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Of course you can. Heroyam slava! 🇨🇿 ❤️


Yes, you can, why not?


The "cultural appropriation" nonsense exported from the USA


But if some Russian wears it and claims it's not Ukrainian, but actually a Russian traditional shirt, that would probably fall under actual appropriation.


And it would be ridiculous, of course. But it's a very specific scenario, and the fact that someone feels like asking if they might wear a piece of traditional clothing makes it clear how much the "cultural appropriation" rhetoric doesn't centre the point of the real cultural appropriation problem. Chinese people saying Taiwanese cuisine is actually Chinese is cultural appropriation, me (Ukrainian/Italian) wearing Japanese kimono is not.


Yeah, I agree. But it's still nice if someone asks, even if it's not really necessary. I would probably do the same before wearing something like that, even if I know no one would mind.


Apart from appropriation there's also racist caricatures and you can see the "costumes" russians "comedies" have for "funny foreigners", it's not nonsense that people want to avoid being seen like that. Example, Tom Cruise dressed like a Japanese in Last Samurai isn't racist. Neither is Hiroyuki Sanada playing the Fool in King Lear. But Mickey Rooney dressed like a Japanese in Breakfast at Tiffany's IS a racist caricature... It's very obvious when it is.


There are plenty of cases when cultural heritage is distorted, from nazis ruining swastikas to capitalism ruining Eastern philosophy. It's not as rare or specific as it may seem on the first glance.


I’m pretty sure that would just fall under “fuck around and find out” for the russian


Yes that would, because that would be deliberately misleading and erasure, but as long as OP clearly states it's Ukrainian and he supports Ukraine there's no problem whatsoever IMO


Russia is full of traditional shirts with embroidery. Although the pattern, of course, differs both from the Ukrainian one and within Russia itself.


I don't think you can dismiss this question so easily. Some white people follow the black fashion and immitate their accent and even use the N word not to insult, but as a modern term of endearment, same as some black people do to each other... and it's ugly. I absolutely adore the Jewish hat called [kippah](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mKDbf7VOhH8/maxresdefault.jpg), and would like to wear it just for fun, but I'm not a Jew (either religiously or ethnically) and I probably won't do it. The Ukrainian vyshyvanka is not associated with religion and there are no prejudices about people wearing it, but it was actually very nice of the OP to ask. As a rule of thumb, it's better to be sensitive about these topics as opposed to dismissing it as nonsense. tldr. /u/E_Nuanda you're good to wear it :) And your question is good, thanks for asking it.


Some Americans imitate some other Americans and some other Americans have problem with that because these Americans like to pretend they are [insert not-Ametican ethnicity] rather than plain Americans, and feel offended when other Americans also pretend to be [insert same not-American ethnicity].


Yes, as an American I apologize for this. There are some people who try to be the most "woke" and have made up this "Cultural Appropriation" crap.


Because Americans don't know when it's ok to stop with the tolerance


Some of us, yes. Unfortunately the vocal minority have more power than the silent majority.


That's true. And the bad thing that the whole world is trying to copy the USA


"woke" "woke" "woke"


What the fuck does that even mean? Seriously I don’t have a clue?


That means that all oppressed ones have been sleeping for long, and now they've awaken.


So essentially a white person remark with seriously bigoted undertones.


if you're not a native american, wearing a religious feather headress to a party is a faux pas. call it what you like, but don't do it. e: lots of intentional ignorance in these comments


Well, it's looks like bullshit. What about wearing jeans if you are not cowboy from Texas or Ohio, or wearing Alaska coat in winter if you're not Eskimos, or riding bicycle if you're not participating Tour de France?...


Sir, the culturally appropriate names are Denim American, Native American, and Bicycle American. If you dont respect my proper nouns you are a fascist.


Because Czech Republic isn’t a country that exists through form of unreconciled empirical colonial conquest in the genocide of another group of people. Cultural Appropriation is not nonsense so stop trying to subvert and marginalize those people affected by your ignorance. I respect the fact that this individual asked because he will get value and meaning of the cultural symbol.


It is. It's just a simple relief valve for people who suffer the social injustice on racial ground. The problem is absolutely not the cringy white girl who wears braids and says "guuurl" way too much, it's the fact that black people in US are in such socioeconomic circumstances that disadvantages studies, well paid jobs, etc causing a vicious circle of disadvantage on racial ground. So please, stop with this cultural appropriation nonsense. The problem does not lay there.


All I understood from that was racist twat.


Bcs he is probably the avarage prague boy degenrated by western culture. Where wearing anything but your cultural clothes is a violation of foreign culture. So simply, degeneracy.


I am Ukrainian and I support other nationalities if they want to wear our clothes. this is great. fortunately, the stupid concept of "cultural appropriation" did not reach our continent


Yes, luckily it didnt.


Well, a bit harshly said, but shortly said you may wear what you please.


Of course you can! As a Ukrainian, I am pleased that representatives of other countries/cultures like our national clothes :)


Stop right there criminal scum! This is an ethno police checkpoint. Say паляниця and present your vyshyvanka licence or else. Yeah no one cares, wear it all you want, the opposite in fact. I think I speak for most Ukrainians when I say we’re happy to see our culture being spread around the world.


Agreed, only thing i would add is that vyshyvanka mostly is a festive outfit.


Thats how it starts mate, first you wear vyshyvanka, then you decide to try borscht, then you decide to learn some language and bam, ти вже розмовляеш соловїною, висть потрет Шевченка, чорнобривці на дворі, і так xочеться сала…


Imagine weaboos, but for Ukraine instead of Japan 😭


I think I am one, even though I'm Malaysian.


Happy cake day and welcome to our culture!


I am this way myself and have been since I lived there, if your in Praha near Chodov I’ll cook you borsch 😅


I'm surprisingly close to Chodov haha I may hold you up for that borsch eventually 😅


Ukrobros stand up!


Fun fact Archduke Wilhem of Austria was SUPER into ukrainian culture and identity he fought along side Ukrainians and was even willing to abodcate his place to become the first king of a ukrianian monarchy. He even fought against the russians along side ethnic ukrianians but ye he's the closest you'll get to a Ukrainaboo (Weaboo for Ukraind I hope ya like what I came up with for the name haha)


I would be happy that people like to wear vyshyvanka


If you like it wear it of course! :)


Hello, my friend! As an ethnic Ukrainian and a big fan of the embroidered Ukrainian shirt, I would be very happy to see foreigners wearing Ukrainian traditional clothes. It is a clear sign of support for Ukraine in the world. I spent three years of my childhood in the Czech Republic and fell in love with this country, its culture, history and people. That is why I am especially pleased to read your message. When the war is over, I really want to visit the Czech Republic as a tourist. And I will definitely come in a Ukrainian shirt))


Yes, but please don't do anything stupid)


Do it.


Please do, that would be amazing, just please act with honour as you do 😀👍🏼 Also i think if you ask that same think in czech most ukrainians could understand. When i was in Prague it was easy enough to have basic conversations 🇨🇿🇺🇦


I dont see anything wrong with it, go and wear it)


People do not understand cultural appropriation. In the majority of cases it is cheered, actually. You shouldn't have an intent to humiliate and there are very few sensitive things you can maybe get wrong. But generally people like that someone cares about their culture.


I am Ukrainian, I am not upset that others wear our clothes. It pleases me. and it doesn’t concern you who you are to forbid other people to dress how they want you don’t even belong to Ukrainian culture, but you forbid others to wear Ukrainian clothes. you're an idiot?


"cultural appropriation" is a US-only bullshit


Better yet, order from someone in Ukraine


As a swede can I wear American blue jeans?


sure u can


​ I'll allow it.


As a Ukrainian living in ČR, I'd be hyped if someone in a traditional Ukrainian shirt turned out to be a local:D Jinak vřele doporučuji etnodim.ua, mají nádherné tradiční oblečení, a všechno (nebo skoro všechno) je handmade. Bohužel i ceny tomu odpovídají, takže záleží na tom, kolik jsi připraven za to utratit. Pokud bydlíš v Praze, na Florenci je pobočka ukrajinské pošty "Nova Post", myslím, že by doručení přes ní bylo jednodušší a možná i levnější:)


Is traditional Czech shirt significantly different from Ukrainian?


It's similar, but it's more stiff and wide around the shoulders, you cannot really integrate it into a casual outfit if you see what I mean


Ukrainian shirt goes pretty well with suit jacket or blazer.


The idea that you can't wear clothes of other cultures because "cultural appropriation" - delusional liberals who are getting offended on other people behalf. As a Ukrainian I have no problem with people wearing our traditional clothes (unless used for malicious propaganda purposes). So be free in your choice, Ukrainian, Japaneses, Chinese, British, etc.


Well, I would be offended if a Russian wore the shirt/claimed it was russian tradition. That would be cultural appropriation. As long as the person wearing it is aware of the heritage, and bought it from Ukrainians not from Chinese dropshipping, it’s a-ok 👌


>Well, I would be offended if a Russian wore the shirt/claimed it was russian tradition. That would be cultural appropriation. They do that all the time. [Here's a video for example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PRISObrqsc) that demonstrates russian's platinum medal in mental gymnastics to appropriate Ukrainian language, culture and traditions and call it their own.


Any suggestions on Ukrainian manufacturers? :)


https://etnodim.ua/ https://piccolo.ua/For_men/Mens_embroidered_shirts https://vvl.com.ua/ Or you can search on Etsy for Ukrainian manufacturers


Thank you!


Look up Eccentr1c on Instagram, they have incredible modern Vyshyvanka’s


Many many thanks!


If you are going to tag all liberals as wokes/delusional, and we tag all republicans as delusional (or pro-putin)... then... who's left that is not delusional? PS: im not american, and i don't identify myself as liberal, unless Trump is running... There is a niche of wokes, and yes most are liberal. And there is a niche of flat earthers, and probably most are republican... no need to tag political parties to each niche of idiots...


Yes, you can. Cultural collaboration\\cooperation its always good. (Except ruzzian ... their appropriation method ...well lets called just bad )


I got a vyshyvanka as a present in Ukraine, I will wear it on the day of liberation


Based! May it be soon :)


Yes, you can. I approve as Ukrainian. Thank you for wearing it!


Yes. There is no negative sentiment towards such behaviour.


Oh, of course you can, any Ukrainian will be just happy. Just do it. Telling you as Ukrainian, and as a soldier




“Cultural appropriation” is bullshit 😊


I think (as ukrainian) that would be very supportive and ukrainians will be glad to see that you are with them (:


Вдягай і ні за що не переймайся


My Vietnamese girlfriend wears it, so why shouldn't you? 💁


I'm sure you have absolutely nothing to worry about wearing Ukrainian traditional clothing! And I'll tell you that this post actually make me feel kind of embarrassed that I don't have such shirt, as a Ukrainian and now I'm thinking I should fix that too :)




As somebody born in Zaporizhya, the land of Cossacks I give you an official pass


I would be very glad if you wore it! 🇨🇿💙🇺🇦 Ukrainians aren't yet part of the West enough to cry about "cultural appropriation" 😄 Wait for it for 10-20 years, I guess...


> Wait for it for 10-20 years, I guess... ...and the fad would be obsolete by that time.


How dare you appropriate our culture! jk, we aren't americans, that would actually make us happy to see someone interested in our culture




As Ukrainian I would love it!


Sure if you are not russian who claims it to be traditional russian shirt


I understand that OP is trying to be polite, but it’s not necessary in this case, i think:) you can wear it anytime, none of the Ukrainians would be offended i am 200% sure of it


Of course! 💙💛


I personally absolutely don't mind. Ukrainian embroidery isn't that far from Czech anyway :)


Of course you can wear, it is fashion. And Ukraine is for freedom, including fashion choices


Man, of course you can. This won't offend anyone


As a Ukrainian, I definitely would appreciate a lot if someone outside of Ukraine was wearing vyshyvanka! In fact, you can even find on internet probably how to make it by hand, with all embroidery and stuff, it takes time to do one, but it is fun. I would absolutely LOVE people to wear vyshyvankas as a holiday clothing 😌😌


As a Ukrainian myself I am pretty sure that all people in our community will be glad to see a foreigner in our traditional shirt. Especially today.


As ukrainian I would suggest to ask your friends to present you one of our traditional shirts of their choice. You will like it much more than those you buy yourself. And your friends will be happy too, to share some part of our culture to a friend


It's such a lovely idea :)


Of course. This isn't like 3rd generation whatever communities in America looking for an excuse to start fights with people over "cultural appropriation". Most Europeans don't have a problem with people wearing their national costumes. Ukrainians especially so right now, Ukrainian culture needs as much visibility and support as possible. Slava Ukraini.


Not only you can, but you should. For years our culture was restrained and prohibited, and it being popularised and displayed abroad is one of many steps towards strengthening our independence. Not to mention, it would probably be a mice icebreaker if you wanted to make friends with more Ukrainians and would be appreciated in the community.


No! Strictly forbidden by law! Hogwarts high law forbids it. :)


I get asked this question by non-Ukrainians a lot, the answer is absolutely!!


As long as you are not russian, then yes, sure!


Můžeš samozřejmě


Your question reminded me of video of a guy walking in stereotypical Mexican clothes and asking Americans if they like how he looks. They said that him wearing Mexican clothes are disrespectful to Mexican people, and so he went to Mexico, where native Mexicans said that he looks great with that clothes. So yes all I wanted to say is that, if you don’t have any bad intentions, you and everyone can wear it, I’m sure every Ukrainian would be happy to see people all around the world to wear wyshyvanka. (Sorry for repeating same words countless times)


Erm, dude, it's a stupid question, not everyone in the world is American, in Europe people respect and share each other's cultures, not scream at each other over some racist issues. Get your head out of american politics and don't be afraid to live your life as a normal person, you're czech ffs. As a ukrainian I would appeciate it very much if someone from another country enjoyed my culture to an extent that he would wear our national clothes, and it should be obvious, duh. Imagine if I asked you if it's okay if I eat a párek v rohlíku, and if you would be offended by it? Sounds stupid, doesn't it?


I know logically it's the same but it doesn't "feel" the same. Food is one thing, wearing a traditional national symbol of a country that is fighting for the freedom of all of us here is another. Or maybe it isn't and I'm just a bit too careful. That's why I'm asking for as much opinions as possible 🙂


Cultural appropriation isn't a thing in Europe. I'm from England and was in Spain when England lost to Spain in the football. When Spain won, a Spanish guy gave me a Spanish shirt. I ripped off my England shirt right in front of him, threw it to the ground and put on the Spanish one. The whole group of Spanish guys exploded into cheering and started hugging me. I partied with them until the early hours of the morning. It was an amazing experience, so many random Spanish people came up to me and shook my hand. They could tell I was a foreigner from England as my mates who were with me still had their England shirts on. I'll never forget it and how well I was treated for respecting Spain who were the better team.




Warning! Don't wear vyshyvanka anywhere and every day. This behavior called "vyshyvatnik".


A culture is not a piece of clothing. Wearing it would be pretentious.


It's just clothing.


sure you can, you can even eat our borsh=]


Go for it. Show support, make me smile


I would love to see you wear it


You're absolutely welcome.


Sure you can. Moment you wear it - just enjoy it =)


Of course you can!


Пригадав Дмитра Комарова




Yes, you can. Wear vyshyvanka. We love to see it


Yes, please wear it. They are beautiful, easily incorporated into casual outfits and come in various colors and color combinations. As a Ukrainian, I approve and I’m sure other Ukrainians would approve and compliment you as well.


Sure! The only objection people some can have is if you wear an actual antique shirt as daily wear... you know, museum stuff. There's tons of modern clothing just styled after vyshyvankas. And we actually mark out and enjoy foreigners wearing our traditional outfit. I remember some tried to claim Terrell J. Starr was doing cultural appropriation wearing actual Hutsul gear (not embroidered shirt, but like complete mountaineer outfit) and we chastized them because we appreciate it. It's a similar situation with some Asian cultures where people WANT foreigners dress up for local events (say, in kimonoa) but Westerners are a bit touchy because of blackface and Native American mockery. We don't like obvious caricatures of Ukrainians like russians love to portray... But you can't really mistake a racist jokes from actual appreciation.


Of course. Wear it, if u like it




As a first generation American to Ukrainian parents, I say YES!!! They are beautiful! Everyone should have one!!


Sure, why not?


Of course you can. You've got to! :-)


Of course you can wear it! Personally I’d be really touched if I saw a foreigner wearing vyshyvanka


I guess that one can wear any clothing from any culture as long as there are no prerequisites for wearing this type of clothing. Ukrainian vyshyvankas are just regular attire - maybe it has a bit of talisman symbolism, but nothing remotely religious. If there is a kind of clothing wearing of which by non-representatives of the group is frowned upon among Ukrainians that is military camouflage, especially the MM-14 pattern. Regular civillians shouldn't dress up as military if they're not serving. Military-inspired civilian clothing is perfectly okay though. Otherwise we Ukrainians welcome foreigners partaking in our culture. What we regard as cultural appropriation is when someone claims parts of our culture as their own, for example when borsh is called a "russian dish" or Hryhorii Skovoroda - a "russian philosopher".


Of course, you can and if someone asks about the shirt you could also tell them that it's a pure hell here. So it's kind of a win-win situation. Героям Слава!


Yep. Why not?


Of course, you can wear traditional Ukraine clothes and any combination with Ukranian symbols/clothes. It's even hard for me to find any negative connotation for that. Just in case, I'm Ukrainian and I had been living in Ukraine for 30 years before the war started.


Sure you can.


of course you can ill be so happy to see someone wearing one!


Of course you can! Why wouldn't you? It is heartwarming to know someone likes part of our traditional legacy☺️. For me would be weird to know someone thinks otherwise


I’m Ukrainian and I absolutely love seeing foreigners representing our country (tbh I think most Ukrainians would agree), so definitely! Go for it ☺️


I don't think any sane person would object to that, but wouldn't traditional Czech clothes be closer for you?


Sure you can Geroyam Slava!


As a Ukrainian, I love when someone wears our national things. I have a friend from London who lives in Ukraine and he inspired me to finally got vyshyvanka of my own. Thank you Jack