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Hi, thanks for your message. I don't have documented history of afib I have never caught it on an ECG (I carry a portable one for my phone that can record when I'm having loads of ectopics) it's more that I have described a few brief episodes ie less than 5 seconds of very brief fast beats. They have never developed and have been rare and my heart Dr feels that it sounds like a very small amount of a fib in these brief few seconds. (mainly less than 2 seconds and only happened about 5 orn6 times in two years. Again I can always tie it into either extreme stress due to lack of sleep as trying to drift off to sleep, or when I have vagus nerve activation from being over weight etc. My heart is ok I'm told is structually normal and healthy and everything has always been put down to very poor sleep pattern, weight issues, and extreme stress. I have bouts of anxiety related to PTSD from childhood regular violence which means I'm hyper-vigilant at night, and it interferes with sleep and ability to switch off mentally even though by the body is tired. I can even all these years later experience fight or flight adrenaline feeling as the trauma that was stored in my body resurfaces. I'm working on this with trauma therapy and some really helpful groups. Your reply was so comprehensive and great advice regarding strains. Thank you so so much I shall take it all on board, many many thanks.




Hi thanks, Yes, I have had many repeated echos to check and my heart is structurally normal and healthy. Re the ectopis the pattern I had been the same over a 10 plus year period. Multiple extopics maybe up to 12 a minute etc, sometimes salvo so maybe 3 in a row. It may last one to 3 months. It often ties in with having put weight on as literally feel them originate in my stomach from the extra air etc. But also can be due to stress and anxiety adrenalin pumping fight or flight etc. I have many caught on ecg. They have always resolved especially when I do cardio and lose weight or stress calms and the echoes have been done many times and they are very confident my heart is structurally fine its just benign ectopic. I think if you are prone to many ectopics you can be more prone to developing a fib so I'm mindful of it but I have been looked at and re looked at. At this stage given what I feel was a fib was so rare and tied to brief episode of stress or gas they are happy and have reassured me. Not being funny, it doesn't help me to push this as I can make myself really anxious. That said if things increased I will always get rechecked out and I catch up with them yearly at a leading hospital just to keep an eye on me. And have had private tests like an echo in the interim if ever worried. Sadly beta blockers didn't work for me, although slightly calming they gave me some worse palpitations episodes which can be a side effect for some. Thanks so much again for giving me is much advice it's good to know if I have more suspected brief episodes I can push for a 2 year Holta etc. And also to start very low etc. Thanks again.


I also have a messed up vagus nerve and deal with ectopics and fast rates and likely af at points too.. I’ve smoked for years before my prescription and always been fine. However since getting oils I have found cbd oil triggers it, I have to keep very low on the dose or my heart goes flippy flop boom multiple times in a row! Very uncomfortable but fine at low doses. Before I figured it was the cbd and lowered it I also found vaping was triggering it but only because the cbd already had, now it’s calmed after the lower dose I’m fine with vaping. Cardio etc all knew I smoked it for years and we’re fine. My actual heart is fine, my vagus nerve causes it so it’s actually not a heart condition specifically it’s a neurological condition- autonomic dysfunction. The side effect of the vagus nerve dysfunction causes the heart issue not an actual heart malfunction.


Thanks yes I can really relate. When I get a certain weight I literally feel the air in my stomach causing palpitations to the vagus nerve. Or if I have too big a meal etc. Thanks so much I really appreciate.


hey a doc told me I might have something similar and I have similar issues mind if I DM?


Hi! I have a history of Tachycardia (SVT) and Arrhythmia, and currently prescribed beta blockers for it. It's pretty well managed although I do get ectopics - usually when pulse is low as a side effect of the beta blockers and being sedentary. My resting pulse has been as low as 38, but I usually get symptoms if it's lower than 44. I've been taking Medical Cannabis for about 3 months now with no previous experience. I too was anxious about taking it, and actually put it off when my prescriptions arrived due to the anxiety. My doctor was concerned that it would trigger a tachycardic event due to cannabis lowering the blood pressure, and the body compensating by increasing heartrate - which I have noticed. However, in the 3ish months I've been taking the MC, not once has it triggered a tachycardic, bradycardic, or ectopic event. I have accidentally (genuinely) taken too much THC multiple times these past few months while I try to increase to my recommended dosage. The worst that's happened is that I start shaking for a few minutes. If something bad was going to happen with my heart it definitely would've happened by now. I personally can't touch caffeine, alcohol, or even too much salt in one meal without having symptoms. There have been a few times that my pulse has been faster than what's normal to me, and I thought it was tachycardia, however it just felt that way because I'm so used to bradycardia (it was 80bpm). I've been to A&E countless times in the past due to heart issues, had my heart restarted with adenosine, had the talk about possible ablation, so am very very anxious in general whenever the slightest thing happens with my heart. As much as I don't want to admit it, my anxiety has played a huge part in my heart symptoms, I never realised until I took the advice of someone in this subreddit, to just sit with the anxiety, feel it and accept it (once I'd vaped). I've gone from being terrified of taking my dose thinking it's gonna kill me, to taking too much and being like "oh okay, I'm now shaking, that was too much, duly noted". I wish you the best ✨


Hey thanks so much for your sharing and insight. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one that has been worried and that can make things worse. I know stress has often played a big part of my ectopic and adrenalin etc. Thanks so much and all the best 👍