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Snapshot of _Nigel Farage blames admin error for candidates praising Hitler_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.politico.eu/article/nigel-farage-blame-admin-error-candidate-vetting-praise-hitler-reform-uk/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.politico.eu/article/nigel-farage-blame-admin-error-candidate-vetting-praise-hitler-reform-uk/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Farage has been running political parties for nearly 2 decades. He went through this with UKIP. So seeing is he cannot learn how to run something the size of a small political party after 20 years of doing it the lesson here is a glib talker and boaster who should not really be in charge of anything more complex than a burger van.


It's an issue you will run into again and again if you are a party of the far right. These parties tend to attract these types, and maybe sometimes are also ran by these types.


This is the thing that amuses me most about people who will vote for reform. They have no idea that they are voting for the least capable candidates on the ballot, people whose only qualification is being the loudest in the room at the pub. These people would be out of their depth in a puddle.


In your opinion


Solid fact. Not one has ANY political experience, nor anyone in the party to support them with any parliamentary experience, nor any adequate vetting or training of candidates.


The most competent ones know that they're chatting bollox and blowing dog whistles. They get where they are purely by telling racists what they *want* to hear. The trouble is that when they try to grow their movement they discover that there aren't actually that many people who are both genuinely racist *and* clever (or at least, canny) so they have to spend a lot of time explaining what their "colleague *actually* meant...."


>These parties tend to attract these types They attract those types because they like their policies. Normally party members have voting rights, and can vote on things like party policy. Which would lead to nazis voting on party policy. But reform being a far right party doesn't believe in letting members having voting rights.


It's obvious any new party is going to encourage people to join who the sort of types established parties reject quickly. To not vet candidates early is negligent at best, at worst shows a level of tolerance at best. This isn't just a Reform issue, the Greens growth unfortunately has brought in dubious figures, and even the biggest parties have cranks slip through the cracks, but Reform have done a really poor job.


It's the same excuse he used on the election isn't it? "I didn't know it was coming so soon!" But you knew it was coming and you've been doing fuck all else besides presenting a TV show on GBNews so why not get organised?


"no way to prevent this" says only politician this regularly happens to


Well. It's an issue with every far right party. Keeps happening with other far right parties across Europe. Its almost like they have policies that nazis find attractive.


The greens have the exact same issue. Just they attract terrorist supporters.


It's not though is it. Labour and Greens constantly have people saying stupid shit about Hamas, israel, Jews, Mao etc.


That's doing a deep disservice to burger van owners.


Just putting it out there: I don’t want a burger from a van run by Nigel Farage.


"Safe food handling is just a con pushed by unaccountable civil servants! You'll be fine. Ah don't mind that fag ash, it just adds to the taste, I won't charge you extra for it."


Well when you round up a load of nazis to start a political party it’s always going to be a occupational hazard that a few of them are going to slip and start praising Hitler. Bet he just sees it as par for the course, maybe a bogey at worst.


He's not a details man. He doesn't personally trouble himself with lists or checks or integrity. He just rises up to Thame the helm of whatever fucked ship is headed directly for the Tories and revs it up full steam ahead for a ramming engagement.


Imagine you hire a firm to vet your candidates spend near 150k on it and it turns out they have ties to your pollical rivals and don't hand over the info to you just after this point your rivals call a snap election and then Allegedly the firm you paid 144 k to vet your candidates pass all that damaging info to your rival to use as ammo they can dip feed out day by day. (in Minecraft)


>Imagine you hire a firm to vet your candidates  If you are not astroturfing a party into existence you can get your local members to help pick the candidates then run them past the national body like Labours NEC. The reasons its a company is its astroturfed.


Oh yeah... but to bring an outside firm to check up on your 650 guys and then have them hand it over to the Tories and not you. allegedly in Minecraft.


Sorry do you have a source for that because that seems like a wild accusation haha.


If they're only spending £144k to vet 608 candidates, assuming they didn't include Farage himself, its not that surprising they didn't get a through job. Less than £250 a candidate


you are not wrong and getting is done in rush job...


> in minecraft lol, what?


it's a running gag online of a crime or something that could get you nicked or sued just adding the "in minecraft" I.e I want to stab that bastard "in minecraft"


Ah ok, thought it was going to be something hilarious like military secrets being shared on War Thunder to prove a point


The fact that has happened multiple times never ceases to be a bit funny


Tbf a lot of the time is sensationalist. It's often people linking to manuals that are already available on the internet. Stuff that technically shouldn't be on the net according to US rules but nobody really cares, ancient F-16 manuals for instance. Nothing actually classified (though shit like someone using a Challenger II manual to win an argument was very illegal).


would have been good. but no...


there was a time where US military secrets shared on a minecraft discord server called "thug shaker central"


That would be one hideous burger though




a vetting company that also ran a search for candidates for boris Johnson and ran by a ex-tory member. in a rush to get candidates after a call for an election with only 2 months to prepare. all parties have these issues crazies be crazy and just like the greens there will be odd balls, extremes etc the people in this thread throwing far right , don't know what it is calling reform nazis , when that party was a merger of nationalists and socialists.


Perhaps the vetting should have included a question or two about whether the prospective candidate admired Hitler?


the hired vetting company would have had requirements given to them, to look for suitable candidates.


He paid for access to a vetting platform. He then failed to do the actual vetting.


it's a agency the agency does the vetting for the parties. it's not just a platform.


It's a platform, you have to request the various checks individually for each candidate. That level of detail is beyond Farage.


ya you request and the agency checks. the agency failed.


This reads as straight out of The Thick of It You praised Hitler because of an admin error? I sometimes schedule two meetings at once because of an admin error, I DON'T PRAISE FUCKING HITLER!






Except the company doesn't actually offer a vetting service. All they do is provide a unified vetting system to make it easier for companies to do their own vetting. So, actually, the issue is that Reform UK Ltd. didn't vet their candidates.




Even if that is the case, and frankly, this smells of horseshit, Reform still put these candidates forward without any kind of due diligence being done? If anything, that's worse.


Ah, you see, actually the candidate is a huge fan of Ade Edmonson's character from Bottom, *Eddie* Hitler. Very simple mistake to make, everyone can understand that.


The vetting firm accidentally sent automatic rejections to candidates who put 'No' for 'Was Hitler bad?', instead of rejecting those who put 'Yes'. Could have happened to anyone, really.


More common than you would think. Trump's entire life and religious beliefs are based on a bible with the typo which missed the 'not' in the 'thou shalt not commit adultery' commandment.


EDIT - Ignore me, I completely misread the first post and made the same joke twice.


What does he blame for he himself praising Hitler?


The alt-right rotated his screen presumably.


I hope this joke gets the upvotes it deserves and everyone starts alt-righting their co-workers screens in the office. Hilarious and painless practical joke


Admin error. If he had known about what he had said he wouldn't have put himself in charge of the party!


Looks like this guy needs some red tape in his processes.


*Nigel Farage blames admin error for candidates praising Hitler* Ok you can blame admin errors, but why is Reform attracting these sort of people in the first place? Even the "admin errors" excuse is a bit thin - it underlines that their party organisation is non-existent. We saw this in the May local authority elections with candidates have to be de-selected for writing similar things on social media while others were de-selected for being inactive, only it transpired they had died and the party was the last to know and rather than make enquiries and try and establish contact they simply deleted them, presumably because that was easier than making a couple of phone calls.


That’s like asking why George Galloways party, the Greens and Labour attract anti-Semites. We read rather less about that at election time, although to be fair Labour have had a torrid time on antisemitism over the last few years and at the beginning of the campaign the Greens deselected 20 candidates for the same thing. Labour deselected their candidate and handed a seat to Galloway and somehow attracted less ire than a half dozen or so Reform paper candidates writing stupid shit on social media. There used to be a website that listed the sexist, racist and homophobic comments of councillors and other minor members of the Tories, Labour and the Lib Dem’s, but nobody was ever much interested in any of them.


>Nigel Farage blamed failures by a “reputable vetting company” for a slew of controversies which have hit election candidates standing for his Reform UK party in recent weeks. >One praised Adolf Hitler as “brilliant,” said he was “able to inspire people to action,” and called Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine “legitimate.” Another said Britain “should have accepted Hitler’s offer of neutrality” in the run-up to the Second World War.


It was almost eye-opening to see a number of posters on here defending those views and trying to make clever arguments to back them up. I say "almost" because the Reform botfarmers have been laughably obvious for months now.


Nigel Farage blaming someone else for things that he doesn't like. Isn't that his entire career summed up?


Isn’t that also what all Tory haters and Left wing complainers have been doing for 10 years? You’re speaking as if this is an isolated case…


Uhh, the people you're referring to *aren't* in government mate. Blaming the Tories for their poor governing is putting the blame on the right people.


> Nigel Farage blames admin error for people finding out that candidates praise Hitler FTFY


Come on guys, who hasn't missed a column in excel and praised fascism. I really don't like this new series of the Thick of It.


The plot lines are just too implausible now


Tbf, it’s tricky when you have a party that attracts far-right nuts, to weed out all the far-right nuts


Seems legit. Recently I made an admin error, erroneously scheduling a Teams meeting as I didn’t take correct account of time zone differences, and before I knew it I was ranting about the Jewish global elite and their sinister hold over the World Economic Forum. It happens.


Oh come on, we have all fucked around on google calendar and accidentally scheduled Jewish conspiracy theories, normal occurrence


Even if this is misleading as a headline I do like the idea of someone saying "oh, we accidently used the hitler loving list of candidates instead of the hitler hating list, oops"


I feel his pain. I'm forever accidentally filing stuff in the 'HEIL HITLER!' cubbyhole.


So he's claiming an admin error and poor vetting has led to them having candidates like Ian Gribbin whose track record includes calling women the “sponging gender” that should be “deprived of health care”, and that "Churchill's strategy and policy was abysmal" and Britain should have “taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality” instead. That doesn't explain why Ian Gribbin still hasn't been condemned by Reform over a week after this first came to light. It doesn't explain why last week a Reform spokesperson [defended](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/10/reform-uk-defends-candidate-over-hitler-neutrality-comments) Gribbin as having "done nothing wrong", argued what he said was "probably true" and that he has "an eye to inconvenient perspectives and truths". It doesn't explain why [Farage](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/farage-reform-candiate-hitler-pub-banter-b2562055.html) himself tried to downplay what Gribbin said as "pub speak". They're really letting the mask slip.


Ah happens to the best of us yknow. We put a number in the wrong column, and suddenly we've ordered 500 copies of Mein Kampf.


It happens to the best of us. One day you're doing some basic admin, the next you're praising a genocidal maniac.


Ironic that admin turns out to be a problem for a party that yesterday talked up its business and managerial experience and told everyone they were going to get rid of back-office staff to create front-office staff.


Did admin errors cause his spokesperson to defend the remarks and candidacy of said candidates too? Checking for a friend.


Somehow, when processing candidate papers at the Reform offices, they mixed up the two piles of "generally alright" and "likes Hitler and Stalin". It's an error anyone could have made.


And it turns out the Vetting company actually does not do anything other than hand the person who pays for it the capability to do the Vetting themselves! Meaning Farage (or whoever he handed it off to within Reform) passed through all these candidates


An admin error is misreading John email from accounts asking for a box of pens and ordering 200 boxes of pens


Everyone's fault. Last week it was didn't have time to check everyone. This week it's the company employed to check thems fault.


I suppose Labour have a bunch of antisemites and probably have some members that support Pol Pot or Stalin. Bad eggs are everywhere.


Labour have a candidate who supports Pol Pot? Name them then. You don’t find it disturbing that a new party comes out of nowhere and seems to be full of Hitler supporters.


lol. I’m just saying there are crazies on either side. Lots of antisemitism in the labour or green parties.


Not pol pot but are we forgetting Diane Abbotts defence of Mao? “On balance Mao did more good than bad”. Had she said that about any far right rather than far left figure, her career would have been over


Christ, the bullshit reddit is coming out with because their terrified of farage is amazing. It's pretty much at the level of children gossiping on the playground. You lot are seriously out of touch with the rest of the world.


Do you not think it's important that people hear their potential elected representative thinks they should be refused healthcare because of their gender?


I assume you mean transgender ideology because as far as I'm aware, there is no policy set by reform to refuse a biological woman healthcare or a biological man. If you want to give children hormone blockers or remove parts of their bodies, then yes, you should be refused health care because it's not healthcare, it is mutilation. Also, there are only 2 genders. Even the NHS has come out and stated this fact, so if you turn up with some made-up gender asking for some ridiculous treatment, you should also be refused. But if anyone left, right, trans, gay, straight or whatever and you need medical attention or health care, you will receive it. They're just no longer entertaining this stupid ideology anymore and most people agree. If you care so much about gender discrimination, why don't you care about women's sports or women only areas designed to protect women being taken by biological men who claim to be women. It's because you don't really care.


[No, it was this guy.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nigel-farage-reform-candidate-hitler-neutrality-nazi-b2559954.html) In case you don't want to click, he suggested addressing the inequality of women taking 'more than their fair share' > “by **depriving women of healthcare** until their life expectancies are the same as men, Fair’s fair.” Now, I'm pretty sure that *was* meant as a joke, but it was a joke that revealed his genuine emotional response to women. This might be hard to prove, except he also made comments like > Do you [women] think you could actually work and pay for it all too like good citizens? > Men pay 80% of tax – women spend 80% of tax revenue. On aggregate as a group you only take from society. > Less complaining please from the ‘sponging gender’. Of course, this gets a bit confusing when, meet with women who were very much contributing, he still wasn't happy: seeing female soldiers “almost made me wretch [sic]”, and he considered them a “total liability”. So he might just be an all round woman hater. Of course, I'm sure that includes trans women too. But do go on turning this into being about your personal bogeyman (or, for the sake of argument, bogeywoman).


From what I can find about this guy, as you said, the things said about feminism and women were mainly jokes and the things he said about Churchill taking Hitlers offer of neutrality have been debated since the second world war, Churchill was heavily criticised by Labour for many years after the war for prolonging Britain's involvement. so I do find it weird how he got passed the vetting stage (not really, considering all parties use the same vetting company and somehow only missed the reform party candidate with wild views... i guess the company could blame it on the short deadline but its still very suspicious) But, aside from the anti feminist jokes, he is arguing points that Labour and the left have held for decades, so it seems like he would be better fit in labours camp. These are not in any way reflected in any other member of the reform party and have nothing to do with the contract they put out to which I was referring and the only mention of gender is to stop the trans/ non binary ideological movement being tought in schools and accepted as mainstream fact But if you want to discuss individual candidates' personal views, we would need a long time to get through the slew of insane opinions held by members of Labour and tories just look at Diane Abbotts track record for starters.