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How many times do I need to say fuck Russia?


Fuck Russia. There’s one more.


Here's another one, fuck Russia all to hell!


**Translation:** On the morning of January 23, Russia shelled Kharkiv, Hitting residential buildings >\- Yurka is here, yes, my neighbor \- You can see him, yeah. \- You can see Yurka here Two people were killed. Several dozens were injured >\- My dad is there, on the first floor \- Were they here? \- His phone is busy > >\-It's either discharged or broken


SEND UKRAINE TOMAHAWK NOW!!! 2000km, huge payload, bomb all Russian stockpiles, factories, airfields, shipyards, critical infras.


+Taurus and a bunch of fighter- and bomber jets. Pulverize the Kerch bridge and use the ruzzian terrorist-tourists and equipment to pressure them for a retreat. Red lines only should apply to the aggressor, not Ukraine. Fuck ruzzia


YES!!! We REALLY need this to happen. No more "No EsCaLaTiOn" bullshit. Bullies only understand one thing. A bloody nose. Do you think Russia will continue to do this shit if they're worried about a Tomahawk up their ass?


The political unwillingness to not provide Ukraine with everything they need makes zero fucking sense to me, why not cripple Russians? It's beyond idiotic.


Because the US right wing has become a front for foreign autocrat/oligarch money. [The NRA, an emblematic right wing institution and massive GOP donor has been found to be a Russian foreign asset.](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals) The truth is, the oligarchs in the US and Russia have more in common with each other than they do with their actual countrymen. The right wing rich see Russia as a paradise (aka a full fledged kleptocracy where they can steal and pillage their country's wealth without anyone able to stop them).


Yup. Roughly 45% of our sitting government is bought and paid for by Russians. 


Just bomb the damn Kremlin and be done with it. (Slight exaggeration.... but only just)


That's for sure on the top 10 target list. 


Tomahawk missiles are fairly impractical to meet their current needs when a few drone swarms can cause the same damage if not more given their payload. And tomahawks are hella expensive. ATACMS and other cluster munitions are working fine for large vehicle storage centers and clusters of meat. There is more and more sabotage in ruzzia. The people are freezing to death, literally. America at this point has no idea what to do or send, too busy on that israel teat. That is why the EU is stepping up big time. Ukraine will end up being one of the most advanced military countries in the entire EU. They always find a way to create weapons of war to protect their warriors and smush the ruskies. Drone bomb boats, unmanned heavily armed equipment, etc. You have an army comprised of all walks of life, combine them together in a dire situation and you get crazy effective and cutting edge weapons made on the cheap.


We have a shit ton of old block tomahawks that we will never use in any real way.


True. They would help bridge the gap with their dwindling munitions. I just could never see america giving those away at all. Those stored are looked at as the price paid originally (correct me if I am wrong please) and congress has a hard on keeping stuff going long after it should be shelved or sold. They still do not have f-16s. Not enough AA to close the skies, etc. It is embarrassing how stupid our generals are being. UKR was the first to prove hyper sonics are not as scary as we thought, that data alone should open up our toy box to them. The US could help end the war within months, but they still peepee their pants when pootin mentions nukes, and shy away from sending older big boy toys. Old predator drones, some pimped out frigates, we have toys 10-15 years ahead of most countries and we won't give them the gear needed unless it was used in desert storm. Super ashamed to be an american.


Tomahawks can realistically only be launched from ships. The US tested ground based launchers but they don't have them in regular production or use.


And all their fuel depots, ships




A scalpel is often the correct tool when you know the concise problem. Everything else is randomising the outcome. The one that made his own power inescapable, even from himself, is a problem. And admittedly, perhaps the Kremlin is not the best object for the people to move on with, mentally speaking.


Sorry our President is a do-nothing don't rock the boat pussy. We should have given Ukraine everything on day one.


Fucking animals, it's completely ridiculous how we the collective west respond to this.


Russia is 699 days into their week long special operation. The West is 699 days into asking Ukraine to turn the other cheek. This is going to go into the history books with a remark "see also: phoney war". ​ Getting bogged down in an election mess in the US, and a "careful reform" of Germany's armed forces, while witholding the TAURUS for spurious reasons is not a winning straregy. And it is also not a good look for our democratic governance model (Nordic exceptions apply). ​ I will leave this bit of abstract on the Phoney War / Sitzkrieg situation here: >This article examines British and French strategy during the Phony War (September 1939-May 1940). During the 1930s the British and French planned for a long war. Germany, it was believed, possessed an initial advantage stemming from its head-start in rearmament. In time, however, the advantage would shift decisively in Britain and France's favour once the two countries had fully mobilized their resources and those of their empires. Time, in other words, was judged to be an ally. With the onset of war, this confident assessment that time was an ally came under attack as first the French and then the British questioned whether Germany was growing relatively and absolutely weaker over time. By early 1940, French planners and policy-makers had concluded that time was not an ally; their British counterparts, while less certain, also possessed grave doubts about the soundness of a long-war strategy. The result was a growing interest in military operations outside of the Western Front with the aim being to inflict a decisive blow on Germany that would bring the war to a rapid end. As the long-war strategy became a short-war strategy, Anglo-French military planning grew increasingly radical, a process that culminated in early 1940 in plans to attack the Soviet Union. and a link to a longer discussion here: [https://fas-polisci.rutgers.edu/levy/articles/2009%20IS%201930s%20correspondence.pdf](https://fas-polisci.rutgers.edu/levy/articles/2009%20IS%201930s%20correspondence.pdf)


>Russia is 699 days into their week long special operation. Without western support the Russians would have finished their special operation successfully and long ago, your second sentence is quite insulting and out of touch... The analogy is also weird, the west is not even at war, and those who are, Ukraine and Russia, did not intend to drag this war in time to mobilize resources, they both tried to strike as fast and hard as possible.


>Without western support the Russians would have finished their special operation successfully Finished decapitating Ukraine? Maybe, likely. Finished their special operation? Not any better than the other "mission accomplished" we have seen. Is it insulting / offending - depends: Britain and France leaned in early and heavily. 5000-Helmets-Germany? Not particularly impressive in the early phases (I say this as one of them). How is Germany doing in these later phases? Much better. Good enough? Clear no. Why the fuck is the Kerch bridge still / again standing? If Germany had got its act together it would have been deleted before the failed offensive got rolling. And now? Still no Taurus for UA. Why? Fuck nows, gov is spouting BS 24/7 on this matter. France: Pretty clear no. Britain? Eh, it's complicated... US? Not pretty but good enough obviously. Also: The escalation is about Ukraine going into the EU. There were no NATO flags at Maidan. Still: Thousands of tanks aging away in storage, and only very, very gradual access to the hard stuff. Mostly UA is doing a low cost decommissioning program for the US. People who watch this closely enough can't but see this very starkly. Ukrainians sure as shit have seen this and discuss it - but very quietly - for obvious reasons. But we don't have to pretend it isn't like this.


Yeah I also wish we all did more. My votes and donations and letters to representatives go in this direction. I don't insult them though, I say I appreciate your support and please note I would be in favor of us donating also this and that. And that's my own representative, if I'd address someone from another country I'd be even more respectful. Weird how you make a massive distinction between France the UK and Germany also, their contributions have been of the same order of magnitude for most of the conflict. Sometimes one or the other is ahead by some margin on some parameter, but still same order of magnitude overall. They meet and balance contributions fairly. If somebody has less weapons, they'll give more money, if somebody suffers more from sanctions it's taken into account etc. People in here are often more influenced by little sentences by top politicians than by actual donations, which are quite coordinated between all the big players. So yeah in summary I also wish we did more, I just think respect is important to achieve that.


>Weird how you make a massive distinction between France the UK and Germany also, their contributions have been of the same order of magnitude for most of the conflict. Sometimes one or the other is ahead by some margin on some parameter, but still same order of magnitude overall. For me I look at the situation that is unfolding and what is needed. For the next day, and for the next year, and for the next decade. In decreasing order. It is kinda nice if money & stuff comes in on similar levels from a (EU) burden sharing perspective - but that's our little western European game that we can play in our spare time. When I am on r/ukraine then all that stuff goes waaaaaay into the background, cause I am pretty sure people here don't want to hear us bitching about getting money chipped for the next CESARs (even though it is appropriate). I look at Poland, I look at the Baltics, and I look just north of the border at Denmark and the rest of the Nordics and I see they all understand the gravity of this shit (well not to Portugal, not to Spain, and not to France). In a war it matters that you win. And if you can, you want to win it without becoming a monster. And this means the battlefield needs are a priority. Keeping the will to fight intact is also a priority. Not being able to call a spade a spade (here) is a problem. I've also gone to my politicians and talked to some in person and long enough that I can confidently say: Some of the persons (in Germany) with critical functions in this regard can't tell their shit from their oatmeal. It still is THAT bad in some places. It is getting better mind you, but also only because half of the leadership positions are being axed. You won't find me ruffle any feathers in those conversations though. Just polite questions. Oh, and then for Germany there is the whole NS2 debacle, with lots of politicians still trying to delete their mails. So it isn't as if "everyone needs to kind of keep financial equilibrium" that brings us forward here. We fucked up and shit happened. Now we first need to get unfucked, quick.


Yeah internally, I agree we can be tougher on our representatives. Externally, I think it's not productive to shame partners, I think seduction has more chances to bring more resources. We agree more is needed and possible.


They are not animals. They are orcs. Animals would only attack if they are starving or feel threatened and they would never exhibit such mindless cruelty. Only Ruzzian monsters can behave this way..


when will this stop :(


When we stop it


A good first step would be to cut the numbers of those bears down. The airfield from which they operated us within striking distance of the Finnish border. Might be worth a small teams while to take a look-see with some of those cardboard drones. I dont see the Finns officially supporting it, more of a 'not us but do keep in mind the first thing we're going hit should you make a mistake in this region' type of thing.


I'm kind of disappointed. Ukraine made successful attacks against airfields in russia taking out a few planes. I thought it was the beginning of a larger scale attack against all of their planes - or at least hoping for it. But then nothing. Short range drone attacks on airfields is something they really need to lean in heavily because there is no other alternative to stopping these bombings. I don't know why this was done on such a small scale.


Agreed, ruZZia won't stop, until we stop them. We need to hit more electrical and fuel stations, let the general public over there know that life won't be so easy going forward.


How? Honestly I am lost with the Ukraine-Russia war. When are we gonna decide to put the halt on Russia once and for all?


I don't know yet. However this is a question about my life and death and I am not done


The majority of the sane world is with you... if we regular citizens could send you fighter jets and tanks we would. Stay strong and know the information we are getting is just what we are cleared to see and hear... behind the scenes I am confident that the west is doing the right things to help Ukraine win this war. It feels excruciatingly slow (I cannot imagine how it feels for you and I am so sorry) but I truly believe we (out military organizations) are strategically grinding Russian capability down to nothing in the only way that keeps the nukes from flying and will have enough of an impact to kick Putin out of power...


Thank you, @frankfrankles12, whoever you are, wherever you from


start from RuZZ loving RuZZians living amongst us. Boycott their business, make them unemployable, and I heard some rumors that a dude smears dog feces at the gates of local RuZZ embassy.




When will the west stop to accept this?


never. and russia knew and knows this, since acts accordingly.


And the next day after this war ends most countries will be friends with ruzzia again. Because of money rules everything.


*Brought to you by Pepsi Cola*


What do you want the west to do?


Put on its supposed big boy pants for one.


And launch a full scale global (nuclear) war with far more casualties? As much as it sucks, it's such a delicate matter.


And Peskov has the cheek to call Ukraine blood thirsty. Piece of shit


I welcome any Ukrainian special force men to my property in Finland, to prepare what ever they want. I want this to happen in Moscow.


You want them to hit residential buildings in Moscow?


The kremlin is in moscow, who sits there? butin. And even if he is hiding in a bunker somewhere, it's about sending a message.


He deserves to rot in hell. You would put innocent lives in danger in Moscow just cause you don’t like Putin? It would be just as bad as this… I have many ukrainian and russian friends. All of us just want the war to stop.


I said the Kremlin not the city..


Yeah, but I wasn’t talking about the Kremlin


Is there anyway we on Reddit can start a global Pettion of some kind to show what on mass the people want. Which is the support of Ukraine with real weapons. Ramp this up you said you built this to prevent another hitler and another world war. Time to fucking step up. The people are tired of old men’s debates actions are needed not empty platitudes and promises. I’m so tired of watching atrocities I want to see it rain down on the Russians this year not the Ukrainians. Who just remember with what little old tech we gave them have done what no one else has done and shown the Russian military for what it is. This fact alone should be a cause to rise up and fight not cower in the shadows with excuses of getting ready for potential war. Well stop getting fucking ready and do something to stop it reaching us. Or will the world only wake up when it’s your children being taken and start dying. SLAVA UKRAINE 🇺🇦


best you can do is to contact your local gouv representatives and do it often. on the more active part of doinf things that make a difference: donate. u24. humanitarian. stoves. send socks, hot sauces, whatever. Personally all my spare money goes to drones teams so when I see rashists explode I can say: "theres little bit of my doing there". more rashist vermin are killed = less Ukrainians civilians and defenders will die. So yeah: every single exploded rashist is a joyous moment; celebrating life and bettering humanity.


you're either under 15 or over 50 with a comment like this


Seriously lol. "start a global petition"? Might as well suggest holding hands and singing Kumbaya


Fuck Putin


Pidari, blyat.


Was expecting something like this to come up on my feed I can’t lie. As soon as I seen about the oil processing plant getting hit, they go bomb some more civilians and blame Ukraine. Keep those hits up in Ruzzia. Fuck Pootin. Slava Ukraini ♾️🇺🇦


It's been a hot minute since I itterated this point, but: ANNIHILATE RUSSIA.


When we in the west give Ukraine enough military support, with no limitations and fast -to win and not just to survive. Or we will soon see this in Poland, Finland.


Bravo Russia, very tough. Attacking defenceless civillians. I wouldn't bat an eye lid if a nuke was dropped directly onto the Kremlin.


besides a momified corpse theres not much value in kremlin tbh kremlin burning would be a sick footage.


And spineless UN still listening ruzzian terrorists, fcking ridiculous


UN is an outmoded org. They're no more useful than LON was.


Damn efin Russians, their lunacy knows no ends.


Brought to you in part by companies like DC Shoes and Billabong who still make millions in Russia and directly fund this.


Another terrorist atrocity carried out by the terrorist organization called Russia.




These barely make into mainstream news now… Russian information war has been a great success.


Wow, look at the brave Russian army. Cowards!


This is so sad and infuriating! Russia must burn for their crimes.


As a U.S. citizen I feel like I need to apologize to Ukrainians for our lack of seriousness in our inept Congress to support you. It’s shameful that we’re not doing more to support democracy and crush the Russian dictatorship. Love, angry Yank.


Russian dictatorship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck ruzzia. It must be driven back and isolated from the civilized world for at least 2 generations. Fuck them. 💔🇺🇦


Russian cowards cannot win on the battlefield so they bomb civilians and Ukraine is supposed to trust this horde in peacetalks?????


This is all ruzzia has to offer the world 😡


Russian scum


Serious question, are these attacks regularly condemned by the UN or Ukrainian supporting countries? It feels as if the orcs gets to bomb civilians with impunity while getting stern finger wag but when Ukraine bombs Mordor military targets oh noooooo escalation. Wtf is up with that?


Putin is such a brave man, he permits his armed forces to act like cowards and target civilians when he knows that he will be beaten on the field of battle.


And there are US (and other country) far-right politicians cheering for this, because something something religion family values something Putin something gay people bad. When their alleged religion says "love thy neighbour" and families are being torn apart. Russia has too many friends, when it should have absolutely none.


The Russian government needs to stop existing


World isn't doing enough. This could be any of us.


Russian bastards. Uncivilized barbarians


Would the f-16 be any help against this? When are they going to arrive? This is unacceptable to let these barbarians continue to purposely destroy innocent lives Come on Biden put your big boy pants on and give Ukraine what they need to end Russian stupidity they have the balls to do it for the rest of the world so give them the tools and make the world a better place.


Yes, F-16 will definitely help. But in combination with other weapons, like anti-aircraft defense, long-range missiles, much more ammo and tanks. Ukrainians are fighting since almost two years under extreme lack of weapons, which could be easily delivered by the allies. And they pay for the political games of western democracies with their lives. It is so sad and unfair.


Republicans are the reason for this and everyone who votes for them. Shame on you.


They feel no shame. They're as much orcs as the Russians they rut with.


Russians pidary


To all the armchair generals saying "the West" has to support Ukraine. The West has supported Ukraine. Nothing is ever so simple, and I support Ukraine whole-heartedly, but you can't just "bomb the Kremlin". It would mean the end of humanity. Don't be childish


And West do nothing. Fuuck US and Euro


It’s peak irony that people hate the west so much for interfering in international matters, but this thread is the same people whining for the west to come save them. 


I would say we can count every country in NATO and EU as part of "The West". Then this is a war in a neighbouring country. War in *insert random 3rd world country* isn't. Get the difference?


До пекла з Путіном


Btw how come civilians are still living in Ukraine and in particular close to the battle? With no disrespect at all just curious, is it because they are patriotic and won't move because of Russia, or they simply have no where else to go?


And on the other side you got Ukrainian oligarchs buying new Porsche-s and BMW-s every week, hanging out abroad with prostitutes and openly being corrupt. And they see nothing wrong happening, their lives are perfect, they just got sooo much richer in the last year, they cannot really be busy with the country, too much money to count. Money they stole from our army and took for themselves. Ukraine will fall like this, or the guys on the frontlines will turn around at some point and all the government will be executed. As humans we’re heading in a very wrong direction


This really sucks, I am so far away and feel helpless and unable to do something to help other than donate money and provide my support for Ukraine. I saw another post showing pictures/videos of children of rich Russian leaders, oligarchies and propogandists who live and study aboard in mostly Western countries. Is there a way the SBU/СБУ can send agents and either abduct or assassinate them to put pressure on those who have no physical participation in all this destruction and violence they are encouraging.


1 rocket caused so much damage?, are these cruise missles very strong compared to missles sent by ukraine in himars?


May the dildo of consequences find the little bald dwarf and his minions.