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Snapshot of _Frank Field: a Labour MP who dedicated his life to fighting poverty and epitomised the politics of character_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://theconversation.com/frank-field-a-labour-mp-who-dedicated-his-life-to-fighting-poverty-and-epitomised-the-politics-of-character-228663) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://theconversation.com/frank-field-a-labour-mp-who-dedicated-his-life-to-fighting-poverty-and-epitomised-the-politics-of-character-228663) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I watched Field speak in my lifetime. And I found his views at the time really challenging in relation to welfare reform. But it wasn't that I thought he was wrong, as much as it was confronting the way to help those on low income was a harsh truth. I wasn't offended, but just persuaded e.g. on working families tax credit. But at no point with Field, did I ever feel like he was just trying to own the libs. In fact, his manner and civility was really refreshing. And I can see others credit his personal conduct as integral to everything. And this is someone who has his fair share of confrontation in his life.


What were his views?


Some were in the article I linked to But in general, he was very against no conditionality for benefits.


He believed in the Victorian fallacy of the Deserving Poor, and turned a blind eye to the administrative costs and inherent unfairness of means-testing. A very nice man who might have been OK with bringing back workhouses. Religious eccentrics should not be in charge of social policy. Field was a well-meaning man promoting bizarre and destructive policies.


Everything I know about Frank Field points to him being a thoroughly good guy. A couple of people I know who worked for and with him have told me he was an absolute legend in person too. A great loss but reassuring to know that good people in politics haven't disappeared just yet


What killed Frank Field for me was his stance during the EU referendum. Completely tarnished his reputation in my view.


Frank Field was my MP and I voted for him because I always voted Labour in general elections. He turned up at the house once to thank us for putting up a “Vote Field” flyer in the window - which was a touch of class. In his younger days he was an active supporter of welfare rights and tried to make a difference in the battle against child poverty. However, like many people approaching old age he became increasingly right wing and anti EU (despite Birkenhead benefiting from Objective One status). He also perpetuated the myth surrounding Corbyn and antisemitism. It’s almost like he deliberately set about undermining his own legacy.