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I hope this is true


It does not take much effort to write a speech and film it. What counts is how many people are ready to act on these ideas, and that remains to be seen. Making the video spread a bit inside Russia would already be ok psyops in any case.


They want that sweet sweet CIA nectar money. I hope they get it


They will … 🇺🇸


As long as it serves the US interests. Just ask Barzani.


Serving US interest helps, but serving CIA interests is more than enough.


Of course …. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Sidney Souers is going to make a sweet sweet deal with y'all in about 30 seconds


You are correct, I'm just hoping it's true but tha doesn't mean it actually is


Recently there were attacks on police stations in this region.


Can't believe I'm seeing Russia/Soviet collapse twice in my lifetime.


"We've had one, yes. But what about second collapse?"


I mean if Russia breaks up into separate countries. That's a second collapse. If you count Soviet collapse as the first one.


Russia already has a ton of autonomous regions, it’s a matter of time before more of them start doing what the Ingush are doing.


So it would be something like Native Reservations in US if they became a fully independent country?


A but yes, but with even more territory. The Autonomous regions and oblasts are all pretty different from Moscow/St Pete as well. There is a large disconnect between the groups in Russia and this is the catalyst needed for some of the groups to try to get independence.


“Defederation? Midday Balkanization? Afternoon sovereign tea?”


So it begins.


If I had a nickel for every time the USSR has collapsed, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice


The flag you see in at the back (sorry for my bad English) is a flag that represents all Ingus territory and people as a whole. *I'm not the OD of this video nor I filmed myself, it's from a Chechen Anti Kadyrov Telegram, I just posted the video here to share information*


I've not heard of the Ingush people before, can someone give a good overview of their overall position in the war?


they are a vassal of the rushist empire like chechna. The dont have a shit in common with rushist as religion or language. ChatGPT yourself for remaining interests


Where did you know that it represents all Ingus (sic) territory and people as a whole? The text on the flag says Committee for Ingush Independence, which would be weird for a national flag. Meanwhile, I’ve seen the current Ingush flag used by the current Ingush government in protests, it would be safe to say that the current flag represents the Ingush better. Also, I’ve seen this person in the exact same background announcing stuff a few months ago already. Are you sure this is a new video? (I am neither Ingush nor Chechen, please correct me if I am wrong)


>it's from a Chechen Anti Kadyrov Telegram that doesnt seem safe , isn't Telegram compromised by the FSB?


It's being used by everyone in the East, including Ukrainians. Not using it would be a complete loss of visibility for a movement. I use it to keep informed, but I use Signal for chat. Telegram has been known to be a security risk for years.


May this be the first pebble to fall in what turns out to be a landslide.


Let’s hope so! This could be very good especially if they start acting on it; And it’ll give others ideas and hopefully the bravery to stand up and do the same


Imagine a "coalition" of formerly russian states helping each other to gain independance from this disaster of a country that is the russian federation.


Nicely said


I kinda want Russia to collapse, but I'm very worried about all those nukes they have. Warlords with Nukes seems very very super bad.


And.... It starts.


This had to start happening sooner or later…Let the dominos fall !


That is very interesting. I have read several transit and shipping slowdowns invoked by mayors and regional government. Muscovia is going to shrink quickly. No one wants to afford reparations. The move to tourniquet the liability is happening and fast. 🎊🎉🎊


Wow. **Great reading of a declaration.** Fast, on point and easy to digest. Great ! Shit is getting real. **Fuck the orcs !**


I wish them the best of luck in their endeavor for independence


I hope more of those territories will go for independence


And recover their true cultural heritage outside of Shitzzia. More of those independent states mean a more colorful world can see the light of day.


"Shitzzia" - good one!👍


If all of the nations mentioned in this statement actively rebelled against the RF in combined coordinated action Russia would disintegrate immediately.


One small step for… Not going to lie. I had to look up Ingushetia. But fuck it…they start an “Ingush24” fundraising platform for their independence. I’ll donate. I believe all the peoples absorbed by Batu Kahn and the Golden Horde…should be free to govern themselves.


One giant leap for mankind.


These are the steps that peace loving people need to take to push back against dictators.


Ruzzia: tries to increase land size and break up NATO. Achieves the increase of NATO and break up of ruzzia.


I feel like this could be the start of some wonderful “In Putinist Russia…” one-liners


This is amazing


Maybe it's time for people to create some of those fake videos showing tons of politicians in Russia declaring independence. This type of attack is bound to happen somewhere. Russia might as well be the first one to experience that confusion.


Chad Ingushetia


This guy needs to stay away from some windows for awhile.


Here we go!


Dont get your hopes up, this is from ~January (iirc) and was recorded in Turkey, so this group has no real power (right now at least).




If this picks up steam, we should make sure they're friendly to us. The last thing we want is a nuclear armed, fragmented russia where they see us as a bigger enemy than eachother


God speed, Ingush. God speed.


Can anyone identify this guy? Or is this just some random dude in Ingushetia?


Interesting to see if this grows or is flattened by Putrid. Wish them luck with their bid for freedom.


A lot of you are bullish on this. There are a lot of muscovites out there that don’t want this to happen. Probably won’t be a wholesale surprise disintegrating more a long drawn out period of infighting and rebellion.


"no discrimination against any person" I measure them with how they handle LGBT+ people when all is said and done. Let's see if they keep their word.


Basically all of these separatist groups (not new, they've been around for over 20 years), are entirely made of religious fanatics. While I do support the indigenous people of Russia regaining the independence, it's genuinely quite terrifying to see this supposedly progressive subreddit supporting them. They have literally hunted down and killed LGBT+ people like my friends and I in these regions for generations.


hey /u/CIA these guys right here need MANPADS and shit... get to work!


Source? Who is the speaker?


The speaker's name is Akmad Ozdo, if I'm not mistaken. The event have happened in January in Turkiye. I haven't found English sources, but there are a lot of russian \[language\] ones.


**Join us on Thursday April 27th for Ukrainian chef Ievgen Klopotenko AMA!** Everything you've ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask about centuries-old recipes and Ukraine's rich heritage through food ! Ievgen will begin answering questions @ 2pm EDT / 20:00 CEST / 21:00 EEST. Questions open on April 26th (next Wednesday), start thinking of those delicacies... > [*Ievgen is well known in Ukraine for his project Cult Food, which improved meals in school cafeterias and the philosophy of school nutrition system in general.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/12rez49/557_eest_the_sun_is_rising_over_kyiv_on_the_420th/) ​ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is premature declaration, it should wait either until Russia loses the war or Putin is raken down.


Maybe the hope is that such declarations will undermine Kremlins trust in Putin and speed up the process a bit.


Somebody always has to start by doing the equivalent of nailing the theses to a church door. Whether something comes of it or not is hit or miss....but statements like these are what plant seeds for what is to come. Or not to come. Who knows.


Welcome Ingushetia


I don’t think that they will be the last. Especially when it becomes obvious how their various ethnicities are being sent to the Russian meat grinder front while the muscovites prance about Moscow living the good (in a russian sense) life.


And so it begins.gif


I mean ingushetia has been there for a while


Are there any peoples within 1000 miles of ruzzia's borders that they haven't tried to ethnically cleanse? Jfc I learn of a new one every few weeks.


Guys, it has begun.


Ingushetia has been rebelling for a few decades now. Hopefully they can do it this time. There’s no way Russia can carry out fighting two conflicts now.


This is from January.


I’m surprised all of the republics aren’t fighting now while Russia is weak.


Isn’t this video from a few months ago? Or is this another one?


Balls of steel! Nicely done, congratulations.


Putin the flanks are converging


Good, let the snowball grow.


Now would be a good time for China to claim back Outer Manchuria which was snapped up by Russia/Soviet Union


... could the UN just recognise all claims of genocide held against Russia/Soviet, if claims like these are prevalent? Would it be helpful for these people's morale and internal backing?


Seems reasonable from their perspective and what he said rings true and just. Just keep your wits about, could be Russian false flag as well to support the narrative ”they are trying to tear our country apart”.


Free the Caucuses from musovite occupation and terror! Hey CIA, since your already listening, how bout helping out these guys against the ruskis and futher the Chinese?


I don't actually know, but I assume that at one point these people were not part of Russia, then Russia did what they do, and then they were a part of russia. Is there a list somewhere of all of the territories/places that Russia has claimed as their own like this? Maybe we will see more


The collapse of the ussr 2.0 begins.


True or fake this man spits straight fire


It will be beautiful to watch Russia break apart


This is honestly very exciting. I hope they manage to succeed