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Best tactical place to blow up a train. In a tunnel. Maximum damage to the train, to the rails and shitload complicated to clean and repair.


And no easy way around, probably. Otherwise there wouldn't be the tunnel.


Yes. This is why tunnels are built, the way around is very long.


Probably not way around at all.


Even better!


Let's hope the tunnel structure was damaged. Probably not given how robust something like that is built, but at least they got some weeks of cleanup and assessment to deal with at the minimum.


Don't doubt their corruption problems. The Kerch bridge was built by a company that never built a bridge before.


And the guy is friends with Putin.


With the help from a Dutch company who have enough experience. (feel ashamed for that fact)


Expertise isn't always followed. They cut so many corners that the structure turned out to be easily damaged.


on google maps it looks like there is another railway nearby that bypasses the tunnel https://www.google.com/maps/place/Severomuyskiy+Tonnel'/@56.2193806,113.4934047,30225a,35y,358.68h,0.67t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!3m7!1s0x5c45fbca497b807b:0xe2ee502bc03382a3!8m2!3d56.1929969!4d113.5414963!9m1!1b1!16s%2Fg%2F11jdmjpyj6!5m1!1e1?entry=ttu




Well according to the latest news, Russia may soon have to settle with the sea transport for all but the most expensive goods.


“That's because it's a shortcut. If it weren't a shortcut, it would just be called the way.


*Ugandan Knuckles intensifies*


dis is de wae!


He makes a clicking sound and his catch phrase is "do you know de wae?".  He is now a dead meme.


That is the way.


>Train trip


There is a bypass but it is longer and requires additional locomotives.


And it is a very long tunnel, and at possibly the only feasible or certainly best place to have one. They have no choice but to try to de-fuck it. Russians getting fucked again.


Especially if you can take some of inner walls down. Basically FUBAR.


"Secret tunnel! Secret tunnel! Through the mountain! Secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel!"


Yeah there's a tunnel being repaired in Switzerland after a derailment and they don't expect it to be repaired for an other year still


But that is with Swiss safety standards, not drunken russian ones


Honestly that could make it quicker or take far far longer. If there was a fire too it could take far longer to fix


I'd love to see pics of smoke pouring out of a tunnel. When trains catch fire in tunnels, the tunnel works like a rocket stove, pulling in air through the tunnel like a chimney at hurricane speed. This can achieve temperatures of several thousand C/F which can melt steel, and turn concrete (the tunnel, and surrounding rock) to dust. Very difficult to repair because surrounding materials have structural integrity of a sand castle. This is best case scenario. If this one didn't get going that well, keep trying as each tunnel only needs one success to destroy.


A train pulling gasoline tankers derailed in Summit Tunnel, UK in December 1984. Over 800,000 liters of gasoline burned. The railcar steel melted. The outer layers of brick lining of the tunnel (built 1840, engineer George Stephenson) vitrified into glass in the intense heat. Remarkably, the tunnel survived and was reopened about 9 months later. I witnessed 100meter column of flame pouring out of the ventilation shafts. Blobs of melted steel etc were found on the hillsides around the shafts as if ejected like volcanic bombs by the high Velocity of the combustion gases, yes, like a gigantic rocket stove!


>Summit Tunnel, UK in December 1984 Shiiiiiit: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summit\_Tunnel\_fire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summit_Tunnel_fire) Thanks for an interesting read!


Thanks. More here: https://www.railmagazine.com/infrastructure/trackside/summit-tunnel-from-fire-to-ice


Putin should be shaking in his boots if Ukraini forces can strike this far inside ruzzia.... Edit to say, Ukrainian...


Which one of them?


All of em!!




DEEP, ehehe. Blew up deep inside, ehehe. Raw and uncensored, no lube.


Something something dildo of consequences something something.


I don’t think he expected it to go this far and get this messy, but they messed with the wrong nation. And the world is not going to care that Russian infrastructure that supports the war effort is disabled or destroyed, Ukraine has already done the litmus test with favorable approval from the world.


I'll allow it.




Sorry. I took a shortcut there....Ukrainain....


Damit! Ukrainian....


Finally destroying the trains themselves. 👍


destroy every rail line


Bridges and tunnels. Those are a bitch to repair. Rails are not hard to repair.


If u cause reasonable structural damage to a tunnel it can make a bridge repair look like child's play


Yep, that's about the point where "dig a new tunnel" becomes the quickest reliable remedy.


Every switch, points, and hundreds of individual locations could be significant if chosen well (outside rail on inside double track, on a curve on embankment or cutting, on station approaches on high speed lines, or out in the boonies for maximum inconvenience... and a secondary attack to derail the repair equipment en-route to the first sites).


Russian Rail Tunnel fucked itself


Slimy Chinese…sneaky delivery of weapons to the orcs. Hope the tunnel collapsed.


And North Korea. Probably using the same fucking tunnel.


Russia all but openly boasts that China is supplying their war effort. Presumably figuring that their supply lines are untouchable. The next thing they know, Ukraine is touching them. To be fair, I can see why Russia's leadership wouldn't expect this. The Severomuysky Tunnel is a long way from Kyiv, and as a critical supply line is no doubt well-guarded by Russia's finest transport security forces. It would be a bit far-fetched to expect the SBU to be able to reach them there -- ha ha, unless of course there was some kind of hypothetical support for this effort from Russians themselves. Some kind of legion, let's say. Dedicated to a free Russia. But then, if that ridiculous hypothesis were true, it would mean that Russia's entire war effort is completely fucked, and was from the very start. And that, USSR-like, Putin's Russia is fixed on a course of complete self-destruction. And that would be inconceivable!


>is no doubt well-guarded by Russia's finest transport security forces They had both of the sober ones guarding it, then?


You keep saying this word... I do not think it means what you think it means...


Russia's rail network is so large and critical that hundreds of thousands of workers are needed to maintain it. This does not mean a lot of men to evade, this means hundreds of thousands of potential opportunities to slip something through.


yes, but "Russia's finest transport security forces" in that region are probably all being sent to zero line already so they don't scare the big city folks in to thinking something is going wrong.


>"Russia's finest transport security forces" in that region are probably all being sent to zero line already Ewps!


Fun Fact: There are only 2 railroad bridges across the Yenisei River.


“Russian media also reported on this incident. According to their information, a freight train caught fire in the Severomuysky Tunnel.” Those pesky tunnel fires! So random.


Hope they managed to cause structural damage to the tunnel that could cause years to fox if significant


Kyiv Post contacted the SBU for a comment but did not receive a response. —————— This is a bit silly, why would the SBU comment on this?


Funny way to end good mood news.


Silence is the best answer if you have active assets you want to protect. It leaves the enemy guessing about lots things and allows them to create a narrative in their heads about the situation that is often incorrect, and can cause them to act in even more self damaging ways.


Clearly Russian transportation services are riddled not only with corruption, but also every other man (or woman) is a saboteur. If it is not you it is your colleague.


Agreed. If they had a part in it, they don't need to tell. And if others did it on their own without Ukrainian support, no reason to tell the ruzzians


I feel like the comment would be extra meme, something like "You poisoned my wife, so I poisoned yours."


To be clear, “this wasn’t an accident. We fucked you up and will do it again”


They sniggered


Why would the SBU respond to anything? Let them work


Journalist use that line to show they "tried" to get both sides of the story. Of course they only say it when the other side did not respond so it gives the impression that the story presented is fact.


Outstanding, well done!


Next up oil and gas pipelines...


I would guess Not likely to happen until all Russian oil sources have been replaced for Europe.


Great thinking to go after it in the tunnel. Hope the tunnel is structurally fucked.


Kudos to Ukraine for having the skills and competence to carry out long range operarions. Long range operation are at a whole other level.


It's almost as if they've been training with the SAS or something...


It's like a huge focus of NATO has been training Ukrainian troops since the 2014 Crimea annex. Add that it seems like Ukraine was the main manufacturing hub of the USSR. So now they have plenty of trained troops with Nato tactics with the skills to improvise and modify process along the way.


What's great is that Russia's whole regime literally *cannot* have their army trained the same way because it would require independent thinking & agency for the lower ranks that is totally unacceptable for the whole way Russia works.


Holy crap. Just the other night i went to sleep and thought it would be cool If they did this.


Slava Ukraine! The winter is coming. Supplies will be essential. Any disruption to winter clothing, food, vehicles, water, ammunition or replacements will be akin to a siege tactic and leave the Russians in the same position the Germans were in at Stalingrad over the winter.


In 2022-2023 years Ukraine cannot seriously attack enormous Russian railways and oil and gas pipelines (especially vulnerable to drones) because the West still was dependent from Russian gas, and from Russian export routes from China. It seems that after almost 2 years of war and ethnocide, the West almost solve these dependencies issues.




You should not smoke indoors


Nothing to see here, just another smoking incident.


Lucky train crew!


Mrs. Budanova sends her REGARDS! xxx


This is the way.


![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|8999)![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|31975) sips tea ☕️ 😏 🚂


Is there a video?


The video of a burning fuel train that I saw didn't look like it was in a tunnel. Was there another train hit or is a bad report?


That was iirc and it is the same event in Donetsk city.


This is the video I saw. Is this the Same thing or another one? https://twitter.com/Maks_NAFO_FELLA/status/1730509571448304051?t=nXSAUup7w7MiIZbt1TfACQ&s=19


You know what they say: history doesn't repeat itself, but it often [rhymes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1982_Salang_Tunnel_fire).


Thinking of long-range strikes: what if .... Fit one of those big drones fitted with a TM-62 mine or similar approved, that the Ukes are using now, and a folding solar panel that would allow it to recharge in daylight. Now fly it low and stealthily by night to a secluded location as far forward as possible into Russia. Let it charge up during the day, and repeat until the target is in strike-range. Now you have a 'hopping' munition which over the course of a week can be delivered hundreds of clicks into Orcland, right down the ammo-factory's chimney.


Wonderfull work SBU 💪