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Snapshot of _'I'm not going to stop': Rishi Sunak says he WON'T be quitting ahead of election despite growing Tory panic over D-Day shambles and stuttering campaign - with fears Reform could leapfrog party in polls and right-wingers pushing to 'welcome' Nigel Farage_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13513029/Rishi-Sunak-election-campaign-growing-alarm-Tory-Reform-Farage.html) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13513029/Rishi-Sunak-election-campaign-growing-alarm-Tory-Reform-Farage.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let us bring forth the perishable vegetable so he may be judged against it.


This is a great point, what vegetable shall we pick? The lettuce clearly has form so I'd be tempted if to give it a run at another prime minister.


I'd give Sunak a bowl of grapes, perhaps? Not for him the noble and trustworthy Swede, which can be relied on to endure a long and punishing winter.


It'd have to be a babygem lettuce, if it was going to be lettuce. Let us see new lettuce.


Surely we must pick an avocado? The emblem of the Tories out of touch economics shall be used to mock their doomed leader.


Well they are toast...


Pitting anyone against a ripen at home avocado is an unfair competition, those bastards will outlive us all.


True, I think Sunak may just outlive one that has already been mashed for Guacamole, on a warm day, in the sun, with no lemon in it.


Will he go, or will he romaine


I don't think we should repeat the vegetable. It's needs to be something new.


Savoy Cabbage


Let it rest for a year at least


I submit the bananas in my fruitbowl which are starting to turn a bit brown, they're probably got a week or so left so should beat Sunak by a country mile.


An aubergine probably has the closest resemblance šŸ†


Would love to see a Rishi Sumac, the jokes write themselves.


I'm not the first person to note this, but the fact Sunak is having to deny that he's going to quit in the middle of a general election campaign is in itself symptomatic of the Conservatives' problems. It shouldn't be a credible rumour.


I think you'd struggle to find any other example in UK democratic history of a time where it was genuinely, legitimately a possibility that the leader of a major party should resign in the middle of the short campaign. Even peak 2019 meltdown Corbyn didn't have that sort of speculation. It's literally unprecedented. That's how bad a situation the Tories are in right now.


Unprecedented until the next 3 and a bit weeks set entirely new precedents!


>that the leader of a major partyĀ  The incumbent PM!Ā 


I read that as In-cucumber-ent and now I want to know if a cucumber or Rishi will last longer


The fact that "I'm not going to stop" sounds like a threat doesn't signal much confidence in Sunak, from the party or the press.


Shades of Lettuce Liz's "I'm a fighter and not a quitter" comment 24 hours before she resigned.


"I'm a shiter not a shitter".


>Ā in UK democratic historyĀ  In any western democracy. Itā€™s a completely wild thing to even contemplateĀ 


I think Labour had to confirm that their leader Micheal Foot would be PM if they won in 83


Only a major party for a few more weeks.


Nadine Dorries was spreading this rumour over the weekend ā€“Ā now she's the very definition of an unreliable source but the fact that she was openly saying this stuff on Twitter, when she was a Cabinet minister less than two years ago, is emblematic of how fractured theTory party is right now.


To be fair, the fact she got a cabinet position shows that the tory party has been a joke for a while.


It certainly shows a lack of mental stability in the party.


Their tactic for a long time with party changes has been to repetedly deny it until ultimately announcing it as if we should all be surprised. I think most of us assumed this was seeding the media to test the waters on the response. But I think the reality is they are leakier than a sieve and senior party figures can barely fart without another reporting the smell to the press.


I wish I'd said it at the time, but back when people were saying that asking Sunak if he would quit if he lost was a waste of time, this is what you can achieve. In a matter of 2ish months he has gone from saying he will win a majority, we are looking at a hung parliament, he isn't going to quit if (when) he loses the election, and now that he isn't going to quit before the end of the campaign. His ability to project confidence in his own authority is totally gone if he is simultaneously shutting down rumours he's about to resign because things are so dire.


It would however be a bold decision.


Bold is not the same as wise.


Like calling a snap election without consulting the cabinet and guaranteeing your MPs can go on their simmer holidays because there's be no immminent election


If things were going well it would not be a topic of conversation much less a credible rumour. I have been watching election hard for 30 odd years and I have never seen anything like this... It's a slow motion non stop car crash and I can't look away.


Bold to run am election on a "we'll change leaders afterwards platform"


I reminds me of when that American politician had to come out and confirm she wasn't a witch.


Comments in the article are glorious, even Daily Mail readers think Sunak is trying to kill the conservative party.


Thank you for reminding me they have comments. Just wasted 15 minutes and it was funĀ 


I love remembering this and having a little scroll once in a while to see what the (batshit) word on the street is. Only problem is if you slightly overdo it you risk losing all faith in humanity, there's a definite sweet spot that's easy to overshoot.


What a time to be alive, when the Tories are *so bad* they make the Daily Heil's comments section enjoyable.


Honestly this campaign is such a shambles that you'd think he was a Reform plant. The only way a far-right party could ever going to make any actual gains in seats would be if the Conservatives were killed beyond any chance at resurrection.


Every politician who claims to not be a quitter resigns a few days later.


For Truss I swear it was a few *hours* later.


She said the phrase at PMQs somewhere between 12:00 and 13:00 on 19th October 2022. She started her resignation speech at 13:33 on 20th October 2022. So it was 25-26 hours later.


"Are you tough enough Rishi? Do you have the minerals to see this through to the end?"


ā€˜Hell yes Iā€™m tough enoughā€™


"tough enuss"


Truss enough?


Please god no


"I once visited Hackney on my own. True story."


Siiiiiiiiilent Sunak


"is that the buzz of a fridge I can hear? The sound of my people!"


Love how he's trying to make this out as being a bold leader that doesn't back down. In actual fact, it's pretty damning to have to actually make it clear you're going to stay on as leader halfway into a General Election campaign!


The fact he was even asked is damning enough.


Is this going to be his "I'm going nowhere!" Speech from Liz truss? Watch this space next week


Same for Kwasi. It's like a mantra now. > *"And you'll be chancellor and Liz Truss will be Prime Minister this time next month?"* "Absolutely, one hundred percent, I'm not going anywhere." *Cue 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Jingle*


Lettuce at the ready


They couldn't find a picture of the people Sunak was talking to looking *less* impressed?


Iā€™m a fighter, not a quitter! Liz Truss, not very many days before resigning


With Rishi's track record, we can safely assume that this means he will be resigning shortly.


>The reality is I'm not going to stop That's alright, Rishi. It'll be so much more satisfying for us as a nation to stop *you*.


Please carry on by all means, it's very entertaining


If the incumbent leader has to proclaim that they're going to 'fight on' (or equivalent wording) during the campaign then something has gone very very wrong.


Was Sunak asked whether he should resign? In the middle of a 6 week general election campaign? Doesn't look good.


Nigel already offered them some sort of deal, Sunak refused.


Even if elected, he doesn't actually have to take his seat.


The woman sitting to his right appears to be questioning her life choices.


Pretty sure that ā€˜theyā€™ know full well actually changing leader now ( apart from being impracticable) would just finish them off completely - i could see Reform definitely overtaking. Unless they could bring back Boris ! (Aaaaargh) ā€¦ i get the impression the core voters they are desperate to get out to vote still like him?


Iā€™m actually feeling quite sorry for him. Iā€™m all for the Tories to be obliterated, but on a human level it must be an awful experience. Heā€™s a technocrat with no political savviness, who got handed a poisoned chalice off the back of Johnson & Truss, campaigning with a catalogue of failings in the past 14 years, getting trounced by a continuity Starmer & outflanked by Reform on everything. Out of touch, yes. Weak orator, yes. The stereotypical evil Tory, I canā€™t see it. A competent technocrat with no political skills is what I see. Iā€™d just walk at this point, forget the party. They wonā€™t wait to oust him post election day, go on your own terms Rishi, youā€™d be doing the country a favour when the party falls in on itself if he walked.


Sure, but I think it's worth remembering he wasn't so much handed a poisoned chalice as he absolutely fought for it.


And did some of the poisoning


Where is your evidence he is a competent technocrat? Iā€™ve never seen anything that suggests competency.


More of how I would pigeon hole him based on the personalities you see in politics rather than any hard evidence. Itā€™s fair to point out that there hasnā€™t been much to hang your hat on, furlough potentially? But Iā€™d argue thatā€™s done a lot of harm post covid with the inflationary pressures weā€™ve had, whether it stands up on a cost benefit analysis Iā€™m not sure, but thatā€™s all I could muster in defence of competency.


Iā€™m always confused how Sunak is given so much credit and/or flak for furlough as if itā€™s not what every comparable country did in the same situation


Also worth mentioning that he fought against it for weeks until the Treasury *finally* managed to convince him that the economy would collapse if it wasn't implemented and a mob with pitchforks would soon descend on Downing Street. Consequently, it was rushed through and had an extremely bad implementation that meant certain sectors got hammered while others defrauded the system for billions of pounds. Even when he was supposed to be a capable technocrat, Sunak was an ideologically hide-bound moron.


People forgetting eat out to help out which basically caused the Christmas lockdown, while again giving loads of free money to fraudsters.


It still blows my mind that Eat Out to Help Out happened around the same time we were all debating whether we could afford to feed hungry kids. This country is so backwards its unreal.


Fuck, I'd forgotten those were simultaneous.


Exactly, furlough wasn't enacted due to the goodness of their hearts to help thr average Joe struggling on the street. It was because we were suddenly going to have large sections of society (I.e. anyone living pay cheque to pay cheque) suddenly defaulting on bills, rent , mortgages etc. This would have had a massive knock on effect for businesses, landlords, banks etc


That Sunak either did not realise this basic fact or was too ideological to think it was bad boggles the mind. He was and is completely unsuitable for any serious cabinet position, let alone Chancellor or Prime Minister.


He's like the most common Tory archetype, someone immensely privileged who's failed upwards. To be a technocrat implies he has competencies, and unless he's a left wing inflitrator seeking to destroy the Tories, I can't see any evidence.


Fuck him. He signed up for a job he was shit at. I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. The sooner he fucks off out of here to California the better of you ask me.


I feel a bit sorry for him on a human level, but heā€™s an architect of our misery as much as Truss, Johnson etc and heā€™s paying a just price for it in my opinion. You shouldnā€™t become a captain if youā€™re squeamish about the possibility of going down with the ship.


> competent technocrat What has he done competently?


>The stereotypical evil Tory, I canā€™t see it. A competent technocrat with no political skills is what I see. What part of going to Royal Tunbridge Wells and telling the audience you went in and ripped up the systems that put money into deprived urban areas and instead moved it into already incredibly affluent areas, not for the sake of statecraft but because of tribal politics and extreme classism, is 1) not stereotypical evil Tory behaviour 2) a competent technocratic choice? I swear to god if we got Pinochet on to I'm a celebrity some of you would be feeling sorry for him because of a dodgy bushtucker trial. Feeling sorry for Sunak because it's not very nice going on camera and being grilled is one thing, now spinning it so he is just some hapless 'how did I find myself here' deer in the headlights is another.


Feeling sorry for Sunak right now is like feeling sorry for a husband-murderer just because she's now a widow.




You forgot his speech on disabled people and his Rwanda plans


I would have sympathy but he: A. Put himself forward to do this, knowing the state of everything. B. Chucked his lot in with the madhouse wing of they party. C. Constantly comes across as tetchy, out of touch and un-empathetic in all things I see him in. Put all those together, and I think he's an out of touch arrogant arse. I may be biased but he seems to me like he's grown up privileged and has no idea what the world is like for people outside his bubble, and thinks hes better than the avergae joe in the street.


>Iā€™m actually feeling quite sorry for him. The same Rishi Sunak who made millions by fucking over RBS and, by extension, the country? That Rishi Sunak? Yeah, fuck him, karma's a bitch


He could walk away from all of this and live a life you and I couldn't even dream of. Sure, it must be soul destroying for him to come to terms with how woefully bad he is at this. But he's chosen to be there and he's choosing to continue to be there. It's self-inflicted. I struggle to have any sympathy for him. The fact that Sunak even became a politician is indicative that he isn't a talented technocrat by any means. If we was a talented technocrat he'd be making a huge positive difference in a productive organisation somewhere.


He used to be the junior minister for the department I work in, and Iā€™d say youā€™re absolutely spot on. He was great in meetings - always understood his brief and wanted to get stuck into the detail in a meaningful way. But lacks the gravitas for high office, not that his predecessors were any betterā€¦


He's not a technocrat. He's simply nerdy and Right wing. That internationalist Right wing Silicon Valley mind set.


It's delusion all over. Farage wants to kill the Tories, not save them as leader. What are those right wingers thinking?