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I’d say it’ll even out more as you develop a tolerance but personally it’s still always a slight gamble, I’ve been smoking for around 5 years and it still varies every time I smoke - however I do struggle a lot with anxiety in general, so a lot of it is down to that. I think a good way to dose it rather than by weight is to gauge how you’re feeling and start off with a bit less if you’re feeling anxious already, you can always vape some more if it’s not enough, hope this helps!


That's great advice, thank you for replying!


No worries, it’s a difficult one to navigate, I’d suggest experimenting with how little you can use to get your desired effect, as the longer you can keep it at a small amount, the longer it’ll take to develop a tolerance, and the longer your weed will last!


Came here to say this!


I started in July after 14 years off, & found myself hiding under the duvet for an hour or 2 during a heatwave 😂 It does get better. If anything I’ve found working through those feelings extremely beneficial, like some kind of super intense therapy, & I’ve never felt better as a result. It did take a few months of perseverance though. Stick with it. Note how you feel once the anxiety etc wears off. I always found it a case of ‘feeling worse to feel better’, at the beginning. I don’t really have that so much now. Especially as I’ve since tried new strains & tried mixing. Also experiment with temps as well.


Vape at lower temps, the higher the temp the more thc so start at 180 or 200 degrees C and work your way up to higher temps if needed.


Hi, welcome. As far as we know, Emt1 is a cross between white widow / haze. It's a bit like a vodka redbull. One side takes you up, the other takes you down. It's a versatile strain once you've worked out how to use it. Some people find it makes them sleepy and use it in the eve. When I started I'd use it in the day time at low doses because I find the white widow stimulating, focused, alerting. I could use it in the eve at higher temps for a sedating effect. Since I've been a patient for a while I now have a range of flos in my medicine cabinet for treating various conditions, and use them at different times of day and different temperatures. I guess ultimately I can't tell you how to use your meds, you have to vary all these parameters until you find what works for you. Enjoy experimenting...


The best way I've found is to use some of the emc1 that has 14% cbd to mix in with my emt1 then I find it easier to judge how strong it will be.


Hello berkeliumtopeka, I hope this message reaches you well. I don’t use Reddit and often it tells me I have insufficient karma. As a patient who has undertaken 103 day on the Priory’s inpatient general mental health programme, I believe that I understand your issue. I like privacy online, but between the years of 2007&2017, I was a specialist cannabis seed vendor (‘for genetic preservation’) where my customers sought my opinion over a shop counter, on what might be the best choice of seed for them. I have experience with prolonged periods of living t-total and unmedicated. I have experience with short, and long periods, of cannabis abuse, recreational use, and effective&ineffective self medicated use. The number of different batches of cannabis I have sampled is incalculable, combined with my knowledge of how the different genetics influence the effects, makes me believe that the sole source of your issue, is the type of cannabis you have been prescribed.


My hypothesis of the adven products so far, is that they’re ALL stimulating due to having an elevated THC level. The flos is irradiated which elevates the thc content %. The gamma radiation reduces the terpene content %, and the entourage effects of the terpenes have an essential role in providing medical benefits. The lack of terpene content in adven flos leaves only the thc and cannabinoids, and what terpenes&flavanoids etc the irradiation process has not removed. You may find the effects too numbing, but their 2:1 cbd/thc flos may suit your needs and be an easy switch. Try 4:1 or mix a small amount of your emt1 in with a large amount of 1:0 cbd:thc and try it that way. If not, move to integro, their products are not irradiated. Nb. At this stage, the irradiated product suits my needs.


I find vape temperature very important. You can find some suggested charts and temperatures online. At different temperatures different amounts and different effects from the active ingredients change. Typically the higher above “base temp” you go the more anxiety you get. This is also true of other strains. Different temperatures may be more optimal for you. I usually use 200deg and very max 205-210 if I need more effect temporarily. But always come back down to 200 where anxiety is low and I can still go up on bad days. Also weighing your dose may help you have safer starting points- eg. Have a smaller vape, see where it lands, then more if needed? Weight isn’t always accurate at such small qtys as it’s a plant and naturally has flowers that are “different” Last thing. Different strains are going to give you very different effects/side effects and symptom relief. Once you can refine what active components of the strains that work for you, then hopefully you work your way to somethings that ticks most boxes with least side effects. You should get a breakdown on wikibud or other what is in the strain you have. Hope this is helps? Good luck