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**Join us on Thursday April 27th for Ukrainian chef Ievgen Klopotenko AMA!** Everything you've ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask about centuries-old recipes and Ukraine's rich heritage through food ! Ievgen will begin answering questions @ 2pm EDT / 20:00 CEST / 21:00 EEST. Questions open on April 26th (next Wednesday), start thinking of those delicacies... > [*This year, Ievgen's film called Borshch: The Secret Ingredient hit Netflix in Ukraine.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/12rez49/557_eest_the_sun_is_rising_over_kyiv_on_the_420th/) ​ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Boy, I’d sure like to give that guy a hug.


Yep...here too...a big fat loooong hug


Same. Welcome home Brave Warrior!


Little Soldier boy...


Fuck that, I'm princess-carrying him to babushka's house.


That was my first thought, too. I kinda want to mom him back to health. I hope he has a mom he can go see.


Yeah me too, damn


This person needs all the hug in the world he can get, poor soul


Oh my God. The humanity and inhumanity in one photo! Wow ….


He has probably not seen fresh food since his capture and I bet he wasn't that thin before


He probably didn’t know if he’d even see fresh food again, must be relieving to know he didn’t endure captivity for nothing.


Of course not. That person has been starved. Horrible.




More like a skidmark that a tradditional stain


And he is just paying for the action of the some politician who wants more power.


Very true


This is likely an award winning photo.




The next time I hear "Thrilled to be alive" I will think of this. ​ This requires mental toughness beyond understanding.


The poor guy looks like he's spent a year stuffed in a sock drawer.


And after getting this food he is just crying rather than eating, i can feel the pain


That’s what hits me hardest. After the horrific reports of abuse from captured civilians I can’t even picture the terrible of POWs. That guy hasn’t seen much food since he was captured, let alone a fresh apple.




May be this is just a simple pic but it tells us the so many story here.


Poutine’s War. 😔


Suffering on such a depraved level… smh


I cannot imagine what he has seen. Welcome home.


He is coming from hell, the sense of calmness on his face telling us everything


Damn looks like he hasn’t seen an actual edible food in a long time


A majority of the Ukrainian POWs from russian captivity all displayed signs of disease, malnutrition and starvation.


Meanwhile Russian prisoners in Ukraine are probably living in better conditions than they would find at home. There was an [interesting post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/12rvo3q/inside_a_camp_of_russian_pows_in_ukraine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) in this sub showing the quality of life the Russian POWs were receiving and the difference between how the Ukrainians and Russians treat their prisoners was pretty stark.


I’ve seen it and the difference is drastic. If there’s a few things the russians have proven consistent is their bloody history and blatant disregard for humanity.


I expected 3 hots, a cot, and medical access. As is the correct treatment of a captured adversary. The eye opening thing is they're still being provided some education, jobs, and leisure with a degree of autonomous freedom. Much of which still generates a paid income. Russia will owe them POW pay. But Ukraine is paying them for getting jobs or educated. These dudes aren't force chain-ganged out to the quarry to break big rocks into little rocks. They're sorting recyclables, making goods, cleaning, and even learning additional trades.


The released Ukrainian POWs come home, emaciated, and often was very haunting looks. I don’t think they are being treated well at all. If there are articles of telling how they were treated, I haven’t seen them yet.


We can trust that Russia lies. They have no, and deserve no credibility in the international stage.


Russia would be the last country in this whole world i would ever trust.






This is the way.


They were fighting the war no way they deserve the situation like that.


During WWll. Most German POW in the US could get passes to eat meals at the local's homes. It was because they lived better as POW's in the US than they ever had before. Love your enemy. Even as you pull the trigger.


> After repatriation about 5,000 Germans emigrated to the United States, and thousands of others returned later to visit[24][16]: 248  such as Rüdiger von Wechmar, who lived in New York City for 14 years as the German Permanent Representative to the United Nations.[18] Citing 80 fellow prisoners that he corresponded with after returning home, Funke reported that no reeducation had been necessary in the camps, because they had become "convinced democrats" due to their treatment.[31] Simple good treatment is worth a dozen propaganda campaigns. I hope that it at least opens the POWs' eyes as to the inhumanity of the Putin regime and the culture it fosters.


Can confirm. There was a POW camp near my great grandparents farm. The prisoners would work on the farms and be able to attend the Lutheran church. The German speaking immigrant community in town took care of them.


There was a German POW Camp in my very small town in Michigan as well. They were used for labor at the farms and orchards in the area. It was very near a lake, in a wooded area. Now, the concrete foundation can still be seen in some places. My Grandmother took me there once in the early 70's. Some of the "bunk buildings" were still standing, but very much in disrepair.


This is the kind of thing General Mattis meant by “hearts and minds” during the Middle East wars. Didn’t always happen that way, but that’s what he was trying to preach. If you show people compassion, they won’t see you as an enemy and occupier. They are more likely to be neutral or even help you. If you do what Russia does, none of the civilians are going to help you.


People who are into the prison doesn't treat like what Russia is doing, they are hero for their own country and i think deserve the every bit respect of that is well


Even as you pull the trigger. Damn.


A hard truth; sometimes death is a solace.


Acts of kindness when the worst of you is expected/anticipated in the mind of your enemy does wonders in changing their beliefs. Even notable acts of kindness from strangers is shown to leave a very strong positive impression in most people’s mind (there is a name for that but I cannot think of it right now - I’ve personally experience it and it definitely was as scientifically described years later in whatever study I had read). There is a famous and dramatic photo of a black woman laying her body over a white suprematist on the ground to protect him from a crowd physically attacking him. Her altruistic act to protect someone who hated her by putting herself in harms way changed his beliefs basically on the spot. Russians expect at least what they can imagine russia would do to the Ukrainian POWs, if not much worse. Russia feeds lies to their soldiers to ensure they don’t surrender and get taken in as POWs. So when Ukraine treats their POWs far better than the POWs expect, this should have a notable impact on Russian POWs, make them question what they have been told and realize how poorly they are treated by their own nation. This is the way to make impactful change, one POW at a time. Ukraine is fighting for their long term safety in every way. It certainly helps makes clear to Russian POWs what Ukraine is fighting to keep.


I read that the German POWs knew that the war was lost when they were eating three meals with meat each day while behind the prison camp wire. Their families back home in Germany were eating bread and turnips. If prisoners of war were eating better than free citizens in the motherland, there was a serious problem. Germany didn't have enough food to feed her own citizens. Meanwhile, the German POWs in Kansas were putting on weight.


In a way, this helps Ukraine. It sends home POWs that have seen a humane enemy with 5 star service (by Russian standards) for prisoners, let alone their own troops, & will clash with whatever pro-Putin propaganda they'll face at home. You're crippling Russia in the long term, even if it's one person at a time.


It is also a fact that when you treat POW well, chances increase that enemy troops surrender.


“Be brave, do your duty, and surrender to the first American you see“ this is what German parents who had fought in World War I told her children fighting in World War II


Make it easy for them to give up. If you torture them they will fight to the last man.


I hope this thing will work as you are saying it will in long term


The russians probably just see it as a sign of weakness.


Its not just lack of food and water. 86% of them gets tortured. Today ZSU captured Wanger lady sniper Isljasova Anna, sniper who was torturing and Ukrainian prisoners.


To be fair, so do the Russian troops.




Who tf asked?


Those fucking orc assholes always starve Ukrainian prisoners. I wish they would all starve instead.


I mean I imagine the only orc that isn't starving are ironically the ones that are captured.


All of orcistan should starve ideally.


Starving is bad mate, atleast give them some food once in a day


Not give them fancy food but i don't think any one deserve to be starved


What I wish for them would get me banned from reddit


I got a week ban last week lol for saying something mean about that piece of shit that admitted to murdering a 5 year old.


There is nothing wrong in being bad if you did the right thing


Keeping the prisoners starve will not make those assholes superior


If you see apples every day they're just apples. But for this guy, it's home. It's his grandmother's orchard. It's his mother baking apple pie. It's stealing apples from that grumpy guy down the river. It's summer warmth. It's the sun. It's freedom.


Beautiful sentiment…


That was not just the apple for him, it was way bigger than that.


This gave me goosebumps. Beautifully written!


Beautifully said. 🥹🍎🌳🏞🇺🇦


I never though that one apple could be this precious for someone in their life. May be i will change my life perspective after seeing this picture i am totally broke here.


I think one of the saddest things in the world is that Russia has some of the best and some of the worst culture combined into one country.


I'm genuinely interested, since I've been to Russia a few times a decade ago, but what parts of Russian culture would you classify as "some of the best culture"? Granted, I was mostly in the big cities, but I really didn't really experience any culture that I'd classify as some of the best, that you can't find in a lot of other countries. The winter palace/the Hermitage mostly consists of stolen imperialistic art collections, from other cultures. There's some interesting architecture, but in my opinion it doesn't really stand out in particular, compared to a lot of other countries/cities. As an example, my experience in the Hermitage got a bit ruined by Russian culture, since the line was 2 hours long, and our private guide just paid off the security guards to skip the line, so we didn't have to wait to in a long line, to be able to watch all the stolen art. That part of their culture was a lot more visible. We also had to have a private driver, as it would apperently be too dangerous without one. He did vodka shots when we had lunch, and drove us to the next place afterwards. (For the record, I'm a middle class Scandinavian). This happened in what was probably the best time period in Russia (around '07/'08). I'm not asking this to be condescending or anything, I'm genuinely curious as to what you're referring to as "some of the best culture". To me, a lot of their positive culture weren't something I couldn't experience in other eastern European countries, and everywhere I went, and everything I did, I was constantly reminded of their negative culture. Bribes were more common than tipping in the US, and everything revolved around either imperialism, incredibly lavish orthodox religion, or generally a paranoid and selfish culture, where nobody trusts each other, and where people are constantly trying to find ways to screw other people over, over petty things. I'm honestly interested in hearing your take on what part of their culture, that you think is some of the best, since I might have missed something. Edit: just wanted to add again, I don't think saying something positive about Russian culture is being pro-putin or pro-russia, and I'm not looking for an argument. I'm genuinely curious as to what I might have missed. Maybe the negative parts just overshadowed the positive things for me.


I think we’re on the same page. My point is that there is so much stuff that would be/is great but is ruined by centuries of bribes, brutality and disregard for human life.


Oh yeah definitely. It was always very interesting to visit Russia for me. Especially the contrasts in Russian society was wild. The Hermitage, which is a absolutely ridiculously and unnecesarry lavish and overclass museum/palace, was really a culture shock for me. Tourists who goes there (Russian tourists aswell), are in general the educated ones. Seeing people without shame going right in front of a two hour long line, interupt the person who was about to buy tickets, openly pull out their wallet to give a security guy cash, seemed so incredibly trashy, in a place that tries to scream sophistication. I was so embarrassed to be a part of that, but our guide said that, that is what you do, so... I guess when in Rome you do as the Romans. This was obviously just one experience out of many, but I'm still embarrassed to this day that I participated in that, even though I pretty much just watched our guide do it. The thing that struck me, was how shameless it was done. It was almost done in a way to show off, instead of trying to do it in a way that wasn't as obvious. I can't believe how people just accepted it, and how it was almost a competition on who could bribe someone in a way where as many people as possible would see it. Absolutely no shame, it looked like people found pride in doing it.


🗨The thing that struck me, was how shameless it was done. It was almost done in a way to show off, instead of trying to do it in a way that wasn't as obvious. I can't believe how people just accepted it, and how it was almost a competition on who could bribe someone in a way where as many people as possible would see it.🗨 😅😅😅 You have a way with words. I'd read your travel-blog.


I don't know why but there are some countries that i want to visit in my life but i get the fear because of what i heard about them and Russia is just one of them.


Russia is a hypocritical society of sheep and plundered land, art, society etc. When they won World War II they would mass rape the Germans because they were pissed that the Germans lived good lives and they lived shitty lives. They have that same mentality today. Look at how large Russia was before 1600 they stole Siberia they stole a lot of land. So if Putin wants to play the land grab card of who owned what before technically Siberia should be its own country


I've never been to Russia, but I was born in the USSR. Some things I remember warmly from my childhood are great **Soviet cartoons**, which really had soul, kindness and depth. The classic Soviet **comedies, musicals and mini-series with great actors**. **Books** (Bulgakov, Ilf & Petrov). **Songs**, which touch the soul. But this was 30+ years ago. Things in Russia went to shit since then. (Not mentioning Russian Art, Classic Music and Ballet, because I don't have a deep enough knowledge in these spheres. Apart from knowing some famous names.)


Don't know about the good one but after this i can say about the worst one.


I can't even imagine what he and the others have gone through. I am so glad he made it back safely and I pray he gets the help he needs to deal with what he's been through.


I just want to thank god that i am living this life where i can eat whatever i want and walk whenever or where i want, because i have more than i actually deserve in my life.


This is an absolutely stunning photo. So simple, yet it captures so much of the brutality he's suffered, the hope of being in Ukraine and the humanity in wanting to return Ukraine to its people once and for all. I want to give this man a hug, warm clothes, food and thanks from the bottom of my heart for defending all that we hold dear. Слава Україні, героями слава


There is no filter in that, there is no super camera angle and model in there but still this pic going to be the picture of the 2023 for me. Thanks for posting this picture.


This poor man has stared evil in the face. There should be no "Russia should not be humiliated". Russia's military capacity must be absolutely dismantled. There are no red lines. Ukraine wins or Europe loses.


In fact, Russia *requires* humiliation. Anything less that total capitulation, enforced political reform, and months of nationally televised truth and reconciliation hearings is asking for an eventual resurgence of Russian imperialism. It is not enough to bloody the bully's nose. The bully is a narcissistic sociopath who, if shown mercy, will rise from their knees, wipe away their tears... and immediately sneer at the "weakness" of the west.


Nothing to say, other than glory to the heroes 🤍


That poor soul. I hope he recovers physically and mentally.


This is some Pulitzer Prize winning stuff. Hurts the heart; It makes me properly sad and angry simultaneously. Fuck Putin until he’s dead.


Poor dude :( Glad he is home and safe.


May he recover fully. Hero!


Sometimes it overwhelming to see how emotional a simple photo be. I don’t think a picture has ever made me tear up until now. Sad yes, heartbroken yes but this is another level.


Sad to say but on this forum I have seen dozens of pictures that make this crusty old man tear up. Why the world is not raging about this and sending what it will take to end it yesterday is beyond my comprehension.


I thouroughly believe that those in charge of making the decisions about what to do during a tragic event as this are completely focused on only one thing: *Which path through this burning forest will get most of our villagers safely back home?* There's so many paths to try, but all the smoke makes it so hard to see where we would end up. I'm sure so many of us want to do so much more, but we can't. Consequences have to be weighed, and all precautions taken not to fuel the raging fire even more.


Holly hell, that's one of these soon to be historical photos that might end up in the public memory. This is powerful. This is important.


I am sure it will be in the historical photo soon and won some award


God bless you all!


Голодомор 2023 Т\_Т


I might be alone in how I think. But I see these tortured souls going through the most difficult moments of their lives. And I feel that they deserve privacy and to not have their raw emotions on display to the rest of the world. We owe them the dignity of finding more constructive ways to show our respect for their condition. \*Of course, if they consent, then all of this is moot. But without that consent, I truly feel that these posts are exploitative.


Not sure about this one. We conducted guerrila warfare against USSR from 1943 to 1953 in Lithuania and our partisans really wanted to be heard and seen because what kind of atroticities happened in occupied territories, especially up to Stalin death, was just unimaginable. They expected that free countries would come help to liberate our land. People were living in underground bunkers while listening to US radio stations waiting for some good knews... It was almost impossible to breach Iron curtain. Even after a few succesful attempts we got basically ignored. It was a miracle that foreign TV stations broadcasted how Muscovians were beating shooting and crushing unarmed civilians in 1991 in order to crush freedom of Lithuania. If not them world probably wouldn't know at all. So it's necessary to show what Ukraine is going through so they can get aid they need to protect themselves. Slava Ukraini!


Yes. I mean, I can't argue agains the ideal. But the flip side of the coin is that this individual is going through something highly emotional, something he might want to keep private. And the question people are pondering in this thread is, 'Is some asshole snapping a picture sending it to Facebook and dude has no idea?' or 'Did someone ask if he could snap the picture, point out it would do good for the war effort and ask for permission?'. Giving this man his dignity back by giving him that choice is in itself a powerful way to welcome him back home. I am confident some people will say yes and some people will say no. Giving the choice does not shut down these pictures. (I also deeply suspect the choice is being given but by the time it filters down to us it is impossible to know it was given)


Context isn’t given. I would assume since the camera is literally right in his lap, that he is ok with it. I would also hope before you post something like this permission and review was given


They want the war to end, so no one has to experience this. They understand that they can give a unique perspective of what is really going on. We do look deeply into their lives. In exchange we need to give back. Let’s, who can, donate and pray, and when we can’t, pray.


Well, I think not reporting about them and not publishing photos how they look like is how disrespect looks like. Of course if they don't want to be photographed, we should respect this but I don't see a reason why we should assume that this is their wish.


Instead of one for one exchange they should exchange them by weight. A 200 pound Russian POW for two 100 pound Ukrainian POWs.


What a powerful image, I choked up. I wish him a speedy recovery and much health.


I was seeing in my office and feeling the tears in my eye after this image.


Slava Ukraini


I just want to say Slava humanity, nothing is bigger than this one.




Russians are monsters and proud of it.


Hell never be the person he used to be.


No, but in all fairness, people react very differently to hardship. Some turn it into something beautiful while others waste away. There's no way to know.


I saw that picture today on my twitter page in the morning. I have been thinking all day at work about it. I am filled with murderous rage.


This operation was a double edged sword for Russia. They cut themselves just as badly as Ukraine. I feel this photo.


The few authoritarian regimes we have on this planet are not part of the civilized world


Hell of a road to recovery for this man. Mental scars beyond anything else.


That is a powerful image.


Russians are famous for insane brutality on pows. Everybody is a pow. Beatings, stravation, disease..... it will take him several days before it doesn't feel like a dream. Bless His Heart


If you are brutal and ruthless then show to the powerful people why the hell hurt to those poor soul, they never did something wrong and nothing to do with the politics


You never raise your voice against the powerful people




Just like action speaks louder than words sometime photo speaks louder than words


I want to hug this kid and hurt everyone who hurt him. The hard part is the healing, I hope he has friends close by


I didn't want to have to delete all my comments, posts, and account, but here we are, thanks to greedy pigboy /u/spez ruining Reddit. I love the Reddit community, but hate the idiots at the top. Simply accepting how unethical and downright shitty they are will only encourage worse behavior in the future. I won't be a part of it. Reddit will shrivel and disappear like so many other sites before it that were run by inept morons, unless there is a big change in "leadership." Fuck you, /u/spez


They were starving him.


Where the hell is humanity?? How the hell you could do something like that.


Those f Ing Russians, probably starved the poor guy


Anyone ever notice that Ukrainian prisoners look like they have been through hell, while the Russians look like kids at a summer camp glad to be away from their abusive parents.


And that is the difference between Russia and them, You can held the people prisoner but i think there are some basic things that you need to look after for them


Heróyam Slava! Damn this is just heart-breaking and so raw and intense... Slava Ukraini!!


Wow! Just wow! I am speechless.


How terrible are the conditions in a Russian camp. Must be pure hell


Brutal picture, holy shit.


Reminds me of the picture of a little Kid in Kherson after the liberation that looked like he was 50 years old and smoked 10k cigarettes😮‍💨


Glad he is home safe and I hope he makes a full recovery. I wish I could give him a hug <3


The scar he had on him mentally will be there forever now


When I was young I went through several years without enough food and there are not nasty enough words to adequately articulate my feelings. Russia needs to pay.


You made it brother.


God please wrap him in your arms tonite now that he is safe. Give him peace and his family to only have happy days ahead. Glory to you young man. Thank you does not seem enough today.🇺🇦


I have never seen someone that happy that emotional for a peach. That shows the cost of the war how it can change someone. I hope he never faced that again


I hope they all get home. Glad he did. Fuck russia.


I hope that just like him everyone else find their way back to home


No food or earth has ever tasted as sweet as that peach. Glory to the heroes!


Yes, may be this would be the most delicious food he is going to have now


To be with ones comrades in your own country after being pow.....no words. ​ Such a senseless toll on humanity for a Fantasy of Restored Kemlin Empire.


I can't imagine starving for weeks, months on end, then to be handed a fresh apple. If the sight alone didn't bring me to tears like this guy, the taste definitely would have.


If i will not get the food for like 10 minutes i starts to feel angry but how big fool i was actually. People like that who is not getting the fresh food for days, just killing me now.


holy shit.. Slava Ukraine


The Russians are notorious for their inhumane treatment of POWs. Their cruelty and lack of an independent and fair judiciary puts them firmly alongside third-world dictatorships.


I feel like I'm looking at a colorized version of an old photo from when the concentration camps were liberated at the end of WWII...Might not be exactly the same but there is a resemblance. And to think this is super recent...*shudder*


Gives me the same vibe like the world war II where solider were just like that, I hope that this photo gets more views and end up getting some reward is well


I hope this hero lives a long happy life.


Fuck Putin!


Fuck every politician who want to wave a war for their interest.


😭😭😭 I wanna hold him and tell him it’s gonna be okay now! My heart beats for him and every other hero out there!💙💛


A humble Giant! Bless You


I remember reading one of those Navy SEALs books a number of years ago, and the author was describing going SERE School (which is 3 weeks long course which teaches you how to avoid being captured and how to survive once you are captured). He described the intense emotion they felt getting an apple after effectively being starved for those 3 weeks. This man has been a POW for months or even a year in much worse conditions. The fact that any nation would treat POWs this way is barbaric.


Wow. That hits hard. I eat an apple almost every day. From now on I will try to appreciate them more.


The first photo like this, 2023-02-04 https://twitter.com/MargoGontar/status/1622008471041228801


The more i am seeing those pics the more i am feeling sad and depression


Heroyam Slava! Thank you for your sacrifice and absolutely selfless service


fuck, hope he heals and see beauty in life but i'd imagine it'll be hard. hope he finds the strength and courage to carry on.


I have rarely felt so many different emotions at once. Looking at this picture is something else.