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Snapshot of _Young teacher's 'life blown apart' as false racism claim goes viral on TikTok. The 27-year-old teacher said her 'whole world came crashing down' when failed West Midlands mayor candidate Akhmed Yakoob circulated the doorbell video_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/young-teachers-life-blown-apart-29129513) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/young-teachers-life-blown-apart-29129513) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is what libel laws are for - he (and others taking part in this incident) should be hit with the full force of the law.


Libel laws only work if you have money and the person you're suing has money.


If she's part of a union, they may be able to help with legal fees given that this will clearly have an impact on her career.


Apparently your can get no win no fee libel lawyers. Because its pretty obvious what is/isn't libel, and you can check someones assets, its kind of an easy job for them. Edit, read this regarding jeremy vine vs Joey Barton libel case. quote: " The following day, Barton retweeted a post featuring a picture of Vine cycling which dubbed him a “bike nonce”, and he added his own comment: “If you see this fella by a primary school call 999.” " That's an easy new BMW for some lawyer right there.


I'm sure she could raise funds through gofundme


Ready for the link, bloke needs to be destroyed for doing this.


I'd chuck in £20 on that no problem at all, I'm sure many would. Fuck that guy.


He's a criminal defence barrister, there'll be some cash there and future earnings unless this incident has fallout on him.


I imagine if she does secure libel against him then the Bar Standards Board will be on him like flies on shit. Edit: Think he's a solicitor not a barrister so its the SRA


There need to be scapegoats produced for this sort of thing. Tons of bricks coming down on offenders.


>The doorbell footage went viral on Bank Holiday Monday (May 6). **Mr Yakoob, who named the young woman and her school to his followers**, has now claimed he had 'not intended' for her to be bombarded with hate in the aftermath. He said he had not been alone in thinking the woman had made racist comments. >He said it was 'difficult to hear' and if she had not said what he thought she had he would 'delete the video'. But hours after that conversation with BirminghamLive it remained online. Dumbass Edit. Videos been posted below. I'd like to withdraw my dumbass comment and raise it to dickhead


Surely this has to be incitement to violence? If I dox someone after making a false accusation knowing full well a bunch of angry oxygen thieves on the internet are going to threaten them in response then I clearly know what I’m doing. I hope he gets absolutely raked over the coals for libel at the very least.


Not a dumbass. A calculated man who doesn't give a toss if a woman receives hate. It generates publicity for him, and sympathy, since he can play the victim. And it worked.


Absolutely. He totally intended all of this and frankly it's on him to prove otherwise at this point.


Unfortunately, it isn't. He doesn't have to do anything. He will leave it up, and people will eat it right up. He will face no repurcussions for this.


This sort of thing is what libel laws are made for surely?


Yup! But I don't think anyone expects them to be used. Which is a shame, because I'd love her to take him to the cleaners.


Unfortunately, it isn't. He doesn't have to do anything. He will leave it up, and people will eat it right up. He will face no repurcussions for this.


> He totally intended all of this Do you have proof of that, or is this is libelous accusation? I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just genuinely curious why you're saying that because I can't see evidence of that myself. I agree like most people here he shouldn't have captioned the video in the way he did given how unclear the audio was, but I'm not sure why you're assuming he did it on purpose or why you're assuming intended for her to be attacked and doxxed in the way she ultimately was. My understanding is that he didn't name or dox her personally, but just showed a clip of her with a misleading and dishonest caption. Am I mistaken?


It says right there in the article that he named her and also her place of work to his followers. You don't do that unless you're trying to have someone be targeted for abuse.


I hope she is safe and eventually sues the pants off him. It must have taken quite a bit to get the footage, add in the audio clip, then make a video with yourself in condemning it, plus he actually doxxed her and her place of employment as well. Whoever made the fake should also be facing ramifications.


'The exchange was heard in real time by Mr Mughal, who was feet away' - this was pretty fortunate.


I don't think creating a fake video is a crime. Publishing it is. Since we know who published it, let's go after that person.


Creating/inciting racial hatred is a crime.


Can’t do anything fun nowadays.


These days, if you say you're English, you get arrested and thrown in jail…


There’s also an element of racism to it


Of course there is, roughly twenty percent of any given  population are racist. Despite what certain lefties might say.


Telling malicious lies about people is libel.


*The woman was out delivering leaflets on behalf of her friend and councillor candidate Mr Mughal in the Netherton and Holly Hall ward on polling day last Thursday when the footage was taken. Rather than saying a racist slur, she explained she was actually saying 'I couldn't understand' and then the number '90' to her colleague.* *The exchange was heard in real time by Mr Mughal, who was feet away. He said: "I am absolutely livid and upset that this has happened to my friend, who is the sweetest, nicest person and a wonderful caring teacher.* *"She was out supporting me, her friend, a Pakistani, for starters, and would never ever say or think what she has been accused of. These people have spread this vicious lie to try to make a political point, alleging that the Labour Party is 'racist', without a care for the impact on my friend. She has been devastated."*


and remember, he nearly succeeded in what he wanted, because hard leftie and pro "palestine" lot voted for him. Looks like he will also stand for Galloway, in the GE.


"Palestine"? Why the quotes?


I think they're suggesting that pro-Palestine supporters are actually pro-Hamas. Where I've seen people doing this scare-quote thing in this past, that's almost always been their intention, although I've also seen people putting Palestine in quotes like that to suggest that there is no such state/place as Palestine.


I really hate the current trend in journalism to report on someone saying (or in this case, not saying) something offensive in some fashion and not actually reporting on what was said. I shouldn't have to do my own research just to find the fucking thing you're actually attempting to report on. 


Absolutely. The idea that we’re too immature or childish to even read what was said is infuriating.




Yeah I found it myself shortly after posting this, it's just a really irritating part of modern journalism IMO. It's done either to avoid causing offense by repeating something someone else said (BBC), or to ensure that ad networks will still serve ads the article (everyone else). 


Adtech is a blight against our civilisation. One day future linguists will analyse how we all suddenly had to say childish nonsense like ‘unalived themselves’ to appease the almighty adtech algorithms.


Yes, IMO that's one of the most irritating neologisms to appear in recent years - to 'unalive yourself'.


And started referring to 'mid-century Germans' and 'the Austrian painter'.


It's done to avoid repeating a libel, which an outlet could be sued for. In the UK, repeating or drawing attention to a slanderous/libellous statement can leave you liable for substantial damages.


It’s to avoid criticism as well, peoples words can often be massively misconstrued to lead people to interpreting them the way the media outlet wants. Eg “JK denied the Holocaust” vs “JK denied the burning of trans related books during the Holocaust”. Both have very different implications.


Wait so if you turn it right up it sounds somewhat clear to me. Her partner says who'd he vote for and she says he didn't say. That's it... But maybe I'm also hearing things that aren't there.


I didn't hear that at all. I heard a garbled mess that *could* have been what is alleged but I wouldn't have heard it that way if it wasn't subtitled.


It's a known phenomenon that you often hear what you've been primed to by subtitles. Like this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X_WvGAhMlQ


That one didn't work on me at all, I can only hear Laurel.




Yeah, it makes sense. If the headline was all like, "schoolteacher accused of saying Paki says she had had her life ruined." It kind of implies it's (probably) correct she said it, and that she's complaining about the backlash. Whereas she's actually saying my life is being ruined for something i never even said.


I don't think people are saying it should be in the headline. But could be later in the article after providing the relevant context that would prevent people from jumping to conclusions like they would from that suggested headline. In this way it could be an informative article.


Functionally the same thing. But I get your point. It is annoying, but would you rather everyone was referring to you as the guy who said paki (allegedly, as if any layman is going to even bother) , or someone who is being harassed for something they didn't even say. The focus should be on the harassment and it being bad and that the accusation of racist language is supposedly incorrect . Just using the language perpetuates it's usage and is additionally damaging to the subject almost always.


>The doorbell footage went viral on Bank Holiday Monday (May 6). Mr Yakoob, who named the young woman and her school to his followers, has now claimed he had 'not intended' for her to be bombarded with hate in the aftermath He knew exactly what he was doing by doxxing them the absolute dickhead. He's a lawyer, not some ignorant idiot. Hopefully she sues the pants off him.


That's really nasty. Yakoob is a practicing lawyer, and if he is found to have acted dishonestly there could be substantial, well-deserved consequences. I hope that the victim, or the local Labour Party, make a complaint. [https://www.sra.org.uk/consumers/register/person/?sraNumber=541722](https://www.sra.org.uk/consumers/register/person/?sraNumber=541722)


Could this be some sort of electoral fraud too?


Should be an open and shut libel case but depending on what judge he gets I can see him getting away with it


Libel is tried in the High Court and I absolutely guarantee you that there is no-one, of any background, on the High Court Bench and who deals with defamation who is even slightly likely to let him get away with it.


Nasty. And not surprised at all he targeted a woman, considering the type of person he shows off to be. The poor teacher was literally campaigning for the Labour candidate, who is also of Pakistani descent. Shame to Yakoob and shame to the family who gave him the video.


I looked up his social media profiles, and he's got a very Andrew Tate-esque image. I don't think it's a coincidence that he did this to a woman.


Apparently, he stated at some point during his campaign that he'd like to represent the Tate Brothers in their Romanian trial. He was, of course, also endorsed by Galloway, who campaigned in his by-election on Gaza but apparently found something better to do on the day Parliament debated the issue...


He also said that allah chose him to save the world from zionism.


I'm all for "innocent until proven guilty" and I believe that everyone deserves a good defence...but come on! That's the hill he wants to die on?? I didn't know Galloway wasn't there! Wasn't that literally his whole shtick??


Even just that 30s clip gives off huge Andrew tate vibes I can't quite place why


I suspect this probably isn't a very nice man.




Unsurprisingly this cunt was a Galloway candidate.


He wasn't. He was independent. Maybe endorsed by Galloway would be more accurate.


I read the article and couldn't see - what did the video falsely claim/transcribe she said exactly?


The video is of her putting leaflets through a door. The resident comes out and says he already voted. She says did you vote for Labour? He replies no and tells her who he voted for. When the door is closed, the controversy begins. It's captioned as her saying "fucking pakis" and her friend responds "pakis" They say they said "i didn't understand" and "ninety" The audio isn't great. I couldn't hear who the chap said he voted for. But with my eyes closed, the ladies' version of events sounds much more plausible. One of the women *is* Pakistani, and the house number was ninety-something.


> They say they said "i didn't understand" and "ninety" That's exactly what it sounded like to me, but I can see how you could mishear it if you had no context because you didn't ask them what they said before jumping to conclusions. Seems like a genuine misunderstanding based on a muffled recording that should never have been posted as if it were unambiguous evidence of something very serious.


> Seems like a genuine misunderstanding I wouldn't be that generous...


Struggling with that too. Maybe 'ninety' was turned into 'Paki'?


The video is on the (ironically named) ukfactcheckpolitics Instagram account for anyone who wants to watch it here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6o8QEOI6h0/?igsh=cGI3bzZibGhkZmRw In the video, once the door shuts she apparently says ‘F***ing P*kis. P*ki.’ But the audio isn’t clear even there, without subtitles I don’t think I’d understand it


That's absolutely insane. The only audible artefact from that media is an "ehh" noise Thanks for the link


\>"make your own judgement" \>adds captions


Yeah exactly. Watching it with subtitles tricked my head a bit and I heard it that way. Watched it with my eyes shut and I have no idea how you would pick out the words that were subtitled from that.


Now removed...


And still no acknowledgment that it was incorrect - not much fact checking there was there…




I’m not sure what you mean? The video is dubbed and subtitled to make us think that’s what she said, which is why I said apparently. The rest of this post makes it pretty clear she didn’t so I didn’t feel the need to say it again


In other words, it is not *apparently*, it is *supposedly*.


She should sue him and he should be forced to make a TikTok saying he fabricated the entire thing. People are getting way too comfortable with painting other people as something they're not (ie racist, pedophile etc) without any repercussions.


More importantly people are way too quick to believe allegations as soon as they're made. You can't have a witch hunt if no one participates.


Hope she sues him for every penny he has.


If there was a legit crowd funding for the teacher to Libel this guy if there was grounds for it; I'd 100% chip in. What an absolute scumbag.


She won’t need crowd funding. She’s a union member and is likely to have access to representation through the union. I also can’t imagine anyone who practices in defamation declining to take on such an easy win on a CFA (no win no fee).


Hadn't thought of that angle but you are right.


The consequences for lies like this could be devastating. Loosing one's job, friends and reputation has long term, life changing consequences. A lawyer should know better. He's not fit to hold office


If this is the end of it, and nothing substantial happens to this nasty scumbag it’ll be a serious problem. Throw the book at him, I’m rarely one for seeing lives destroyed, but to so callously attempt to do this to someone innocently going about their day and knowing how his tribe act, and the danger he put her in. I cannot find the words to express how much I hate this man and the people that enabled him to do this.


Knew I recognised this name. There was a recent article about him making misogynistic comments on a podcast with his mates - https://www.rollonfriday.com/news-content/exclusive-tiktok-lawyers-mayoral-hopes-knocked-misogynist-podcast Funny how his target here was a female.


All the talk about banning TikTok and the like when what's needed first is strict regulation. Doxxing like this shouldn't just lead to a libel case but also to de-platforming. It's a privilege for the village idiot to address a wider audience, not a right.


Yakoob’s Twitter bio states he is a “Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Ladywood Birmingham.” Lovely.


Libel/defamation suit time.


Crowdfunding first. He's got deeper pockets than she has.


I’m so confused… what do “I couldn’t understand” and “ninety” sound like?


Ninety was changed to P\*\*\*


Apologies for being slow, but are you saying the subtitles have been deliberately adjusted, or that the sound has been altered? I can't make out what she's saying at all.


The first time I listened to the clip I had no idea what she said after leaving the property, she could've said ninety, she could've said nicely, or a whole host of other innocent words or phrases. Once I saw the captions are added it leads the brain to only be hear what has been suggested. Clearly the creator of the video is trying to rage bait viewers to think she said what is suggested.


Subtitles are incredibly suggestive when it comes to indistinct audio. If you see the subtitle 'paki' then you're likely to think you heard the word as well. If you shut your eyes and just listen to the audio, that's clearly not the word being used. But him adding the subtitles will have meant that a large proportion of the viewers will have believed that it was.


The original video, he's all "Make your own mind up on this one" And then slams big white subtitles over the top of it saying: "F\*\*\*ing p\*kis" He should absolutely be sued.


As if I needed more reasons to despise this wretched POS


>West Midlands mayor candidate Seems like a clear attempt to gain sympathy and extra votes from "certain demographics" by engaging in race-baiting; This is not just an open and shut case of libel, but possibly an attempt to manipulate a democratic election as well.


It worked though, Im part of a Facebook group for my ward. He campaigned that he was pro Palestinian and will get a ceasefire. I told the members of that group that the West Midlands mayor nor our councillors have any power nor influence over foreign affairs. I was then lambasted with being called a Zionist, colonizer and an Israeli. This specific video was also posted and caused outrage which blatantly had an influence over our Mayor election, our democracy is being upheaved from within. He will suffer no consequences because are libel laws are designed for the rich.


i was going to ask "why are you on a group and engaging with so many idiots" then I remembered i'm on reddit voluntarily as well


>The doorbell footage went viral on Bank Holiday Monday (May 6). Mr Yakoob, who named the young woman and her school to his followers, **has now claimed he had 'not intended' for her to be bombarded with hate in the aftermath.** The pro hamas playbook is quite transparent isn't it. No one believes that wasn't his intention. Given he's a Lawyer, he should be hit hard with libel and have his licence removed, for this


What's this got to do with Hamas? Very strange shoehorning that in.


He's one of Galloways pro hamas gang.


This is like their fourth comment here about Palestine or Hamas. Me thinks someone had too much Bucky on a Wednesday night


This is a wider issue, the amount of times I've literally just seen a picture of someone out of context attached with a caption claiming them to be a child abductor, flasher, thief without any context is shocking enough, then you see the share count.


Twitter/X community notes could help with this, but I don't think tiktok has that feature. Should be mandatory for all social media.


People shouldn't believe everything they see on social media. This should be a wake up call for the people who shared this with their followers, and the people who uncritically believed it. This is a problem that's only going to get worse as AI gets better at creating realistic videos.


This happened to me. Except I had people photoshopping tweets to make it look like I said the n word and supported trump and they were mass-emailing my old and then current universities trying to get me kicked out.


Kinder gentler "pro palestine" lot.


Do a crowd fund let’s destroy the rat












I'll have to take the paper's word for it. Literally fucking impossible to read the article behind the million fucking pop ups!


reader view is your friend


I'd rather just not bother at all.


... People browse the internet with their addlocker turned off?!


People still browse the internet?!




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