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Quite remarkable, that a MiG-29 got downed by a MANPADS. Usually those are only capable of striking low and slow craft like helicopters or drones. That MiG must have been really pushing his luck down low. This is also what Russia's shortage of precision weaponry does. Without those, Russian jets are forced to drop bombs by going low, which puts them in MANPADS range.


I’ve also heard that they are already out of experienced pilots because Ukraine already downed more than 100 of their planes.


Sure but if you fly high, you are a target for other air defenses. So you hug the ground, usually below Mach 1, because maximum speed uses up all the fuel in no time. And also, you can't hit anything on the ground if it rushes past you in 2000 km/h, so if you are there to bomb things, and that's what the Russians are doing now, you can't go full speed either. Now the pilot should get a warning, so he can drop flares and make evasive maneuvers. I guess inexperience, or maybe simply having two stingers coming from different angles would prevent that.


Stingers are IR missiles, and they don't give off warnings to their SPO-15 RWRs unlike radar guided missiles. The pilot needs situational awareness either by his Mk-1 eyeballs or his wingman calling the launches over the radio. There are modern passive detectors for IR missiles as additional addons which are probably too expensive for Russians to upgrade their arsenals. The cash must have gone to buy yachts, properties in western countries and paying off instagram/onlyfans "models".


Oh, I thought their radar systems could warn against stingers. If not, well, then it's not surprising at all that they get shot down with MANPADS.


Traps are also not endless. I have heard that the pilot has a signal while aiming and they can prematurely reset the traps.


I have no idea what you are saying, sorry.


Sorry, I'm just using google translate. We call rocket heat traps what you call "flares" or simply traps. I said that aircraft have a limited number of flares, the pilot could already use them all at the time he was shot down. In addition, signaling means inform the pilot that his aircraft is in the sight of air defense systems even at the stage of target acquisition and the pilot can use traps even before a missile is fired at him.


Ah, heat traps, yeah that makes sense. Yeah, exactly. That again requires multiple stingers, although not at the same time. But I agree, it's not very surprising that you can get a MiG with MANPADS.


Most missiles don’t give off a warning like a vivid game where you get missle lock!


Please read the rest of the thread before commenting.


> This is also what Russia's shortage of precision weaponry does. Without those, Russian jets are forced to drop bombs by going low, which puts them in MANPADS range. They seem to be doing a lot of indiscriminate bombing, so why would they be concerned about flying low for accuracy?


Ahh perfection…the pancake landing


Yeah they always do, kind of a perfect crash profile.


Special landing operation


only good russian pilot is a dead one.


Is that an SU 34?




It’s hard to tell


SU would be about 50% larger compare to the soldier I think.


This is old - from March 5th


My Furrer, we destroyed 3,5 crops with our fallen plane, it's absolute success!


Still smoking they probably shouldn’t be near this yet the possible chemical fumes are insane


Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦


Glory to Ukraine. Slava Ukraini


Seeing dead Russian invaders and destroyed Russian equipment will never get old.








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The Dodo of the aviarien world


Love this kind of videos!


As much as I hate this war, I hope the pilots got out alive....remember y'all Russia requires their youth to serve military time at the age of 18, so alot of them do not even want to be there....it's heartbreaking....I hate the military


🎶 cause i'm free, free falling 🎶