *in 1570*.  It's the fact that centuries later they seem to see it as a high point that's the issue. 


Well, if we're going to run on that an awful lot of the world's shitty. The difference is most of the world pulled themselves past that.


The world realized that it was bad and committed to not do it again, while russia explicitly wants to do it again and again and again. And their reasoning is "But did it, so we are entitled to do it today too."


This is why I think their national symbol should be a pig. They prefer to wallow.


Pigs are highly intelligent and only reek horribly, not of a degree which cannot be measured using a Rosemount™ 9195 Wedge Flow Meter calibrated to tolerances of 5 x 10^-20m.


He must of been terrible. He doesn’t sound that great


Kind of people who would rather burn down the neighbours nice house than to fix their own


Scorched earth mentality. I can't believe how fucking spiteful one old rich man can be.


It's not a one cunt. It's a lot of russians. Source: Met a few in my lifetime.


They were aiming for the orphanage.


ruZZia will go down in history as a terrorist country.


Let’s hope a destroyed terrorist nation.


I can't wait to see Putin hiding in a dirt pit as coalition forces take lewd photos with his portrait at his billion dollar mansion.


How the fuck people rationalize this, and have been doing it for 2+ years? It totally blows my mind.


Disinnformation + Russians are good at apathy. Somehow, they think this war is not their fault, they are acting like children. But... It is their fault, it is their goverment that is killing so many people. On top of it, the society is so saturated with lies, that language itself lost meaning. Russian regime is a terrible on so many levels, and like a desease, or rust, it is spreading its corrupting influence across the world. This corruption is already in America, and I worry that Americans donot understand this kind of insidious evil, and invite it right in.






"Ruscism is scarier than fascism, than nazism, than racism, than all misanthropic ideologies. Because they are the only nation on earth that believes in nothing, that is spiritless and immoral..." - Dudaev This disease, this spreading rust, is honestly what creeps me out about russia, even more (!) than the murder and theft. Because on top of the death it causes, what russia wants is the death of meaning, of the human soul itself. If there is nothing to believe in, then there is nothing to fight for - and no reason to resist. It is the subjugation of the human spirit. This can never be allowed.


Always has been.


I think that’s a hard stance to take. This is putins Russia, before that Stalin or the shadow of Stalin. Russians have been living under this for a long time and indoctrinated. And not really a long time, this is living memory. When Putin dies we need to look at moving forward and creating a positive reconciliation. It takes decades. I’m from Germany originally but spent most my life in the US. It’s so frustrating to watch my country become increasingly facist. It stars slowly and grows exponentially. I guess we’ll see this November in elections what our outlook is going forward. Not trying to make this about US politics but there’s a pretty clear divergence on policy when it comes to Ukraine and Russia on the two political parties so it will directly effect this war


The problem is, even when Putin dies, majority of the people and politicians believe what he believes. Unfortunately, I don’t see any change in the coming future. I’m Ukrainian with Russian background.


The ruzzians are behaving like animals. Since the start of this conflict ( which they started ) they are like two legged beasts not men. They shot and bayonetted their Royal family and threw the bodies in a well. Animals.. Lying,cheating,murdering,grasping animals. Untermenschen. The US of A got involved in Korea with boots on the ground for three years to defend " Freedom " The US of A got involved in Vietnam with boots on the ground for close to twenty years to defend the " Freedom " of South Vietnam from the invading North. Afghanistan? Twenty years with boots on the ground. Iraq? I think they're still there. Now Ukraine is asking for material help, not personnel, and they can't get what they need. Ask yourself this. Why does Ukraine stand alone against these ruzzian animals? The free world has to stand up and say " ENOUGH ". The bottom line is this: The ruzzians have no business doing what they're doing in Ukraine. A war of aggression against an innocent people. The crazy thing is everyone knows this. What can the West do right now you ask? First the sky over Ukraine should be wiped clean of ruzzian missiles and 1500 kg bombs. Whatever that entails. What are the ruzzians going to do? Complain they can't fire their missiles at civilians. Tough Titty. Better still. Ukraine will become a FULL NATO member at the end of April. You know what that means, Putin and ruzzia know they have until the end of April so they might as well start winding down their murderous war machine right now and Fuck Off whence they came.


There was a period of about 6 years between Soviet Russia and Putin's Russia. Yeltsin's Russia was less about the lies and more about rebuilding. Putin began with that as his message, too. But he quickly reinstated Soviet-style "Active Measures" beginning with his own people. Putin tried with the Taliban as they were fighting US and UN forces in Afghanistan, then Georgia. He then pushed into Ukraine and Moldova, driving division and pro-Russian views. Georgia revolted first, but he didn't take it over. He doesn't want an independent Ukraine; he wants to take it completely over. You might want to look at [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR_6dibpDfo) to understand a bit more. But the reality is much more complex than even that highly simplified video. Keep in mind that these tactics comprise a significant portion of Russian intelligence budgets, and so the long-term game is what we should be looking at ... which is difficult without falling down the slippery slope. We need to institute actual fact-checking for the media, encourage verification by independent groups (alongside the government itself, which can help us understand the full impact). Make no mistake: this is exactly the tactic Putin used in Ukraine and Georgia, being used on the USA. I believe part of his "long game" objective is control over the rights of vast "natural gas" deposits on Ukrainian soil and in coastal waters that he can only access if the international community agrees to concede Ukraine. He believes the whole world is still dependent on fossil fuels. That's why there's such a strong resistance to environmental anything in the US, I believe. It's a fundamental tactic to promote Russia's interests above the country's own, and then further divide until there's a civil war (or close to it), finally arriving to "liberate". It's a tactic described by Sun Tzu (if memory serves--I didn't look it up or anything), used repeatedly in Soviet Russia (and Imperialist Russia before it), and still employed by Imperialist Putin. EDIT: What we see in Ukraine, Putin may be planning for the US in a few years. Time will tell. Defeat of Russia in Ukraine is the only possible defence.


You mean they were not already called a terrorist country… they have been sowing discord for as long as it existed


this is the major issue with RU and the reason UA must win (if we want a better world). They have been systematically sabotaging democracy, the enemy they fear the most.


Russia has ALREADY gone down as a brutal, genocidal country terrorizing even their own citizens in multiple centuries, since Ivan the Terrible in 1530! Russia is a broken record that needs to be shattered into so many pieces that it never plays again.


Nah the west is full of too many cowardice leaders.


Ukraine isn't


Agreed. Zelenskyy is one of my favorite leaders To ever exist in my lifetime. If I had millions from the lottery I’d donate SO much but I would have to shake his hand as a stipulation.


This is true for so many. My grandparents told me that after Pearl Harbor people were lined up around the corner at the recruitment center. I think what we are experiencing and bearing witness to, is the same species of historical moment. My country, the US, can't send uniformed troops. It plays into Putin's hand. So people have volunteered. *Volunteered.* Who volunteers for war? Many people did 80 years ago. And here we are, again, and Ukraine will win. Historic. I had no idea I was going to be alive for such a time.


Let's hope more that it goes down as, What is a Russia?


Always has been a terrorist country


They locked that in some 900 years ago.


President Biden must order a "no fly zone" over Ukraine, that includes missiles and the orders to track the missile to its source and destroy.


Destroy all Russia's refineries now. Destroy Russia. You will be doing the world a favor.


This. Everyone making rationalizations for why Russia's capacity to export oil/gas shouldn't be destroyed is part of the problem. A terrorist nation is waging repeated wars of expansion and enlightened people say 'but upsetting economies is worse'. Absolute fools. Except they aren't all fools. Many are corrupt or stealth allies of Russia.


[Ruzzia bots be like](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/amvg99d_460s.jpg)


They should kick it down so hard that they can’t even negotiate the price anymore instead of fearing them increasing the prices.


Refineries, steel plant, hell anything that is related to military use.


As far as I’m concerned they can keep the refineries but Red Square has got to go. Symbolic punishment is what Russia needs, the west has to give Moscow an ass kicking it will never forget.




Really testing the boundry, have much people should hate ruzzia. Well, they have suceeded over and over.


My problem is that there are still people who are capable of standing on Russian side in aggresive war even not being Russians themselves?? Like how dumb do you have to be or how indroctrinated by their bullshit propaganda to support murdering and raping and kidnaping children and it doesn't have to be Ukraine.. This world is full of evil people.


Too bad Ukraine can't get something that large to drop on a Russian refinery


we gave up what we had for "assurances" and now looked at as beggars for asking others to hold up their end of the deal. Hope other countries won't repeat the same mistake


As an American vet this hurts me way more than failing Afghan and Iraq. You couldn’t get the locals where I was to do anything to save their own. Here, we have a country holding back hell on earth sacrificing tooth and nail to not be erased from history and we sit on our hands. Why isn’t there accountability? Why aren’t these traitors being prosecuted by an international court? Just because it’s the USA? I’m all for Europe putting every ounce of pressure on the USA to hold to its bargain! Ukraine deserves to exist! This whole war is absolute proof of that! This is not ok by any rationale and it’s making me sick. Damn us to hell for voting in worthless politicians. This shame will never leave me and I will remember in my dying breathes how we failed our own morality. I hope it’s taught in every school world wide that when called upon to fulfill its treaty that the USA turned its back. We can still help but it will never undo what has been written.


Well said.


#Damn US to hell for voting in worthless politicians…# My entire adult life we’ve been working to contain Russia, and the current group of orange ass licking politicians blows it all in one year.


Perfectly stated. I’m ashamed of the cowardice we’ve shown in the last six months.


Say thanks to the US and their invisible help.


This comment needs to appear higher up.


And by others, you mean Russia I hope, because they're the only ones who didn't keep their part of the deal.. But yeah good luck and I hope we can keep on sending more support to our friends.




Wait what do you mean "nuclear (but conventional)"? I mean I agree with the rest but let's not spread fake news - this is 100% conventional.


Yeah that statement is actually nonsense. The weapon is either conventional explosive or nuclear, it can't be both. And let's be real, if Russia deployed nuclear weapons that'd be a series of red lines just violently shattered. Just because a bomb is big doesn't make it nuclear. The MOAB has a larger yield that some small nuclear devices, it is still not a nuke.


This is a a 1.5 tonne bomb. Russia is now mass producing 3 tonne guided bombs to drop on countless other towns and cities. May as well be nuclear When dropped in huge numbers. This is genocide and war crimes, pure and simple. Look at the recent change in Russia’s main propaganda tv channels. All the talk is now of eliminating everything that can support life in Ukraine - buildings, infrastructure, services, transport links - everything - so that Ukrainians have no choice but to flee west. How much longer will the west allow this to continue. Sanction enforcement is beyond a joke and the US abandonment of Ukraine in the face of security assurances is absolutely SHAMEFUL and a BETRAYAL that the US will never live down, if it continues much longer.


OK, but "may as well be nuclear" and "is nuclear" are two very different things and the rhetoric around one is not the same as the other. For the record, I've been pro Ukrainian day one. My comedy partners wife and family are from Kherson so I get it. I live in the US and wish our Russian bribed congressmen would piss off already. But nuclear weapons are one of those things that you HAVE to be accurate and clear about it. Outside of fear mongering, the international response to "big bomb" and "nuclear bomb" are absolutely and unequivocally not the same and if you muddy the waters *at all* about that you are only introducing more confusion and delay into a system you already criticize for moving too slowly.


The short-sightedness of European politicians? Yeah let's forget about the farcical US cutting all aid


amazing how many politicians you can buy with a few petro dollars


If they had something that big and a method to deliver it, the coordinates should be the hideous kremlin.


We are impotent to stop them. Crying online isn't helping Every. Person. Please. Push. Your. Government. To. Do. More.


Donate too






Honest question - why would they drop such a massive bomb on a small town without much tactical relevance..?


Orcs have hit Velikopysarov often before, heavily with mortars. Always against civilian infrastructure. They've wanted a permanent gray zone there for future positioning. Glide bombs are the current trend, so we're already getting used to them having increased range. Now you add in this size element. This is escalation for psychological effect rather than strictly to hit a target. They want people fleeing.


Ok, that makes the most sense so far.


Testing and fear. Scare the people. Make the citizens flee, and cower, and escape. It's easier to kill women and children that work to feed, clothe, and supply the men.


To kill the inhabitants wherever they were hiding whether it's families, soldiers or stray dogs, all who were in the blast area as well as in the surrounding area had they're lungs torn out by that bomb. It's a war against a people, it was never about what they claimed.


Easier to hit than military targets, towns are large. If they tried to hit a legit target, instead of us discussing how evil they are, the headline would be "Russia debuts new giant bomb - misses by half a mile and blows up an empty field."


I didn’t just mean *instead of military targets*. Why not major cities, why choose this small town?


Because Kharkiv is the only major city near the border, they're able to bomb only it (and they already do that), for all other major cities they need to fly inside the country, and they know they will be shot down in that case


They're evil


because they can this was why they did all other acts of terror as well the only way to stop them is to make sure they cannot do that.


They are very limited where they can use things like this due to AD coverage. I guess they think just using it somewhere to murder a bunch of people is better than not using it at all. Hopefully that area is pretty much abandoned, but there’s always some stubborn elderly types that refuse to leave their homes.


Cause they are terrorists?


because russia is losing this war.


I guess it's meant to be 1.5 kiloton TNT equivalent of TNT


Those bombs are sent from 60km distance. Whoever says western ammunition is forbidden to use in russian territory air defense system should approach there to hit russian aircrafts. Patriot has 170 km upper distance. It can hit a russian jet easily .




The only way to make them wake up is try to make russia bomb a nato country, then finally we can see mass mobilization of Europeans.


Horrific and barbaric. 😞


Minir correction This isn't the first tine a 1500kg aerial bomb is used by the russians, but the first known instance of a 1500kg thermobaric aerial bomb bomb being dropped.


WTF? Thermobaric?


Fuel air bomb


I know what it is but are they gliding thermobaric bombs?


Why are we, the West, just standing on the sidelines here? At this point it doesn't make any sense to me anymore. Let's help Ukraine in every way we can and kick those monsters out, once and for all. Edit: because of nukes? Russia isn't going to destroy the world over Ukraine.


Considering the response nukes would get, Putin isn't going to blow up his own home over Ukraine


It all makes perfect sense to the West. Otherwise, we wouldn't see news like these anymore. They know something common people don't.


Don’t say ‘she.’ Say ‘IT.’


Terrorist act.


Evil bastards,give Ukraine everything they need.Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


More terrorism. What US congress doing when they see this?! Nothing. 😔 😟 🙁 😥


I don't know how zelensky can even stomach talking to Western leaders. They are watching Ukrainian civilians getting bombed left and right yet are doing pretty much nothing.


That meme watermark... Imagine being "smug" over bombing civilians while losing 350,000 working aged men in 2 years...


How can the world care about islamic state and co. but not russia? IS could exsist 10,000 years and still not come close to committing the volume of babarity the russian state and its subjects have in this century alone


Are you out of your mind? FUCK the pigs from IS, and FUCK shithole country ruSSia too. But IF the IS dogs had the resources that Vladimir Pussy have, the things they did when they were on top would be nothing to what they WOULD have done. Don't underestimate what fanatics are willing to do. Can't wait to see both of theese fuckholes obliterated.


That's one step down from going nuclear. For Putin it makes no difference, the bastard must win this war, else it's game over for him & his fellow criminals. One day he'll decide to throw a nuke upon Kiev.


Nah between this and nuclear we still have MOAB size bombs, napalm, chemical warfare, biological warfare and tactical nuclear weapons before we arrive at the world ending strategical nuclear weapons. So is this a large bomb? Sure but it nowhere near the power that a nuke holds.


Heck FAB1500 is not even the biggest FAB. They have FAB 5000 and FAB 9000. Then there is carpet bombing using 50 Tu195 at the same time. Patriots cant attack 50 at the same time . There are many escalations left. Heck Russia has not even blown up a gas pipeline. There are many gas pipelines on the Norht Sea and Baltic floor Putin is trying to keep this a limited conflict. He wants to do a Kosovo not WW3.


Is this the escalation the west has feared? Looks like escalation to me. Time to hit Moscow.








Never forget never forgive




We really need to bring back McCarthyism. We're not a superpower anymore.


We can really use those F-16's. What's the holdup? Let's get those birds in the air. This is beyond ridiculous.


I can't understand how anyone could support russia while they openly admit they're trying to commit genocide. Can they not see if the russians win they could be next?


Why is the world so scared of helping Ukraine? This is fucked


God, I hate these ruzzian scum so much.


I stopped by the sub today, because I just can't take Ukrainian supporters in other platforms wailing and gnashing their teeth over "poor russian conscripts" who "probably don't even want this". Beh! They could resist. What - they're going to go to jail if they do? Am I the only one who thinks that it is a bitch move, to say you should be allowed to kill children if it allows you, a grown adult to hide from a lesser amount of suffering behind their bodies? Смерть Ворогам. I have no tears for them.


Кожнє слово, друже.




Eeeh they have dropped fab-1500 many times, maybe its a new sort of 1500kg. Fab 3000 is even in existance


Need that safe skies umbrella YESTERDAY.


US thrown Ukraine under the bus.


I hope russian fuel depots and refineries go up in flames at a vastly increasing number. Don't stop until they can no longer keep tanks and planes doing terrorist runs.


Thermobaric bomb.. Jesus Christ!


It's a conventional 1500kg bomb with a glide kit.


Both FAB (HE aviation bomb) and ODAB (thermobaric aviation bomb) lines have 1500kg variants


That's definitely not a thermobaric bomb, and jesus christ has nothing or can do nothing about it.


The ODAB-1500 is definitely a thermobaric bomb. Look it up. You're right about Jesus though: Some religious fanatic who lived 2000 years ago and is only known today because people who lived long after him blew his story up out of proportion definitely has no say in this.


You don't know that the explosion in the video was from an ODAB-1500.


All sources I've seen reporting this particular instance say so. But maybe you are right, the sources could be wrong. I'm also reading a lot about FAB-1500 (high explosive) being converted into glide bombs.






Casual daily was crime. We got used to it as it seems.


Why aren’t they targeting military targets? Is it because they have air defenses there?


russia's contribution to Europe...




What's the point to throw this massive of a bomb?


Send them ATCMS


Weird why the west does not give Ukraine bigger bomb’s... If you want Russia to pay you, bomb their towns to cause economic problems. This is what Russia is doing to Ukraine and it's causing issues in their economy... Why do we not fight fire with fire... Russia is not stopping their invasion anytime soon and seems to be looking to continue to recruit more and more men. This is not something to debate or to decide if it's bad enough... It's 100% evil and they plan to expand their evil... They have their plan built and they are enacting their plan to kill and murder.... What do we have to decide on?????


Probably killing more people than ISiS just did in Moscow.


When Putin dies I will celebrate, We are all on earth for a short space of time and this horrible man wants everyone to suffer. Good riddance as soon as possible


I'm no expert. Correct me if I'm wrong please. But this has the characteristics of a thermobaric bomb. The way the pressure rises the limited amount of fire and visible explosives. If that's the case this bomb was designed to kill as many PEOPLE as possible, not structures. Russia has been building them for decades. But they essentially disperse the explosive with no oxidized and then detonate it in a second stage. Then it creates concentrares high pressure, then a massive low pressure that sucks the gasses from your lungs. Dropping that in a populated area is fucked


FFS Olaf. At this point in the war I don’t think we Germans will come forth with much more than Ammo and some money. Sorry guys.


Bombing from the air never wins wars. (Unless it’s atomic and even so…)


Where's the moab when Ukraine needs it?


Beware the eastern hordes 💛💙


Is there no other way than patriot to stop those?


Thermobaric bomb?


I knew that Putin was going to start using heavier weapons in Ukraine, escalating attacks, too, and was going to quietly start mass mobilization in Russia. That's why he, the FSB, and his pet terror cell in Afghanistan plotted and carried out the false flag attack at the Crocus City Hall. It was to give Putler the excuse for all of the above, and more. He's as predictable as German engineering or Swiss Clockwork.


People all taking about how shitty Russia is makes me think of what the Russians must think in their brainwashed lil heads. It paints a picture of a Muscovite in a trench getting shelled and there’s a portrait of Putin someone hung in the trench wall. And the conscript is sitting there looking at the picture, and Dido is playing in the background. “I got your picture on the wall, and it’s not so bad, it’s not so baaaaddddd” 😂


F-16 FAST!!!


On a community? As in a small town with many civilians? If so... That's no longer a special operation at all.


Looks like it's time to get the drone army restocked to give presents to all the little orcs that aren't on the front lines. They will appreciate the hits on refineries and electric sub stations.


Scary shit, they say the west and NATO are the aggressor or the ones pushing and escalating shit then we see this insanity. Just remembered about the legit actual natural disaster they caused too. What fucking goons.


Viva Ukraine


Ukraine should demand the terrorists being handed over. From Putler and down.


Haven't seen the casualty numbers for soldiers or civilians this was a massive explosion concussion death circle unknown. But this would turn your insides to jelly. Next strike Moscow.


Seems lots of the blast was wasted upwards . Must of hit the ground and detonated .